“Isn’t that obvious?” I managed to croak out and he chuckled. “I’m sorry, baby. There’s nothing I could have done to get you out of that situation. Mom can be scary when she’s planning a party”, he said. before his mouth wandered to my mark to place a k*ss on it, making pleasure course through my veins.
How can I stay mad at this man when he keeps doing that?
“Trust me, I’ve witnessed it firsthand. But you could have said I was still recovering”. I breathed out. “And stop doing that, you’re not being fair”, I moaned out but he kept on k*ssing the same spot.
This man will be the death of me.
I remembered that I had to be at the pack house with Rose in a few hours and pushed him away from me. He gave me puppy eyes but I neglected him and tried to finish washing the plates in record time.
“What’s the time?” I asked when it looked like I won’t be able to finish it before she said it’s time to go. “Huhhhhh, it’s 11:13 am. Why do you ask?” He said from where he sat after I pushed him away from me.
Oh shi t.
“Can you please finish this up for me? I have to go get ready”, I hurriedly rinsed my hands and ran out of the kitchen. “Hey, this is not fair”, he called out. “I love you, I shouted back before dashing into my room.
I was about to enter the bathroom when I remembered that I said I loved him. Oh no, what did I just do? My checks heated up and I covered my face.
What if he thinks I’m obsessed with him or crazy? What if he thinks it’s too early to say the L word? I screamed internally.
“Don’t you think you’re being too dramatic?” Jasmine asked in my head. “He’s our mate, Dumbo. These words should have been exchanged since we first met. And how are you so sure he doesn’t feel the same for you?” She said.
“Besides, he worships the ground you walk on. You shouldn’t have any second thoughts about how he feels about you”. Jasmine was right, I shouldn’t feel embarrassed for telling my mate that I loved him.
“Just a little reminder that Rose will be calling for you any moment from now and you will be in deep trouble if she doesn’t see that you’re ready to go”. That was all the reminder I needed to bathe at the speed of light and dress up quicker than a lighting passes through the sky.
I settled on a deep red blouse with cream coloured maxi skirt and finished it off with a black sandal. I left my hair down in waves and used a black headband to keep it in place.
I picked up my phone in Adrian’s room and opened it to find tons of 川
messages from Lola and the girls which I did not bother opening or replying to. They’d chew me out when we finally see each other but I could live with that.
I reached the living room the same time Rose decided to call me. “You look gorgeous, baby”, Adrian complimented me. “Thank you”, I said as I shyly brushed my hair behind my car.
“Now, now”, Rose said, breaking up the moment. “it’s nice to see you being cute with each other but we have to go now if we’re going to get anything done”, she spoke before reaching over to carry her bag that was lying on the sofa.
Adrian looked like he was going to say something but decided against it. He hugged me closer to his b*dy and placed a gentle k*ss on my forehead.
“I’ll see you later, baby. Be good and have fun”, he pulled back from me after that. Rose took me hand in hers and we left the house together.
It’s going to be a long day, especially when I have to face the girls.
Lola’s POV
Lyla. Lotana and Avianca were the first people I saw as we got closer to the pack house. I’m definitely getting chewed up today, I thought. Rose must have sensed the direction my thinking went because she chuckled beside me.
“I told them to wait outside the pack house for us. And I definitely warned them against blowing up on your face”, she said. At the mention of ‘blowing up on your face’, my breathing became rapid and I I felt like I was being choked. Memories of that rogue blowing up came to the forefront of my mind and I gasped.
“Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry: Oh goddess. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have used those words”. she said apologetically and I wanted to tell her that I was fine but I couldn’t speak up. It felt like my lungs were being pressed on.
Panic attack? But I was fine up till that moment.
Lola. Lotana and Avianca must have seen the scene or Rose must have summoned them because they ran towards us and supported me.
“Let’s get her inside, she must be experiencing a panic attack” she ordered the girls and they looked at her in confusion. *Why is she suddenly having a panic attack?” Lotana asked as I was being taken into the pack house. “I might have said something regarding the incident that happened recently. Quick, let’s get her to a room”, she ordered and they all led me to our hangout space in the pack house, Lyla’s former room.
I could hear them perfectly fine but I found it difficult to speak. It took a while before I could regain my speaking ability. They all looked worried and I felt so bad. All I seem to cause nowadays is worry for people around me.
“I’m sorry for causing worry for everyone”, I spoke lowly and their expressions changed. Their initial frowns were replaced with large smiles and excited sounds left their l*ps. I was pulled into a group hug and I laughed heartily.
How I’ve missed this with my friends.
“You are going to suffocate her if you don’t break up the hug”, Rose said. “Lyla, be careful, you’re pregnant”, she said sternly before we eventually pulled away from one another, the smiles on our faces were huge and bright nevertheless.
“I’d come back later to check on you once you’re well rested”, Rose spoke, looking at me directly and I nodded. She left the room after what she said. We waited for a while before we all burst into excited squeals again.
Lyla was the first to hit me. “Ouch, what was that for?” I asked while rubbing my shoulder. “Don’t you ever do that again. You scared us”, she said. I smiled at her and held her hands, “I’m sorry, ladies. It wasn’t my intention to make you worry at all”, I said as I looked at all of their faces. “I won’t allow that to happen anymore, okay?” I did a puppy face as I looked at them expectantly.
“Fineeeee, you better not do that again”, Avianca was the first to break. “Lyla almost lost my go d daughter from worrying too much”, Lotana added. Avianca turned to face her with her hands on her hips, “uhm, excuse you miss. This right here”, she pointed to Lyla’s belly. “is my g od daughter”.
They kept arguing back and forth. Lyla sat down beside me and we kept looking at them. “At leaat, you’re a bit sane, these two almost drove me insane with their constant talks and banters”, she said at the same time they stopped bantering and looked at her with a glare. Oops.
“You guys did not miss me? You’ve been fighting non-stop since I got here. Fill me in, did anything happened when I was gone?” I asked. These girls made me love tea so much and I wasn’t even talking about real tea.
“Girlllllll. Fay has been the new Luna”. Aviancang around telling people she’s going to be piped up. “Like, I was shocked by the nerves of her. She’s no longer limping and now she acts like a queen. She doesn’t do that when Adrian is around though”, Lotana added.
“It’s like she knows something that everyone doesn’t know. I bet she’s going to go crazy when she knows you’re having a mating ceremony”, Lyla clapped excitedly and the girls joined in.
“I swear, I’m going to have that bi tch’s head on a pole and hang in the center of the pack. She’s getting on my nerves”, Jasmine growled in my head but that wasn’t what I was focused on.
A traitor is amongst you. A traitor is amongst you. The rogue’s word kept ringing in my head. I contemplated telling Adrian but I felt like I was just overreacting.
Sure, she might be an obsessed psychopath but she can’t be crazy enough to sell out the pack she wants to rule over. Right? I sighed and rubbed my hand over my face in frustration.
“By the way, I love the clothes combination. Looks like Lyla awakened the fashionista in you. Girl, you look so hot. How did Adrian let you out of the house?” Avianca, always energized spoke rapidly and Lotana nodded.

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself
Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.