Chapter 869 – The Double Life of My Secret Billionaire Husband

Natalie cast a panicked look out the window, moving closer to Brandon

“They’re on motorcycles. They’re too fast!”

Brandon immediately went on high alert. With one hand, he spun the steering wheel; with the other, he drew Natalie close, pressing her head against his thigh and holding her tightly

Outside the passenger window, a group of men clad in black on motorcycles steadily closed the gap, attempting to force the taxi to a halt

It was clear these men had no intention of letting them go without a fight!

With Natalie secured in his arms, Brandon floored the gas pedal. The aged, second-hand vehicle strained to weave through traffic, barely evading the pursuit of the black-clad riders

Natalie attempted to lift her head to assess the situation, but Brandon pushed her back down. “Stay down,”

he commanded

His stern tone sent Natalie’s heart racing with anxiety, and she stayed put, hunkered down against his thigh

Simultaneously steering and gripping Natalie, Brandon quickly pulled out his phone and messaged his team for backup. Meanwhile, a motorcycle closed in on their position

Catching sight of the approaching biker, a deadly smile tugged at Brandon’s lips. He swiftly turned the wheel, pulling a drift that knocked the motorcycle off balance

However, more motorcycles swarmed in their direction

Brandon floored the accelerator, weaving through traffic to shake off one motorcycle after another trying to encroach upon them

But their old taxi was no match for the speed oaneuvering, they could only hold out for so long

Eventually, they were cornered by several speeding motorcycles and brought to a stop

Despite the halt, Natalie wasn’t overly frightened

Lying against Brandon’s thigh, she was enveloped by his cool and coibly safe—as if his mere presence could keep her safe from all danger

Suddenly, a gunshot ripped through the air, shattering Natalie’s reverie

Startled, she covered her ears and shrieked

“Don’t look.” Brandon’s deep voice echoed above her. He greassuring. “Close your eyes. Don’t worry, I’ll handle it.”

Obediently, Natalie closed her eyes. A pecul

Before Natalie could delve deeper into this quandarhe screams of terrified bystanders filled the air

It was clear that their black-clad pursuers had grown more reckless, unconcerned about involving innocent bystanders

Though everyone in the car remained unscathedf blood wafting in through the shattered window

Brandon, too, noted the recklessness of their black-clad pursuers aer innocent bystanders. Brace yourself, we need to break out of this encirclement.”

Natalie clung tightly to Brandon, her chest brimming with fear and anxiety

Her voice trembled as she pleaded, “You have to stay safe.”

Keeping an eye on the unfolding chaos outside, Brandon smoothly ingers through Natalie’s hair, murmuring softly, “Close your eyes.”

The soothing baritone of the man’s voice

As Brandon floored the gas pedal, the battered car pun the steering wheel, complimenting, “Good girl.”

His tender words stirred something in Natalie, her heart pounding with a thrill she couldn’t explain. A blush bloomed on her cheeks as she realized that she was once again obeying this man’s instructions, despite having known him for less than a day!

Internally, Natalie chastised herself for her vulnerability, herd over it, the more her face flushed, turning as red as a beet

Oblivious to Natalie’s internal turmoil, Brandon remained focused on the scene outside, his eyes cool and detached. With deft maneuvering, he steered the car towards an opening, successfully intimidating the two motorcycles attempting to block their way

Brandon expertly navigated through the traffic, heading towards a less congested area

The echo of gunshots and the sharp tinkling of broken glass rang out

Natalie’s heart pounded fiercely in her chest; were it not for Brandon’s presence, she would’ve surely screamed in fear

As the sounds of city traffic receded, the roartheir threatening clamor fading into the distance under Brandon’s expert driving

The din outside the window receded, and Natalie noticed a faint whiff of blood

She sniffed and cautiously looked at Brandon. “Are you injured?”

The car decelerated, and Brandon glanced at the anxious Natalie. His heart warmed as he asked, “Are you concerned about me?”

His question caught her off guard

After a brief pause, she turned her head, hastily stifling her panic. She blushed and muttered, “Not really.

It’s just that we were in danger together. Don’t read too much into it.”

Despite her denial, she found that her immediate worry when she detected the scent of blood was about him, an unease that seemed to extend beyond her feelings for a stranger

Confused, she could only present this explanation

She endeavored to appear calm, but her face was still flushed. Observing her awkward and bashful demeanor, Brandon smiled, his mood uplifted. “Alright, I accept your explanation.”

His deep, hoarse voice infused the car with a peculiar atmosphere

Unsettled by this odd vibe, Natalie sat up straight and inquired awkwardly, “Are we safe?”

Brandon nodded, his voice gentle. “Yes. Don’t be afraid.”

His tender gaze was mesmerizing, leaving Natalie spellbound and speechless

Observing her entranced expression, Brandon teased, “Are you captivated by me?”

His words brought her back to reality. She glared at him, bashfully and indignantly. “Don’t flatter yourself! I… I just zoned out for a moment!”

Brandon chuckled, “Really? I thought you were falling for me.”

Despite her memory loss, he was confident he could make her fall in love with him again, given the shyness in her eyes

The thought filled him with joy

His flirtatious remark painted her face a deeper shade of red. She was about to retort when a sudden pain caused her to cry out, “Ouch, that hurts.”

Upon hearing her cry, Brandon immediately hit the brakes, his gaze shifting to her with worry. He reached out to touch her but reconsidered and pulled back

“Where does it hurt? Is it severe?”

Leaning back into the car seat, Natalie felt a sharp pain in her back. She was about to respond when the memory of the men in black chasing them flooded back. Still fearful, she glanced at the rearview mirror and suggested, “It’s okay

Drive away first. I’m afraid they’ll catch up.”

However, Brandon was more concerned about her wound. “Let me see your wound first…”

Before he could complete his sentence, a truck loaded with goods hurtled past, startling Natalie into screaming and recoiling

The abrupt movement exacerbated her pain, but ignoring it, she pushed Brandon and urgently implored,

“Why did you pull over? It’s dangerous here! Start the car!”

Considering her injury, Brandon grabbed her hand, intending to lift her clothing and examine the wound.

“Let me check your injury first!”

But his intimate gesture made Natalie defensive. She pushed him away and retreated. “What are you doing?

It’s inappropriate for you to get so close

Concentrate on driving!”

In the next moment, she caught a fleeting glimpse of sadness in his eyes and instantly regretted her harsh words

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself

Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.

8 responses to “Chapter 869 – The Double Life of My Secret Billionaire Husband”

  1. Marisa Rubio Avatar
    Marisa Rubio

    Is there or are there missing chapters? How come, Brandon has Natalie already at the start of this chapter? There must be a mistake in uploading of the missing chapters since last time, there were only 2 chapters released.

  2. Marisa Rubio Avatar
    Marisa Rubio

    Likewise, why does Brandon know already that Natalie has lost her memory. How, where and when did Brandon find Natalie, when in the last or previous chapter, Brandon was still in the underground parking lot chased by the gang men? Kindly look into the missing chapters. Thank you!

  3. Julia Avatar

    Why content is missing?! How come editor skipped some story as of how Brandon found and got ahold of Natalie and how he found out that she lost her memory???
    Messy spelling is one thing, but skipping through storyline is SUPER BAD!

  4. Belinda McClements Avatar

    It’s missed a bit – when Brandon manages to rescue Natalie ???

  5. Jennifer Avatar

    Now I am lost. I didn’t tell us how Brandon found Natalie. Did you do that on purpose?

  6. Marie Smith Avatar
    Marie Smith

    It looks like we didn’t get the previous chapter

  7. Vicki Avatar

    Hmmm did you miss a chapter? How did Brandon find Natalie & how did they get a taxi…Natalie said that he bribed a taxi driver with his watch…so there must be chapters missing….im getting lost here…

  8. Angelina Roberts Avatar
    Angelina Roberts

    How could you write a new chapter and not continue from where you left off??????

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