As long as Benne wasn’t her driver, then everything would be okay. She could always avoid him at home by leaving the house very early and returning late, that way they won’t have to see each other very much, at least until he got Anita.
Celsie nodded her head. This was a good plan. She needed Sonia’s help now. Although she had asked Sonia to help her find out what she could about the CEO, she had also asked Sonia not to tell Bryan that she worked for his brother. Who knew how close the brothers were? Maybe if she asked Sonia to tell Bryan about her connection with his brother, Bryan would put in a good word about her to his brother, and then the CEO would treat her more nicely?
She wasn’t really one who believed in using connections like this, and she didn’t want to be misunderstood by others, but she also needed to solve her problems, and this seemed like the only way.
Celsie groaned and raised a hand to her head which was beginning to ache. She had too many in her head at the moment, and her thoughts were all over the place.
She looked down at the journal which was open in front of her, and the first thing on the list which she had written the previous night was to have sex with Benne and get that out of the way. She was going to make it happen soon.
The next one on the list was to befriend Anita. That plan was also already in motion since she would be spending the weekend with Anita.
Now she added the third item on the list, “Get close to the CEO.”
This would complete everything. Having sex with Benne would get him off her back concerning the sex talk. Befriending Anita would help her matchmake the two, that way once Benne was in a relationship he would stop showing up around her too much. Finally getting close to the CEO would help her get him to transfer Benne to a different unit without making her lose her job.
Seeing how organized the plans were, Celsie nodded her head. She was going to start working on these ultimate plans now. By this time next month, she would be rid of Benne, and finally return to being herself, Celsie thought with a satisfied smile.
Bryan laughed out loud as he watched Sonia yell in frustration each time the shooting game ended and she lost. He had to admit that although he didn’t want a relationship with her, she was fun to be around and entertaining to watch. She wasn’t pretending to be a proper lady or anything like other ladies did around him. She was just herself, and that made her fun to be around.
He had learned several things about her within the hour since they started playing, and one of them was that she was a sore loser. She really hated to lose and reacted badly each time she lost a game. Another thing he had also learned was that she loved cussing a lot. She knew a lot of colorful cuss words, and that was probably because she was a writer, so her vocabulary was vast.
“This machine is fucking stupid! I swear they tampered with it to make players lose so they can spend more money trying to win!” Sonia told Bryan who laughed as he raised his hand checked his wristwatch.
“You don’t have good sportsmanship. You’re a really bad loser,” Bryan told her with a shake of his head and she glared at him.
“I’m serious. It’s more like you win one game and lose three games in a row. It’s a pattern. Haven’t you noticed it?” Sonia asked, her annoyance obvious in her tone.
“The only thing I’ve noticed is that you hate to admit that you lost,” Bryan said with a playful smile.
“Yes, I hate to lose. But at least I won more rounds than you did,” Sonia pointed out with a smirk.
“At least, I lost graciously. I didn’t yell or cuss or accuse the machine,” Bryan said with an easy smile, “The movie is about to begin. We should start heading in now,” Bryan suggested before she could complain further, and Sonia grudgingly stood up with a scowl on her face.
Bryan placed both hands on her shoulders and turned her so she was facing him, “You played well, you don’t have to feel too bad about losing a couple of games,” Bryan said in an encouraging tone, and he kissed her forehead lightly, making Sonia look around to see if he was doing this because someone was watching them or taking pictures of them.
When she didn’t find anyone looking at them, she looked at him, “No one is watching,” she assured him, and Bryan’s lips curved upwards.
“I didn’t think anyone was watching. I don’t need anyone to be present before I treat my beautiful fiancee right, do I?” Bryan asked, patting the side of her face in a loving gesture.
Seeing how he had been acting all morning, she could almost believe that their relationship was real. She knew anyone else watching would think so too, “Wow! Your acting skills are top-notch. Now I know why you have so many awards,” Sonia whispered with a wide smile, as she gave him a thumbs up.
Bryan slid his arm around her waist and drew her closer to himself as he could whisper for her ear only, “I don’t like it when you do that. Are we going to stick to the deal or do you intend to call it off?” Bryan asked in a slightly irritated tone.
“You don’t like it when I do what? What do you mean?” Sonia asked in confusion, wondering why he sounded upset.
“You asked me to treat you as I would my fiancee, and I have been doing just that. So why do you keep looking around to see if anyone is watching, every time I say or do something nice? My fiancee wouldn’t do that. You should work on being a real fiancee too for the next six months instead of looking out for cameras or making jokes about my acting skills. Or are you just doing this for the fame you would get by being seen with me? Is that what you want? If that is it, we don’t have to go through all of this stress when I can easily make you famous without having you live under my roof and pretend to be my fiancee,” Bryan said, gritting his teeth in annoyance.
Sonia looked into his face with serious eyes, “Why are you getting so worked up over nothing? You want me to act as a real fiancee?” She asked thoughtfully.
“It would be pointless for me to treat you as I would treat my fiancee if you don’t act like you’re really my fiancee, don’t you think?” Bryan asked, reaching out to touch the hair on the side of her face so that anyone watching them at that moment would think they were two lovers having an intimate conversation.
Sonia raised her beautifully manicured hand to touch his ear as she looked into his eyes, “I don’t think so. It’s my deal after all, and I call the shots,” she reminded him with a smile.
“You had no intention of treating me as your fiance? Then what is all this about?” Bryan asked in confusion. No matter how much he tried, he couldn’t seem to figure her out. What did she really want? Why did she want him to treat her as his fiancee if she had no intention of treating him as her fiance? What sort of a deal was this?
“I won’t treat you as I would treat my fiance, as doing that would mean I have to be very possessive of you, and we both might not really like that. However, I’ve heard what you said. I will stop acting so surprised about your romantic gestures, and I won’t refer to your sweet gestures as acting skills anymore.” Sonia promised and brushed the front of his shirt before pulling away, “We should go in now, I don’t want to miss any scene,” Sonia said as she intertwined their hands and they returned to the Cinema area.
Bryan had a slight frown on his face as he followed her. He still couldn’t understand the purpose of the whole thing. None of it made any sense to him. All she wanted was for him to treat her right, while she let him do anything he wanted? Did that also mean she could do anything she wanted? Accepting her deal as it was would mean letting her call all the shots and act whatever way she liked while leaving under his roof. Why hadn’t he thought of that before accepting her deal?
If he was going to treat her as his fiancee as he was already doing, then there was no way he could cheat freely, or let her do anything she wanted either, since he had no intention of being in an open relationship with whoever he decides to get married to in the future. Bryan stopped in his track and held her hand to stop her too.

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself
Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.