Chapter 43 – The Mafia Nanny (Davina & Gabriel) Novel Free

My eyes followed Ivan as he sat on the edge of the couch. “Is it true?” I asked him.

Gravely, he nodded in response and my head lowered to the floor. My brain refused to give my heart a pass.

“It happened in Michele’s parents’ home in Surrey. Michele’s father and Gabriel got in an atrocious fight in his study. It was so severe that her mother came in with a gun, and forced Gabriel out of the room. The surveillance video showed that Gabriel came back and shot the both of them dead.”

My head was close to exploding but I forced myself to keep calm. “A video?”

“That was how Michele found out. One of my men is in Gabriel’s camp, so when he saw the video he recorded it with his phone, and sent it to me through the sleeve of one of Michele’s stuffed animals. We couldn’t retrieve it in time before Michele fiddled with the phone and saw it. When I came by to meet Gabriel, I got her alone and found out what had happened.”

I looked at Michele. “She’s just a child. How was she able to hold on this long without saying a word?”

“That’s what amazed me too. It must have scarred her so terribly. I’ve been working to gather enough evidence to take Gabriel down, so she agreed to hold on. She stopped speaking because she didn’t want to accidentally let the cat out of the bag. I’m so surprised she spoke up now. It seems that she trusts you a whole lot.”

I felt so cold, that I wrapped my arms around myself. “Why do you need to gather more evidence? Isn’t the video already more than enough?”

“You do not know Gabriel, do you?” he asked.

I looked up to meet the unbridled fear in his eyes.

“At the mere word of a video he will find a way to instantly get rid of it, and even if it somehow, makes its way to the authorities, his entire empire is in cohorts with the highest people in power. You should have realized by now that he is no ordinary man.”

I returned my eyes to the floor. “He is no ordinary man but neither is he this inhumanely cruel.”

“Davina, things happen that none of us ever intend, and moreover for the right price, anyone can turn inhumanely cruel.”

I thought back to what Gabriel had said to me about his mother’s death. He hadn’t delved into detail but I knew that it was not a path that he would willing have gone down also.

“But he loves Michele,” I defended. “So very much. Why would he do that if he knew—”

“Guilt,” Ivan interrupted. “He is brutal. You are right in that he is not heartless, but what was at stake is his brother’s empire which is almost as vast as his own. A little guilt doesn’t seem much of a price to pay.”

He had all the answers, but none of it was what I wanted to hear so I sunk into my own thoughts, my body beginning to tremble.

But he wasn’t finished. “Right now, the only way he can get access to his brother’s vast fortune is through Michele, so of course he has to care and keep her safe. If anything at all happened to her, the entire estate becomes a charitable trust.”

I thought back to how Gabriel had over-reacted just because I had taken Michele out of the house with me. Had that been not just out of care for her safety then? I shut my eyes. “So what do we do now?” I asked.

His answer came, “Just go on as though nothing happened. If Gabriel even gets a whiff of our knowledge of any of this, then we will all be in trouble. If it’s too much for you to handle then just quit the job and walk away.”

Jesus, pretend as if nothing has happened? No wonder, little Michele took the path of refusing to speak.

There was a noise of a vehicle arriving outside and three of us turned towards the window.

Ivan hurried over to the window and when he turned back, his eyes were filled with panic. “Gabriel’s here.”

“He’s not supposed to be back until tomorrow,” I whispered.

Michele instantly shot up to her feet. I watched her and now it all made sense. Her fear and instant change of mood every time Gabriel walked into the room.

“Michele return to your bedroom,” he said and but she didn’t move. He came to me, crouched down and pulled out a gun from behind him. “Hold onto this,” he said. “I’ll be right back.”

I gazed at the dark cold metal in alarm, but just before I could ask what the hell I was supposed to do with it, he was out of the door. A few moments later, he hurried back in, tucking in I was certain another pistol behind him. “Gabriel is on his way here,” he said to me.

“Why the hell do I need this?” I asked in a shaky voice.

“Most of the rooms in this house are monitored. He might have already caught on to what is going on.”

“That doesn’t answer my questio—”

The door was pushed open and Gabriel stood there. He looked around the room at the three of us and said four simple words. “Michele and Davina, leave.”

She instantly broke into tears and ran to me, wrapping her arms around my neck, refusing to let go. I rose to my feet then. Things happened really quickly after that.

Ivan suddenly drew out the weapon from behind him and pointed it directly at Gabriel.

“No!” I screamed before I could hold myself back.

Gabriel’s eyes were glued on Ivan. “What the fuck are you doing in my house?”

Ivan turned towards us. “Davina take Michele out of the room.” His voice was cold steel. When I hesitated, he roared with a bone chilling urgency, “Right now! Use the gun I gave you, don’t let anyone stop either of you. There’ll be a car waiting downstairs.”

Gabriel turned to me then at the mention of a gun. “Davina, I haven’t given my security any instructions,” he said. “The moment they catch sight of a gun you are finished. Don’t you dare leave this room.”

“Davina get out of here, right now!” Ivan yelled.

I had never been so torn, as I looked between him and Gabriel.

Ivan went on, “Do you want to ruin Michele’s life? This fucking bastard killed her parents.”

Gabriel turned to me then. “Is that what this scum told you? And you believed him?”

“There’s a video,” I said.

“Did you see the video?” he asked.

“Michele saw it, that’s why she hasn’t spoken for the past six months.”

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself

Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.

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