Chapter 58 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

“Please, trust me. I won’t goad her.” Loredana begged.

The rescue personnel hesitated for a moment before finally handing Loredana the loudspeaker.

Just as Loredana grabbed the loudspeaker to tell the woman she would refund her money, a scream pierced the air.

The scream came from the woman, who slipped on her sweat and almost toppled from the roof. It was a split second between life and death. The mother-in-law of the woman was crying hysterically and nearly fainted at the sight of her daughter-in-law careening on the edge.

Loredana’ mind was blank, and her entire body tensed until the woman regained her balance.

After a moment, Loredana called up to the woman. “If you come down from there, I’ll refund you the money you paid for your house.”

The woman didn’t believe Loredana one bit. “Don’t you dare say that just to get me down? I don’t believe you!”

“I’m not lying to you. I will give you the money. If you won’t do it for yourself, think of the child inside your belly.” Loredana continued, trying to convince her.

The woman seemed to be at her wits’ end, which explained her desperation. “That’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m standing here for the sake of my child. Do you think it was easy for us to buy a house? We scraped all of our savings together in an attempt to have a safe place for my child to live, but can I let my child live in a place that has collapsed? What are the chances that the house we could be buried alive under the house?”

Loredana knew what the woman was concerned about, how worried and terrified she must be. Loredana knew because she experienced it herself. “I understand how you feel. You only want to give your child a good home. I appreciate your concerns. As long as you come down, I promise that I’ll give you the money.”

“Why should I believe you? What will I do come down and you don’t give me the money?” the woman asked, refusing to give up.

Loredana licked her dry lips. “I’m not lying to you. I’m Garrett Flores’ daughter. I won’t lie to you.”

“She’s that unscrupulous business executive’s daughter?”

“You must pay your father’s debt! Refund my money!”

“Give us back our money!”

The crowd surrounded Loredana immediately.

“Return our money, return our money!”

An agitated man reached out to grab Loredana, but Cormac’s reflexes were fast. He swiftly pulled

Loredana into his embrace and glared sternly at that man. The stare stunned the man, but he continued his demands. “Pay up what you owe. You can’t do this to us!” The man paused and turned to the crowd. “Her father swindled us out of our money. If her father won’t pay up, then she should!”

“That’s right, that’s right, pay your father’s debts. If your father doesn’t show up, then you should pay!”

someone else joined in.

Soon the entire crowd turned on Loredana, agreeing with the new demand. The place became unruly and descended into chaos. The chaos, however, allowed the woman to be saved by rescuers while she became distracted.

When Abbott returned with some men, Cormac and Loredana were already blocked by the crowd, and he wasn’t able to reach them. However, thanks to the men Abbot brought along with the help of the rescuers, they cleared a pathway and Cormac led Loredana into the office area of the Flores Group while the crowd remained outside.

As they led the woman to safety by the rescuers through the main hall, she saw Loredana through the glass doors and broke free from the rescuers ran toward Loredana. “You said that you’ll give me the money!”

Abbott and the security grabbed the woman, and she wasn’t able to reach Loredana, she could only shout desperately at her instead, “You said you’d give me back my money. If you lie to me, you’ll suffer a terrible death. You earned the money through unscrupulous means and will be cast into hell when you die!”

Cormac frowned and spoke coldly. “Throw her out.”

Abbot was about to do so when Loredana shouted. “Wait!” Loredana turned to Cormac “I know you’ll think

I’m foolish to give her the money. Once I do, there will be endless problems. But who would gamble with their lives if they weren’t at the end of their road? All she wanted was to give her child a home and was unlucky enough to meet my father. She’s right, if I don’t fulfill my promise to her, then I won’t be at peace because I fully understand her feelings…”

Loredana understood the pregnant woman just wanted to give her child a home because that’s what

Loredana wanted to do, to give her child a complete family. However, that was out of Loredana’ reach and may not happen in this lifetime. Loredana was petite and thin and could be blown away by a gust of wind.

But her clear and bright eyes were so resolute Cormac couldn’t help but feel something.

It was a determination Cormac had never seen. He was momentarily stunned, and looked at Loredana before turning to Abbott. “Give her the money.”

Abbott understood immediately and turned to the woman. “Follow me.”

At that moment, Garrett rushed over. He’d been hiding in the office and came out because he discovered Cormac and Loredana arrived. It filled him with hope when he saw Loredana.

“Lola,” he exclaimed. “You came to save me!”

Loredana turned to him, wearing a bitter expression. “How much money do you have?”

It stunned Garrett as he didn’t expect her to ask him how much money he had. If he had any money, he wouldn’t be in this state.

“I don’t have any money,” Garrett said as a matter of fact.

“Really?” Loredana didn’t believe him; even if he was forced to repay his debts, how could he not have any more money left? “Who can help you if you don’t tell the truth?”

Garrett darkened his expression and remained silent. Loredana didn’t waste any time.

“I won’t force you if you don’t want to say.” She looked at Cormac. “Let’s go.”

Cormac stretched out his arm to grab her gently waist and nodded. They left the office area under the protection of the security personnel.

Garrett was stunned and saw that Loredana was about to leave. He clenched his teeth and told the truth. “I have little. Apart from the house, I had around two million in cash, but Annabelle stole it. I made a police report but they haven’t found her.”

Garrett didn’t want to tell Loredana the truth. The daughter he favored stole his money and ran away when he was at his lowest. Ironically, it was the daughter who he despised who was standing before him, wanting to help.

His eyes turned red as he fought back tears. “Lola, I was blind. That’s why—”

“Stop, just stop.”

Loredana didn’t want to hear any of it. The more they went into it, the more hurt she would become.

“Sell the house. Get whatever money you can and refund as many houses as possible—”

“That’s my only asset, I—” He couldn’t bear to part with it.

“Do you have any money?” Loredana yelled angrily. “If you don’t repay those you’ve wronged and repair your reputation, no one can save you. Decide for yourself!”

Loredana was very firm. Cormac stared at her, hurting for her, was impressed by how calm she was. He didn’t expect her to analyze the situation so logically.

If Garrett was smart, he would appease these people and not make matters worse. Then he could have the chance to wait for the rest of the money and the Flores Group may be able to weather the crisis.

After they departed the Flores Group, Cormac went back to the office while Loredana went back to the villa. She didn’t have work that day. Cormac wanted her to go back to rest, as she didn’t look well.

Loredana was exhausted, but she couldn’t sleep when she finally laid in bed. Her mind was a mess and thinking about a million things, but she couldn’t figure it out. So, she got up.

Coral was cleaning the windows and Loredana headed over to help her. “Here, let me help.”

Coral waved her hands. “No, no need. Someone will come over soon to do the work.”

Every week servants came over to do a thorough cleaning. They would mow the grass, prune the flowers, and clean the areas Coral wasn’t normally able to clean. How could she clean such a huge villa on her own? She was a hardworking woman and didn’t like to idle around. She still needed help to clean the windows and other areas that she couldn’t regularly get to.

Loredana was led to the sofa by Coral. Coral went and washed her hands and asked Loredana. “What fruits do you want to eat? I’ll get you some.”

“Apples,” Loredana said.

“Okay,” Coral said, walking into the kitchen.

Loredana sat on the sofa and looked at the window. There were some suds left by Coral cleaning them.

Loredana stared at the suds in a daze as they bobbled down the glass.

Then her phone rang, pulling her out of her thoughts. Loredana took out her phone and noticed it was

Sampson’s number. She tensed up. Had he discovered anything?

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

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