Chapter 706 – My Billionaire Hubby Lives a Double Life Novel Free Online

“Mandy, stop crying.” Brenna’s voice came from behind. “Look at yourself. Now come back with me.”

Brenna, who was quite concerned, decided to follow Mandy outside when she saw her pursuing Draco.

However, Brenna didn’t appear to be doing well after being lectured by her husband. Don’t mind the shoes. Just throw them away and I II give you better ones later.”

“Mrs. Olson, I…” Mandy was so confused when she saw Brenna help her up that she was unsure of what to do. She’d just implicated her.

“Don’t say anything. I’ll take you back.” Brenna was so patient with Mandy. All the guests present were distinguished people who would not make a fuss over such a trivial matter.

Even so, as a diplomat, Ewing was slightly embarrassed.

After returning to the villa, Brenna drew Mandy into her room and asked, “What happened between you and Draco? I saw him ignore you and even walk away from you.”

“He came here to blame me now that he knows everything,” Her eyes flushed with anger and she cried even more sadly.

Brenna thought briefly and said, “What happened today must have something to do with Natalie.”

Mandy was not in the mood to reflect on Natalie s actions.

But today, she realized that Draco also had his pride and ego as a designer. She realized she shouldn’t try to use W Marks to make him lower his head because that crossed his bottom line.

She wiped her tears and said, “Mrs. Olson, refrain from interfering in this matter from now. I no longer want you to be worried about me. I’m sure Mr. Olson should be furious about what happened today. As for Natalie, I have my strategy for dealing with her.”

Mandy would have several chances after Natalie left the W Marks studio to prevent Natalie’s new studio from operating.

“Silly girl, I just hope you don’t suffer any losses. The party hasn’t ended yet. Do you want to accompany me downstairs?” Brenna massaged Mandy’s head gently, helped her find a pair of new high heels, and accompanied her to the banquet hall.

Despite the incidents, the party was only halfway through, and the rich ladies who had attended the party had not yet left.

Upon seeing Mandy emerge, everyone covered their mouths and chuckled. “Miss Hamilton, didn’t you go after a man just now? Why are you back?”

“I just witnessed Miss Hamilton walk so quickly in high heels.”

Several elegantly dressed ladies teased while covering their mouths.

Mandy blushed, embarrassed. She felt upset and tense, but she couldn’t make a fool of herself al this time.

Brenna abruptly coughed, her eyes filled with displeasure. “You must have misinterpreted it. Mandy was just talking to me.”

The ladies were compelled to give up because of Brenna’s status.

Mandy had a bad day today and was not in the mood to converse. She sat quietly next to them and drank. When she looked around, she noticed Natalie and Brandon holding hands and they happily walked away.

Mandy had known who Natalie really was. However, she just couldn’t help but feel jealous. In terms of family background and status, Mandy had never believed that she was inferior to Natalie.

In her eyes, Natalie’s achievements could only be attributed to luck and her family’s influence. If Brandon hadn’t been her husband and the While family wasn’t her backer, Natalie wouldn’t have been able to make anything of herself.

Mandy’s eyes betrayed the resentment she felt for Natalie. No! She had to find out Natalie’s flaws.

Who had paid the very expensive price that Natalie’s first order had accumulated? The order involved designing clothes for the elderly or, at least, that was what was said. How could that be possible? Everything was be attributed to luck and her family’s influence. If Brandon hadn’t been her husband and the White family wasn’t her backer, Natalie wouldn’t have been able to make anything of herself.

On their way home, Natalie recalled what had happened that night. She couldn’t help but ask, “Did you perhaps go too far tonight? Why didn’t you show any respect to Brenna and Ewing on such an important occasion?” Brandon sighed. An expression of grievance showed on his face for the first time.

“Brenna bullied you first. I was afraid that you would only endure it and not fight back.”

Natalie took a pause before replying. “At that time, I just wanted to smooth things over. I just think that it’s not a big deal. There’s no need to embarrass everyone. Besides, Brenna knows a lot of rich women. Maybe she’ll introduce me to them and I’ll get to design their clothes in the future.”

Brandon smiled. Natalie’s thought process was beyond his expectations. He glanced at her and said, “You’re actually thinking of your business.”

Natalie let out a little laugh. Proudly, she said, “I do know a little bit about business since I spend every day with you. I’m planning on opening my own studio I’ve thought about it for a long time and I think it should have a good name, right? Do you have any suggestions?”

“You usually make your own decisions on these kinds of things. Why do you need my opinion this time?” Brandon raised an eyebrow, suspicious of his wife’s tactics.

Natalie flashed him a sweet smile and said, “You’re my first client since I became an independent designer. Come on! Give me some advice!”

The two continued their conversation, not realizing that the luxury car had arrived at their villa.

Natalie was in a good mood. She left the car happily. Behind her, Brandon got out as well, a complicated expression on his face.

Natalie would be very busy after she started her own studio. She loved to work so much that she prioritized it over everything, sometimes even including their relationship?

Noticing that Brandon hadn’t caught up with her, Natalie looked back at him in confusion. “Honey, what’s wrong? Hurry up.”

As soon as she finished her words, an idea came to her mind. Her eyes lit up and her voice suddenly rose with excitement. “How about naming my studio after your mother s favorite flower? Iris. Sounds good! What do you think?” Brandon didn’t answer or meet her level of excitement. Natalie pouted, but didn’t press any further. She returned to her room to start her designs.

However, she kept thinking about her studio. Using Brandon’s mother’s favorite flower as the name of the studio seemed like such a heartfelt and creative idea. In this way, Natalie would also be able to show her appreciation to his mother and thank her for bringing him into this world so he could be her loving husband. Natalie took out her laptop and logged in her social media account. She wanted to change her name and profile picture to a flower.

Brandon had been silent since they had left the car. When he came out of the bathroom, he sat next to Natalie and stared at her helplessly. Natalie didn’t notice until she was done changing her name and profile photo. She then looked up at Brandon and laughed. “Why are you staring at me all the time? Is there something on my face?”

With a smile on his face, Brandon closed Natalie’s laptop and pressed himself against her. “Don’t think about work anymore. Let’s play something interesting for a change.”

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

101 responses to “Chapter 706 – My Billionaire Hubby Lives a Double Life Novel Free Online”

  1. Ning Avatar

    Okay! the start of reconciliation.hope they will patch things up for their sakes and for their marriage. However, they have to be vigilant from other people plotting some nasty moves like Mandy, Seth + Clyde.
    Dear Authors and Writers can we see Brandon and Natalie iron out their differences first so they can work together and safeguard themselves if any of these villains plots thickens against one of them.
    Thanks for the quick updates much appreciated. Look8ng forward to the next chapters. Hope there’s some much awaited happiness in the horizon soon.

    1. ANGEL ROSE Avatar

      …and Jeremy ..where on earth ?

  2. You Avatar

    Thank you writer❤️

  3. Pat Avatar

    Thanks for the last few chapters hope to have some more soon let them get started on having a baby

  4. Laura Avatar

    Thank you for the updates on the 20 chapters. Tasha finally had her baby. It’s a boy. But again the author added new characters & we still haven’t heard the ending on the Turners or Jeremy. Why is Clyde still in the story? Why does the author always has every gut fall madly in love with Natalie? Why does the author keep making Natalie look like a goddess? Author is still dragging this novel out but it’s getting more & more boring. It’s like the author themselves don’t know how to end this novel. Making 💩 up as she/ he goes.

  5. Neha Avatar

    It was all about many. The updates were ok. Brandon and natelie scenes were less but they were cute 🥰
    Plz update fast

    1. Neha Avatar

      It’s been 5 days

  6. Zo Avatar

    Natalie & Brandon is my favorite love story 💕

  7. Shally Avatar

    Again same theme
    Cassie and Laura Quinn
    Charis Turner
    Some dumb chick liking Draco
    Some dumb chick spoiling Iridecrnt show
    Some dumb chick jealous of Natalie at work

    Add names if I missed someone.
    I suppose story would end with Vivian and Jeremy.

    What a disappointing drag non sense for such promising novel.

    Klein family was wrapped up to soon. Good part is something is uncovering now.

    Focus on Brandon more and let story evolve around him for a while as the title suggest.

    And stop non sense parade of bitches hating Natalie.

    We loved her character in Sesico. Her Character was expected to become stronger like Brandon. Instead she is tending to become spoiled witch.

    And where is Estelle? Other characters are not finding time with all time given to bitches hating Natalie non sense.

    1. Dani Avatar

      Totally agree

  8. Willy Avatar

    Thanks for fast updates

  9. Max Avatar

    I want complete Klein family back and Brandon again turn into Sebastein Klein and kick them all but they fights and create strong tracks.
    I think Jeremy button is something with Klein family, may be he is Seth Klein relative or something, friend, blood relative or Klein family member because Seth Klein was the one who had helped charis to got that drug seller and it’s turn out to be Jeremy and again Seth’s mother also use same type of drug to kill Sebastien’ mother so may be they are relatives. May be Seth Klein mother side relatives.
    I just want Klein family back and please create strong tracks and story for them in both side. I want Brandon to teach them all good lesson.

  10. Doe Avatar

    I feel so bad for Brandon, he is so lonely and always ignore by Natalie. She never care for him. I feel his helplessness and dejection. He is alone, sad and never get any support from his stupid wife, not even in love support. She just spoil his sincere intention. I feel sad for Brandon larson

  11. Weeba Avatar

    I am happy to hear Klein family name again. I wish they reintroduce in story with long and satisfy story and Brandon and Klein fights strongly.
    Apart from Klein’s name to sound, and Brandon sadness in the end of the chapter, remaining chapters were unwanted stuff. Don’t understand why these tracks, it’s has nothing to do with Brandon and Natalie double life .

  12. Vilma Avatar

    Thanks dear author for the quick updates, I hope it will be daily.

  13. brandy Avatar

    great update cant wait for more

  14. A Avatar

    Cute interaction. Glad Brandon is kinda back. Where he sees and hears things always.

  15. A Avatar

    Love that Brandon is the other half of Natalie. Hopefully that continues and doesn’t go back again

  16. A Avatar

    Awesome that Natalie keeps growing as recorded Mandy evil crap. Glad she’s smarter each time now

  17. aquarius elsa Avatar
    aquarius elsa

    Thank you for the fast update. Im loving the chapters story line….a more mature, fighter and smarter , lovable Natalie. Still very protective and loving husband Brandon who is very formidable and well respected billionaire businessman to beat. Hopefully there is a baby on the way soon. Appreciated the wow factor !

  18. Mary Avatar

    Thank you very much for the quick release of these new chapters.

  19. Jules Avatar

    Argh what is with this storyline about Mandy… please focus on the Klein and Jeremy storyline

  20. Draferzel Camata Avatar
    Draferzel Camata

    Update please🙏

  21. Susan Avatar

    This is a beautiful love story. Thank you for the update. More updates please

  22. Myrhh Avatar

    thanks for the updates!!!
    this novel will go far since
    *Natalie will open her own studio.
    *Mandy will trace her 1st client
    *Seth is back
    *Jeremy Button’s issue is not solved yet
    *Love story of Lany n Garette, Frank n Elizabeth, Sean n the novel writer.

    Hoping Brandon acknowledges Tasha’s son as his nephew.

  23. Marlesher Avatar

    Please update update

  24. Lolade Avatar

    Thanks for the update 😊

  25. Ishita Avatar

    Next chapter plzz

  26. Mikel Avatar

    Thank you for the update, loved how Brandon used his influence to save Natalie 😭😭😭😭

  27. Vanessa Avatar

    It’s getting interesting and am seeing another enemy for Natalie. This girl will never have peace

  28. Carmy Avatar

    More chapters please..Thank you writer for downloading more chapters quickly..l love reading your novel..🙂❤️

  29. Munanie muvea Avatar
    Munanie muvea

    Interesting book

  30. Umi kalsom Avatar
    Umi kalsom

    Any updates??

  31. ANGEL ROSE Avatar

    Time management is indeed the key. Natalie will become busy in her future studio soon. I just hope, there will be no more troubles and villains again…
    Brandon is always great. He always there managing Natalie. In fact, when can these two be successful in making babies?

  32. Kay Avatar


  33. Arianna Avatar

    Nice chapters!

  34. Jeanette T Avatar
    Jeanette T

    Thanks for the quick update.

  35. Zoe Avatar

    And I’m still anxious to know what Jeremy’s upto.
    Mandy is just another Lila just like Clyde is another Derek. I hope Johanna teaches a lesson to Brenna.
    Poor Brandon though.
    Damn! One of the best fictional hero ever.

  36. Bel Avatar

    Thank you! More please

  37. Chloe Avatar

    You have got to be kidding right? Here we go again with the Nat haters, bashers…incoming…another new batsh.t crazy woman to hate and try to hurt Nat along with bringing down her “not even yet existing” business, AND a brand new enemy for Brandon as well…does it ever end? Really dear author, I actually “need” to see all them villains imploding, along with their crazy schemes…NOW!!! That would be a nice new challenge worth reading about…how about that? Give Nat and Brandon a looooooong break, ok? I want them to have their happily ever after for a change.

    1. Laura Avatar

      I agree.100%

    2. Dani Avatar

      I totally agree with you

      It is very annoying

    3. Agnes Avatar

      💯 agreed

  38. Sheila Brown Avatar
    Sheila Brown

    I love that Brandon always corrects anyone trying to imitate his wife. Since more charters are being added, I’m guessing this story will continue forever.

    1. Laura Avatar

      I hope not this novel been dragging non to long as it is.

    2. ANA Avatar

      What’s wrong with the story continuing forever? I’d happily read another 1000 chapters.

  39. Michiba Avatar

    I can’t wait for the next chapters,i want to know know also who’s jeremy.

  40. Adnan Avatar

    Dear author, I’m tired of your unending story full of recycled characters with same goals, “Nathalie”. We all know nothing good comes easy in life but you do not have to remind us about that in every step Nathalie takes. This is book here not Nathalie’s encyclopedia…
    Too much of everything is bad dear author
    I really liked this book🤧

    1. Dani Avatar

      100% agree
      The book is about Brandon / Sebastian Klein.
      It is time to end the story with a happy end for them

  41. Priscilla abuan villas Avatar
    Priscilla abuan villas

    So plenty additional characters giving the story irrelevant
    I’m losing interest reading this

    1. Laura Avatar

      I have too.😢

  42. Effie Avatar

    🥱 sry, chapters were boring. My opinion only & no offense!

  43. Ning Avatar

    Since Brandon had apologized to Natalie and defended her,again, at some big wigs party(for which Brandon didn’t invite her until the last minute by her acting cunningly) i think it’s hi time Natalie step up on her plate and apologize to Brandon for acting stupid and childish ,.In so many chapters even up to this date ,i can never recall (if my memory serve me right) Natalie saying sorry to Brandon.does she really value him and their marriage.? I know it’s only a novel,noticing Natalie she only get over it when she feels like it w/out considering Brandon’s side. I am sick and tired reading, it’s always Brandon who always make the first move/s. I have said in my other comment this relationship is a one-way street. Does she only see Brandon as her s*x toy and her money bag?. She does show some cares towards Brandon if/when he is hurt out of gratitude which is good, when she ran into a disaster after Brandon picked up the pieces after her. I really wish Authors/Writers can inject some changes into her character . And i think, having new male character expressing some interest on Natalie deep down inside it inflates Natalie’s ego.
    Yes,suspense /dramas /plots and romantic moments makes a novel more interesting but we have seen a lot of plots already which eventually got quashed. Notice there’s more villains plotting around the corner,however, if this is so, reconcile Brandon and Natalie now ,please.
    Thank you and waiting for the next chapters.cheers!

    1. Agnes Avatar

      Totally agreed.

  44. Jaroslav Svrčina Avatar
    Jaroslav Svrčina

    another arrogant character who has nothing better to do than harm Natalia. Could the author come up with an ending, for example, Natalia opens her own studio, rich ladies from the neighborhood start going there, and half a year later she could finally find out that she is pregnant and that would be the end. i see the final scene where tasha laney and natalie are sitting in the park on a bench watching their kids play around in the park

    1. Maggie Avatar

      I agree.. We want something realistic and normal scene ..
      We’re tired of villains and bitches in this novel ..

    2. Chloe Avatar

      Yesssss, this!!!

  45. Monica Strange Avatar
    Monica Strange

    More Chapters Please!

    1. Mike Avatar


  46. Brooklyn Avatar

    Update please

  47. Weeba Avatar

    Another Klein is born 🥳🥳 and it’s Tasha and Seth Klein son so I am happy at least somehow Klein family will back soon. And I truly want it. I want my Sebastein Klein back and fight with his real enemy which is Klein family. I want their story and their fights and their moves with eachothers because this story belongs to Sebastian Klein or Brandon Larson double life and story is so so good in between 500chapters so we need Klein’s back for real entertainment to get. Ritchie Klein must be recover and they all again fight with eachothers to make story strongest soon.

  48. Erda Avatar

    I believe Jeremy button somehow link with Klein family. He had got the turner group to compete with Larson group because Sebastein had already destroyed Klein family business and they didn’t left any thing to fight with him so Jeremy got his hand on Turner wealth so that he will fight with Larson Group..
    I really want Klein family back and their serious fights and yes my Sebastein will win and teach them more lesson. Actually all I want is to get back my strong powerful Sebastian Klein.

  49. Polly Avatar

    Tasha and Seth’s baby boy another Klein is born 😍😍😍 I am happy because in this way Klein family come back soon again.
    I want Seth, Ritchie, and Patrick return.
    Sebastien Klein need to open fight with them again and this time it should be long and long so we will entertain and enjoy Sebastian success again.
    I love those scene where Ritchie Klein put his hand on Natalie and all their hotel fight and he took her and try to harm her and Laney and Sebastein save her. And then Seth entry was so awesome but Author you didn’t satisfied their role at that time and end them with no good and unfair mean. I want justice now with their characters and story.

  50. Ishita Avatar

    Still waiting for new chapters mam

  51. Naom kingoina Avatar
    Naom kingoina

    Next chapter please, it’s so interesting

  52. Silvana Avatar

    Please don’t let us waiting for update so long 🙏🙏🙏

  53. Granny Avatar

    Come on with the book I want to know what’s going to happen with Brandon and Natalie and the Klein since they are all in jail

  54. ANA Avatar

    Love the story, more chapters please!

  55. Tina bora Avatar
    Tina bora


  56. Alexa Avatar

    I don’t understand Natalie…she made a big deal both of the times Brandon lied to her, but she doesn’t care to lie to him. She lied about who she was at the beginning and now she wanted to keep the Seth thing a secret and Brandon just accepted and forgave her like nothing…she’s kind of an hypocrite.

  57. Kate Avatar

    I love the way the events are going, Mandy apologizing to draco and Natalie embarrassing Brenna

  58. D Avatar

    It’s the fact that I stopped reading this story, read two other novels and finished them and this story il dragging on! Author it’s about time to end this book. It’s the same thing over and over and over and over. Its honestly tiring.
    Nat is young and dumb, she still doesn’t love her husband. And every time you introduce someone new to the story, they instantly hate Nat or fall in love with her… You honestly could’ve ended the book when everybody found out who “Brandon Larson” was. Just by the title of the book.
    And a lot has happened in the short year that have been married….its too much!!!!!!!!!! And pointless!!!
    It’s time to let this story go Author. You are clearly just lost at this point and don’t know which was to go.

    1. Laura Avatar

      I agree

  59. Danièle Avatar

    Oui on attend la suite avec impatience. L’idée du bébé de Brandon et Nathalie est parfois évoquée. Alors nous attendons l’arrivée de ce bébé!

  60. A Avatar

    More please

  61. Umi kalsom Avatar
    Umi kalsom

    Any updates??more pls.cant wait

  62. Jasoda Gobin Avatar
    Jasoda Gobin

    More chapters please

  63. Vivian Favour Avatar
    Vivian Favour

    Wow the novel is interesting. Brandon and Natalie love is getting interested by the day. Hmm I need more chapters. I want to see their joy complete when Natalie get pregnant for Brandon. Kudos to the writer and editor.

  64. Umi kalsom Avatar
    Umi kalsom

    3 days already..😀😀

    1. Mike Avatar


  65. Kay Avatar

    Update please

  66. Désirée Avatar

    Plus de chapitres svp . Merci

  67. Lisa Avatar

    More updates please

  68. Yolandi Avatar

    Thank you for the updates

  69. Lover of Books Avatar
    Lover of Books

    Delay in updates have become intolerable and excessive now.

  70. Efengo Avatar

    I’m getting board here

  71. Joy Avatar

    Very interesting story

  72. Vicky Esinam Hommey Avatar

    Well done Honorable for loading more chapters of Sabastian and Natalie

  73. Vicky Esinam Hommey Avatar

    Please the distractions in Sabastian and Natalie’s storyline is too much, can they enjoy some level of peace and comfort?

  74. Laura Avatar

    One on Author Where are the chapters? Seems we have to wait longer & longer.. I hope the next chapters clear all these characters stories up. Please no more characters or new stories. Let us see the novel coming to an end. It seems you have all these chapters running in circles. I think you took a wrong turn & don’t know how to get back.

  75. Umi kalsom Avatar
    Umi kalsom

    Thanks you for the updates.

  76. Hazel Avatar

    Any updates??

  77. Désirée Avatar

    L’amour de Brandon pour Nathalie est inébranlable mais est ce que Nathalie va toujours jouer les filles gâté. Pas de reconnaissance envers son mari

  78. Umi kalsom Avatar
    Umi kalsom

    Hope there is new chapter today.

  79. Catherine Avatar

    Love this novel. Looking forward to Natalie and Brandon having a baby.

  80. Levy Levs Avatar

    What’s wrong author it’s been 4days no update?….

  81. Miriam Avatar

    It’s been 4 days since the last update dear writer

  82. Laura Avatar

    Come on Author Where are the chapters? Seems we have to wait longer & longer.. I hope the next chapters clear all these characters stories up. Please no more characters or new stories. Let us see the novel coming to an end. It seems you have all these chapters running in circles. I think you took a wrong turn & don’t know how to get back

  83. Avelino Avatar

    This is so unfair why is this taking so long to update

    1. Mike Avatar
