Chapter 81 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

Samuel looked back.

He saw the man standing beside the handbasin. Drying his hands in an elegant way, the man raised his eyes lazily, “Not tall enough?”

Samuel raised his head. Though he was much shorter than the man, he could not appear weaker than him.

“I am not peeing.” He couldn’t acknowledge in front of this jerk that he was not tall enough to pee into the urinal.

Cormac threw the tissue that was used to dry his hands into the dustbin. He glanced at Samuel, “Are you sure that you don’t need my help?”

“I don’t.” Samuel answered firmly with his head raised high.

“Fine then.” Cormac rolled up one sleeve of his shirt, showing half of his robust arm. He put his hand into his pocket and looked at the urinal. Then he checked the height of Samuel, “You got a spine.”

Samuel pursed his lips hard, and sweat was oozing from his forehead. His little body was trembling.

He could hold it no longer.

But in front of this humbug, he could not show weakness, let alone ask him for help.

He clenched his little fists tightly and tried his best to hold it.

Cormac raised his eyebrows slightly and leaned against the mirror beside him. He wanted to see how long this boy could hold it.

Though Samuel was little, his temperament was not.

“Can you tell me why you are so hostile to me?”

Samuel was angrier. He abandoned his mommy already. Why did he kiss his mommy?

The humbug had no right to do that. He would find a man who was way better than him for his mummy.

“You hurt my mommy. And you think I didn’t see it?” Samuel glared at him.

He wished to glare a hole in Cormac.

“I hurt him?” Chewing these three words in his mouth, Cormac thought in his head when he saw him hurting Loredana. He had only met her twice.

When they first met, Cormac gave her a big “surprise”.

Cormac squinted his eyes. Was Samuel talking about the time in LEO when he dragged Loredana away and kissed her in staircase? He saw it. So…


Cormac straightened up and walked two steps forward. He squatted down before Samuel and their eyes were level. Cormac glanced at Samuel’s legs which were closed together and smiled lightly,

“I did hurt her. What are you going to do with me?”

Samuel’s eyes opened wider. He wanted to devour Cormac with his mouth.

Because he was so angry or that he was trying his best to hold his urine, Samuel’s whole body was trembling.

“If you beg me, I will help you. How about that?” Cormac stood up and dusted the bottom of his coat which was already flat, “if you don’t need my help, I am leaving?”

Samuel couldn’t hold it any more.

With tears almost coming out of his eyes, Samuel tried hard to keep his eyes open, “Please, please don’t go. I need…”

“Who did you come with?”

“My mummy and my grandma…I am about to pee.” Poor Samuel said with his eyes all red.

Cormac stopped teasing him and walked to him, “Take off your pants.”

Samuel moved quickly and took off his pants.

Cormac stood behind him and carried him up. He walked to the urinal and bent to a degree which made it easier for Samuel to pee into the urinal.

After Samuel finished, he said, “Thank you.”

Cormac froze. He didn’t expect that this child could say “thank you”, so he was surprised.

Samuel put on his pants and looked at Cormac, “For me, kindness and hatred are clearly distinguished. You helped me, but it doesn’t mean I will forgive you.”


Forgive him?

What did he do that required his forgiveness?

After they got out of the bathroom, Cormac lowered his head and looked at Samuel, “Which private room are you in?”

Samuel rolled his eyeballs. Why did he ask him this? Was he going to hurt mummy again?


Cormac paused and looked at Samuel. This little kid was quite alert.

“I should go.” Samuel felt like his lie was detected and dashed away.

He was just back and he met the humbug. As the saying went, enemies are bound to meet on a narrow road.

After he made sure that nobody was following, Samuel leaned against the wall and raised his wrist, using the telephone watch to call his teacher for help.

Soon he got through to his teacher.

“Teacher, I met the humbug.”


Samuel told him the whole thing that happened between him and Cormac.

“We are in a restaurant now. How can I embarrass him and make a fool out of him in public?”

Samuel wiped his face with his hand.

His teacher thought for two minutes and asked, “Do you have money?”


“Go to the pharmacy and buy a box of Durex. If the staff there ask you who asks you to buy it, say it is your father. If there isn’t any pharmacy around, you can buy it in stores too. After you buy it, you …”

“Got it.”

After he hung up the phone, Samuel run to the reception desk and asked, “Is there any pharmacy or store around here?”

“Walk out and turn right. There is a store not far away.”


Following his teacher’s instructions, Samuel managed to buy a box of Durex. He opened it, got the thing in it and discarded the box. He wondered what this was.

He touched it and out of curiosity, he wanted to open it to see what was in it. But his teacher said he could not open it.

He could not disobey his teacher. So he repressed his curiosity and returned to the restaurant.

After he got back, he stood before the reception desk, “Miss, do you have a guest whose surname is

Mendelsohn here?”

Samuel had a pair of big, black eyes which seemed able to talk. He had an upturned nose and a delicate face. He was standing straight and looked like a western gentleman.

He looked adorable. And all people liked pretty things.

The female receptionist was hospitable and pointed to the sixth private room, “There, six.”


Samuel blinked his eyes. That was why his lie was detected as soon as he told it.

It turned out that the humbug was in the sixth private room.

“Thanks, Miss.” Then Samuel run to the sixth private room.

He reached his hand to twist the handle and opened the door of the private room.

There were only four people in such a big private room, which were all men. The multiple dishes on table seemed to be untouched. There were glasses before all of them. It seemed like they were only drinking now.

The door of the private room was suddenly opened, out of instinct, people in it all looked in the direction of the door.

After all, the waiters here all knocked before they entered the room.

Why it was a kid?

He must have wandered off and got in the wrong room.

Abbott turned to look at Cormac, because he knew this boy.

When he was investigating on Loredana, he saw the picture of this boy.

“Did you get in the wrong room?” Chester Powell of SD Corporation looked at Samuel and asked.

Samuel shook his head and pointed to Cormac, “No, I come for him.”

So he didn’t get in the wrong room.

Everyone was looking at Cormac now. Their expressions were all different. Abbot wanted to see what

Cormac’s expression would be when he saw the child of Loredana. Chester pondered what the relationship between this kid and Cormac was.

In front of everyone’s curious eyes, Samuel walked in and took out the Durex in his pocket and gave it to Cormac, “Mister, you lost something when you were in the bathroom. I picked it up for you. Here it is.”

What thing? They all reached their heads to see what the thing in Samuel’s hand was.

When they saw it…

Abbott, “…”

Chester, “…”

Cormac frowned and stared at Samuel who looked all innocent. Where did he get this?

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

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