Chapter 391 – Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Harry said nothing until he finished drinking the remaining coffee in his mug, “When it comes to business, we work fast. And there is a lot that needs to be done, so an assistant is needed. Next week is the company’s anniversary, and OmniGlobal airline will also be officially opened.”

“Oh? I wasn’t aware of that,” Celsie said, wondering why she hadn’t heard anything of the anniversary.

“That’s because Benne was too busy chasing you to remember that, and I only just reminded him of it yesterday before the board meeting. I think he probably couldn’t mention it to you because of all that happened yesterday,” Harry explained.

“Oh, I think you’re right,” Celsie said, remembering all that had happened the previous day.

“So this anniversary, how is it done here? Is it a very big deal?” Celsie asked curiously.

The only thing she knew about the anniversary was that they always gave them bonuses at that time of the year, but since it was her first time at the headquarters, she had no idea how it was celebrated here.

“Yeah. There are usually lots of activities during that week, ranging from sports competitions to award ceremonies and cocktail parties. Benne has never attended these functions in the past apart from the closed dinner parties with directors and shareholders, but this year he will be doing so,” Harry said, and Celsie nodded.

“The circular will be sent out today informing all staff of the coming events. Don’t worry about it. I’m handling the preparation so that Benne can give you all his attention,” Harry said as he stood to leave.

“When you eventually have a girlfriend, I will make sure Benne handles the business so you can have time to date too,” Celsie promised, and Harry chuckled.

“So, do you want to sit in and get a chance to choose who becomes his assistant?” Harry asked, and Celsie shook her head.

“Nah. We can’t let our relationship get in the way of work. It will make everyone uncomfortable,” Celsie said, and Harry looked at her for a moment as though he was contemplating something.

“You don’t want to see the female that might be working closely with Benne?” Harry asked, and Celsie’s ears perked up at that.

“Females?” She asked in alarm.

Harry chuckled, “For a moment there, you were acting too relaxed like you didn’t care about Benne, so I wanted to ruffle your feathers a bit. Don’t worry. Benne said they all have to be male, so I’m going to be there to pat them down myself if I have to, just to be sure we don’t have any female CT. You can relax,” he said with a wink, and Celsie glared at him as she relaxed.

“What do you mean, female CT anyway?”

Harry grinned, “CT stands for Crazy Benne. That is the term I’ve coined for anybody crazy enough to pretend to be what they’re not to get somebody. So a female CT in this case is a female that might want to be disguised as a male to get close to him,” Harry explained, and Celsie laughed softly.

“I see.”

A knock sounded on the door, and Amy walked in once Celsie gave her the go-ahead. She looked slightly surprised when she saw Harry and clutched her bag tightly, “Good morning, Mr. Jonas, Director Miller,” Amy greeted politely.

“You are late,” Harry said sternly as he glanced at the wall clock.

“I…I am sorry,” she said apologetically, and from the looks of her, Celsie could tell that she wasn’t okay.

“She called to say she would be running late,” Celsie said as she stood up, and Harry turned to look at her with disapproval.

“I don’t like being lied to… Especially by people I consider my friends,” he said, and Celsie looked at him apologetically.

“I’m sorry. Can you let it slide this once?” she asked, and Harry gave her a nod before walking away.

“I’m sorry,” Amy said apologetically, feeling sorry that she had made Celsie look bad in front of Harry.

Celsie waved it off dismissively, “Don’t be. You don’t look fine. What is wrong?” She asked, and Amy teared up, unsure she wanted to share her problem with her boss.

“I need the day off. I know it’s impromptu, but please, can I go home? I don’t feel well,” Amy pleaded, making Celsie go around the desk to meet her.

“What is the problem? Do you want to talk about it?” She asked as she offered Amy her handkerchief, but Amy shook her head.

“I’m not sure. I just want to be alone right now. So please, can I go home?” She asked, and Celsie gave her a nod.

“Sure. Just bring me all the documents you were supposed to submit today before you leave,” Celsie said, and Amy gave her a nod.

“Thank you,” Amy said before walking out of the office, leaving Celsie staring after her with concern.

Immediately Celsie remembered that she also had Lucas to be worried about, so she returned to her desk and picked up her phone as she tried to reach him again, but his line was still off, so she left him a text instead.

Once she was done, she fished inside her handbag and took out the card the ladies from the foundation had left the previous day, and she typed their number on her phone.

Celsie closed her eyes and took a deep breath, knowing that the moment she dialed their line and accepted their deal, there would be no going back.

She would have to play this game with Anita until either of them gives up. Hopefully, she will not only be ahead of Anita in this game, she will beat her to it.

“Game on,” Celsie said as she dialed the line.

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself

Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.

89 responses to “Chapter 391 – Beginning with a Daring Encounter”

  1. Agnes Avatar

    Thank you so much for the update. This novel is too good. Can’t wait to read more chapters

    1. Debbie Avatar

      What happened since all these days almost two months now no update of the new chapters. Please we are waiting, the story is too interesting for not bringing it out anymore. Thanks for the new release that is coming.

    2. Adebimpe Avatar

      Beautiful story please updates

      Thanks alot 😍

  2. Von Avatar

    Wow thank you for double update 👍

  3. Shaya Avatar

    Wow.. loved the update!!! Plz keep going on !!!

  4. Kate Avatar

    Interesting, thanks a lot for the update. I will like to see how jade and Harry will turn out.

  5. Shaya Avatar

    Plz update ‘adored by billionaire ‘ novel as well… Eagerly waiting for that too !!

  6. Ems Avatar

    Very interesting story. I can’t wait for Anita and her family to be punished.
    Thank you for the update. I can’t wait for the next chapter

  7. Terri Avatar

    Update please

    1. Toyin Avatar

      It’s been 3 months since I read the last chapter 391 with no updates. Please more chapters

  8. ARCHANA Avatar

    Very Interesting, I like to see how jade and Harry will turn out and what going to happen in the anniversary function..

  9. Cosmic80 Avatar

    Thanks for the update. I enjoyed it very much. The night talk scene between Benne an Celsie was so so sweet. Good to see Celsie soft side. And I waiting to see how grow a friendship between Celsie and Harry. I hope it will help Harry to make it easyer built a relationship with Jade.

  10. Ruth Uche Avatar

    Very interesting story and please update more please thank you

  11. Dani F Avatar
    Dani F

    I really don’t know why is taking so long to update this lovely story. First it took weeks … now it’s been 5 days since de last update … it is so tiring to read an exciting story like this one and have to wait !!!!

  12. Danielle Avatar

    Looks like soon we will have another family reunion during the anniversary of the company. The Delgado family now working all together. Hopefully Harry and Jade can wrap their relationship. I want to see Harry’s wild and passionate side 😂😂😂😂 please update soon !
    Also please vanish Anita and her family and their evil souls ! This story doesn’t need villains ! It is soft and exciting to read just about the si kings romances and the family dynamic

  13. Pim Avatar

    Really love this novel…every chapters are interesting…please send more..

  14. Surekha Avatar

    Pls update soon.. cant wait to read Anita and her family getting punished.. pls..

  15. Mémé Avatar

    Hello Author, I hope you are doing well, eagerly waiting for more chapters 🙏🏻

  16. Danielle Avatar

    It is been a while and no updates yet ? Please

  17. Danielle Avatar

    What happened to the story ?

  18. Pim Avatar

    Wow..really extra ordinary novel…waiting for the next chapters…

  19. Debbie Avatar

    Interesting. Waiting for more chapters please.

  20. Kim Avatar

    Love the story very much. More updates please

  21. Muy Avatar

    More updates please

  22. Dani Avatar

    Lazy author where have you been?

  23. Phoenix Avatar

    I don’t know what’s wrong with this site. Just hoping the authors are doing great. It’s really disheartening to come again, refresh the pages and then find no updates. Either it should be clarified that what’s going to happen or it should be updated on time. Kindly don’t test the patience of readers.

  24. Danielle Avatar

    Well seems like the author gave up ion this novel 😩😢
    More than 15 days without any updates ! It was a very good story … 😢

  25. Surekha Avatar

    More chapters pls…

  26. Anusha Avatar

    Hey.. I hope you are doing fine.. you are writing an amazing novel.. eagerly waiting for your update..

  27. Dani Avatar

    Just a waste of time to read till here without any proper ending and no updates.

  28. ARCHANA Avatar

    Could you please update more chapters.. it is so long wait..

  29. Michelle Avatar

    Update please

  30. Dewa Avatar

    Could you please update this story? Thank you so much

  31. Mary Avatar

    Please update soon. Thanks!

  32. Karo Avatar

    Can wait for the battle nwe up date please

  33. Zalehakassim Avatar

    Hi, hoping can read more new chapters pls💐❤️

  34. Luka Avatar

    Its almost a month now with no updates. it making us loose interest in this story.

  35. Anusha Avatar

    Please update . Miss reading about Celsie Benne Harry Bryan Sophie.. everyone…

  36. Florinda Kapuka Mulenga Avatar
    Florinda Kapuka Mulenga

    It’s been over two months and nothing yet. What exactly is going on.
    When are you going to update.
    Please we are tired of waiting

  37. Pim Avatar

    Thanks for the update . Waiting for next chapters…thank you

  38. Fingesi Avatar

    All I want is Abiye to be put into where she belong (prison) so that Celsie will enjoy her love life with Benne without any disturbance.
    As for Harry and Jade , I’m looking forward to when both will become a couple. Harry should come out of his cage and behave like a man and approach Jade.

  39. Elizabeth Avatar

    Keep updating please! I’m loving this story.

  40. Nancy Avatar

    Totally enjoy this story. Looking forward for more chapters. Please hurry!!!

  41. lilly Avatar

    im really waiting for the update..what happened?? im so sadd

  42. Muy Avatar

    Dear author, please for more updates

  43. Simona Avatar

    Ce rost mai are sa comentam dacă tot nu le actualizați!🥲

  44. Simona Avatar

    Sper ca autorul este ok..căci actualizările lasă de dorit pe toate romanele!

  45. Cosmic80 Avatar

    Hi, I hope is everything is fine with you. Is there any chance to continue the novel?

  46. Betty Avatar

    What is taking so long to.update the novels… guys are making the stories less interesting since you update when we have forgotten what was going on in the stories…..

  47. Paty Avatar

    Hello hello
    Did the author give up in this story ? I am very sad because this novel was really exciting 😢😩

  48. Ter Avatar

    The story line between benne and Celsie I like. When will more chapters follow?

  49. T Avatar

    Has anyone gotten any updates on the story yet

  50. Anusha Avatar

    Please update..
    Eagerly waiting since a month..
    I hope you are doing fine..
    Please take care..

  51. Rabby Momodu Avatar
    Rabby Momodu

    Please give us more updates

  52. Shelia Fergason Avatar
    Shelia Fergason

    Ok Ok..more chapters please..i know i check for more chapters at least every other day..please update or at least tell us if this novel ended like it did. i love this novel and i am sure many more people were just as hooked

  53. Oloyede Victoria Oluwayemisi Avatar
    Oloyede Victoria Oluwayemisi

    This is not nice at all o,no update since August
    Please writer ,we are patiently waiting

  54. Anusha Avatar

    Hi dear author,
    I hope you are feeling good and in best of health..
    Eagerly waiting for you to update.
    Thank you

  55. Mary Avatar

    Please update soon. I miss reading new chapters of this story. It is very interesting. Thanks!

  56. Cecilia Avatar

    Thanks for the update. I enjoyed the story.
    Please upload more chapters

  57. Cecilia Avatar

    Thanks for the update. I enjoyed the story.
    Please upload more chapters 🙏

  58. MM Avatar

    Still waiting for the updates I keep on checking here🤦 still hoping

  59. Muy Avatar

    No updates still?

  60. Agnes Avatar

    Hi, any chance of getting updates on this novel?

  61. Dewa Avatar

    This is stil not upgraded 😞

  62. Dani Avatar

    The author is very inconsistent

  63. Opeoluwa Avatar

    What is going on with the author of this book since 2 months ago you’ve not updated the group

  64. Kate Avatar

    We missed your updates, we missed you, hope you are alright, if not I pray God will heal you supernaturally, Amen

  65. Jean Avatar

    This book is so fine to read ,however it’s been two months since last update,,please update soon thank you

  66. ODA Avatar

    No update for over two months

  67. Tiffany Avatar

    Update please

  68. Zigurl Avatar

    This got my hooked 😍

  69. Cheryl Avatar

    Can someone tells if these novels will be updated. Thank You

  70. Vici Avatar

    Nice novel. The update is taking forever.

  71. Kea Avatar

    Wow, a beautiful story it is. Pls continue

  72. Makena Avatar

    I love the story .
    More update

  73. Janey Avatar

    Update us please. It’s been a nice read but missed it for a while

  74. Lilia Avatar

    Hi author
    Nice to be back hopefullyI will see the rest of the novel. Love reading them, very interesting.

  75. Simona Avatar

    Păcat….votate romanele voastre sunt waw!poate ar trebuii sa încercați sa le mai dati si un sfârșit.Le-am început pe toate și devine frustrant!

  76. Vici Avatar

    Please if the story is ended just tell us because the wait is too long.

  77. ROSS Avatar

    Aggiorna per favore
    Voglio vedere come si sbarazzeranno una volta per tutte di Anita e della sua famiglia
    E come andra a finire tra Jade e Harry
    Ti prego ti prego
    E’ troppo bello questo racconto. ❤️

  78. Simona Avatar

    Va rugam sa lucrați la actualizări!multumim

  79. Myn Avatar

    The author died?

  80. lilly Avatar

    if this done? im waiting forthe next update

  81. Singh Avatar

    Waiting almost 4months but so far no updates.please update more chapters 🙏 😢

  82. mirriam nduku Avatar

    So nice, can’t wait to see the game between Celsie and Anita.

  83. N Avatar

    I would like to read more on harry n jade kindly update…its been a very to read the update on this story

  84. N Avatar

    I would like to read more on harry n jade kindly update…its been a very long time. …. update on this story

  85. Mary Avatar

    I’m still waiting for the follow-up. Please continue the novel. I really loke it.