Chapter 866 – The Double Life of My Secret Billionaire Husband

“I just wanted to remind you to be wary of Mr. Scott …”

Brandon frowned,impatience edging his tone. “Why?Is he stirring up trouble?Speak plainly.

Don’t waver.”

Harrell scratched his head.”You’ve successfully razed Jeremys strongholds recently,and your prowess in the boxing ring is remarkable.You know Mr.Scott values strength above all else. Plus,with Corinne’s interest in you,he might want you to marry into the Scott family.

Contemplating Britton’s cunning visage,Brandon felt a wave of revulsion and dismissed the notion. “That’s wishful thinking.”

Harrell clapped Brandon on the shoulder,advising, “Just be cautious.He might resort to underhanded tactics.”

Harrell’s words reminded Brandon of some unpleasant memories.

When Brandon defected from Darkmoon in the past,Britton appeared to agree to his departure.

He even hosted a grand farewell banquet for Brandon.

However,Britton had attempted to tempt Brandon into staying by drugging his drink and letting Corrine seduce him.

Although Brandon knew that Britton wouldn’t let him leave that smoothly,Brandon still walked into Britton’s trap.When Brandon realized he was drugged,he quickly soaked himself in a lake the entire night,trying to weather through the drug’s effects.

Since then,Brandon had completely severed his ties with Darkmoon.If not for Natalie,he would never willingly return.

When Harrell looked at Brandon’s expression,his mind wandered involuntarily to the drugging incident.He sighed and said,”Mr.Scott really suffered a heavy loss after you took down so many of his potential fighters.I think he’s determined to make you stay.”

Brandon sneered as he recalled how useless the boxers were even after doping and retorted,”You mean those drug-fuelled underperformers are the new potential fighters?It seems that Darkmoon is really declining.’

Harrell shrugged helplessly and replied,”It’s all Mr. Scott’s idea.The older he gets,the more stubborn he becomes.He doesn’t even listen to Corrine now, let alone me.”

Brandon knew that Harrell’s position was awkward in Darkmoon.He waved his hand and said impatiently,”I don’t want to get involved in Darkmoon’s affairs.Just don’t let them interfere with my search for Natalie.”

“However,if they dare to play tricks on me and delay my search,I won’t mind dealing with those useless people they send,”Brandon warned as he narrowed his eyes.

Harrell patted Brandon’s shoulder and reassured him,”Don’t worry.Ill let you know if I find out anything about your wife.As for other things,just be more careful yourself.”

Brandon nodded,and the two fell silent for a while. Suddenly,Brandon asked sullenly,”Do you really have no news about Natalie?”

Harrell was affected by Brandon’s mood,and his mood became heavier.He patted Brandon’s shoulder and tried his best to comfort Brandon, “Don’t worry,I’ve already sent my people who work for Jeremy to gather intel.If your wife is still with Jeremy,we should have some news soon.”

Brandon looked at Harrell gratefully as he didn’t expect Harrell to go to such lengths to help him. If Britton or Jeremy found out about Harrell’s intervention,Harrell would be in great danger.

Although Britton promised to help Brandon find Natalie on the surface,he actually hoped that Brandon and Natalie would never reunite.This way, Brandon would stay in Darkmoon forever.

Jeremy,on the other hand,was a vengeful person. If he found outthat Harrell was plotting against him, he would definitely make Harrell pay.

Brandon deeply hated Darkmoon.However,he still willingly approached Harrell because Harrell had often helped him when times were tough.

“Thank you.Take care of yourself and stay out of their radar.I will handle my affairs myself,” Brandon said as he patted Harrells shoulder.

Harrell understood Brandon’s meaning and smiled. Even if helping Brandon would spell trouble for him, Harrell would not hesitate to lend a hand as Brandon was his best friend.

Suddenly, a set of footsteps approached, interrupting their conversation.

“What are you talking about?”Corinne’s voice sounded from a distance.”Let me in on it too,”she added as she drew nearer.

At the sight of Corrine,Brandon’s gentle expression immediately turned cold.

However,Harrell’s gaze was full of admiration.

Corinne was dressed in a chic outfit,and she looked stunning.She wore a black trench coat and stylish boots,and her long hair was tied in a high ponytail with a red rubber band.

Harrel’s eyes lit up,and he was about to reply to Corrine when she turned to Brandon and said with a smile,”Brandon,Grandpa is looking for you.”

Corinne scrutinized Brandon’s disheveled appearance and wrinkled her nose,concern etched on her face.”Did you fight again as soon as you were back?You smell like blood.Go wash up and clean your wounds.I don’t want Grandpa seeing you in such a state,”she said.

As soon as Corrine finished,Brandon turned and left without bothering to spare her a glance.

Despite being entirely ignored, Corinne vented her frustration by stomping her feet and hollering, “Brandon! Is it going to ill you to tal to me?”

No matter how furiously she yelled, the tall, nonchalant figure didn’t pause even for a moment but continued wal ing away Angry, Corinne lashed out at her subordinates who had accompanied her “You lot are utterly useless! What good are you? The Dar moon has been supporting you for nothing!

We’ve been searching endlessly, yet there’s still no word about Natalie. What have you been doing all this while?” she berated Several subordinates lowered their heads in fear and dared not utter a word Seeing this, Harrell couldn’t help but offer a wea smile and tried to defuse the situation. “Easy, Corinne, it’s not their fault. It’s just that Jeremy is exceptionally cunning.”

Still fuming, Corinne retorted, “I thin they’re nothing more than a bunch of inept people, idly waiting for death. Dar moon shouldn’t eep such riffraff. It would be better to cast them out to fend for themselves.” Upon hearing this, her subordinates immediately fell to their nees, pleading for forgiveness Their fear stemmed from the fact that being abandoned by Dar moon would leave them at the mercy of other underworld gangs. They could be recruited as underlings in other organizations, where their fate would be in others’ hands, or they could be captured by Dar moon’s enemies and be tortured to death Either way, these were scenarios they dreaded Facing Corinne’s unpredictable temperament, Harrell sighed in resignation and subtly changed the subject. “Why did Mr. Scott suddenly see Brandon? Did something happen? Should we accompany him and find out?”

As he spo e, he gestured for the neeling subordinates to leave at their earliest The subordinates hesitated, glancing at Corinne. Seeing her dismissive wave, they sighed in relief and hastily retreated Once everyone had departed, Corinne’s expression turned somewhat serious. “A group of strangers came to Dar moon loo ing for Brandon They didn’t loo too pleased, so it’s not good news.”

Meanwhile, as Brandon entered the reception room of Dark moon, he instantly sensed the tense atmosphere within Upon identifying the individual seated in the room, his expression turned grave Johanna and Laney were seated to the left with their husbands, while Britton sat on the right. Both sides were engaged in a silent standoff The icy atmosphere experienced a slight ripple when Brandon arrived Each individual in the room gazed at him with a unique expression Beal’s face was flushed with anger, and his typically immaculate hair loo ed ghostly pale, her eyes reddened, suggesting she had been crying recently Upon witnessing their expressions, Brandon immediately sensed trouble Evidently, they were all aware of Natalie’s disappearance and had come to him see ing answers At this moment, even Brandon, who prided “Johanna, Beal,” Brandon greeted, lips tightly pressed together as he attempted to maintain a facade of calm. “Why did you come here without notifying me? I could have arranged for someone to fetch you.”

Beal, known for his mild temperament, was the first to rise. He stared at Brandon, his gaze serious, as he as ed directly, “Where is Natalie? Have her come out and meet us.”

Brandon dropped his gaze and opened his mouth, but words failed him He didn’t now how to explain the situation to Beal and Johanna The room’s occupants noticed Brandon’

Natalie had indeed gone missing “ Damn it!” Johanna, overwhelmed with anger, slammed the table and rose. The news of her daughter’s disappearance had completely shattered the dignified demeanor of this aristocratic lady. Her eyes, bloodshot, betrayed her impending brea down. “Why did Natalie go missing? Brandon! I entrusted our daughter to you, and this is how you protect her?” she exclaimed, her voice heavy with grief Laney and the others also displayed visible disappointment Brandon raised his eyes, glancing at the varying expressions around the room. Lowering his head, he confessed in a tone laden with guilt and sorrow, “It’s… It’s my fault. I inadvertently let Natalie get kidnapped.” Beal clenched his fists, struggling to maintain his composure as he cyour mista es. I just want to now the current status of my daughter,” he stated firmly Brandon, lips pursed, replied, “Natalie was abducted durch for her. I believe we’ll locate her soon. Please …” After a brief pause, the pain evident Brandon’s calm and composed demeanor, maintainng before Beal and Johanna, the anguish nearly suffocating him.

“ Find her? How exactly are you planning to find her? Natalie has been gone for days, do you have any leads at all?”

Johanna was not reassured y Brandon’s words. In fact, she became more agitated, her hand raised as if to strike him. Beal, however, swiftly intervened, pulling her into a comforting em race Beal’s piercing gaze locked onto Brandon as he demanded, “How many days has Natalie been missing?” With his eyes slowly closing, a tremor in his voice revealed the underlying pain as Brandon confessed, “Four days …”

“ Four days?” Johanna clutched tightly onto her hus and’s sleeve, her forehead resting against his shoulder as so s wracked her body, leaving her gasping for reath. “Four days, four days… My daughter has een gone for four days, and I had no idea. What have you een doing these past few days, Brandon?”

As he looked at the anguished Johanna, a wave of jitterness washed over Brandon. “Johanna, we will find Natalie soon. I have activated all…” Smack!

A resounding slap echoed through the reception room. Johanna had pushed Beal aside and struck Brandon, the force of the unexpected hit causing him to turn his head to the side. The onlookers were stunned by the abrupt display of anger, rendered speechless by the shock of the situation. The reception room fell silent, the atmosphere so quiet that even the sound of a pin dropping would be audible. Johanna’s hand trembled, her glare fixed on Brandon, her eyes a storm of unspeakable rage and sorrow. It was as if she wanted to exact a thousand-fold revenge on the person responsible for losing her daughter.

Confronted with Johanna’s heartrending words, Brandon’s lips tightened, struggling to formulate an appropriate response. However, he felt as if a massive weight was pressing down on his chest, preventing him from speaking. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he managed to utter, “I don’t want you to find her…” His voice trailed off, filled with despair and anguish. “It took me such a long time… Now she’s gone again. And I don’t even know if she’s alive or dead… It’s been four days”

Johanna’s emotional turmoil resonated with everyone in the room. Laney averted her gaze, discreetly wiping away the tears that had been streaming down her face. Just as Natalie’s life had begun, her life now hung in the balance. The atmosphere was tense and charged with anxiety.

Letting out a sigh, Beal stepped forward to support his trembling wife, speaking in the calmest voice he could muster. “I’ve brought everyone available from the White family. The more people we have searching for Natalie, the higher our chances of locating her.”

The tone of Beal’s voice gradually grew icy. “Once she’s safe, you’re free to marry whomever you please.”

“What?” Brandon snapped his head up in disbelief, caught off guard. “Beal, why would you say that? Have you misunderstood something?”

Beal responded with nothing more than a The resistance and i Clearly, Natalie’s parents no Left with no other option, Under the frosty scrutiny of Laney, Garrett awkwardly scratched the ack of his head and stammered, “We received news of Natalie’s disappearance, and at the same time, we heard… that your childhood friend, the heiress of Darkmoon, intentionally caused Natalie to e lost. Now, you’re here in Darkmoon, not to find Natalie to secure a marriage alliance with the family …”

Garrett’s discomfort was Laney coldly interjected, “We’ve heard rumo Garrett let out a resigned sigh, saying, “The moment we heard the find you actually residing in Darkmoon, and from what it seems …”

Garrett glanced at Britton and then lowered hiss that Britton genuinely wants you as his son-in -law. Brandon, Garrett found it difficult to believe that such the evidence before his eyes made it impossible to deny

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself

Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.

91 responses to “Chapter 866 – The Double Life of My Secret Billionaire Husband”

  1. Weedtea Avatar

    I’m disappointed by Johanna, Beal and Garrett. Can they not see the state in which Brandon is in? How could he be arranging for marriage in that state? The man is wounded, haggard and has even lost weight. If only they knew the reason behind him being there and they would feel ashamed for judging him harshly.

    1. Marisa Rubio Avatar
      Marisa Rubio

      You are right. Not even one even Garrett noticed his disheveled wounded appearance. Automatically, they should have been shocked to see him in that state. Anyway Natalie knows the truth that Brandon risked his life for her (Natalie). It’s also the fault of Natalie because she is so stubborn not listening to advices. That has been her case always. So stubborn that Brandon is the one suffering for her and being lambasted by her horrible parents. I hope this won’t go long. I have noticed that these novels do not include the authorities. Naturally, the authorities should be informed right away. The author really is making us dumb. I hate those kinds of authors.

    2. Anne Avatar

      I don’t understand anything

      1. Umi kalsom Avatar
        Umi kalsom

        Me too.what is it??

      2. Abbie A Avatar
        Abbie A

        Because the story line does make any sense most of the time. Just try to enjoy Brandon and Natalie’s triumphant episodes. That’s all you can enjoy from this very poorly written story.

        1. Abbie A Avatar
          Abbie A

          I meant to say the story line DOESN’T make any sense most of the time!!!

        2. aquarius elsa Avatar
          aquarius elsa

          i agree…it’s a total chaos…I thought Brandon was Sebastian when he was growing up until he started the Larson Group…how come his childhood friends in Darkmoon call him Brandon?

          1. Ischelle Avatar

            Because Brandon was hiding his reality behind Sebastian Klein. Because he is an important business man so he hide him self like that so he could get someone to marry him for him and not for his money.

  2. Umi kalsom Avatar
    Umi kalsom

    Why brandon and natalie got so many trouble.pity on them.

  3. Justareader Avatar

    Thanks for these updates
    Twists nd turns the story is taking has literally blown my mind .

    Want more updates please!

    1. Vicki Avatar

      Another silly love interest that cost Brandon his wife…Corine missed hitting Jeremy cause she wanted him….grrrrrrrrrr can you stop bringing in past loves to bring Nat & Brandon down…and as for Joanna & her hubby saying when she is found he can look elsewhere to marry they need to shut up.. Nat is a grown woman who can do what ever she wants…yes maybe they missed out on alot of her upbringing but they had plenty of money & connections why did they never find Natalie….Can Nat be found…Jeremy killed along with all the others who wronged both her & Brandon…now we know Brandon past with Darkmoon can it just disappear with Corine & all the others….

  4. Efengo Avatar

    Only Natalie can vindicate her husband. Brandon really should have contacted his in-laws concerning the disappearance of their daughter. This revelation might kill Brandon more than his will to look for her

  5. Umi kalsom Avatar
    Umi kalsom

    Enough already.pls..pity on brandon.i could take it anymore.😪

  6. brandy Avatar

    I guess now we see the actual bouble life and wow what a turn of events cant wait for the next update.

  7. Mia Avatar

    Please update please

  8. ANGEL ROSE Avatar

    I hate these chapters……

    1. aquarius elsa Avatar
      aquarius elsa

      youre not alone! but the writer wants to stretch the story further …i wont be surprise if this will take 5more years before it ends.

  9. Nadine Avatar

    Thank you for the updates
    So sad all the trouble that Brandon and Natalie encounter. And they did nothing wrong. I hope Natalie is found unharmed and Jeremy brought to justice.

  10. Big fan Avatar
    Big fan

    What a twist
    Natalie knows the truth, I pray she will stand by her husband.
    This trap was properly calculated

  11. Effie Avatar

    Stop! stop! Stop! Why are there more characters written in? Enjoying the drama with Jeremy/Brandon. Pls leave it @ that! Writing in females that get in the way & don’t have an ounce of respect for themselves. Already read abt them. Get back to the point @ hand. Four days & nothing abt Natalie. Is she still alive or not???
    Not trying to be rude becuz this isn’t my story but it’s starting to be ridiculous!!!

  12. Myrhh Avatar

    is Suzzane pregnant already? pity on natalie…her marriage is a bane. not peaceful..

    some events are not realistic

    1. Sheila Brown Avatar
      Sheila Brown

      Yes, she is pregnant. I can’t wait till she finds out. It’s not Brandon, baby.

  13. Umi kalsom Avatar
    Umi kalsom

    How brandon is going to escape from darkmoon headquarters??anyone knows??pity on brandon.

  14. Hazel Avatar

    Tysm for the updates… please update more

  15. Marisa Rubio Avatar
    Marisa Rubio

    Hopefully, Jeremy will not poison Natalie to remove her memory and forget what happened. The couple had been suffering a lot. Can you end it soon? Jeremy’s case is taking so long and this comes Corrine again. This is only the 866th chapter but it seems that this novel has been going on for too long. When will this end? The movie is too short, how come this novel is very long?

  16. Nels Avatar

    I hope that after venting their (Beal,Johanna,Garrett and Laney) anger, they can at least contact Dr Frank to come and take care of Brandon while they search for Natalie.And since Brandon have proven that Darkmoon is now powerless,i hope he can just leave the stupid place and conduct the search of his own!.

  17. Sheila Avatar

    The turn of events are turning out to be a bore after Natalie’s disappearance. Seems Brandon and Natalie always have issues with people who fancy them. Please get the story back on track. If you kill Natalie just end the story. Not worth going further after that. Chairs or Corrine are all bad news and Natalie suffers each time.

  18. Sheila Avatar

    Another crisis. Chairs or Corrine need to get a life. Please get story back on track, beginning to be a bore

  19. Mimi Avatar

    Madam writer this story seems boring, I used love it but am losing interest in it

    1. aquarius elsa Avatar
      aquarius elsa

      Same boat with you….I know now that the author will stretched this novel by adding unnecessary numerous characters/villains to hurt Brandon and Natalie thereby making this novel lost it’s spark and appeal…everything added are so evil that’s why I opted to focus my time on another more sensible novel audio book via pocket fm app….stress free. I still check on Brandon and Natalie in my leisure time because I really love them but updates and this novel dont affect me anymore…best wishes author.

  20. Kel Avatar

    Does everyone see the terrible mistakes in the grammar or literally the entire format? Missing letters, jumping and repeating paragraphs? It makes it so difficult to read. Kinda bummed

    1. Mike Avatar


    2. Sandy Avatar

      So true missing letters and repeating paragraphs it is annoying…
      More chapters please

  21. Lucia Avatar

    Can we get 10 chapters please.

    1. Weedtea Avatar

      Typing it with conviction 😅😅😅

  22. Bornhpfan Avatar

    It’s taking a week for each update and we’re getting only 5 each time! Please update more chapters in a single time or don’t wait for a week to update just 5 chapters please

  23. Sheila Brown Avatar
    Sheila Brown

    I want to slap Joanna. She should be grateful for what Brandon did for her daughter. She lost her birth. Natalie was married to Brandon because they thought he was a Hooligan. They brought Lanley to help find Natalie.

  24. Aurora Avatar

    Dear author, it’s been dragged too long now. Though I commend your imagination. No matter what I can’t just leave this novel. Seems that Charis was also a victim of Jeremy. Hoping to see something good happening soon. Please author, please put something good for Brandon. Atleast make his friends and in-laws stand with him. I know difficulty makes the story more compelling but some positivity is needed. Please do something in this regard. Kudos to your work.

  25. Désirée Avatar

    Les amours passés infinis ruine la vie de ce couple amoureux qui se bat contre vents et marées. Les beaux parents qui ne cessent de voir Brandon d’un mauvais oeil surtout lui (Brandon)qui a soutenu Nathalie des griefs de la famille Quinn.qui l’a aidé et aimé jusqu’au plus profond de son âme. Je pense que ça suffit les intrigues ça devient trop boring.

  26. Baby Avatar

    I hated these chapters 😭😭

  27. Pat Avatar

    Thanks for the latest updates hope to find more soon

  28. Ems Avatar

    Natalie and Brandon always got caught in a bad misfortune. I hope Jeremy let go of Natalie.
    Thank you for the update

  29. Désirée Avatar

    Plus vite les mises à jour et plus de chapitres. Merci

  30. Hazel Avatar

    New updates when??

  31. Umi kalsom Avatar
    Umi kalsom

    Any updates.??

  32. Sabi Avatar

    @Editor you need to reread these new 5 chapters and sort out no of infinite mistakes where paragraph repeated, words not clears, wrong sentence, story cutting and completely mess. Please correct these things so it’s not look stupid. Have a look specially last chapter.
    And as I already said I hate so-called nonsense and senseless Johana and bael and even Laney and Garrett. I wish they dead

  33. Gladys Ndou Avatar
    Gladys Ndou

    Upsetting chapters…..Brandon and Natalie deserve some happiness

  34. Grace Avatar

    I hope Natalie is ok, Brandon love her so much. Can’t wait for the next chapter please update.

  35. Susan Avatar

    I hope Brandon finds Natalie

  36. Sophie Avatar

    Another nonsense upload with more villain. Please end this nonsense you call novel with abd spelling and repeated paragraphs

  37. Gerry Avatar

    Can’t wait for more chapters

  38. Bizarre Avatar

    Trying to kill Brandon before the contrived pregnancy is revealed doesn’t make sense.

  39. Umi kalsom Avatar
    Umi kalsom

    Any chapter today??

  40. Saranya Manoj Avatar
    Saranya Manoj

    Hope Natalie and Brandon reunite soon… hope Natalie is safe and sound… waiting for more…

  41. Hazel Avatar

    Any updates??

  42. NES Avatar

    Update please.

  43. Shally Avatar

    Hoped for something different. Jeremy plot was intriguing but in the end flopped way too hard. Just end it already. Another Charis for Brandon. Is marriage a joke? Why always same storyline and failed plots???

  44. Zen Avatar

    WHAT A WASTE OF MY TIME! i waited an entire week for this

  45. B Avatar

    The plot is getting ridiculous now!! So annoying!
    What was the need to drag Brandon Larson, an impeccable character to the underworld or whatever!! The story lost its charm!

    Also, the way Johanna keeps berating Brandon and even slapped him is overboard!
    I’m only sticking around as I’ve been reading this since last year and want to know how this ends.

    Dear author, we know you have great imaginations and plots ideas.. But please stick to the original plot of the story. All these unneccessary turn of events and the addition of unlimited new characters are pure boredom and uninteresting.
    We want way more of Brandon & Natalie and less.. Less.. Less.. Of all the secondary characters!

  46. B Avatar

    The plot is getting ridiculous now!! So annoying!
    What was the need to drag Brandon Larson, an impeccable character to the underworld or whatever!! The story lost its charm!

    Also, the way Johanna keeps berating Brandon and even slapped him is overboard!
    I’m only sticking around as I’ve been reading this since last year and want to know how this ends.

    The repeated paragraphs, grammatical mistakes.. Ugh..

    Dear author, we know you have great imaginations and plots ideas.. But please stick to the original plot of the story. All these unneccessary turn of events and the addition of unlimited new characters are pure boredom and uninteresting.
    We want way more of Brandon & Natalie and less.. Less.. Less.. Of all the secondary characters!

    1. Gie Avatar
  47. Barb Avatar

    This is really getting boring. First sentences are incomplete then we find paragraphs repeating and even chapters. So hard to follow at times. Then you keep introducing new people. It was a good book but the dragging on needs to stop. Finish the story and don’t ruin the book!

  48. Sherry Avatar

    I must say I agree with the other readers: spelling: double the same paragraph: , more sinister , ugliness from Family and friends. Its Brandon’s and Natalie life, STAY OUT OF IT.

  49. Kat Avatar

    I cant stand these chapters. Trouble comes in when the writer tretches the story as a consequence you destry what captured the sudience attention at the start.

  50. Kay Avatar

    I thought only Charis and Garreth were Brandon’s childhood friends….so where did these other people come from😑

    And as for the Whites family why does it look like they are more powerful than Brandon himself?

    And Johanna, where does she get the audacity to slap Brandon for the disappearance of Natalie for just four days, while she as the mother let her same daughter disappear for 20yrs?!

    Garrett on the other hand …🙄

  51. NES Avatar

    It’s been 5 days yet there is no update why?

  52. Umi kalsom Avatar
    Umi kalsom

    Pls make brandon larson again atrong character.pls..pity on more ridicolous character

  53. Saranya Manoj Avatar
    Saranya Manoj

    Waiting for the next update

  54. Sai Avatar

    What the hell are these repeated paragraphs, grammar and spelling mistakes. It’s so hard to understand.

    The plot is getting ridiculous every time.
    Where the hell is ostown?? Aren’t brandon and Natalie from seasisco?
    How come Jeremy’s sister know his name is brandon? Isn’t that supposed to be a secret?
    If Jeremy is only 3 years older than brandon is how come he supplied the medicine that killed Brandon’s mother?
    Brandon has an amazing character arc without you adding an underworld angle to him. I guess you have a lot of readers hooked up here, so you are nonsensical characters and storylines to drag it forever.
    You are going to have Jeremy remove Natalie’s memory, aren’t you?
    Johanna already hates brandon and she is going use Natalie’s memory loss to keep her away from brandon. For all the love he has towards Natalie and trouble he went through to find her, he is not going to have a happy ending any time soon.

    Does any one know if the book is pre written or they write chapters fresh before uploading?
    If that is the case, few weeks ago I read someone commenting what’s going to happen next and that’s exactly how the story is moving.
    They wouldn’t know if the story isn’t already written right?
    Why are you keeping the readers waiting for weeks if you have the chapters ready?
    Is it possible that you get ad revenue everytime someone refreshes this page and you are capitalising on that?

    You gained some readers like me who can’t let go of the book without knowing how it ends and now are just playing with us.

    Have some professionalism you morons

  55. NES Avatar

    Update pls.

  56. Gie Avatar

    road to 900th chapter huh writer?i even forgot what had happened on the previous chapters..goodness..pls give a second chance love of the missing groom a nice ending instead..i think something bad happened to the writer

  57. Ane Avatar

    I feel boring to read it …..

  58. Carmella Bell Avatar
    Carmella Bell

    Please post more chapters.

  59. Tamara Avatar

    Please more Chapters

  60. Kat Avatar

    I dont think Nathalie is with Jeremy still or else if with Jeremy there will be a great possibility that she will be raped by Jeremy and all the men under him, if he wants a real revenge. So i supposed she is with the street gang who works with her husband.. “double life of my billionaire husband “, his other life which was introduced to the readers 1st half of the chapter. They are thinking on how to pin down jeremy hard. Her intefrity must remain intact for Brandon. This will soon end.


    Natalie’s parents can go to hell for all I care because every problem that Brandon encounter Natasha is the cause because she never listen to her husband let me see how she will defend Brandon in her parents presence how can they said Brandon was preparing to get married whatever Brandon is going through Natalie is cause I pray Brandon to finally get Natalie and put her parents to shame family that doesn’t think before talking simple because they have money and the end of everything Brandon larson should make sure to punish Corrine and her grandfather Mr Scott too I’m tired of all the evil surrounding Brandon all the time he needs to be happy for once it looks like the author is diverting the meaning of the topic of the novel and it’s not suited just go straight and let Brandon larson rest and be happy as the novel implies

  62. Efengo Avatar

    Dear writer please can u upload more chapters. it’s almost 5 days of no stories and we’re already dying of suspense

  63. Ina Avatar

    Please 🙏 let u get new chapters

  64. May D. Marca Avatar
    May D. Marca

    Hoping that beal, Johanna, Garrett’s and Laney will listen to Brandon’s explanation . .his love for Nathalie is genuine. .I admire him so much. .I hope next chapter they can find Nathalie.

  65. Dexter Avatar

    Have been following the book but increasingly seems to be written with no rational. Joanna and garrett and Laney – did they just forget how devoted Brandon was to his wife,
    Or that Brandon was Klein in his childhood days making it impossible for Jeremy hatred to be pointed to Brandon.
    Searching for Natalie yet putting up with the women Corrine. Suddenly taking help from DarkMoon, and what happened to Sean and his own security and reaching out to Whites for help.
    Too many twists and plots only for the sake of putting them in. Came back to follow-up on the story after a long break and still the same cycle!

    1. Aileen Avatar


  66. Aileen Avatar

    How many days we will wait?. 🤦🤦🤦

    1. Vikas Sharma Avatar
      Vikas Sharma

      They are testing our Patience really!!

  67. Umi kalsom Avatar
    Umi kalsom

    Any updates today??

  68. Grace Avatar

    I have been checking the updates every now and then. Please give us updates.

    1. Yvonne Avatar

      The writer may be under the weather. May our good Lord’s presence continue to be with you. Please It’s been a week now since the last update. We pray for God’s grace for you.

  69. Phoenix Avatar

    Please update it now. It’s been a week. A reader is like an addict. We need more updates.

  70. Saranya Manoj Avatar
    Saranya Manoj

    Some where … story line is missing … I loved reading this story before… I don’t know why? Somewhere story is going in other direction with new characters… pls don’t add any new characters… waiting to know more

  71. teresa Avatar

    What us the wait for????

  72. Umi kalsom Avatar
    Umi kalsom

    Pls update the soonest possible.

  73. Ina Avatar

    Please need more chapters🙏🙏

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