Chapter 55 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

“Lola, I’m so happy you’ve come to see me. I’ve missed you a lot during my stay here.” Maxina held

Loredana’s hands tightly, as if she was afraid Loredana would disappear as soon as she was no longer in her grasp.

Seeing Maxina more alert, Loredana was ecstatic. “I won’t leave. When you’re strong enough, we’ll leave this place together.”

After the agreement with Cormac ended, Loredana would buy a small house to live in with her mom and her child.

“How come Dr. Herbert hasn’t visited me for the past few days, Are you angry with him?” Maxina asked, more or less knowing Sampson’s thoughts.

Maxina liked Sampson very much and was very pleased with his personality. Besides, he was also a doctor. If Loredana could leave Cormac and marry Sampson, a majority of their problems would be solved. The problem was Loredana being pregnant with a child whose father was unknown. Whenever

Maxina thought of the child, she would fall into a deep depression.

“He has been called away on business and won’t be back for a while,” Loredana said looking down sadly.

Sampson promised he would help her to find out what happened that faithful night. So, he should be in

A Country now.

“If you weren’t pregnant, wouldn’t it be wonderful to be with him? He’s a doctor so you know he’s kind


“Mom,” Loredana hurriedly interrupted Maxina and helped her clasp a bracelet around her wrist, “Mom, do you recognize this?”

Maxina looked down and gasped. “Of course! It’s been years though…” Maxina looked up at Loredana in shock, believing she’d never see the bracelet again after Garrett sent them away. “How did you get this?”

“Garrett gave it to me…” Loredana trailed off, not sure how to broach the topic of the main reason for her visit, besides spending time with her mom. “Garrett is in a financial situation and he came to me begging for help yesterday. I don’t know what I should do.”

Loredana hated Garrett so much she hoped he would die. On the other hand, he was still her father, even if he was a bastard. He helped give her life.

Maxina looked down at the bracelet. “I don’t want you to worry about this, Lola. Don’t dwell on the past.

Don’t get involved with people from the past. Don’t focus on revenge but don’t forgive them either.”

Loredana understood what her mother meant. No matter what Garrett was like now, regardless of good or bad, she shouldn’t get involved with him.


The two of them talked for a while longer, and it was only when visitor hours ended that Loredana left the room.

After leaving the room, Loredana headed to the nursing station to ask about her mom’s condition.

“She’s so aware of everything around her now; doesn’t that mean she’s recovered?”

“No, she randomly forgets some matters and while she does remember things in the short term, but not everything in the long term. We need to keep her under observation for a while still to see if we can figure out what may be wrong.”

Loredana struggled to hide her disappointment as she thought Maxina was recovering quickly. “Please take good care of her for me then.”

“We will. Dr. Herbert specifically told us about this, so please don’t worry.”

Loredana thanked the nurse and left the hospital.

Since Maxina recommended she not do anything to Garrett, Loredana decided to let go of her former grudge against her father as well. Taking a deep breath of fresh air, Loredana called a cab back to her office.

In the cab, Loredana looked out the window, gazing at the city that was both so familiar and unfamiliar to her. She let herself get lost in her thoughts until the car passed by the building of the Flores Group and many people were gathered outside the entrance, holding banners with big letters saying ‘Return my hard-earned money.’

“Stop here, please,” Loredana called as she rolled down the car window and stared at the protesting workers.

The driver looked at Loredana in the mirror and spoke up. “You heard about all this, right? This unscrupulous business executive uses inferior materials so the buildings he’s constructing collapse before they’re done. Those who already paid the company had terrible luck, who would dare to live in such a house? However, even if they don’t want it, the company won’t refund their money. People gather here every day to voice their anger, but nothing has come of it as of yet. Miss, have you also bought a house from this company?”

Loredana shook her head. “No. Thankfully, I haven’t”

“That’s good. Most people can’t afford to buy a house, so many people here have used all their savings to hire this company and their builders. Now that all these issues are coming to light, the customers are understandably frustrated. In short, the developer is too deceitful and many people have been deceived by them.”

The more the driver spoke, the angrier he became. It sounded as if he was also a victim of the scam.

“Do you want to get off here?” The driver asked, not wanting to waste any more time sitting there when he could be getting more customers.

“No, let’s go,” Loredana said, turning away, not wanting to see any more of the demonstration.

It was none of her business.

As soon as the car stopped in front of WY Tower, Loredana paid and got out of the car. She was about to walk into the building when a man in a black suit ran over.

“Excuse me, are you Ms. Flores?”

Loredana turned her head and sized up the man. He was completely unfamiliar to her. She tried to recall him from her childhood, or maybe the news, but she was certain she had never seen him before.

Having been victimized last time, she was extremely alert and cautious. Instead of admitting who she was, she asked him a question. “Who are you? I don’t know you.”

The man was perfectly calm and answered with a smile and small bow. “I’m the driver of the woman I serve. She wants to speak with you.”

“Who is the woman you serve?”

Loredana frowned. She looked around and saw a luxurious black car parked on the roadside.

The person inside the car must’ve noticed Loredana looking their way as the window slowly rolled down

The driver glanced over at the car, and his smile widened as he spoke. “This is Mrs. Herbert.”

As the car window slowly rolled down, Loredana gasped as the mysterious woman was revealed.

Loredana would never have guessed she’d see Sampson’s mother smiling back at her. She looked as graceful as always and gave Loredana a small nod in acknowledgment.

‘Why did she come looking for me?’

Loredana tried to ask the driver for information. “Do you know why she wants to speak with me?”

The driver shook his head. “She didn’t say, I’m only the messenger.”

Knowing that Sampson treated her well and was advocating for the best care for Maxina, Loredana figured that his mother wouldn’t have any malicious intentions.

So Loredana turned to the driver. “Okay. Let’s go.”

Loredana walked over to the car and smiled at Camilla with a polite greeting. “Hello, Mrs. Herbert.”

Camilla sat with proper posture and her smile brightened as Loredana approached. “Ms. Flores, are you free at the moment? There’s a café not far away. How about we head over there for some drinks?”

Loredana pondered it for a moment before nodding in nodded.

“Please, get in and we’ll be on our way.”

The driver walked over and opened the door for Loredana to climb in and sit next to Camilla. The driver then climbed in himself and drove off.

It wasn’t long before the car stopped in front of the building and Loredana followed Camilla into the café.

Camilla chose a relatively quiet table in the back corner and motioned for Loredana to take the seat across from her.

After only a few moments, a server walked over. “Good day. What can I get you?”

Camilla put her handbag onto the bench next to her and looked at Loredana. “Order anything you’d like, dear, it’s on me?”

“Just a cup of water for now, please,” Loredana replied dully.

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

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