Chapter 50 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

Loredana felt weird; what’s there to be afraid of?

There was not a single drawback to publicizing their relationships, only benefits to her.

“Our short marriage is just a trade. If your co-workers knew about it, it’s going to bring a lot of problems for you.” She lowered her eyes, said faintly.

With a plan, her heart was empty with panic. She did not know how much truth was it in her assumption.

If it was fake, she could just consider it as an accident.

What if it was real…

This man…

Will he accept the kid?

“You’re looking out for me?”

His lips went up slightly as if this was the answer that made him satisfied.

She had many thoughts inside her head as she clenched her hands, asking tentatively, “I guess. After divorcing, you’re going to marry Ms. White right away, right.”

When it came to Helen, Cormac’s face sunk. He turned his head slightly over, gazing at her harshly,

“Are you testing me?”

Indeed, Loredana wanted to test would he marry Helen White; she wanted to know how deep Cormac had invested his feelings into Helen White.

Loredana acted steady, “I’m just curious about your love story with Ms. White. Testing? Is that necessary? I gain nothing from it anyway.”

Even though Loredana had an adequate explanation, Cormac wasn’t buying it.

He felt that her words had some meaning behind them.

Whatever it was, he doesn’t know it.

His instincts told him that she had some intention behind it.

They had both arrived at the company. Usually, Cormac parked his car in the underground, but this time, he stopped on the top of the parking area.

Loredana came out of the car and stood aside, waiting for Cormac to go first, then proceed.

Cormac glanced at her, and Loredana squeezed a smile, “I’m not going to give you any trouble.”

“How would you know if I see it as trouble?” He asked calmly, turning his sight, “Unless, you’re reading my mind?”

Loredana, “…”

She took a step back when she saw a car coming, completely distancing herself from him.

Cormac glanced at her faintly, then going into the building.

The quietness of the morning had washed away the tense working atmosphere. The whole building even looked slightly relaxed.

The person inside that car just now was also a WY Group co-worker. He was from the IT department.

He saw Loredana standing there, as he walked over, “You’re also working at WY Group?”

Loredana replied politely, “Yes, I am.”

“Come.” The man was wearing a pair of glasses, slightly thin, slightly white-colored skin. He looked like a gentleman.

Loredana nodded.

“Which department are you from?” asked the man.

“I’m from the translating department.” Loredana replied softly.

“Oh.” The man paused for a second, “You’re new here right, I’ve never seen you before.”

“Yea, I just came here a few days ago.” As she was talking, she looked up and saw Cormac in front, he was already in front of the hall, entering the building’s reception hall…

Suddenly, a black shadow darted out, going straight for Cormac…

“DIE!” It was a woman, holding a sharp knife; she seemed prepared.

The sharp and shiny blade reflected light as it sliced through a curve, aiming for Cormac’s backside.


In this nick of time, Loredana rushed forward.

She was unable to think straight; it wasn’t about being brave or not afraid of dying. She just believed that Cormac could be the unborn child’s father; her sanity was beyond control.

Or maybe it was her having unique feelings for the first man of her life.

In short, she lost her mind trying to block away dangers targeted to Cormac.

Cormac heard some noises, turned around, and saw Loredana running towards him, and Beulah

Shawn, who was holding a knife…


Loredana knocked into his arms, as well as Beulah’s knife on her hand…

Loredana had gathered her sanity back; will she die like this?

She hadn’t had the time to confirm was he the man that night, was he the father of the unborn child.

Thoughts emerged through her head, things that happened in the past, her mother, brother, happy or unhappy incidents, and now the unborn child in her stomach.

She did not want to die, refusing, unwilling.

Her brain had an idea, as her body complied. She attempted to push her off with both her hands.

However, something was holding back her waist; her body crashed into a hard and solid chest, she was unable to move.

She regretted.

But there was no chance to regret.

She accepted her fate and closed her eyes.

Hoping that pain doesn’t come too fast, living another second was another second.

Screeching sounds rang through her ears.

One second, two seconds, three seconds…

Pain never came.

She opened her eyes slowly and saw Cormac looking at her. She could not guess the emotion on his face, as if it were changing like the clouds, from shocked and surprised to fear and happiness.

He did not expect when danger appeared, she would come and block him from danger. His pupils looked like it could smile, “Do you know what you’re doing?”

At this moment, all Loredana could think was why she was unable to feel pain in her body.

She turned over and saw Cormac grabbing the knife that was inches away from her body. Blood dripped through his fingers.

Beulah glanced at Cormac with her bloodshot eyes; she was angry how did she not stab him to death?

“I’ll kill you all!” It seemed that Beulah was enraged by something as she pulled her knife out, preparing to strike once again.

It was like she won’t stop unless they’re dead!

Cormac frowned slightly.

“You made me lose everything; I’m going to kill you all!” Beulah looked beyond sanity, lunging towards him recklessly.

Cormac grabbed Loredana’s waist, turned around, and shoved the knife away from Beulah. He then stretched his legs and kicked her down.

The security guards in the building heard the racket and came surging in to hold Beulah down. She was struggling, losing all her image of a noble person, screeched, “Hands off, or I’m suing you all for sexual harassment!”

At this hour, people were arriving one after another for work. It took no effort for them to surround the entrance area.

Everyone was discussing this incident as if they were surprised by this fuss.

Everyone pricked up their ears, trying to understand what was happening…

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

25 responses to “Chapter 50 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel”

  1. Catherine Avatar

    I have already guessed that bastard Sampson is the real villain in Cormus and Lola love story. I hate this two face snake

  2. Daniel Precious Avatar
    Daniel Precious

    Thank you editor but pls update more than 10 chapters and update everyday. I love the novel

  3. Jasmi Avatar

    Sampson is a real bastard , he will not help but to hide truth and drive a wedge between couple.

  4. Helen Avatar

    I wish it not the same repeated story that she will divorce and then run away without tell him anything and then 5 year gap and she is with his child who look like Cormus and she become a doctor and very successful out of blue logic and then return to her country or might be Cormus visit her country and then they met again and then it’s never ending story 🥴🥴🥱🥱🥱🙄😒🤯
    Please Author don’t make it like that because I am sick of same plot gain and again. Please try to make it very short and beautiful and complete it soon. It’s good to have best quality and less .
    Story is good

    1. Diana Avatar

      100% agree .
      Make the story short and beautiful.

  5. Lola Avatar

    So far the story is good.
    Make it short and beautiful.
    Don’t repeat the same old plots again and again.
    I hate Sampson, he is up to no good.

  6. Cheryl Avatar

    Great chapters please don’t take so long to update

    1. Mary Brown Avatar
      Mary Brown

      This Lola girl is too honesty atleast she should have hidden the name of Cormas as a suspect father of her unborn child In front of Sampson. Now Sampson will play foul games😴😴😴

      1. Diana Avatar

        Exactly ! This Sampson is a real bastard and molester. He is real villain and try to drive a wedge between Cormus and Lola. Lola is so stupid and allow him to molest her openly.

  7. Diana Avatar

    Sampson and Helen will not revealed the truth of Cormac identity and Lola will be misguide and will not find out truth just because of bastard Sampson and somehow Helen. 🤯🥺🤔
    I never like Sampson it’s look like he forcefully drag Lola everywhere and how could he introduce her as his girlfriend 😡 Without her consent ?
    Lola need to maintain distance from this lunatic bastard.
    Cormus and Lola ♥️
    Don’t drag so long, please complete it soon.

    1. Siphathisiwe Sibanda Avatar

      I love the story .More chapters plz

  8. Charlote Avatar

    Soon Helen will claim that she is pregnant and now cormus must take her responsibility as soon as possible and now now way for Lola to find out the truth of that man identity because Sampson will never tell her the truth. Even he will find out himself that the man was surely Cormus and his motive behind the everything that happen that night, Sampson will not tell this thing to Lola and make her misguide that he is suspecting wrong man.
    It’s look the same old concept story type if this will happen.

    Please make this story short and unique and complete it soon. I love this story but it need to be complete soon. No unnecessary dragging.

  9. Bee Avatar

    A good read looking forward to more chapters

  10. Ruth Uche Avatar

    Please update more please update thank you for this

  11. Ginger Avatar

    Hope you update fast.

  12. shim Avatar

    A big 👍to the writer I cant wait to see Helen downfall. waiting for more updates.

  13. Doloras Avatar

    I hate Sampson and Helen 😡😡😡 they can’t let Cormus and Lola together. I hate them
    Please don’t drag this story unnecessary, make it short and unique and please no divorce and run away please no separation of Cormus and Lola🙏

  14. Rita Avatar

    I love short and beautiful stories so please don’t make it long and never ending circle.
    Cormus and Lola mean to be together forever. I wish Cormus will know the truth of that night in next chapters.

  15. Abegeil Avatar

    So far only two novels have completed in this website and that’s are simple and beautiful, give us complete picture in whole.

    And that’s novel are;
    *Stranger to soulmate ♥️
    *Pretended to be mine

    Please make this novel short, unique, beautiful, and fully complete soon. No long Sega of nonsense circles.

  16. Crystal Avatar

    Please make Cormus suspicious toward Helen and that night incident please 🙏 I don’t want that they both divorce and then find out the truth and they just hang between in and out without legally married and then again that so-called 5 year gaps 🥴🤯🤮😒 No Author please don’t repeat same old stories.☹️
    Helen need to be exposed in front of Cormus and Lola identity must be reveal too. Don’t involve Sampson bastard in Lola life. He is just create mess and mess.

  17. Siman Avatar

    Please update soon, you take too much longer to update.

  18. Rosalana Avatar

    Cormus and Lola ♥️🙏
    Please 🙏
    No more bastard Sampson and bitch Helen harresment anymore please 🙏

  19. Charis Avatar

    Are you planning to create never ending story Author ? I really don’t want it because I am too tired to read all these never ending stories of this website. They all draged stories senselessly and make every story like a never ending mess.
    Please make it short and sensible without dragging.

  20. Sidhi Avatar

    Hope Cormus and Lola will find out each other true love and never leave each other. No divorce and no separation please

  21. Wanda Avatar

    Please update soon

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