Kailee had meticulously crafted contingency plans for every possible scenario, leaving nothing to chance.
While orch*strating an elaborate scheme to cause Laney’s premature labor, Kailee had also pinpointed Garrett’s location, drugged him, and posed him on the bed for these scandalous photographs.
This master plan ensured that even if Laney survived the premature delivery, Kailee could wield these incriminating pictures as a weapon to restore her reputation and influence.
Laney, prepare yourself for exile!
During Laney’s childbirth, she experienced severe hemorrhaging, and only by a hair’s breadth was she rescued from death’s clutches
In the aftermath, Garrett halted his work to devote his full attention to his wife and child in the hospital.
With Garrett’s unwavering support, Laney’s health began to improve incrementally. Having Garrett’s caregiving abilities paled in comparison to Ian’s professional nursing expertise.
Navigating the challenges of looking after Laney and their baby left Garrett feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Today was no exception.
“Darling, I’ve peeled an apple for you.” Garrett beamed, triumphantly presenting a fruit so severely reduced that almost only an apple core was left. “Give it a try, it’s positively delicious.”
Laney’s l*ps quivered as she incredulously inquired, “You call this… an apple?”
“Can’t you see?” Garrett scrutinized the fruit in his hand, utterly convinced that he had done an impeccable job.
Just then, a nurse entered to check Laney’s temperature and courteously offered Garrett, “Mr. Harding, would you like me to dispose of this apple core for you?”
Laughter erupted from Laney. Offended, Garrett protested, “This isn’t an apple core! This is the apple I peeled!”
“My apologies,” the nurse chuckled sheepishly. “I assumed it was the remnants of a consumed apple.”
“Have some of mine,” Ian suggested, extending a plate of perfectly sliced apples.
Standing beside Garrett with a courteous smile, he urged, “Mr. Harding, please help yourself.’ The nurse’s eyes sparkled as she commented, “Mr. Lopez, your apple slices are cut so precisely.”
Garrett’s chiseled features darkened, and he scoffed dismissively, It’s just an apple, no need for such fanfare.”
Ian softly smiled and thoughtfully positioned the neatly arranged apple slices on a table beside Laney’s bed. In a gentle tone, he explained, “Mrs. Harding hasn’t fully recuperated, so it’s best to cut food into smaller portions for easier digestion.”
Clearly imp**ssed, the nurse declared, “Mr. Lopez, you are truly an exceptional assistant. Your thoughtfulness shines through in every task.”
Garrett grumpily munched on his mangled apple, muttering, “It’s nothing extraordinary “
Laney diffused the tension, laughing as she encouraged, “Regardless of how we eat the apples, let’s enjoy them together.”
Garrett’s mood soured further by Ian’s intrusion. His disdain for Ian grew with each passing moment.
Throughout their time at the hospital, Ian consistently doted on Laney, charming not only her but also all the nurses. This only fueled Garrett’s resentment. What a conniving character Ian was! How could Garrett feel secure with someone like that attending to Laney?
The more Garrett pondered, the more he questioned Ian’s trustworthiness.
While Laney rested, Garrett pulled Ian aside for a discreet discussion in a secluded corner.
The two of them retreated to the hospital staircase, where a puzzled Ian inquired, “Mr. Harding, is there something on your mind that you’d like to discuss?”
Garrett halted abruptly and declared bluntly, “Laney no longer requires your services. I’ll provide double your salary as compensation, but you need to find another job.” Unwavering, Ian responded instantaneously, “I will not quit, Mr. Harding.”
Garrett was caught off guard by Ian’s blunt refusal, causing him to raise the stakes as he said, “If you don’t think it’s sufficient, I can provide an additional six months’ worth of salary.”
Ian remained resolute, shaking his head. “Only when Mrs. Larson personally terminates my employment or when Mrs. Harding no longer requires my services will I resign.”
“When Mrs. Harding no longer requires your services?”
Garrett pondered in silence, experiencing an unexplainable pang of jealousy.
Garrett stared at Ian, his gaze intense as he tried to read something in his eyes. “Don’t you think that’s a little inappropriate? Ian, have you fallen in love with Laney?”
Despite Garrett’s intimidating gaze, Ian remained calm and composed. “Sir, I would never fall in love with my employer. I am a professional” he replied.
“I hope you can live up to your word” Garrett sneered.
Ian raised an eyebrow as he spoke. However, “Mr. Harding. On the day of Mrs. Harding’s delivery, you were unreachable by phone and even arrived late. I anticipate that Mrs. Harding will inquire about this matter, and I suggest that you provide a clear explanation that won’t disappoint her.”
Garrett’s exp**ssion became tense as he asked, “What do you mean?”
Ian looked at Garrett with a curious exp**ssion- puzzled by his sudden change in demeanor. “I simply hope that you can make a clear and satisfactory explanation to Mrs. Harding,” Ian said.
Garrett fell silent, appearing troubled by the prospect of explaining the situation to Laney.
Ian went on to add, “In case Mrs. Harding asks about the situation later and your explanation doesn’t match with Mrs. Larson’s, it could potentially distress her, especially since she is currently in a very delicate state…”
As Ian was about to finish his sentence, a sweet and gentle voice interrupted him, asking, “What are you two talking about?”
As soon as Garrett caught sight of the person, his exp**ssion instantly turned icy, and he spoke with a guarded tone. “What brings you here?”
“I came to the hospital today to attend to some business, and I didn’t expect to come across you,” Kailee replied calmly.
Kailee walked towards Garrett, wearing a surprised and joyful smile on her face, giving the imp**ssion that she had truly coincidentally stumbled upon him.
However, it was only Kailee who was privy to the knowledge that Garrett had been looking after Laney during her stay at the hospital.
Kailee knew that women were most exhausted right after giving birth, and in order to make Laney look worse off, she deliberately dressed up and came to the hospital to create the imp**ssion that she coincidentally ran into Garrett. This was all just a ruse to make Laney feel worse.
Feeling confident in her own beauty, Kailee believed that she could easily outshine Laney, who appeared tired and haggard after giving birth.
Ian noticed the subtle look of triumph in Kailee’s eyes and realized that she had ulterior motives. He spoke in a cold voice. “You must be Miss Gibson. Don’t you know that interrupting someone’s conversation is considered highly impolite?”
Kailee’s perfect smile suddenly froze, and a hint of maliciousness fl**kered in her eyes.
Ian’s actions had repeatedly thwarted Kailee’s plans, and now she felt further aggrieved that he had the audacity to confront her.
Ian remained indifferent to Kailee’s thoughts and proceeded to make a sarcastic comment, “Mrs. Harding had a difficult labor with hemorrhage that nearly resulted in her death right in your hospital. The investigation isn’t even complete yet and the attending physician has already been transferred to the countryside. It appears that it’s all due to the presence of a boss like Miss Gibson.”
Ian’s words drew the attention of passers-by who started to gather around and began to gossip about Kailee.
Kailee’s carefully crafted facade began to crumble under Ian’s ridicule. She grabbed Garrett’s sleeve and pointed at Ian while fiercely stating, “Garrett, your assistant is talking nonsense. You should just fire him and I’ll find a better replacement for Laney!”

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter
Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.
125 responses to “Chapter 726 – My Billionaire Hubby Lives a Double Life Novel Free Online”
Wow! Love the update chapters!
Natalie character great improvement! Can’t wait to read that Laney gonna kick Kailee booty!
Kudos! Back in the saddle!
Waiting for updates!
Thank you very for the quick update. Please continue the narrative in favour of Laney and have Kailee punished. That will be a thrill to read. Thanks.
Please update please
The dumpest and brainless character in this novel can not be other than Kailee. I love Natalie and Brandon for being so bold, decisive and smart.
Plz update fast
Oh come on. Kailee. Really? Even Charis never came up with the plan Kailee had. That Kailee ***** deserves the same fate as Charis. With Natalie’s suspicions and Laney’s insecurities Garrett is going to be in deep trouble (unless of course Laney believes Garrett). If only Brandon can help Garrett (he’s already done a lot but Garrett stood by him during the time Brandon was Sebastian trying to earn Natalie’s love) by investigating how he got drugged, it would really help Laney.
Why didn’t anyone tell Leo & Vera about Lola & Kailee? That seems unrealistic. Also Garrett used to have enough brians. Now he couldnt even figure out he’s in Kailee’s hospital and that it’s natural that she’s behind the scheme?
I hope Garrett doesn’t listen to Kailee. Ian is really superb.
These chapters certainly gave the same anxiety as the chapters related to Charis drugging Brandon did. Please writer can you please make sure Kailee ends up with a worthy punishment and everything gets resolved well between Laney and Garret? Or are you planning to get Ian and Laney together? Even if that happens Kailee shouldn’t be out free.
Can’t believe that the latest update is still about Harding family drama ! The novel is about Brandon / Sebastian Klein and Natalie …
Very disappointed
More characters are popping up
That makes me disappointed
Every new update there is always additional unrelevant characters
And again where is Brandon Larson story ??? 😔😔😔🥴🥴🙄🙄🙄
Natalie…….Natalie………and…..only….. Natalie 🥴🥱🥱🥱 I am sick of it NOW! 😖
Is there any place left for Brandon Larson in his own story book ???🤔🙄😒
It’s look like everything is now related to “Natalie” only.
Highly Disappointed !☹️
Agree.brandon seems like no power.
This story has somehow lost it’s mojo.i hope they end this novel with a happy ending for the main characters -Brandon and Natalie. maybe????have a sequel on how their lives went on probably with kids in tow.just a thought.
It’s better to kill Laney useless character and kill her during labor. I hate her , now because of her marriage affair Brandon will suffer because she will break up with Garret and then stupid Natalie put blame on Brandon too and drag him every situation and also put mud on him too. It’s annoying .
For Brandon Larson, No story left in this story 🥺 it’s hollow and dead Now 🥺😔😶
I hate Natalie 🤮
Baby Natalie is so much spoil by everyone. She acted like a big boss and wanted to control everyone including Brandon. I feel pity for a man like Brandon Larson who lose his moral and dignity for stupid bitch like Natalie.
True.i feel the same too.
I feel extremely hate for Natalie character and it’s getting increase day by day. Highly dissatisfaction from her attitude and bossy nature she act like she own whole universe now. She is nothing but a spoil rich princess .
Natalie’s character has definitely changed for the worse ever since she found her parents. While I still love it when she shows her gentle side with Brandon, I wish she was the Natalie she was when she was with Sebastian in Seasico.
I want Brandon Larson only 🙏
I have a headache after reading these chapters and nowadays this novel is prove to be wastage. It’s lost all it’s magical charm and uniqueness. No more Brandon Larson ? Huh? Have you forgotten to add his own role in his own story Author?
I am feeling dejected for Sebastein ☹️ where is he ??? Even a side character gets more screen time than Sebastian the main leads itself. He is nowhere now. Where is his role ? Where is his character ? Where is that Sebastein Klein who handle all the situation itself strongly, arrange interrogation rooms, make enemy cried and create unbearable aura of power.
I am disappointed to Author to destroy this novel like this. I am sad, extremely disappointed !
You are in for more disappointment .. the writer is just running up and about. The original novel hasn’t ended and has delved into three different love story line ..
Just don’t bother getting yourself upset
I am not interested in laney but because of her Natalie and Brandon life will be effective. Anything will happen to Garret and Laney affair, it will directly Create problems in Brandon marriage life because his stupid wife princess Natalie create fuss and torture Brandon a lot by her stupidity and accusation.
I wish Laney would die at that time during labor.
I am sick of these Natalie, Laney, Garrat, lan, vera, Leo, kettie , Lola and every extra characters story. I am just sick of them.
All I want is to read Brandon Larson story.
Brandon 🥺
How many chapters will be wasted on these nonsense characters and tracks ??? Where is Brandon Larson / Sebastein Klein story?
Many more chapters
Sebastein Klein 🥺 all I want.
Sebastian Klien is gone. He had declared already that he will be Brandon Larson only from here on after he took down every one in Klien family.
Nothing to say
Disappointment has written all over my comment 😶
Where is Brandon Larson tale ?
Geeezzzz… Feeling some morbid fascination watching this train wreck. Cannot stand all those crazy women thinking they’re some kind of god’s gift to men and rich enough to escape any kind of justice for their wrong doings…even murder attempts and fraudulent activities would go right under the radar….sooooo, now Garret and Laney’s marriage is soon to be over while another rich bitch takes center stage. I’m sorry dear author but this is too much! Take Brandon and Natalie and teleport them to another galaxy for crying out loud! It’s over. This is no longer about them and I’m sorry to say it’s not a story I care to follow, not when it keeps allowing rich bitches and bastards to get their ways without fear of repercussions for the crimes they keep on committing. This is getting ridiculous! I know it’s fiction but please, get back to our regular programming…?
Seriously non sense. 😒 I am thinking all plots are same.
Bravo, Natalie and Brandon great job for saving Laney. I hope Kaillie’s plots be exposed soon
I do not want another Charis. Why women go to an extend of killing someone in this story? After all Kailee did, how are people still talking to her? As Ian said, Garrett better have a good explanation soon!
Wow,I underestimated Lola 🥹!.Such a greedy devil,she can do anything for money!.As for the criminal Keilee,she thinks money can buy love,how stupid of her,good for Ian,I hope she goes to jail after being exposed.Garrett can wake up.I don’t even understand how Garrett was lured by Kailee after what happened to the “classmates reunion”!.I also don’t understand why Garrett lied to Lenny about the “business trip”.I hope Garrett can just transfer Lenny and the baby to Frank’s hospital. And then move to the Larson Group residence after hospital discharge.
Garrett wasn’t lured bij Kailee. This was her scheme. She followed him on his business trip, drugged him so that he would pass out. Then she could make those photo’s of them, which she wants to show to Laney.
Wow just finished today’s update. Hope is not what am thinking. Hope Garrett did not sleep with kallie. Kudos to the writer and editor. Hope tomorrow update will be longer.
So happy that Laney and her baby are safe and healthy. Anyhow isn’t it about time for Sébastien and Natalie to be expecting a baby of their own or is it that one of them is infertile. Laney got pregnant for Gareth the 1st time she slept with him yet this couple has been married for over a year and have been trying yet up to now it can’t happen. Please stop putting it off
Thanks for these latest chapters hope to find more soon
Very nice. I hope Kailee’s plan of showing the picture will be ruined by Brandon and Natalie and Garett will eventually have a fall out with his family and move back into Larson group for good. I hope Kailee and Mandy’s presence in the story will be cut out soon…
humm very interesting can’t wait for more
Thank you for the update. Very interesting chapters. Although they are mainly focused on the Hardings ; Brandon and Natalie still came out as the “heroes” especially Brandon. I I love how the “scenes” are executed. Hopefully this Kallie character will not succeed in her secret plot towards Garrett and Laney. More and faster please.
Wow very interesting more chapters please
Where is this story going? Kailee is like charis all over again paying off people to do her dirty deed!! Natalie is showing her power now so i am happy about that and Brandon will forever support her.
Laney is a tough cookie and kailee needs to realize she had the baby and in a few weeks she will be able to knock her out oh how i hope she does.. Lola turned out to be just a nobody. The Hardings are getting on my last nerve i am glad Brandon reminded them Laney gave birth.
Wouldn’t Kailee be concerned of Natalie and Brandon as a threat? Pretty stupid to think she’s going against Larson / White
Wow another charis/ khailee
You’ll just gave us a new chrisa
So kailee is not going to leave garrett … let’s see how he is going to deal with kailee… now that lancey and baby is fine… I am happy… waiting for more…
Brandon needs to be a better friend to Garrett and Natalieshpuld be a little more forgiving. Garrett’s been there for Brandon in almost every situation. He came by with the helicopter when Sebastian and Natalie’s apartment was on fire and rescued him, helped Brandon and Natalie when Charis dragged her out the Larson building window before falling to her death, told Brandon that Natalie was staying at their house when Natalie was childishly avoiding Brandon and much more.
While I appreciate the author for releasing more chapters, ever since Brandon and Natalie got married, the writing has been so off. Almost seems like it was written by AI or ChatGPT.
With the asterisks. I keep getting words like “bet**en”. I mean I know it means between… but still
Kallie should leave my Laney alone ooo. Garrett also not to upset Laney cause she had been through a lot for the same of their love. More updates pls.
While waiting for updates, readers could re-read from the start.
There is no longer “Sebastian.” Brandon is totally 💯 present.
Stop hating on Natalie character, yeah, she’s annoying but her character is improving. Give it time(like the present chapters).
There were comments about wanting to know abt Garrett/Laney, chapters cover them now some are whining abt the length of chapters.
Be happy…..just saying!
We know Sebastian isn’t around anymore, people are referring to his charisma and charm. The playful romance he had with Natalie also
More brandon story pls.miss our brandon larson.
I would say I liked it very much, I want more of dis chapter but please no killing
Not interested,.
I am only interested in Brandon Larson .
Why author always creates a love triangle in every character?
Firstly Brandon with Charis , then Natalie with Draco , now Garett with kallie and Laney with Ian
Ohh no…. garret how can you lie to Laney about the business trip?you cannot cheat.
Finally the baby is born… brandon come to his help.
Ian is really good
Natelie and brandon really saved the day.
Harding elders are pathetic how dare Leo tried to slap Natelie
Re-read the this last chapter. Kailee found where Garrett was located & drugged him. Great News! Now he gets to find out why & who???? (Hopefully😉).
Garrett didn’t lie about the business trip. That is all Kailee’s scheme. She drugged him so she could take those photo’s. It is her explanation in her head of what she wants to tell Laney.
It’s obvious that Charis and Vivian- like Khailee is behind those things. I trusted Garret.
This story belongs to Sebastein Klein / Brandon Larson , Please keep this in mind Author 😕
Author is change and he/she is no longer a same person who had started this novel.
Highly disappointed !
Where is Brandon Larson / Sebastein Klein story ?
Take Kailee to jail! She kinda admitted that she was the culprit.
Pls don’t just throw the keys @ Lola.
That’s All!
Why is Garett talking to Kaliee instead of slapping her when he saw her when he knew what she’d tried to pull off earlier… Ian is good, hope Garett can see it too and let him protect Laney
Love these chapters and character development.
We can predict that the bastard Laney now try to mess Brandon Natalie relation and will suggest that Brandon also have affair with other women or he is not trusted because of Garret .
But Garret is never pure , he is always a playboy and sleep with many women in his life time and yes Ms. Laney is also a one of that women. She also sleep with him for fun and turn out to be pregnant . So Garret is always like that he is not pure and not one woman man but it’s beyond stupidity and logic if they compare King Brandon Larson to Garret.
Author please don’t try to do this stupidity ever. Brandon Larson is our powerful King and the tricks like drug him and frame him on bed is too childish and beyond impossible in his intelligent nature . He is the most sharp and alert man in this novel, don’t forget this , this novel belongs to Sebastein Klein / Brandon Larson.
I only love and care for Brandon Larson only. I love him and only follow this novel because of him because it is his story.
Natalie had the phone of Lola. All contacts with Kailee is there. I hope author will not slipped with this. Natalie already told Garette about the convo of Lola, Kailee and the physicia..
How come premature? Tasha already have birth. As to previous chapters, author mentioned that Lanie’s baby will be delivered after that of Tasha..
Picture of Kai with Garette? i hope Brandon will help to investigate on this matter.
Such a misconnected info.. i think Ian has something to do as Lany’s relative..
Where is Jeremy? Luke Turner? out of story due to new villains.
More about Brandon and Natalie. More chapters please.
Natalie and Brandon please.🤗
Getting updates anytime soon???
Finally the baby is born.
Can’t wait for the update.
You could use Derek’s IT geeky bro to hack and find Jeremy Button.
Kailee deserves a public downfall.
Will Natalie’s independent career take off? Will she bear Sebastian/Brandon a child?
Will Laney stand her ground against Mrs. Harding and prevail?
Comment comment!!!
Laney please don’t overthink, I hope Garrett can make it up to her.
kailee will die and go to hell soon amen. how could she do that just for an ex. Though, everyone must put their brains aside for this novel haha
Why is this taking like 4ever to update
Don’t mean to be pushy BUT It’s perfect rain day for more novel updates!
Garrett is in the trouble kailee had course him, I hope Laney will understand his explanation. Wow Ian is such a capable personal assistant.
next chapters please!
So much hs alredy been said about Laney and Kailee. Can we have more of the next chpters focusing on Brandon also.
ETA on the next updated chapters???!
What occurred to chapter after 727???? It’s suppose to be free reading!!!!
I’ll give you a day 2 at most, if it’s only a few chapter aday, forget it, you never finish the book.
Thank you
I perceive that Garret will give Bailee a dose of her own medicine. It is unfair that Laney has to suffer the meanness she is being served. I am hopeful that she will not leave Garret when she finds out about the picture devised by Kailee.
I must commend your efforts on putting out the chapters. Please keep them coming I and I hope tye readers like me do not have to wait so long for a new set of chapters
I love the updates. Natalie she’s like her mother. No one can bully her so easily.
You are taking out d shining light of the main character Brandon and given her wife too much powers Author, what happened to brains behind Larson group Mr Garrett who uses his brains back In days with Brandon how can he have left her wife in the hands of Gibson hospital after knwn the intension of there daughter kallie and constantly suspicious from Ian, how can Laney allow ian to leave her sight with so much suspicious from Lola who use to be a bodyguard and understand conspiracy dan any person wat was she thinking, pls bring Brandon d main character back to his usual self stop given the power of Brandon to Natalie
Dear author, it seems that you are always creating ways to drive a wedge between Brandon and Natalie bc this recent development of Garret’s cheating drama is surely going to make Natalie start acting stupidly towards Garrett and it’ll definitely spill over to Brandon. It’s so bad that people don’t have any sense of shame and self respect in this novel and the way people can do atrocious things bc of hating on someone or bc money is involved baffles me. How can you keep making some of these people always seem so rash and senseless in their quest for revenge or in pursuit of what they feel is theirs? Tamper all these things down pls, it’s so tiring.
Thanks for the update though
Thank you Author. I am so proud of you. Finally few good chapters. Now if you can only you can give up more than 10 at a time. Please end Kallie’s story & let Leo & Vera realize that Laney is good for their son Garrett. Please let Garrett return to the Larsons Group. Please finish Elizabeth & Frank story. Please let Jeremy get caught & thrown in prison. Please bring back the real man in Brandon. Please dear author finish these unfinished chapters & end this novel.
Kailee just came into the picture and she’s suddenly the center, it’s wrongly placed. Dear author we want to read more about the other characters
I mean, how rash and dumb can Khailee or whatever her name is be? How could she still have the audacity to go to the hospital and act all up or have you forgotten author what you wrote about her conversation with Natalie when Natalie called her with Lola’s phone? Isn’t she supposed to be looking for ways to escape being found out? Pus the fact that the attending physician immediately got transferred to the countryside is more of an incriminating evidence of all their plot.
This idea of making it seem like Garrett is fighting for Laney’s attention with Ian is also not worth incorporating in the story. Pls stop making all these things sound disjointed, make it make sense please.
So how come all of a sudden Garrett’s parents live in Barnes? They were in Seacisco but now living in Barnes? Did I miss something along the way???
Please get rid of this Kailee character already. Enough of these villains. It isn’t natural. You’re losing your story.
Your story’s got too many ‘holes’ in it. Too incoherent. It isn’t adding up.
Oh come on author. It’s been three days.we need more characters. We don’t need mor characters. Let’s finish this novel so we can start another one & hopefully not as many chapters.
I hope Kailee”s(Charis reincarnation ) character and story will not drag on address the situation and solve it pretty quick. Garett should know better. If Laney finds out hope she won’t do what Natalie did – walk out.Ian is something different of an assistant. Is there a hidden story about him?could be just me.
Well,there has to be a surprise and a happy chapters on Brandon and Natalie when this novel will come to an end. Let it finished on a high note for the sakes of your readers, Authors and Writers.
Humor me and thank you for the updates.
Ian va aider Garrett parce qu’il a été drogué par Kailee et Garrett aura une reconnaissance envers lui. Garrett quittera la compagnie de son père pour travailler avec Brandon. Brandon aura le temps de s’occuper de Nathalie pendant sa grossesse et aussi son bureau de designer
More chapters please
Natalie instead hire female assistant for Laney in order not to create awkward atmosphere and further misunderstanding to Garret. Natalie crossed the line? Didn’t she? Even if she is actually Laney’s close friend.
There were some parts she became rude, exercising much her superiority. Maybe those were the best things she can do. But there were things to be done professionally. She is hyperactive. The way she address Garret’s behavior is unlikeable, she judged him too easily like when Brandon also made mistakes, where in fact, it is obvious that Garret loves Laney much. Why are there doubts? Knowing that she already knew who orchestrated everything.
I sense this novel will be about Laney and Garret Arc., unless the author will focus back again to Brandon. Khailee, like the previous antagonists never gives up prolonging the challenges to be encountered by couple, and then again, involving Natalie and also Brandon.
Could we have some events that could alter Natalie’s treatment to Brandon?
By the way, I think if that Ian will end his service to Laney, he is much qualified to Tasha 😅
I understand why Laney and Garret are experiencing those things, as said by Hannah during Natalie’s wedding that troubles are inevitable in rich families. So I hope they could exterminate Khailee as soon as possible. She’s indeed a wolf!
Any update
3 day already..any update
Updates coming?
😮😮 I guess everyone is getting a little frustrated with the author. No one is commenting about the last ten chapters. I get we are all upset with only few chapters at a time and have to wait three or four days for the next ten chapters. Hopefully the author is going to finished each characters lives & get back to Brandon with his life with Natalie. I hope Garrett comes to his since & moves on with Laney & their daughter. I hope he grows a pair & tells his parents he done with them. Let’s finish Frank & Elizabeth story, Sean, Tasha, Katie , the Turners & Kallie stories too. Matter of fact wish the author just finish the novel. To long & we’re all losing interest. Taking longer to get 100 comments.
No update yet 😞
It’s been 4 days 😪 😢
Garret is the sharp and smart intelligent man who always have sharp eye and always sense people intention so how could he fall on that kind of dirty trap ???
It is impossible for Garrett and as well as Brandon to fall on that kind of traps because they both are very sharp and mindful personality. According to their history it’s totally impossible.
Now if Author do such things and create same usual mess so it’s high chance that next would be Brandon Larson 🥴 as Author now willing to destroy Brandon character so we can expect anything dirty and bad happen in future. It’s so annoying now! 😡😖🤮
Please give us real story please, I am sick of it now. Don’t waste this novel like that, Quality is better than Quantity. Don’t drop the quality of this novel so low, just to increase the quantity of chapters. It’s no good. You have so many choices to add more logical ideas and tracks, you have so many options and story ideas, as one of the biggest one is ” Klein Family” tracks but still you chose to waste this novel like that. It’s highly disappointed 🥴
Golden days are long gone now, we just wasted our time, waiting for something good to happen . This novel lose its uniqueness and magical charm. Characters destroy and ruined completely.
Natalie character is destroy and ruin completely and now Brandon lose his powerful character too. It’s so unacceptable and sorry things to happen. How it’s started and how it’s now 🥺☹️😔
Highly disappointed !
Where is Brandon Larson story ?
Hate spoil prince Natalie 🤮😡it’s too much now
What the heck occurred to your free reading of this book???? Total unbelievable!!!!!
Stops at chapter 726!!!!
Waiting for more updates, pls!
Any update today???
Natalie become so arrogant and act like a spoil princess now. I prefer Natalie that live with Sebastian before
Why is it taking so long to upload more chapters. and besides I didn’t see the comment I made on this chapter 726.
Have Garrett confess to Laney and Garrett take revenge on Kailee. Then he neeeds to confront his parents.
4days no update……..We are waiting author pls.
Very interesting…can’t wait for more chapters to be uploaded..Thank you writer for a wonderful story🙂❤️
Please end the novel soon..it was about double life of Sebastian/Brandon. But the story is nothing about the title of the book. It’s getting elongated only..please do justice to Brandon/Sebastian’s double life..love their story but please don’t stretch it way too much..
Next chapter please 🙏
More pls??
Waiting for the update
I pity Laney and the new born baby 😔😔
I’m waiting for Vera’s fall😂