Elizabeth shook her head, not pinning the blame on Derek. “What you said was true, Mr. Ramsey. I haven’t fully recovered from my injury. I apologize for being unprofessional.”
Natalie was right. Elizabeth planned on taking her advice and seeing a doctor for other options for treatment. If she wanted to continue being a designer, she had to deal with her hand tremors first.
Wilder quickly answered for Derek. “Please don’t take it to heart, Miss Perry. Derek has reflected deeply upon his words and actions. We believe that you are capable of completing this project.”
After Natalie stormed out of the room, Derek looked through the project files with careful attention. It was clear that the designs were the work of a perfectionist. Elizabeth made sure that nothing was out of place.
“I’ve never seen anything like it before. Your ideas are unique and I like them.” After his perusal, Derek had nothing more to say. He found nothing lacking with the plans, so there was no need to change the designer. Elizabeth hesitated, “But my injury…”
Natalie had already guessed that Elizabeth would refuse. “Just say yes,” she interrupted before Elizabeth could finish. “The interview is still four months away. We have plenty of time.”
“Mr. Ramsey is a valuable client. We can’t risk a project of this importance over something that has no guarantee,” Elizabeth reasoned, still unconvinced.
“The more I listen to you, the more ridiculous you sound. Have you forgotten? I’m your partner. There’s no way we would fail.” Natalie held Elizabeth’s arm and winked at her playfully.
Elizabeth was deeply touched. Natalie believed in her so much. She was pushing Elizabeth forward, at a time when her confidence was wavering. “Alright. You win, Natalie.”
With a helpless smile, Elizabeth finally agreed, “I look forward to this partnership.”
Derek reached out a hand towards Elizabeth. She shook his hand, her determination steadily finding itself. The deal was finally closed.
“Great! Whew. Haha…” At last, Wilder was able to let out a sigh of relief. “Now that the partnership has been decided, Derek and I will go ahead. He has a shoot for an advertisement scheduled tonight.”
“I’ll walk you out,” Natalie said as she looked at Derek. Together, the three walked out of W Marks.
While waiting for Wilder to bring the car over, Derek took advantage of the relaxed atmosphere and used it as an opening to apologize to Natalie. “I was too harsh earlier. I’m sorry. I’ve had everything go my way since I was young, so I’m not used to not getting what I want. I can be arrogant sometimes, but I’m trying to change that. Wilder doesn’t let me get away with it, and I’ve gotten better at handling myself, especially after entering the modeling industry. But I guess old habits still sl*p out sometimes.”
“It’s fine. It was just a small misunderstanding. It’s not a big deal.” Natalie accepted his apology, and then reminded Derek, “I’m married, Derek. We should keep an appropriate distance from each other. It wouldn’t be good for your reputation, either. You have a career to protect.”
No matter which way they looked at it, it would do neither of them any good. Natalie had just solved the rumors about her and Draco. She knew how troublesome being embroiled in gossip could be. The last thing she needed was another one with Derek. She didn’t even want to imagine how Brandon would react.
However, Derek wasn’t particularly fazed. He had lived abroad and was more liberal about many things. He was no stranger to dating multiple girls at the same time.
Besides, the scandal bet**en Natalie and Draco had caused quite a stir. Even after it had been straightened out, Derek still didn’t buy that the rumors came from nothing.
“So you’ll have an affair with Draco but not me?” Derek looked sideways, bending down and staring at Natalie. She grew more beautiful the longer he looked at her.
Before she could speak, he came close and whispered, his breath fanning her ear, “I like you a lot, Natalie.” Derek’s eyes were dark with desire as he continued, “Don’t worry. Wilder knows how to handle secrets. No one will know about the two of us.”
Exp**ssionlessly, Natalie pushed Derek away from her, maintaining a pointed distance. “The rumors about Mr. Wesley and me are all fake. I’m deeply in love with my husband, and I don’t have time to play with a little boy like you.”
“What little boy? Natalie! I’m already 20 years old!” Derek frowned and petulantly asked, “How old are you?”
r*bbing her forehead, Natalie explained, “You misunderstood me. Please listen to what I’m trying to say here. You don’t really like me like that. Not really. You’re just enjoying the idea of taking something away from someone else.”
Derek grabbed Natalie’s arm, denying everything she said. “You have to give me a chance. I’ll prove myself to you.” Despite his sober tone of voice, Natalie was convinced that he hadn’t understood a single thing she’d said.
Sighing deeply, Natalie closed her eyes to compose herself and said, “I’m sorry but I can’t give you this chance. You have to learn that you can’t just flirt with anyone you take a fancy to.”
Natalie thought of Garrett. He used to be such a playboy himself, but now… He was utterly Laney’s.
However, she couldn’t really compare Derek and Garrett. Natalie had no idea what Derek would grow up to be.
“I’m a desperate man, being rejected by my true love. Will no one show me mercy but God?!” Derek cried, his eyebrows raising to the skies. Natalie was growing increasingly annoyed at his behavior.
Natalie rolled her eyes, realizing what a waste of time and energy it was to try to persuade Derek to alter his course. “Then you can go pray to God now. I have to get back to work. Take care, Mr. Ramsey.” Natalie turned around and left.
Derek collapsed into dep**ssion. She’d scolded him for absolutely no reason!
He told himself that he wasn’t obsessed. Derek could get any woman he wanted. But, then, why couldn’t he get Natalie?
All this time, Wilder had been impatiently waiting in the car outside. “Derek, get in already,” he said.
Derek followed his order but not silently. He sat down and emphatically slammed the door, emphasizing his anger with a loud bang.
“Were you just fighting with Natalie? Judging by how red your faces got, even from back here, it looked like quite the argument.” Wilder tried to sound as lighthearted as possible. In truth, however, he was worried that Derek had messed up badly again and he’d have to deal with it. Derek was in no mood to speak, so he just replied with a small “No”.
Wilder pointedly smacked his l*ps together. He could see how dejected and upset Derek looked in the rearview mirror. The last time he’d been like this was when he was being bullied by other models when he first entered the industry.
“If you have something to say, out with it already!” Wilder said. “I promise not to speak a word of it to anyone. You’ll feel better if you just tell me now rather than crying to yourself alone at home tonight. If you bottle it up that long, it’ll just interfere with your work tomorrow.” Wilder heaved a sigh.
After not responding for a while, Derek finally replied, “Wilder, I don’t have any idea what love actually is, do I?” This was unbelievable. Why was such a playboy as Derek asking a bachelor like Wilder for advice in this area?
Wilder looked back at him in the rearview mirror and burst into laughter. “You’re talking crazy. True love isn’t something just for everyone.”
Seeing Derek lean against the window, lost in thought, Wilder changed his tone to a more serious one and added, “Your fans won’t accept you finding true love now, anyway. Just stick to your job, and stop worrying.”
Derek gave a small, humorless laugh. He said nothing more. He opened his window, letting the cool wind from outside wash across his troubled face. Finally, he began to relax.
Meanwhile, outside a certain private hospital in Barnes… After work was finished, Elizabeth rushed over there, having found the location on Frank’s business card. Work time was done. The hospital was very quiet, with very few nurses still left around.
Elizabeth dialed the phone number on Frank’s business card. After letting it ring a few times, there was still no answer. When she saw a nurse p@ssby, Elizabeth caught her attention and asked, “Can you tell me where Dr. Watson’s office is?”
“First left down that hallway.” The nurse pointed the way and proceeded down the hallway, documents in hand.

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter
Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.
61 responses to “Chapter 536 – My Billionaire Hubby Lives a Double Life Novel Free Online”
Thnks for the updates…
But what about Vivian n Jeremy..why they are after Natalie..? Even wen they know that she is Mrs Larson ..let’s give all of them a “good bye” ..
To take revenge for Charis’ death blaming Natalie as Charis could not kill Natalie so that Charis could grab Brandon gor herself! So Charis burned herself in the fire she arranged to kill Natalie. Charis burned bad and looked like a monster! GOOD CHARIS WAS AN EVIL WITCH!!!
Thanks for the update, but am beginning to get impatient
can you please forward the next chapter thank you Judy
I love the turn out of events. One by one the enemies are being taken out. We’re now left with Vivian n Jeremy d possible villains
Derek should behave himself. Who goes around chasing married women that are pointedly not attracted to them? Disgusting!!!.
It’s bad how Dolores died, must all the villains be struck out of the story by death/prison? Can’t there be some that really had a change of heart for good?
Brandon and Natalie deserves peace,the turmoil in their lives from outsiders are exhausting.
I hope Garrett and Laney are doing great too
It’s only death that can stop an evil person that will never see the wrong he or she has done but always blaming others for whatever wrong they have done or for their mistakes.
Can I ship Derek to Elizabeth?
Perhaps it’s a foreshadowing for me to ponder what she claims about starting a new life when she is back to the studio.
Good thing that Natalie keeps on avoiding Derek. I just don’t want another issue right after with Draco.
Natalie should maintain this sort of lesson.
By the way, I felt no sense justice when each antagonist made their exits, I know we want something from them, and all of them died not in a right time from Charis to Jorge to Dalores. Why are they having fate like this? Since they are eliminated one by one, I hope there will be no more. I’m so sick
Most of all, I enjoyed how Brandon have had in this chapters’ events.
then why she thought of a contraception by the way?

He is always there for Natalie. I was moved when Natalie realized about how Brandon had helped her so much
It’s good that Natalie had her parents for an advice.
I also admired how Brandon blatantly express to Natalie his jealousy of some sort of things, like Draco, … which made Natalie awaken. This is great! He made such quick remedy of everything. Love the amazing public show of romance.
What a love like an evergreen
As for the writer of this novel, I hope we will now focus on Brandon’s recovery, I am too concerned of him. Praying for Natalie’s pregnancy.
I am truly, madly, deeply in love with this novel… I am thankful of unexpected twists and much more how Natalie and Brandon’s love win over everything!
Can we expect for the next such as Natalie will be like Brandon, somewhat like he can trust so well., someone he can now depend in return with no danger at all
Am routing for Elizabeth and Frank just like Garriet and Leaney
Me too!
Great sidelines! Author Please update on Garret and Leaney
Derek should stop playing with fire
More n more chapters needed until it comes to an end ..
I gotta say… I like the mention of SL. I’m from there and I’m a huge fan of Brandon!
I wonder if Vivian had anything to do with the paparazzi.
I hate that Derek is here when Draco isn’t there. Natalie is older than Derek! I hope Natalie finds it easy to teach Derek an excellent lesson. Loved it when she called him “little boy”! Lol!
Listen! I’m growing restless over Brandon’s condition. Felt bad for him when he imagined a child and promised grandchildren to Natalie’s parents but felt sad about his condition.
I have a feeling Natalie might know the truth through Elizabeth now that she’s here to see Frank.
Please writer. Begging you to save Brandon!!
I agree .
Great chapters….can’t wait for more…..Derek is such a manchild…I believe it’s time for Frank’s lovestory
good read but feel like rhis is taking forever. never has it taken me so long to finish a book i will never start another one from your site.
same here
These were great chapters!! I am so glad things are in the open and Natalie is taking responsibility. Dalores is gone so that is one down, well i can hope she did not survive because there are so many twists to this novel! Natalie and Brandon’s love for each other is getting stronger but i cannot help but feel something bad will happen with Brandon. I hope Natalie is pregnant soon which would be so exciting for them. Derek should back off now since Natalie told him she loves her husband.
Brandon to the rescue! He so pretty!
OMG! To be surprise by parents watching while making out! Why/how did the parents just barge in their home unannounced??? I can see all reactions, how funny!
Derek go play in your own sand box! Ugh.
I dont know why but i get a feeling that derek and elizabeth will fall in love….
That will be nice…or even Elizabeth could be attached to Draco too…he is also alone..
Well yes.. I’d love it if its draco and elizabeth
Thank you for the updates. Looking forward to more. So many questions now.
Hmmmm I feel sorry for Natalie, but she should learn to be a bit less sociable with people, aaaa this Derek boy is very annoying to say the least
Awe! Natalie is finally growing a spine, has a good support system around her, a husband who despite his amnesia loves her deeply and a mentor who trusts her enough to run his company in his absence. Can’t wait for more!
P!ease carry on and the up all the lose ends. I am bored of running out of story. It’s really annoying.
It’s getting better please more of it
Ohhhh. I am already feeling a spark between Elizabeth and Dr Frank. Another love story is about to begin!!!!
Love the story but let’s focus on Brandon’s recovery and getting Natalie pregnant.
More Chapters Please!
More please
I can sense a maturity on Natalie having a loving husband who trust and protect her anytime. Natalie being dismissive of Derek and firmly telling him that she’s a married woman and love her husband.should be proud of herself.Her bodyguard should be there to keep annoying Derek a good distance.Keep at it,Natalie and make Brandon be proud of you too. I am positive that Brandon’s condition have a solution to it . Frank hurry up ! My gut feeling is. hope noone is behind Dereks hounding on Natalie. Just a thought on Garrett. Will he make a comeback to Larson Group? He can be of a big help to Brandon,after all he was one of Brandons assistant. Thanks and Looking forward to the next exciting chapters.
Nxt chapters plzz
This’s is good. I take it that Elizabeth and Dr. Frank will be the next hot item. Can’t wait. As for Derek, he’s just a childish boy and am glad Natalie for once grew a back bone. We really should send Derek to his freshman year in college. It’s really degrading, him tangling with Natalie. Love where you’re going with this story. Thank you kindly till a day or two.
Now can’t wait to read about rest of the characters..
More chapters pls..

Agreed..just give all of them a brake n final “good byes” to those who deserved..n a warm n happy ending to all of these….
I really like this novel. This is very different from all novels that I have read. The couple or the male and female protagonists are always helping each other, or they have a very strong bond or relationship. The female lead is being the one suffering but the male or the husband is always there helping and protecting him. They share the sorrows and the good things in life. Despite of so many problems of Natalie,Brandon is always there.They are not hurting each other. They really love each other. I like this kind of drama.One problem that may arise is if they will be able to have their own child. Bearing a child has been always been touched but no progress. It is shocking to know that Natalie surprisingly mentioned “not wearing a condom.: Isn’t it that they already planned to have a child, That’s why they were trying their best previously?
More chapters plss
Pleaseupdate please
Need more chapters please
Can’t wait to read more. Where can i find a man like Brandon?
More chapters please
Why these writings looks little different from previous (500 chapters) ? It’s look like something is change in writing way and narrative way . Brandon and Natalie had tried for baby making thing Remember ?? So why does Natalie need protection now ??? And they never used protection before, writer never mentioned it, all of their love making happened suddenly without any protection. It’s confusing

Is Brandon afraid his health issues also affect child health If Natalie become pregnant ??

Or this paparazzi things all happened for upcoming issue not for Draco because the next would be Derek and he is bastard, must create real problem then, Natalie and Derek scandals is the final destination of these so-called paparazzi coming. Now let’s see how much would Derek destroy Natalie Brandon relation and image. Of course due to Natalie stupidity.
Brandon and Natalie love-making in car

it’s looked odd
means what if someone took their photos and even whole video. It’s totally unnecessary and weird

somehow beyond imagination for me. Not comfortable either.
steal the spotlight from Brandon Natalie private matter and happiness.
Natalie’s parents always ready to create problem between couple, non sense Johana and Beal never appreciate Brandon. If only Brandon not loss his memory he will teach them a lesson. He now forget that how he is the one who own Natalie and all of sudden these Whites comes nowhere. Always demanding divorce
Now they want grandchildren
Elizabeth may leak Brandon conditions to public unintentionally somehow.
I don’t think Dalores is dead, may be save by Vivian for further use.
I want Brandon Natalie alone, now too much crowed are their between them .I never like Natalie’s parent at all, Pocking their nose in every matter like they own Brandon as their slave. What if they find out Brandon health issue and try to separate them more eagerly. These Whites are ruining every beautiful moments. I hate them and don’t want to see them.
Is Vivian fall in love as Charis did most likely Brandon ??? Because Luke mention Brandon is also one who support her founding scholarship along with Charis.
I am eagerly waiting for Sebastein Klein, I want him back NOW
I love his way of working and dealing.
Author totally cut out Sebastein Klein name from the novel. It’s unfair totally after all this novel belongs to double life of Sebastien and Brandon as one person.
Please update
Wow i can’t wait pls next chapter
I’d like to finish reading this, why have you stopped it
More chapters please ! A baby and finally Brandonn’s recovery. Enough evil, deaths and drama.
No more Vívian and Jeremy or Derek or clients … No more blackmail is getting boring ser that everyday Natalie e a victim and Brandon is a hero. More romance and love please. What about a trip, a honeymoon
More chapters
So do you have to buy coffee to get pass chapter 536?
More chapters please
Derek is a pain in the ass. He should know his boundaries. Brandon must deal with him effectively
Next chapters pls and I’ve bought 2 coffees
More Chapters Please
Please update more chapters. I find it having no more interest how this novel turned out waiting for chapters to read and i see no more chapters to. It list my interest in reading it more… Natalie will end up screwed with Derek.

More chapters please
I’m thinking will there be any chemistry between Elizabeth and Frank.
Waiting patiently for the other chapter.