Chapter 924 – The Double Life of My Secret Billionaire Husband

Audrey was livid at Brandon’s indifferent and arrogant attitude, but she had to upkeep her delicacy and innocence. Clenching her fists,she pushed through with her plan.

Looking at Brandon behaving so aloof, she deliberately pushed her laptop towards him and approached him covertly.

As it wasn’t enough to attract Brandon’s attention,she lifted the corner of her dress and revealed her captivating legs. Slowly stretching towards Brandon,she asked with a charming smile, “Brandon, what do you think?”

Meanwhile, Natalie watched in annoyance as Audrey seduced Brandon. She sat next to Brandon and glared at Audrey intently.

Her sixth sense told her that this so-called cousin was suspicious, as she saw a hint of jealousy in Audrey’s eyes when she entered the room, an emotion no cousin should have towards their in-laws.

As Natalie expected,in just a short whileAudrey had skilfully slid up to Brandon, almost pressing herself against him. Her approach was quiet, and most of her legs were exposed.

This was unbecoming of a cousin and obviously how a woman would behave when she wanted to seduce a man!

Natalie felt her temper rising.She stood up and stared down at Audrey.

Startled, Audrey looked up at Natalie and quickly pulled her legs away.She smiled sheepishly and asked,”What’s… What’s wrong?”

Brandon was confused by Natalie’s sudden outburst. He held her hand and looked at her curiously.

Natalie brushed off his hand and walked naturally between Audrey and Brandon,forcefully parting them. “Nothing. I’m just interested in Miss Larson’s plan. Let me have a look,” she said with a smile.

Purposely pushing Audrey aside,Natalie sat down and added, “Let me see how amazing Miss Larson’s statement is.”

Audrey’s smile stiffened when Natalie jostled her away.However,she couldn’t lose her temper in front of Brandon. Instead, she said sarcastically,”Miss White, aren’t you a designer? I don’t think PR is your forte, right?”

“Miss Larson, since you are Brandon’s cousin, shouldn’t you call me Natalie or Mrs. Larson? Why are you calling me Miss White? Do you have anything against me?”

It never occurredto Audrey that a gentle woman like Natalie would be so brazen. She scoffed and Wmumbled,”Natalie, misunderstand…

don’t Natalie smiled in satisfaction, but she didn’t say anything.

She realized that this so-called cousin was not only hostile towards her but also refused to acknowledge her as Brandon’s wife!

Audrey’s heart skipped a beat when she noticed Natalie’s cold smile and meaningful silence. She looked at Brandon and said pitifully, “Brandon, please help me explain to Natalie. I didn’t mean to address her wrongly. I just blurted it out subconsciously…”

However, Brandon didn’t seem to notice Audrey’s words. Instead, he held Natalie’s waist and pulled her into his arms.”If you want to see what it’s about,I’ll help you get your reading glass.Don’t go so near the screen.It will strain your eyes,” he said to Natalie gently.

Natalie’s anger immediately disappeared with Brandon’s gentle tone. Suddenly, her face flushed as she was not used to being intimate in front of outsiders. Lowering her eyes, she nodded.

Audrey sneered inwardly.

She was convinced that Brandon did not actually mean to help Natalie with her glasses and that he disliked Natalie for interrupting their business discussion.

At the thought of this, Audrey tucked a stray strand of her hair and wore an enchanting smile. “Brandon, there’s too much content in this document for you to digest in a short time. How about letting me continue to explain it to you?”

She then turned to Natalie and said with disdain,”And you,Natalie, since you don’t know much about PR,why don’t you go upstairs and have a rest? Brandon and I will handle it.”

Audrey’s arrogant tone displeased Natalie. Just as she opened her mouth to speak,Brandon held her hand. His deep and magnetic voice sounded in the living room, but his words were otherwise icy.

“Miss Larson, my wife is the hostess here. It’s not up to you to decide if she should stay or go.”

Audrey’s smile froze. When she regained her composure, although awkwardly, she tried to talk her way out, “Brandon, I just think that Natalie doesn’t know these things. She might feel bored listening to us, so I advised her to go upstairs.”

Brandon smiled faintly and responded, Miss Larson, if you don’t have anything else to say, you can go back nowI’ll send the file to the PR department and have them handle it.”

Audrey’s smile turned wry, and she continued,”Brandon, you don’t know how hard it took me to finish this file.I just want you to hear me out “If I had to handle this kind of thing myself, I’d better abolish the PR department of the Larson Group,”Brandon retorted.”As for the statement you wrote, if it’s adopted, I’ll ask my assistant to settle the fee at twice the market price.”

Audrey froze in place upon hearing this. She bit her quivering lip and, with tears in her eyes, cried out,”Brandon, I don’t understand I’ve tried so hardto help you,but why don’t you like me? Do you hate me?”

However, Brandon remained unmoved and said in a colder tone, “If there’s something else, discuss it with my assistant. My wife and I need to rest. Don’t disturb us again.”

It had not been easy for Audrey to see Brandon, so she was not willing to leave empty-handed.”Didn’t you just get up? Why do you need to rest again?” she blurted out.

As soon as she said these words, she noticed the dark circles under Natalie’s eyes.It was a sign that she did not have a good sleep last night. At the thought of this,Audrey frowned and said,”I came to see you yesterday,but the butler said you had already gone to bed. How come Natalie didn’t have a good night’s rest?”

As Natalie looked at the confusion on Audrey’s face, the erotic scene from last night flashed through her mind. She suddenly gasped and felt the blood rushing to her cheeks. She did not need to look in the mirror to know how red her face was.

As Audrey did not seem she would give up anytime soon, Brandon’s face turned cold, and he hissedDo we need to report every detail to you?”

His sharp gaze and authoritative demeanor brought over a wave of panic to Audrey. She waved her hand defensively and reasoned,I didn’t mean that. I was just curious-

“Enough!” Brandon interjected. “I don’t need you, an outsider, to worry about my affairs.” Audrey opened her mouth to say something more, but Brandon cut her off,”Guards, send Miss Larson back to the guest room, pack up her things, and send her away in the afternoon!” Audrey fell stunned. “Brandon…

At this moment, two bodyguards approached her and gestured for her to leave. Miss Larson, please follow us.”

“Brandon,I just wanted to help you. Why are you so cold and ruthless to me? Are you treating me like this because you think I’ve offended Natalie and you’re worried she’ll get mad? How about I apologize to her?” she said, her tone filled with grievances. As she spoke, tears welled up in her eyes,and her voice was choked with sobs.

Now that Audrey had shifted the blame to his wife, Brandon’s patience wore thin. He turned to the two bodyguards and commanded,”Take her away now!”

Just as they were about to drag her away, Audrey implored, “Brandon, you’re my only relative.Don’t drive me away!

didn’t mean that. I was just curious-

“Enough! Brandon interjected. “I don’t need you, an outsider, to worry about my affairs.” Audrey opened her mouth to say something more, but Brandon cut her off, “Guards,send Miss Larson back to the guest room, pack up her things, and send her away in the afternoon!” Audrey fell stunned. “Brandon.

At this moment,two bodyguards approached her and gestured for her to leave.”Miss Larson, please follow us.”

“Brandon, I just wanted to help you. Why are you so cold and ruthless to me? Are you treating me like this because you think I’ve offended Natalie and you’re worried shell get mad? How about I apologize to her?” she said, her tone filled with grievances. As she spoke, tears welled up in her eyes, and her voice was choked with sobs.

Now that Audrey had shifted the blame to his wife,Brandon’s patience wore thin. He turned to the two bodyguards and commanded,Take her away now!”

Just as they were about to drag her away. Audrey implored, Brandon, you’re my only relative. Don’t drive me away!”

The unexpected cry from Audrey caught the bodyguards on both sides off guard. Skilled primarily in combat,encountering a vulnerable, weeping woman was a novel experience for them. They hesitatedunsure whether to approach and physically remove her.

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself

Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.

One response to “Chapter 924 – The Double Life of My Secret Billionaire Husband”

  1. Ning Avatar

    The impostor aka Audrey is starting to slip up and desperate.
    Glad Natalie and Brandon see the first red flag.
    The guards will see the state of the unit where she stay on how she trashed it.breaking everything in her part.Expose this scammer now.
    Thanks for the updates.

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