Chapter 868 – The Double Life of My Secret Billionaire Husband

Lounging leisurely on the sofa, Suzanne absentmindedly caressed her belly, replying nonchalantly, “How am I supposed to know where Natalie is? You’re asking the wrong person.”

Suzanne’s brazen attitude ignited a spark of anger in Laney. With a swift movement, she clutched

Suzanne’s arm, her grip tightening relentlessly

“This is your last chance. Tell me the truth—where is Natalie?”

Despite the pain radiating from her arm, Suzanne held her ground, retorting, “Why on earth would I know where Mr. Larson’s wife is? Don’t overstep.”

Laney’s fingers dug into Suzanne’s chin, her grip intensifying. The ruthlessness of her past role as a bodyguard shone in her eyes. “Don’t force me to get violent,” she threatened

Suzanne, caught in Laney’s menacing glare, began to panic. After a moment of shifty glances, she clutched her belly and cried out, “Please, let me go. I’m just a patient seeking a prenatal check-up from Jeremy. I swear I know nothing more.”

Laney hesitated momentarily before her eyes fell on Suzanne’s slightly protruding belly. She loosened her grip and asked skeptically, “You’re pregnant?”

Suzanne bit her lip, nodding pitifully. “Yes, for quite a while now. Please, show mercy and release me…”

Suzanne’s pitiable demeanor reminded Laney of her oer a moment’s hesitation, she released Suzanne’s arm

Brandon, however, wasn’t as compassionate. He

“Take her to the car,” he ordered stoically

No sooner had he issued the order, two burly men materialne’s arms, dragging her away despite her screams of protest

Despite her desperate struggles, Suzanne was unsuccessful in breaking free. In her panic, she shouted,

“Unhand me! Let me go right now! Do you realize whose child I carry? If any harm comes to this baby, you’ll face the consequences!”

One of the men, wearing a mocking smile, retorted, “Regardless ofl is unlikely.” They then unceremoniously bundled her into the car

Protecting her belly, Suzanne retreated to a

Larson, what are your intentions? I’v

Brandon casually leaned against the car windo observed

Hearing this, Suzanne patted her belly, a smug expression crossing her face. “Of course, this baby holds the key to my destiny.”

Brandon’s lips twisted into a cryptic smile. His tone was casual, yet there was an undercurrent of indifference. “Ever experimented with drugs? I’ve heard an infant born to a drug-addicted mother becomes an addict from birth. Fancy trying it out?”

Suzanne’s complexion blanched. Faced with h

His gaze icy, Brandon fixed his attention on Suzanne’s belly, his voicel me where Natalie is, I’ll ensure you and your child become drug addicts.”

The dangerous glint in Brandon’s eyes told Suzanne he wasn’t bluffing

Despite her fear, she clung to a shred of hope. “Brandon, you can’t do this. You’ll regret it!”

Seeing Suzanne’s ashen face, Brand

Suzanne straightened, her face grave, as though

“Because this child is yours!”

Suzanne asserted her words with confidence, a self-satisfied glint lighting her eyes

She seemed convinced that Brandon would show her mercy due to the unborn child, and might even treat her with care

What man could disregard his own offspring? Brandon must have already held a distaste for Natalie, the barren woman, but had to feign love for her due to the influence of the White family!

Now, as the bearer of Brandon’s child, the future heir of the Larson Group, she was sure that Brandon would alter his behavior towards her! Brandon narrowed his gaze, observing the conceited Suzanne with a playful expression, he queried, “Are you so certain the child is mine?” Catching the trace of a smile on

Brandon’s lips, Suzanne’s spirits soared as she saw a glimmer of hope. She nodded vehemently. “Of course! We can perform a paternity test once the child is born. One can’t fake such matters.”

Brandon scoffed and clapped his hands, commanding, “Inject her.”

No sooner had he finished speaking, a man slowly approached Suzanne, syringe in hand

Suzanne, trembling, watched the needle tip glisten under the light. Her body shook uncontrollably, her teeth clattering as she stammered, “Bran..

Brandon, you’ll regret this!”

Brandon merely observed with a wicked grin

Just as the needle was about to penetrate Suzanne’s skin, she screamed,

“Stop! I’ll tell you!”

The syringe paused. Brandon tilted hi

Suzanne, terror-stricken, wept openly. She recoiled and confessed, “I… I had her loaded onto a truck bound for an underground casino to deliver contraband. Jeremy really does treat her like a sister, and Natalie only ever gets the best. I was envious, and it seemed unfair, so… So I did it!”

Eyes aflame, Brandon stomped har

Suzanne screamed in agony,

Brandon increased the pressure on her ankle, and amidy, “If anything happens to Natalie, you’ll pay tenfold!”

With that, he hauled Suzanne out of the car and drove directly towards the casino without waiting for anyone else

At that very moment, an unremarkable truck was parked in a disorderly, deserted yard of the underground casino. A burly man adorned with a shiny gold necklace leaned against the truck, complaining, “Damn it,

Jeremy’s supply has been declining in quality, barely making a profit for our casino. We’re breaking our backs every day, and can barely afford his low-grade pills!”

His lackey lowered his gaze, inquiring, “What’s our next move, boss?” The burly man gave his lackey a kick, replying, “What can we do? Just try to keep afloat. Start unloading the cargo from the truck. No slacking, unless you want me to flay you alive!”

The men promptly started offloading the freight from the truck, grumbling and hurling curses at Jeremy as they worked

Amidst the commotion, a sligh

Natalie, with a backpack slung over her shoulders, huddled behind a car scene unfolding outside, hyper-alert to the movements of the burly men

Nervousness caused sweat to bead on her pale forehead, soon drenching her hair. The rank odor in the truck induced waves of nausea, but she suppressed it, biting her lip to prevent her presence from being detected

As time ticked away, most of the truck’s load had been removed. Devoid of its shielding cargo, the light from outside gradually seeped in, and the previously dimly lit truck suddenly seemed a lot brighter. Had

Natalie not been slight and been crouched behind the crate this whole time, she would have been spotted long ago

Just then, a pair of grime-streaked hands reached in, poised to shift the crate hiding Natalie.

A pair of large, sooty hands descended on the box hiding her. Natalie’s pupils contracted and her heart threatened to leap from her throat. She gripped her backpack straps tightly, swallowing in terror, and remained motionless

“Boss, need to use the toilet.”

Suddenly a voice, impish in tone, from one of the lackeys outside interrupted the hand’s movement

The filthy hands withdrew from her box under Natalie’s nervous scrutiny

Another lackey chimed in, his voice dripping with sycophancy, “Boss, | have to go too. Only ten more boxes left. Let’s take a break and finish the job later.”

Quickly following was the sound of a scuffle

Through a crevice between the crates, Natalie saw a burly man, draped in an ostentatious gold necklace, giving his underlings a few good kicks while berating them, “Knew you were trying to slack off. If there’s less cargo, I’ll skin you alive!”

Unfazed by the beating, the lackey approached his boss, plastering a grin on his face. “Boss, no one would dare mess with your goods. Me and the boys will take a leak, grab a smoke to freshen up, and be right back

Won’t delay a thing.”

Exasperated by the lackey’s prattling, the boss waved him off. “Alright, get on with it but make it quick.”

The underlings showered him with more flattery before whistling their way out

As the echoes of their footfalls dissipated, Natalie exhaled a sigh of relief

Once she was certain that only the burly man remained outside,hind the truck’s door, peeking out to assess the scene outside

A desolate, decrepit courtyard lay before her, enclosed by a half-ruined wall. Overgrown flora sprouted in every nook and cranny, with wild vines snaking up fractured lintels and windows. Weeds ran rampant on the ground, amidst scattered debris

At that moment, the burly man was statione

This was her golden opportunity to escape

Biting her lip, Natalie held her breath and sou

A bead of sweat traced a path from her f

Seeing the man remained oblivious to her

Not too far from there stood the courtyard’s gate

Upon spotting the half-open gate and hearing the faint distant noise, a glimmer sparked in Natalie’s eyes

As long as she could make it through that gate and reach a place teeming with people, she would be safe!

Natalie’s heart pounded against her chest, a mixture of nervousness while clutching her backpack strap, ready to bolt through the gate

She cautiously inched towards the gate, the gleam in her eyes intensifying with each step

She was almost there!

Freedom from this hellish place was within her grasp!

“Stop right there!” A frigid, harsh voice echoed through the deserted courtyard. “Where do you think you’re off to?”

The cold, menacing voice brought Natalie’s escape to a halt. Her pupils contracted, her slender hand gripping the backpack strap trembled slightly, fear triggering a fresh wave of sweat in her palm, causing her entire body to shake involuntarily

Terrified, she twisted her head to confront the intimidating man, fear rendering her speechless

The burly man flicked his cigarette butt on the ground, crushing it under his foot. He then directed his gaze at the visibly frightened woman, his voice gruff. “Who are you? Why are you here? Why haven’t I seen you around before?”

Swallowing hard, Natalie stuttered nervously, “I… I came with my brother

I was searching for the restroom, got lost, and ended up here.”

“Got lost?” The burly man eyed Natalie with suspicion before conducting a quick scan of the yet-to-beunloaded goods on the ground. Everything seemed in order, so he dismissed her with a wave of his hand.

“Scram if you value your life!”

While the burly man found the woman’s presence odd, he placed high as the goods were intact, he preferred not to invite further trouble

Relieved, Natalie expressed her gratitude to the man and took off

In a stroke of bad luck, just then, the underlings who had left for the restroom returned, crossing paths with



Suddenly, someone stopped her

A henchman eyed Natalie’s profile with suspicion as they crossed paths; he paused her and studied her face

Without a moment’s delay, Natalie swiveled on her heels, her movements rigid from anxiety. She forced a chuckle, asking, “Can I assist you with something?”

Scrutinizing her, he stroked his chin and mused, “Have we met before, you seem familiar?”

His boss, looming behind, cuffed him sharply on the head. He scolded, “You’ve got an unhealthy fascination with good-looking women; you’re imagining things! Get back to the grindstone! Not even a heavenly beauty can hold up our shipment!”

The man didn’t pause for breath; he shot a brusque glare at Natalie

“Aren’t you heading off? Need me to point you to the exit?”

“Alright, alright, I’m on my way!” With a sigh of relief, Natalie hoisted her backpack onto her shoulders, sprinting towards the gate

As she dashed away, the henchman caught another glimpse of her profile. He blurted out, “Now I remember! She’s Jeremy’s little sister!” “What?” The burly man squinted. “You sure?”

Nodding furiously, he affirmed, “Positive! She’s Jeremy’s sister! I’ve seen her before! She’s definitely here on a spying mission for Jeremy. We can’t let her slip away!”

A recent visit to Jeremy’s lair had etched Natalie’s side-profile into his memory. He was struck by her grace, an image that had since been hard to shake

Had he not known of her ties to Jeremy, he might have tried to charm her

“Damn it! After her!” the burly man bellowed, leaving one henchman to guard their goods, leading the rest in a chase

Sounds of pursuit amplified Natalie’s sprint

Ahead, the noise intensified, peppered with the sounds of havoc and terrified shrieks. A brawl was underway

Yet, fear wasn’t her companion; it was a stroke of luck

Fate gifted her an escape route!

May the bedlam inflate! The worse, the better!

The heightened chaos outside boosted her odds of shaking off her pursuers

In the expansive courtyard, she raced as though her life hung by a thread

A diminutive door neared, the clamor magnified; a thrill coursed through her

Freedom was within reach!

Just a few strides away!

But in a heartbeat, a pair of strong hands clutched her backpack

“Ah!” Natalie’s shriek pierced the air. She swiftly shed her backpack, flinging it backward

The henchman, who’d grabbed her bag, staggered back a few steps, thrown off balance, still clutching the bag

The burly man steadied the henchman, cautioning, “Watch out, there could be explosives in there. She wouldn’t come unprepared.”

“Shoot!” Startled, the henchman hurled the backpack

The other henchmen halted, and one gave the bag a tentative kick. He yelled, “Boss, there’s nothing hazardous in there!”

They rapidly resumed their pursuit. As they sprinted, the burly man instructed, “We cannot let her get away! If Jeremy gets wind of our unloading site, he could turn the tables on us!” The slight delay was all Natalie needed. She neared the rusty old gate

She was close! She was about to touch the gate!

The uproar beyond the door amplified; a glimmer of hope sparkled in Natalie’s eyes as her slender hand met the doorknob

Despite her mighty tug, the door remained steadfast

Her spirit deflated upon seeing the burly men close in. She alternated between pushing and pulling at the door, pleading in alarm, “Unlock this door! Please, just unlock this door!”

The door merely trembled with each shove and tug, still resolutely shut

Her pursuers narrowed the gap, and a terrified shriek slipped from Natalie, she pounded the door, wailing,

“Help! Is anyone out there? Please, help…” Her plea was cut short as a pair of grimy, large hands muffled her mouth

“Mmmph…” Natalie’s fight was futile; her feet kicked the ground in desperation

But she was outnumbered and outpowered. The burly men subdued her with ease, dragging her to a decrepit security booth nearby, all the while silencing her protests

Just as they stuffed her inside, the gate swung open from the other side

An unfamiliar face peered in, stating his confusion, “I thought I heard someone, but there’s no one here?”

The sight of the man intensified Natalie’s struggle, but her captors held her firmly, allowing no movement

The man at the gate, still finding no one, concluded his misjudgment. He withdrew and secured the gate

Despair washed over Natalie. She questioned her chances of rescue now..

Meanwhile, Brandon had navigated to the underground casino that Suzanne had disclosed. This casino was a notorious hub for unsavory characters, teeming with violent clashes. Here, the weak were merely fodder for the ruthless

Especially a delicate beauty like Natalie. If those predators caught sight of her, she wouldn’t stand a chance

The thought of Natalie’s potential harm sent Brandon’s temper flaring

He gripped his gun tightly, barging through the doors of the casino’s front hall

The scar-faced overseer of the hall immediately gauged the intensity of the new threat. Just as he instructed his henchmen to handle Brandon, an astute thug interjected, “Boss, that’s the renowned boxer from Darkmoon. He’s a heavy hitter around here. We can’t afford to provoke him.”

The boss held his command, giving Brandon a

“Boss, he’s here looking for trouble. What’s our next move?”

“Approach him and inquire his business,” directed the boss. Along with a couple of henchmen, he ambled towards Brandon. He plastered a forced smile on his scarred face and questioned, “What brings you here?”

A murderous glint twinkled in Brandon’s bloodshot eyes. He thrust forward a photograph of Natalie, his demand crisp and clear. “Give her back!”

The boss scrutinized the picture carefully, barkinecognize her? Return her at once, if you have her!”

One by one, the men shook their heads in denial. “Nope, never laid eyes on her before,” they chorused

Wearing an obsequious smile, the boss attempteken, my friend. None of us has seen her before

Perhaps, she isn’t here. You might want to search elsewhere.”

But Brandon wasn’t swayed. His cold gaze swept over the Jeremy’s goods, where is it? I need to see for myself!”

His words reverberated in the quiet hall

The smile clung to the boss’s face, but a glint of fierceness se access to their warehouse? Are you planning to snatch our stuff?”

Fear of Darkmoon didn’t equate to submission to oppression

Unfazed by the veiled threat, Brandon disregard inconspicuous rusty door at the rear of the hall

“Damn it, boss, he’s forcing his way in. H

Cracking his knuckles and neck, the boss wore a malicious grin, “He seems to know about our inner parking lot. Probably eyeing that truckload of goods. Well, we need not cower then. Men, arm yourselves!”

At their leader’s command, they scrambled for chairs and iron bars, storming towards Brandon.

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself

Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.

69 responses to “Chapter 868 – The Double Life of My Secret Billionaire Husband”

  1. Baby Avatar


  2. Vicki Avatar

    We only got two chapters that right…and I was so confused through most of it… some of the words were missing … I got totally lost…tge story is all over the place….

    1. Kelly Avatar

      Totally agree!!

  3. Nels Avatar

    Only 2 chapters,what the h..l!. What’s the meaning of this really, the unfinished sentences and words mistakes left me with a headache?. How i wish we can have the remaining chapters of this novel pleas….e,i beg.

  4. Mia Avatar

    Only 2 chapter what is this

  5. Capone Avatar

    Please re-read your articles before publishing the story. Too many misspelled works and missing letters. The story is not holding your readers attention with all these mistakes

  6. Anne Avatar

    I just scroll.and scrolled this story because It’s too many complicated characters and it did not excite me because it’s focus on the enemies…it should focus how Natalie and Brandon win the competition on stage while modeling to excite the readers

    1. aquarius elsa Avatar
      aquarius elsa

      same here….it’s obvious how the author is having fun making a fool of us readers. sad!

      1. Marisa Rubio Avatar
        Marisa Rubio


    2. Vilma Avatar

      You’re right! All these latest updates are all nonsense.

  7. Sophie Avatar

    Really? Just 2 chapters??
    That too with terrible spelling and continuity?
    Isn’t this your livelihood? How can you delay it so much and still post 2 chapters with this many mistakes
    I hate the author and I hate myself for not being able to let go of this stupid book

    1. Kelly Avatar

      Right there with you!!

  8. ANGEL ROSE Avatar

    This is a good development.
    However, only 2 chapters are loaded… Why?

    It’s good that Jeremy, never had any feelings for Natalie except just treating her like her own sister.

    It’s now an advantage for Brandon to have Laney and Garret…

    I need more chapters.😁

  9. Myra Avatar

    Ohhhh!!! More updates please…

  10. Saranya Manoj Avatar
    Saranya Manoj

    This is not fair…. Natalie as Jeremy sister… experiment on her… moreover she lost memery… what all this… will Brandon find her … waiting for more

  11. Priscilla abuan villas Avatar
    Priscilla abuan villas

    Why 2 chapters only ?
    More chapters please ?

  12. Mandz Avatar

    Really, 2 chapters???? Come on

  13. Myrhh Avatar

    Not interesting anymore. it becomes an action movie rather than a romantic one.

    the more the readers predict the story events, the more the writer re-route it making it messy.

    Just end this.

    1. Mike Avatar

      I can agree

    2. Yvonne Avatar

      I agree with you. Too much negative actions 🙃 😪

  14. Marisa Rubio Avatar
    Marisa Rubio

    Please double-check your English statements or translations. They are horrible. They make the conversation vague. Get a good translator or an English-speaking person. My goodness!

    1. Kelly Avatar

      Who actually writes these? It can’t be the picture it shows when you click to buy a coffee…

  15. Marisa Rubio Avatar
    Marisa Rubio

    Did I just read only 2 chapters? What happened?

  16. Umi kalsom Avatar
    Umi kalsom

    More pls.

  17. Linda Avatar

    It’s becoming ridiculous, Natalie looses her memory….. Jeremy now takes her as his sister,please end this book now!!!!you are making us look like fools…enough…it’s no longer interesting.

  18. Zen Avatar

    I actually just skimmed through these two chapters because i was lost. Spelling is so bad and sentences are jumbled or makes no sense. Suzanne said she is pregnant for a while now, I thought Natalie was missing for a few weeks, am i wrong? Now that Natalie has no memory of Brandon it will be difficult to get her to leave with him. She thinks Jeremy is her brother, lord help me. All of this because his sister killed herself. When Natalie was mad at Brandon for not telling her about his migraines he wrote a letter to her, I hope Johanna will finally give the letter to Natalie so she can see how much Brandon really loves her. I hope for a great ending but there seems to always be some conflict..

  19. Judy south africa Avatar
    Judy south africa

    THE SECRET LIFE OF MY BILLIONAIRE BUSBAND, These Asians writing this far-fetched novel has bihacked ALL the readers minds! They are now publishing only 2 chapters with huge spelling errors! These fucking bastards should be arrested and locked up in a prison cell. I am complaining to Goigle and YOUTUBE TO BLOCK THEM. They are scumbags!!!

    1. Kel Avatar

      Is that who is writing this?? I didn’t know how it all worked. I could barely read these two chapters with all of the mistakes. So frustrating

  20. Olivia Avatar

    Well seated in my chair to read my good novel but disappointed to reach a dead end… Looking forward to more chapters soon.
    Thank you so much once again.

  21. Désirée Avatar

    Quand aura t-on la fin. 2 chapitres après une semaine ou c’est un livre sans fin ouf

  22. Jeanette T Avatar
    Jeanette T

    Please more chapters

  23. Ramona Avatar

    Could you please review these last chapters. There are so many mistakes in them with many sentences stopped halfway through…

    1. Kelly Avatar


  24. Effie Avatar

    Sry! But I agree with some of the comments here. Started with 10 chapters then switched to a different direction because ya’ll had some copycat stealing, down to 5 chapters now down to 2 chapters. What’s up now? Yes, the novel is free & you may not owe your readers an explanation BUT it would be considerate if ya’ll give notice of any changes.
    Btw, does anyone proof read before ya’ll hit SEND? Maybe just maybe there are too many novels written/started & it’s causing delay.

  25. Kamini Avatar

    Seriously only two chapters not fair

  26. Vicki Avatar

    Well ive just about had it.. all this dark moon stuff should of been the start othe story at least would not get lost on where the story started from… now the characters are going backwards…all these new people from Brandon past coming into it now…I scratch my head sometimes…one minute Nat lost her memory then he is treating her like a Guinea pig experimenting on her, then thinks its his sister …then we go to Suzanne putting her in a truck…Nat trying to escape…its all over the place… then we have them wanting to give brandon a needle to remove his memory & marry Corine please can we just get back to the happy story like it started… and as for Suzanne telling Brandon she is carrying his baby he didnt seem bothered by it he was willing to hurt her to get Nat back…can’t wait for the truth
    there to find out who’s baby it is….so Brandon had nothing to do with Jeremy sister murder so why bring in this storyline….. Nat should of got away when Brandon told her she she is just to stubborn… Grrrrrrrrrrrrr not Happy Jan

    1. Karen Avatar

      The story line about her carrying Brandon’s baby was bound to happen as she gone into Brandon and Natalie’s hotel room after they checked out where they had a night of passion, and Brandon had an idea that Susanne was going to try and say she was pregnant after she had drugged him on a previous occasion and pretended they had slept together. But he had the condoms in the hotel room switched, which is what Susanne used to be artificially inseminated with so when they do the Paternity test, Brandon knows full well it will not be his child !

  27. Saranya Manoj Avatar
    Saranya Manoj

    Do we want to wait for one week for next chapter ? Pls reply. This week only two charters why?

  28. Sam Avatar

    More chapters please

  29. Ems Avatar

    Can Jeremy be caught and Natalie and Brandon be together.
    Thank you for the update

  30. Judy Bothello Avatar
    Judy Bothello

    only two chapters? not fare from 10 chapters you came to 5 chapters now you reduce to 2 chapters not fare,

  31. Zainab Yusuf Avatar
    Zainab Yusuf

    This is no longer interesting, why 2 chapters for God’s sake. This wasn’t what we were hoping for after 7 days. The English is bad. Please writer buckle up.

  32. Kay Avatar

    I wonder if the story made sense to the author and editors when they read it before publishing the chapters 😑

  33. brandy Avatar

    i would love more than 2 chapters and also have it understandable

  34. Karen Avatar

    This is getting all jumbled up making it difficult to follow the story line. It is jumping from one thing to another in the middle of a sentence and makes no sense what’s-so-ever. It’s at the point it has become boring and the having to wait a few days for a few pages update has now made me lose interest.

  35. Grace Avatar

    OMG! Only 2 chapters and how many days again for the next chapter. Please update.

  36. Lucia Avatar

    I’m very disappointed to get only two chapters after 7 days of waiting.

  37. Marisa Rubio Avatar
    Marisa Rubio

    I hope the problems with Jeremy and Dark moon will end in the next Chapter!!!!!!!!!!!! I am fed-up with those many problems encountered by Brandon and Natalie.


    I actually don’t get it why the writer will concentrate on the evil people rather Brandon and his wife Natalie, when are they going to rest for Christ’s sake?stop making a fool of us readers as though we didn’t go to school change the narrative before many will drop reading your novel

  39. Santy Avatar

    Such a romantic n energetic novel is now so boring … I started skipping the paragraphs and trying to just know the gist of the story . So pathetic 😔

  40. martha Avatar

    thanks for update, it keeps getting interesting, Natalie Natalie hmmmmmmm just sit and wait and look at the mass trouble you have brought ah

  41. Julia Avatar

    If I knew what trap I’m getting myself into when started reading this novel, I wouldn’t start it at all!
    2 chapters is a joke!
    If it takes a week to throw a little bone to readers with 2-5 chapters, it’s totally enough time to proofread it thoroughly. But what we get now, looks like rushed publication which would be excusable if updates were daily. But in a week time they should’ve been spotless!
    Anyhow, I would love MORE chapters, no matter how messy they are, to be finally DONE with this forever-dragging novel for f* sake

  42. Sherry Avatar

    Author: What a crock, over a week an you expect the readers to be joyous for 2 dang chapters. I believe your ego had done something to your agreement re nt of ” FREE Reading Novels”.
    So disappointed. I’m done play your childish games, who’s with me?????

  43. Abbie A Avatar
    Abbie A

    I think Natalie is pretending to have lost her memory.
    Too many characters in the story now. It’s getting to be very boring.
    I’m really beginning to lose interest.
    I’ve started another book, “Beyond the divorce” and the whole book is available 😀

  44. teresa Avatar

    Ok you are clearly not concentrating on one book at a time. Quality is better than quantity! If your going to put it off for days and weeks you need to wrap up your further developed books and focus on 1at a time.

  45. Judy south africa Avatar
    Judy south africa

    So what’s next ? Another far-fetched chapter or two!!!!

  46. Judy south africa Avatar
    Judy south africa


  47. Désirée Avatar

    Une répétition de scène tout ce qui arrive à Nathalie arrivé à Brandon perte de mémoire. À l’hôpital Nathalie y été tentative de meurtre par Laurent et Cassie ,Brandon tentative de meurtre par Klein family.

  48. Tony Avatar

    It looks like trouble keep haunting Natalie to no end. Hope jeremy will die immediately asap, so the story could now be focused on Natalie and Brandon.

  49. Efengo Avatar

    Dear writer and editor, how come we now have few chapters in a week… more please

  50. Sherry Avatar

    Wow, I hope people whom have been reading this ” FREE reading novel”, she that the author needs help in writing. Misspelling; same paragraphs twice. Begging for money, when she’s already been paid for book.
    I hope that other do as I am, “STOP READING HER BOOK”, we’ll never get to finish. I’m so disappointed, closing the book, cause it’s not a romance story story anymore, have kidnapping; murder, drugs, sick people doing weird or strange things to others.
    So author your a horrible writer, grrdy, and if this is writing I’m sure I could do than you. 😂

  51. Tamara Avatar

    Hmmmmm,I’m speechless

  52. Cece Avatar

    Having to guess the words due to bad typos.
    Need more chapters and Natalie needs to get her memory back and get back to reality.
    Susanne needs a dna test as they can be done before baby is born and it needs to be confirmed that it isn’t Brandon’s

  53. Mandy Avatar


  54. Shifra Naluzze. Avatar
    Shifra Naluzze.

    Good work keep it up. Thanks bringing Laney and Garreth back.

  55. mousears Avatar

    This is becoming a hot mess. The Brandon persona appears post university with Charis and Garrett being the only ones who know he was Sebastian Klein. He was not known in school as Brandon but Sebastian as he went to school with his half brothers who bullied him through high school graduation. The Darkmoon connection is fine as throughout the novel we never knew how Brandon gained his independent fortune and his skills. But the Jeremy plot line is crazy as the age doesn’t match with him being the mysterious pharmacist that provides all the drugs used in the novel from killing Brandon/Sebastian’s mom to date. Then we have the issues with the writer’s grammar, repeating sentences/paragraphs, missing verbiage and sentences. Plus to top it off only 2 chapters in a week. Please for the sake of the fans, get your act together!!

  56. Aurora Avatar

    Dear author,
    Please update soon. You are doing an amazing job. All the novels here are amazing.
    Please don’t keep the reader in us waiting.
    Also, a suggestion. Instead of updating all the novels together you can update one a day. That way readers will also feel content. Please give it a thought.

  57. Angelina Roberts Avatar
    Angelina Roberts

    I absolutely hate the way there is multiple errors of incorrect spelling! How on earth do you expect people to be hooked and want to continuously reading and waiting for more chapters if it is not written properly. MAJORITY OF THE WORDS, SCENES & even CHAPTERS are repeated!!!!!!!! MAKE sure to reread after publishing! If you did, there would be far more content for us readers to read! We waited almost a month for 2 CHAPTERS???!!!??? Unbelievable. PLEASE SIMPLY FINISH THE BOOK! IT is not right or professional in any manner to have readers awaiting a book that has multiple errors and isn’t even complete after basically 1000 chapters. PLEASE FINISH BOOK ASAP & REREAD WORK BEFORE PUBLISHING!!!!!!!

  58. Kim Avatar

    Very intriguing ..more chapters please

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