Problem is, none of it is familiar.
With a sigh, I pull my phone out of my pocket and do the thing I’ve been procrastinating for the last half hour—text Elvis.
I think I’m lost.
I watch my screen. Fortunately, the signal is good out here, and my text seems to have gone through, but it hasn’t been read.
And why would Elvis read it? He opted to play tennis this morning with Joe, and Elvis is a vicious competitor who removes all distractions when he’s in a game. I can’t remember a time he’s taken his cell with him to play anything.
To make matters worse, I’m pretty sure the dark clouds heading my direction are the kind that bring rain.
This is what I get for choosing exercise over joining Jessa in the theater room with the group that wanted to watch a not-yet-released movie from that asshole director that I can’t stand.
I do one more shield of the eyes and turn in each direction, looking for anything at all to hint that the house is near. This time when I turn back to the pond, I see a horse and rider trotting by.
I’m about to signal when I suddenly have a bad feeling. Like, what if I’ve wandered off the Adeline estate? What if the rider is someone who will be angry I’m on his property?
Worse, what if it’s someone from the house, and I’ll have to admit I’m lost?
Worst yet, what if it’s Hadrian?
At that thought, I crouch down, hoping I won’t be seen over the long grass. I crawl like this to the nearest tree and then brace my back against the trunk. I hold this pose for what feels like a lifetime, my heart thundering in my ch*st.
Finally, I peek around toward the pond. No horse and rider there.
Because they’re right behind me when I turn around.
I practically jump out of my skin. “Oh my God.”
“Startle you?” The throaty rumble of Hadrian’s voice makes my pulse double.
Of course it’s Hadrian. Of f**king course.
“Startle is an understatement. You scared the f**k out of me. How did you even approach so quietly? Are you a ninja?”
His l*ps curve up on one side. “I’m intrigued by what it means to scare the f**k out of you. Does that mean you are no longer capable of f**ks?”
I’m suddenly back in that elevator, face-to-face with a man who has no boundaries. A man who clearly wants to invade mine.
Without consciously doing so, I take a step back. “Just a phrase. Um. Never mind it.”
Meanwhile, I’m trying very much to never mind the look of his hard th**hs in tight riding pants as they cling to both sides of the horse’s back. Less successfully, I’m trying to never mind the pierce of his eyes as they sweep along my curves and scour every inch of my bare legs.
I really should have worn jeans instead of shorts.
“If you insist, Ms. Shaw. And in answer to the question—Knight is trained to hunt for sport. He knows how to approach prey without being heard.”
The suggestion that I am prey sends a not exactly unpleasant shiver down my spine. “Oh. Right.”
He nods. “I generally understand why a fox or a hare tries to disappear from sight. Would you like to share the reason you were hiding?”
“I wasn’t hiding,” I lie. “I was…” I’m not fast enough on my feet for this shit. Channeling Elvis, I throw back my shoulders and attempt to redirect the narrative. “Funny story. This morning, I’d actually considered taking one of the horses out, but then I was afraid I would go too far out and get lost. So I decided to take a walk instead. And I still got lost.”
He smirks, well aware that I’ve avoided answering his question. “Quite a walk. You’re almost three miles out from the house.”
“Three…miles? Wow…” But he’s moved Knight closer, and I’m really wowing at those th**hs again. If I met him like this, with no prior knowledge of the extent of his wealth and power, I’d know by the way he commands this horse.
He doesn’t laugh, but his exp**ssion says he’s clearly amused. “I’m sure the long walk had as much to do with taking the f**k out of you as anything else.”
I run a hand over my hair, several strands having come loose from my ponytail, and try to think of something clever to say in return. Which is impossible for a myriad of reasons I can’t examine on the spot, not the least of which, I think it might be dangerous to think too hard about f**ks and Hadrian. And strong th**hs. And things that are hard.
“I don’t know what to say to that,” I blurt out instead. Honest. Too honest since now he knows how easily he trips me up.
To be fair, I’m sure he knew anyway.
This time he laughs. “Touché.”
Seriously, why am I such a mess every time he’s near me? I need to never be alone with the man. “Good thing you’re here now. If you could point me in the direction of…” I pause because he’s getting off Knight.
Oh God. If he offers to walk back with me, I’ll literally die. “What are you doing?”
“I’m getting off my horse.” Once he’s on the ground, he leads Knight in my direction, closing the distance bet**en us. It wasn’t that big of a distance to begin with, and I’m starting to feel both claustrophobic and thrilled.
“I promise I can walk back by myself. I just need to be shown the way. No need to…” And now he’s right beside me, smelling like horse and musk and that damn sandalwood.
“Say hello to Knight, Brystin.”
“Oh, you’re introducing me to your horse.” Okay. I can get with that. “Hello, Knight. Nice to meet you.” I stroke down the animal’s nose, black like the rest of his body. What else would Hadrian Seymour ride but a black horse? It’s so on brand, I could have predicted it.
“Yes, I’m introducing you to my horse. You should never, never get on an animal without at least an introduction.”
My stomach fl*ps as I remember that first meeting. He’d come onto me without an exchange of names, and before I can stop myself, I challenge him on the fact. “You always get an introduction?”
Again, that smirk. “You should know something about me—I don’t always do what I should.”
I’m kind of the teacher’s pet kind of girl. Good, on the whole. A rule follower. But I’m fairly attractive, and I’ve been propositioned by my share of rogues over the years.
Not once have I ever been so tempted to be bad.
No, forget that. Forget him. Focus on what matters.
My career is important, and flirting with the man who can make the biggest impact on my future is not a bad idea—it’s the worst.
And then it dawns on me what else he said. “Wait. I’m not getting on your horse.”
“Do you hear that, Knight? You’re coming on too strong for the lady.”

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself
Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.