Chapter 61 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

It was a week since Cormac left. Eventually, Loredana became at peace with this and went back to work as per normal.

“I heard that Mr. Mendelsohn had gone to A Country to keep Ms. White company.” Everyone started to gossip during lunch.

“Since Mr. Mendelsohn had already regarded Ms. White as his girlfriend, it was normal for him to go and see her. Except that…” The lady looked into her pocket mirror and adjusted her hair. She looked at herself in the mirror and grinned. She felt that the woman in the mirror was truly a beauty.

Everyone was already used to her self-professed beauty but was curious about what she wanted to say, “Except what?”

The woman glared at everyone and said, “If Mr. Mendelsohn really liked her, why would he send her to A Country?

There are so many people in the company. Why can’t he send someone else?”

Some felt that she had a point. But others disagreed.

“If it was as you mentioned, Mr. Mendelsohn doesn’t like Ms. White, then how do you explain that he had not come to the company for a week just to take care of her? You should know that that had not happened in the past.”

Both of them had a point but their point of view was different. Some said that Cormac loved Helen while others disagreed.

“Hey, Loredana what do you think? Does Mr. Mendelsohn love Ms. White?” A colleague asked Loredana who sat at her place silently, “Why don’t you participate with the group?”

Loredana laughed bitterly inside her. Wasn’t it ridiculous to discuss whether her ‘husband’ loved another woman?

A colleague shook Loredana, “Say something will you?”

Loredana helplessly said what she thought, “I don’t know. I just came to the company and don’t understand their relationship. I think he should like her, if not why would he regard her as his girlfriend?”

Everyone kept quiet for several seconds and felt that she had a point. If Cormac didn’t love Helen, why would he acknowledge her status?

“See, I knew that Mr. Mendelsohn loves Ms. White.”

They didn’t stop gossiping and Loredana made an excuse to sneak away from them. After the break was over, everyone left and Loredana went back to her seat to work.

Cormac didn’t go back that day.

Loredana wanted some time alone after listening to the colleagues’ gossips. Who would expect Coral to nag when she went home?

“Why hasn’t Young Master come back?”

Loredana felt a headache and rubbed her temples. Coral thought that she wasn’t feeling well and asked,

“Are you feeling sick?”

Loredana shook her head, “No.”

“Then you…”

“Oh…” Loredana suddenly detected a fishy smell and frowned and looked at Coral, “Did you buy fish?”

Coral nodded and pointed to the groceries on the table, “I just went to the supermarket. I’ll cook fish for your dinner…”

Before she could finish, Loredana already cupped her mouth and ran to the bathroom and vomited.

Coral hurried over and stood by the door looking at Loredana, “You… are you pregnant?”

Although Loredana and Cormac had slept in different rooms, they shared the same room during their wedding night. Perhaps they conceived on the first attempt?

Coral was elated, “Come, let’s go to the hospital.” With a child, any mistresses would have to be discarded.

Loredana shook her head, “No need. I… have gastric discomfort.”

“Then we’ll have to go as well.” Coral was resolute and only trusted the doctors.

“Coral.” Loredana struggled but Coral wouldn’t release her hand, “I’m doing this for your own good.”

“Change your shoes.” Coral pulled Loredana out.

Loredana didn’t dare to be too forceful for fear of hurting Coral and the baby in her abdomen.


Just as Loredana was trying to figure out how to convince Coral, the door was pushed open. Loredana and

Coral looked towards the door at the same time.

Cormac stepped in with his jacket over his arm. His collar was undone and the shirt was open, revealing his collar bones. His chin had stubble and his eyes were dark from the lack of rest. He was unlike his usual self which showed that he was really tired. Loredana was thinking that he must not have rested well since he was there to take care of Helen.

When she saw that it was Cormac, Coral was elated, “Young Master, Missus is probably pregnant.”

Cormac’s expression was unchanged while Loredana felt embarrassed. Their eyes met but they all understood the situation. Only Coral didn’t know about the truth and that was why she stared at

Cormac, “Aren’t you happy that your wife is pregnant?”

Cormac frowned deeply and said calmly, “Let’s divorce.”

It was a matter of time. Except that she didn’t think it would happen so suddenly. It was a wrongful engagement and should be terminated. Nothing was keeping her except that she felt empty. Everything was empty to her.

She smiled, “Okay.”

She replied so willingly that Cormac couldn’t react to it. It was difficult for him to accept her willingness to divorce.

Loredana said calmly, “Let’s do it tomorrow.” She turned to return to her room as soon as she finished saying.

Coral felt as if she was struck by a lightning. Did they want to divorce? Was marriage a game to them?

“Young Master, you, you want a divorce?” Coral thought that she heard wrongly. Why would he suddenly request to divorce and both of them were so calm about it?

“I’m tired.” Cormac was unwilling to talk about this. He thereafter proceeded to his room.

Coral was stunned and stared at Cormac’s back, “This was the marriage your mother arranged for you when she was alive.”

Cormac’s footsteps paused momentarily and he continued up the stairs.

Coral persisted, “You don’t bother even when Missus is pregnant?”

Bang! The bedroom door was slammed shut. Cormac expressed his unhappiness without saying a word!

The baby inside Loredana wasn’t his. Wasn’t his! He wouldn’t be so angry if the child was his. But his child was dead! Dead!

Coral was startled as he very seldom vented his anger at home.

Loredana practically didn’t sleep that night. She sat at the head of the bed with her luggage all packed.

She didn’t have many belongings anyway. She just had a few clothes and some toiletries.

When the day broke, she changed her clothes and walked out of the room. Cormac also woke up and was dressed in a well-tailored business suit that covered his tall and sturdy frame. He was dashing and handsome like a prince out of the fairy tales. He exuded nobility, was dashingly handsome, and his magnetism was without comparison.

Loredana spoke first, “It’s still early and the registrar of marriages hasn’t opened. I’ll go out first to run an errand.” She looked at the time as she said, “I’ll be back by nine o’clock. Are you free at that time?”

She had to go and look for somewhere to stay. Cormac initiated the divorce so suddenly which didn’t give her any time to prepare. This was her mistake as she should have been better prepared.

Cormac walked down and said, “Abbott will settle the divorce.” He proceeded to the dining room after he said.

Loredana scoffed to herself. How could she forget? It was Abbott who brought her to get the marriage certificate done and Cormac didn’t go personally. So now similarly there wasn’t a need for Cormac to go for the divorce procedures.

Their marriage was arranged by fate and was fixed since they were young. However, this short-lived marriage was now a joke. Loredana took a deep breath. It was time to end this.

Cormac sat at the dining table for his breakfast.

Loredana walked over and sat opposite him and asked, “How is Ms. White?”

He went to see her and made his decision to divorce her so he should also be prepared to marry


But didn’t he know that Helen was very cunning?

It wasn’t that Cormac Mendelsohn didn’t know, Helen White had some tricks up her sleeve; it was just that the news of her miscarriage was too much to bear with.

Cormac was with Helen for quite some time; she even got pregnant and ended up with a miscarriage.

So what if she had some tricks up her sleeve?

Cormac’s eyes were drooping, faintly agreed.

It seemed like Cormac was reluctant to talk about Helen.

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

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