Fortunately, all the accessories and furniture in the haunted house had been reduced to ashes, so there weren’t many obstacles on her road. She was getting closer to the exit.
Finally, she heard the noise of the crowd gathered outside. Charis felt her heart about to stop beating from the pain but kept running in the direction of the noise, fueled by sheer willpower.
She didn’t know how long she had run, but the sound of the crowd grew louder. Finally, it seemed as if she was surrounded by people. Charis wanted to see what was going on, but she couldn’t open her eyes. It was as if her eyelids were glued shut. At that moment, she felt a gust of icy liquid splash on her body. Unable to hold out any longer, she passed out.
Countless firefighters surrounded the haunted house, desperately trying to put out the fire. Because it was Halloween night, many tourists had flocked to the amusement park, and the fire attracted a wave of spectators.
They all craned their necks to see how the fire devoured the haunted house. Suddenly, a woman on fire ran out of the main door. It was a horrifying sight to behold.
“Oh my God! Is she still alive?!” The spectators were shocked and instinctively took a few steps back. Some even took out their phones to take pictures, while parents covered their children’s eyes to shield them from such a horrible scene.
When the firefighters saw the person on fire running out of the establishment, they immediately pointed the hose at her to extinguish the fire on her body.
Fortunately, the fire on Charis’s body went out, but she was already burned and unrecognizable. She looked like a charred object in the shape of a human.
Immediately after being sprayed with the hose, she collapsed to the ground and passed out.
Natalie was taken by helicopter to a safe distance from the haunted house. As soon as she disembarked, she rushed towards the haunted house, pushing through the crowd and heading to the fringes of the building.
She looked around but saw no sign of Brandon. Natalie grew anxious, grabbed the arm of a bystander, and urgently asked, “Did you see a tall man in a black windbreaker just now?” The passerby shook his head.
“No, but a moment ago, a woman on fire came running out of the haunted house.”
Natalie felt as if her soul had left her body. She took two steps back and looked at the burning house in front of her. She and Brandon had arranged to escape, but what about Brandon? Was he still trapped inside?
Natalie immediately dismissed the thought. She knew that Charis would never hurt Brandon. Charis must have arranged for the staff to remove Brandon immediately after they had been separated.
Natalie also knew that, given the circumstances, he would never come back for her, even if he knew that she was caught in that burning fire. Things were different now. Brandon was no longer someone that he would do something stupid for her sake. Still, Natalie couldn’t shake the feeling of apprehension hanging over her.
She took a deep breath and kept asking, “Have you seen someone get out of the haunted house just now? Please think carefully. A man, about a head taller than me, very handsome but aloof?”
“No, we didn’t see anyone like that. Go ask someone else. We were just going through here,” the person replied impatiently. Natalie didn’t press any further, but she didn’t feel defeated.
She shifted her attention to the other spectators and asked them one by one. Finally, she found a young couple who seemed to have a clue about Brandon. “I think I saw the man you described! When the staff told us to evacuate because of a fire, he hurried to enter without thinking twice. The staff couldn’t stop him, and my boyfriend even joked that he must be an idiot who couldn’t even tell where the exit is.”
The woman glanced at her boyfriend before adding, “In my opinion, he ran inside to look for someone important, maybe his wife or child. Hey! I’m not done talking.”
Natalie was already running back to the house, bewitched before the woman could finish her words. How could Brandon risk his life in such a big fire? Natalie stopped at the entrance and tried to call him first. She tried over and over, but he never responded. No one else left the burning establishment either.
Natalie was beside herself with worry. She wanted to throw herself into the fire and look for him, just as he had done for her. “Hey, young lady! Do you want to die?” the people around her screamed just as she was about to lunge forward.
They reached out and yanked her back. “Don’t you see the fire burning in front of you? You can’t even walk a few meters without getting burned!”
“No, you don’t understand. Please let me in! My husband is still inside!” Natalie struggled against their hold. They did not understand! The man she loved could be trapped there, suffocated, burning, and it was all for her. Natalie was shaking at this point. She was barely holding on to her sanity.
“Calm down, Miss. Leave this to the fire department, okay? They are working hard to put out the fire and keep everyone safe. They will definitely save your husband. Don’t worry,” a warm-hearted stranger patted her back in a gesture of consolation.
Another person chimed in, “That’s right, it’s too dangerous to get involved at this time. Just be thankful you’re safe.”
Natalie slumped to the ground, numb to her environment. She gripped her phone tightly and stared at the screen, waiting for a call from the White family. “Call me as soon as you see him.”
The helicopter ended up making two rounds in the area, but they were still unsuccessful. Brandon got caught in the fire, and she couldn’t do anything. Natalie’s fingers trembled uncontrollably. She could barely see through the tears that flowed from her eyes. She knew she was on the verge of collapse but refused to budge before hearing news of Brandon.
At that moment, she felt a tug on her shoulder when the woman next to her yelled, “Look, look! Another person just ran out!” Natalie’s head jumped up. She saw a tall figure running out the back entrance of the house.
The man discarded the thick coat he had been covering his body with. His face was soot-stained but still looked as handsome as usual. He was coughing violently as he approached.
Natalie’s tears were finally running down her cheeks. She could feel her blood running through her veins like little lightning bolts. She stood up and met Brandon halfway, holding him before he fell to his knees.
It wasn’t until she felt the steady rhythm of his heartbeat under the palm of her hand that she allowed herself a sigh of relief. And then, she let go and cried like a baby. Brandon tried to reach out to wipe away her tears.
“Don’t cry. Everything’s fine. I’m fine,” he said.
But Natalie only cried even harder. It took some time for her to calm down.
“Brandon,” she mentioned his name. “Why did you do that? Why did you go back inside?”

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter
Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.
219 responses to “Chapter 381 – My Billionaire Hubby Lives a Double Life Novel Free Online”
I felt more dissapointness in the last chapters… but for now i feel better
I suggest that before posting the story, please double-check the statements if they are clear , meaning grammatically correct. Take note of the use of pronouns. They are all confusing! If the original novel is in Chinese language, do not translate literally. This is such a nice novel but the English translation is horrible.
I am sorry that I have to comment on this.
OMG I cant wait too long to read the next chapter pls . pls
What if Charis comes back with a plastic surgery and Natalie’s face
That’s too dangerous 😱
She can’t. She’s taller than Natalie. That won’t be possible.
Heck no! Anything but that please
Same here!!! Just waiting
Very interesting novel waiting for more chapters finally Natalie became smart to be able to make her husband understand a little bit how low life charis
Finally Natalie used her sense! So glad she did!
Sebastian being introverted is the cutest! I was laughing so much!
All the deja vu Sebastian felt was touching. Poor Sebastian. Feeling so sorry for him. I’m glad that deep inside his real love for Natalie is still there although he doesn’t realise it.
As for Charis! Damn! She should have got burnt and died (sorry but she’s too evil). She’ll be plotting against Natalie more than ever!
Before Charis recovers, Sebastian should realise the truth even if his memory is not restored. He and Garrett should be friends again. And get Frank into the game!
Thank you writer. Feeling better after reading.
Yes! Finally! Everything is falling into place.
I hope this fire will bring his memory back…because of similar circumstances before
Agree. Charis should’ve gotten her own I’m that fire.
I feel the same but I’m happy Charis didn’t die. Let her suffer at her own hands!!! They need to put her in a room with surround mirrors so that every time she opens her eyes she’ll see what she has done to herself
More chapters pleaseeeee!
Oh my God but Charis is a monster. She could do anything to get what she want. Interesting more chapter please
It was a set of chapter full of adrenaline! I know Charis was looking for that, but I’m sorry to see Natalie became so cold.
Btw I think there’re a few problems with the pronouns in the latest chapters, it made the story a little confusing.
Burn on fire, bitch!
Great twist author, thank you!
These last pages were horribly written.
It was such a struggle to figure out what the writer was saying.
Not only was it a different writer most of what he wrote made no sense…
Please proofread
Very Very disappointed
What’s wrong with update? Everything is messy.
Content is good. However, please look out for the grammar. It’s hard to read when girl mentioned as he or his. It’s but confusing.
There are so many grammatical mistakes in all these new chapters. Please do the editing properly. And more chapters please…
I predicted it’s gonna be interesting but this story is just getting better I really wanted to see how Natalue persue Brandon
Please more chapters please please
My guess is the fire will jog his memory from the previous fire incident
Good for Charis,her evil went back to her.
Who earth lied to you that Africans have bad English?!… Just cut the crap. Jeez. Just because the novel doesn’t reach your standards doesn’t mean you can come here and insult people. If it makes you that mad just find another novel to read and quit being a sadistic racist
Just love this novel pls update more chapters hope Sebastian’s memory returns and he recognise Natalie pls, pls give more than 10 to 15 chapters
Listen we need answers, who is this idiot, uneducater asshole trying to write chapters for My Billionaire Hubby Leads a Double Life
Who can undrrstand the shit the idiot is writing??? WE NEED ANSWERS OKAY AND FAST AS WELL AS APOLOGISING TO US AS YOU MADE CUNTS OF US ,!! O AM FURIOUS !!!
True love never dies
Great twist story, i know Natalie will not give up her love to Brandon. Just can’t hide the smile while reading the chapter. More please!
A twist albeit heart racing at least Brandon is alive.
Can’t figure out the spell checks and wrong grammar. Is this some computer generated story?
Loads of grammatic errors. Its like reading scrambled sentences.
the editor didn’t do their job properly from chapter 375 to this last chapter 😔
But I managed to go through all and happy that Charis got burnt by her 🔥
Oh, sincere apologies from us. We checked the chapters and edited again. All things cool now! Please enjoy yourself at Shelf of Novels.
Thank you for pointing our faults out, this indeed help us improve ourselves.
Actually it hasn’t been fixed. There are still tense changes, and he is often actually referring to a she.
could you please name a few for example, thanks so much. we shall look into that definitely.
I know I never bought you coffee but still I’d like to be of help to you. If you want, I can help you with proof reading. I’m not a professional but I can be relied on.
Thank you for this novel.
How often are updates made so I know when to check?
Yes, I noticed that! The person that translated change she for he or they for their. I understood because I am ready a novel from Turkey and they do that sometimes it is hard to follow. On the other hand, please get Charis out already.
Thank you Editors. Bless you
There is a huge problem in English wording like word “He ” used “She” and “his” used “her” and “him” used “her”. Not understand who tell what and what person is he or she. There are huge English typing mistakes .
Can’t wait for next …. plzz post it soon ….
I love the way story move because I believed in Sebastein/Brandon.
But Natalie stupidity never end, she actually leave Sebastein for work in Barnes 🤯 in this situation and she left Charis in fire for die ( even though I want Charis bad punishment but I never imagine Natalie would done that things . She must help her and put her behind bars and may be he die her own ways . Natalie did this and now Sebastein will be mad at her because he know nothing about Charis bad past )
Apart from all this, Natalie again left Sebastein behind and save herself without any concern for Sebastein☹️☹️☹️☹️ what kind of woman is she 😡😡😡😡
She thought Sebastein will not come to save her, she was save by this man multiple time and she did know yet he lose his memory still she thought he won’t come and left him behind in fire.
Natalie always disappointed me 😡😡😡.
I always believed in Brandon/Sebastein and know he will find his way and fall for her again . Because he truly loved her .but everything I feel Natalie doesn’t deserved his love .
Shut up, you dumbo
Natalie did nothing wrong here this time… You are just stupid, read the chapters again, then maybe you’ll understand
Seemingly Natalie left Sebastian temporarily to make him miss her, and luckily it worked. It could have been just the opposite. And, normallly it should.
I really don’t get this person
Natalie did not do anything wrong
I guess you have problems with your thinking
So sorry😢😭😂
I don’t think Max has understood the story. His understanding is twisted. How come Natalie is at fault? Or maybe he misunderstood the story because of the horrible construction of the statements. Many of the statements are vague and the use of pronouns are incorrect which would actually make the statements nonsense. The words are mixed-up which do not mean anything.
Some errors in comments! Please read the chapter again. 🫢Also if Natalie tried to save Charis (after being locked in to burn to death) Charis will just try to kill her by any means!! Charis has gone crazy & just wants to kill Natalie – not caring about other innocent victims of fire 😡
I agreed with you, Natalie became bad person when she left Charis on fure. Really don’t understand why author build up Natalie character like this. If she save Charis, and made Charis change her mind to become a better person, it would be better end
You are really stupid Natalie did the right thing that’s why Brandon is finally able to realise his inner feelings towards Natalie and came back Natalie was already knew he would that , thats why her luggege was always ready . Brandon risked his life to save Natalie two times , Natalie haven’t done anything for Brandon until now .So it’s getting interating how Natalie make him fall in love with her again .
Wow its good both Natalie and Brandon are safe
more episodes, please.
I barrely understood this update, the writing was so poor, Charis was him/I, Natalie was him, Brandon was her, not to mention the sentences not finished. This was so hard to read. Please don’t disrespect readers with this kind of writing.
It’s too hard to read
The language is totally off
My Billionaire hubby leads a double life…we, the subscribers need a HUGE APOLOGY by the idiot who wrote the last 3 chapters, who could not speak rnglish and messed all the chapters up by yrying to repeat the words with totally other words, what an asshole idiot rubbish !!! We are NOT CUNTS to be able to read this shit,,! Was it written by a child or an uneducated black person from Africa or a fu…cking chinese who cannot speak english. I am FURIOUS !! Why do you make cunts of us the subscribers hey,???
it was a pain to read this chapters /she/ they. i mostly guess it . who translate this part is terrible in english
My sincere apologies for that.
It is really our shame to let our readers down and disappointed. No worries, we will get the language issues fixed today. Thanks for pointing this out.
Thanks admin for the effort😁
It’s about time!!! Charis has fallen into the pit she dug for Natalie. Serves her right!!!
I’m so happy with these new chapters even though it was filled with a lot of written errors that it was kind of difficult to understand the read but generally the writer has done some justice for Charis to be caught in her own web while Natalie goes scot free, glad that Brandon is safe too.
More chapters pls
Thank you
Wao! These chapters were annoying at the beginning but very good at the end. A big thumps up to Natalie for taking charge of the affairs of her life and marriage.
Charis got what she deserves, it’s so good that it’s only her that was hurt at the end of her evil plot 😃😃
I’m relieved that Natalie/Brandon are last people standing right now.
More chapters pls
Ohhh God! I’m loving this. And this comes from the bottom of my heart. Great work Mr. Author. Keep going and growing.
Kudos writer! Really! Kudos.
Story well narrated and justice served.
Pls do take note of the grammatical errors though, it’s quite much in these last posts. Thank you!!!
Wow. Quite a twist.
Thank you for the updated chapters. However, this last batch had a lot of incomplete sentences, misused pronouns, and confusing sentences that it was hard to read and follow along. I’m not sure if it was due to the upload or translation. I am enjoying the story and look forward to the updates.
Great more chapter please
Is it just me or was the lates update extremely difficult to follow? The translation was just terrible. It was excruciating to make sense of what was going on and who was saying what.
Chapter 381
I’m feeling better reading that Charis is out of the picture
She made it out.of the fire!
Wow…. finally Charis met her Waterloo…
Too many grammatical errors for the last few chapters making it hard to follow the plot of the story. I enjoy reading the book and can’t wait for the memory to return and have a happy forever after.
Poor Charis!
I hope Brandons memory will come back. I salute Natalie so well 🥹🥹🥹
With all the bad deeds that Charis committed, glad she got what she deserved.
Evil Charis maybe now she will leave them alone
With all the bad deeds that Charis committed, glad she got what she deserved. Maybe that’s still not enough compared to what she did to all the people involved.
Very interesting, thank you
Had a hard following the story.
Such a disappointment to read such choppy grammar. Please correct or proof before hitting send. Enjoyed reading up to chapters 376.
Hmm is Charis gonna have reconstructive surgery and look like Natalie?
I hope Brandon’s 6th sense kicks in and his gut instinct tells him that this fire was planned. A d hopefully he discovers that Charis is the one behind it trying to kill his wife. I hope she dies from the burns and inhalation.
Hahaha I thought the same that Charis is going to have reconstructive surgery to look like Natalie! I hope she recorded the conversation where Charis said all her sins trying to kill Natalie.
Oh my. If your guess is right about Charis getting reconstructive surgery and be Natalie lookalike. That’s a big twist that I can’t handle. I will skip chapters with that content. Will be too much for my nerves. 😩😩😩
No, Natalie is petite. Charis shouldn’t be able to have surgery to be like her.
God forbid that Charis gets a surgery to look like Natalie. It can never be the same no matter what
Serves you right😈Charis
Dont bother to release the chapters if it cant be understood because the story is raw and unedited.
Hummmmmmmmm Sabastian and Natalie, when will you enjoy your marriage without problems?
Why are the sentences all haywire. Incorrect grammar and there is no distinction between her and him.
Please if you are doing a translation maybe get someone proficient.
Story is so interesting but so put off with the mistakes
Can’t wait for Brandon reply… I thought Charis chapter is over … but again she survived ? Waiting to know more.. pls update sooner …
I feel the magic again when I read how Natalie and Sebastein spend 1st night in villa, you recreated the same magic as their first wedding night where Sebastein flirting with Natalie and now Natalie flirt with him 😂😂😂😂 and he was hell afraid 🤣🤣🤣🤣 he thought he was still virgin and don’t want to touched by woman😂🤣😂🤣
I love that way …..
But Natalie went to Barnes for work. This woman is so careless toward her husband. She left him at that situation. Plus in the present of Charis🥴🥴🥴🥴
It was all deliberate to leave Sebastian after he got used to it. Honestly, she played him so well. First of all proving that she wasn’t clingy and useless, then getting him hooked to her presence, then leaving for work – something he couldn’t deny because he is studious and driven himself. That just left him to make the change to come to her and call her to live with him – proving desire on some level, for her to then move on to reminding him about fun. Tbh, she has proven finally that she has brains and knows her husband better than anyone.
Well said 😊👍🏻👍🏻
Careless? 😊 Maybe that was before but this time, Natalie just tested his husband. And fortunately her plans work.
Just to test the depth of Sabastian’s responsibility towards her
I had such a hard time following the last couple of chapters because the subject and object pronouns and were often mixed up. It was hard to know who was doing what to whom.
Did somebody else write this last part?
Could you please continue the story as before? I would love to know (and more importantly, understand) the continuation of Natalie and Brandon’s romance as they find their way back to each other.
Omg…more charia die??she ahould be punish.bitch
Dont bother to release the chapters if it cant be understood because the story is unedited peppered with grammar errors.
More please!!!
Sangat menyenangkan. Sangat penasaran
I hope Charis doesn’t die. She has to live disfigured and suffer for her sins. Brandon should regain his memory.
Thanks for the update. Maybe now Charis will learn to leave them alone? But I doubt it!
I hope Brandon’s memory doesn’t gets worst n rather ignore charis n not end up saying Natalia was at fault, I don’t want a pity zone of sabantian getting married to Charis bcoz of her burnt
Better twist of the story. I hope Sebastian will have his memory back soon and discover that Charis was behind all the misfortunes of Natalie. I hope nathalie is pregnant from the last intimacy. Grammar this time was poor making it difficult for one to follow
Please update more chapters daily
As Natalie called him by his actual name Brandon now Brandon will realise that thr is something more to the story what charis has informed him..coz two years back his identity was a secret and since Natalie knew his real identity he can trust her. Hopefully Brandon and Natalie will find the charis truth soon and m really hoping that Brandon will now punish Charis hard this time…finger crossed 🤞
Karma is a b***h as Charis has learned. Hope Natalie recorded Charis’s confession of her evil deeds. You should get Frank involved to help Brandon completely restore his memory.
Please have the next chapters translated by someone whose first language is English. Waiting for the next chapters
I’m a bit disappointed that Natalie did not try to save Charis in the fire. Even Charis deserve to be punished, it doesn’t mean Natalie should lost her compassion
how could she save her. Charis locked the door and natlie climbed the rescue ladder there wern’t many people on the helicopter as well to save charis.
Also natlie isn’t that compassionate and naive she did reverse trap cassie in her own plan of gang rape. Althought she hesitated but she did.
Oh my goodness, what happened? I could barely understand the story. It took a lot of reasoning to get the true story out. These chapters seriously needs proof reading. This is the worst mixup of words we have seen so far. Anyway, I am really glad Charis is finally getting the taste of her own medicine. This is just the beginning. Charis has bitten way more than she can chew, Garrett and Co. will show her who the real Mafia is. Kudos, Natalie the ruthless one is here. Thanks author (s). Updates please
I’m still worried Charis is not done. It’s nerve racking reading these chapters. I really hope they can have a happy life at some point.
Plzz plzz post soon ….
So what happens next then knowing that Charis still survived. I can’t wait to read the next chapters. Please please more chapters so we can have a longer time reading them. Very interesting indeed!
Good one Charis deserve to be punished for her wickedness????
Can’t wait, more chapters please
I hope Brandon overheard Charis lashing out her hatred to Natalie.
Thank you author for this twist…. Now I’m loving this and is getting interesting. God bless you and pls update us and don’t take time
I love the turn out of things.
I wish Charis burn and never wakes up again.
The used of pronouns bothers me a lot while reading
Update please
I love how the story is going
I love this story and can’t stop reading it. Please post more chapters soon I need this story to survive my own day.
thanks for the quick update!!
haha…first time Natalie being so bold asking for a divorce and Brandon being shy is way to cute….hope you will get back the memory soon
Omg nice
But the chapters are so little
Next time drop up to 20😂😂
Keep it up author
Yeah.. more chapters per update.. 😁😁🙏🙏
more chapters please
I didn’t even realize the grammatical errors, maybe it’s because I was soo consumed by the chapters. I just love everything about this novel. More episodes please dear writer
Very difficult to read the new chapters as there are lots of mistakes. Hope the new chapters will be better edited
I LOVE this story! True love always wins in the end!🥹
When will it be updated? I’ve been reading this story straight for a week now 🙈
Wow! It’s Amazing 😍🤩 the chemistry between the two like before it’s just awesome 😎.
I just heard this inspiring music and it seems this is perfect for Natalie and Sebastian/Brandon theme song.❤️
“Everytime we touch”🎶🎶
I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me
I still feel your touch in my dream
Forgive me my weakness but I don’t know why
Without you it’s hard to survive
Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling
And everytime we kiss, I swear I could fly
Can’t you feel my heart beat fast
I want this to last
Need you by my side
Cause everytime we touch, I feel this static
And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky
Can’t you feel my heart beat so
I can’t let you go
Want you in my life
When can we expect more chapters?? Cant wait anylonger
Wow more chapter please
i can’t wait for more!
Thanks for the updates. Loved it. Very addicting. Plz update soon.
Next chapter please
So What will happen now? Look for the possibilities ;
Charis burn but survive, Brandon didn’t remember about Charis evil past so definitely he would be feel sorry for her.
What if he take care of her because she is alone in Barnes and somehow Charis put blame on Natalie about this incident and her disfigure burns body. What if she makes Brandon believe that Natalie is not a good person and Natalie try to kill Brandon, and Charis wanted to save him………. Don’t know what’s going to happen but thing is Charis still not dead and still determined to separate Brandon and Natalie and Brandon still trust her.
Brandon would make up some excuse and not tell Natalie that he run to save her in hunted house because he just don’t want to show her any concern and that’s thing may hurt Natalie again. Truth is he actually try to save Natalie but don’t want to show this thing.
Brandon will ever tell Natalie that he lost his memory or may be he afraid that she would leave him after knowing this, So he kept shut his mouth.
I doubt how Brandon react after Charis burn. If he show any sympathy because he think Charis burn because of him and feel bad for her. It will be bad……..
I don’t want Brandon to show any mercy and sympathy for Charis. I wish he know her true evil deeds and also know she drug him to erase his memory.
My Billionaire leads a double life Novel…Can we please get DECEBT AND PROPER ENGLISH UPDATES AS A MATTER OF URGENCY, AS THE PAST 3 CHAPTERS WERE WRITTEN BY A FUCK..G IDIOT WHO CANNOT SPEAK ENGLISH, REFERRING TO A WOMAN AS HE ETC JUST LIKE AN UNEDUCATED AFRICAN BLACK!! This really pissess me off !!! If you cannot speak english, get someone who can speak english to continue writing this novel. You are make cunts of us, the subscribers! We need a huge apology abd then an enhlish speaking person to continue writing this novel like in TODAY !!! as we could not understand the last 3 chapters very confusing and fucked up!!!
As ,
My Billionaire Hubby Lives a Double Life :
Sebastein Klein ; playful, smart, powerful, dual personality, cold, gentle, aloof for outsiders, flirt master, love making Master😂 and always ready to give his life for Natalie.
Brandon Larson ; Introvert, Reserved, afraid of woman touch, don’t know how to start making love🤣🤣🤣🤣 and think he is still virgin 🤣😂🤣😂 not know how to flirt with his wife, but Powerful, Smart, handsome, gentle ,cold, aloof for outsiders, and still the one who ready to give his life for Natalie.
Both are Same Person 👑 and best of both world . Natalie is lucky and blessed.
One man, two life’s that why we called it 💕”My Billionaire Hubby Lives a Double Life”💕
Why Brandon is shy now ?? Same man married to Natalie 2years ago in disguise of Sebastein Klein, at that time he was fully open for flirt and alway ready to make love with Natalie and never felt any shy and shame on it. Even he strongly accept this fact in front of Natalie. Always ready to consumed his marriage without any shyness and afraid. He was Brandon at that time also just like now ? Don’t understand how he suddenly reserved ……
I love Sebastein Name but know Author don’t use his name as Sebastein. Brandon look totally unfamiliar and unattractive to me. For me that are always as Sebastein and Natalie.💞
Charis condition will effect Sebastian Natalie relation ?
Is Sebastein ever remember how evil was she?
Is he going to blame himself for her condition?
Is he blame Natalie for her condition ?
Or simply he took this thing not that serious because it’s just an accident. Not think too much but he will be gland when his memory return.
May be Charis told now a truth and die . She told how she erase his memory and ask for forgiveness. But seriously she don’t deserve forgiveness .
Is her parents take revenge on her behalf with white family and Larson Group.
But Sebastian already warned them about their daughter actions.
It’s totally Charis fault, she forgot how many innocent life’s will be lost during her evil attempt, even children will die in fire.
How many chapters does this book have?
I can’t wait for the next chapters of the book.
Hope there will be a happy ending.
Yea Brandon. Hopefully his memory is back. I hope they get Charis.
Thanks for the update…i can imagine charis will be wearing darth vador cosplay goin to work…lol…next please!!!
It’s not easy to write, kudos to the writer. Next episode please
these chapters were soothing to read than last ones.
Just curious about what happened to hannah, Her health was deteriorating becoz of charis, is she alive? Also what about nora is she still sick?
Thank you! Thank you for editing the previous chapters. Back on track!
It’s going to be really hard waiting for more chapters! I hope eventually he can remember the past with Natalia.
The author of this novel is a great writer. Apart from the connection between Charis and Larson rescue ship where she bribed their security to drug Sebastian, she has a way of holding the readers’ attention. Good work!
Charis has reaped what she sowed! She has money to waste in bribing people to harm Natalie. She has ended up using her money to bribe people to kill her.
The fire incidence is enough to justle Sebastian’s memory back. Good luck!
Please, update quickly!
love this story and can’t stop reading it. Please post more chapters
This time let Frank drain the poison on Brandon’s body as what Charis did that causes him to forget about his life with Natalie.
Finally the storyline is going back on the right track, but I’m still too anxious to read it and waiting for Brandon to regain his memory
Sebastian hope he can fully regained his memory loss while Natalie slowly do her best about Sebastian recovery and Frank would help everything about Sebastian to cure him and the evil charis will suffer a lot .
This paragraph in chapter 376 makes no sense. I know you has editing issues with this last update. But I’d love to know what this is really supposed to be saying:
“She realized that Brandon had developed a knack for blowing hot air when she had to say something embarrassing.”
This is kind of getting more interesting another twist in the story you will say. Kudos to the writer, keep up the good work.
Natalie just used the instruments available to her for a good just course, Charis has swallowed her own bitter pills now .👍
Charis got what she deserved. More chapters please.
Burn Charis burn! Beautiful twist Charis caught neck deep in her own web. Please just 10 chapters ain’t enough. Thank you though
10 chapters not a satisfying read
These last chapters were definitely difficult to follow due to grammatical errors but was still worth it! Can’t wait for more chapters.
I really want Brandon to find out Charis made him lose his memory & he finds his way back to the ways with Natalie and their romance continues.
Looking forward to what’s to come.
Quick update pls! Can’t wait!
Thanx for updates..
Can’t wait for the next..
Why only 10 chapters and not a daily update.
Please do update daily.
Please more chapter
Plzz post chapters soon …. can’t wait ….
I just hope the next 10 chapters closes this affair, Natalie and Sebastian have seen enough. We don’t need another vallain.
“Brandon,” she mentioned his name. “Why did you do that? Why did you go back inside?”
I think he will not accept the fact in front of her that he run to save her on fire. Because he is shy now and he acted that he doesn’t care for her and everything he has done to just under the force and pressure of contract agreements. And after that Natalie become more unhappy if she really believe his words.
Charis may blame and accused Natalie for fire. Brandon may believe Charis words as she is now burn and obviously buy sympathy from him.
😔so sad, but as mentioned previously, emptiness was filled deep inside Brandon when he didn’t see Natalie most of the time.
I’m pretty sure positive things will happen, as Brandon put his trust on Natalie. I believe he will not believe Charis. In what way? Knowing that Natalie and Brandon are the real victims.
Well I’m worrying if something wrong may happen.
I could sense that maybe Brandon slowly regains his memory. Maybe the tragedy naturally let him remember the fire accident they experienced before.
And take note that there was a person who told Natalie that his husband somewhat like looking for some important to him.😊🥹🥹
Next chapter please 🙏
Dear Editor and writer, thank you for such a wonderful and exquisite story. We do hope you’ll give us a Christmas present by giving us the next chapters till the end
This was the best episode i have read so far, and i do like all the chapters,
Thank you writer can’t wait for the next chapters
This was the best chapter i have read so far, and i do like all the chapters,
Thank you writer can’t wait for the next chapters
Oh my God Natalie is safe..thank you Lord..more chapters please…❤️🙏
You don’t post my comments, I don’t know why.
More chapters please
I so much love reading this story as much as I love reading the comments. The novel wakes up different emotions in me and the comment section is for a laughing spree lol
Am so sorry for brandon he should regain back his memory soon. As for charis she could have just burn to death abeg. Pls the next chapter.
Hey….please post the next chapters… I am getting too anxious to know what happens next.. Please…this is making me so anxious like I will get anxiety attacks.. I Can’t wait anymore..🥺
Hey….please post the next chapters… I am getting too anxious to know what happens next.. Please…this is making me so anxious like I will get anxiety attacks.. I Can’t wait anymore..
I am so excited to know how everything will end! Just can’t wait! Thank you, author!
Is a good thing that Natalie and Sebastian were saved and I hope Charis won’t surface again to cause more trouble.
I really love this novel and am anticipating for the ending.
Thanks for the update.. waiting for more… twas a very good read despite all the typo errors/grammar..
I just do hope that Natalie got evidence that Charis was the instigator of the fire.. and I guess, it’s not yet the end of Charis.. since she got burnt and unrecognizable, she would still come back, in a really different person with the use of plastic surgery, to ruin Natalie and Brandon😄
Making the main characters, Natalie and Brandon suffer a lot may seem the story is not good.
Hoping this will end the evil deed of Charis, not for Natalie to be blamed for the fire even if Charis had been burnt.
It is called Karma, Charis. Seems like Natalie can’t be happy for long. Swapped at birth, abused by her adopted family, get into many unfortunate situations but nothing is her fault. Hope things get better soon.
Next one please 🤞🏻
I’m inspired again in reading back. Charis gets her own piece of cake. I want to read charis back to life again and seeing herself with the effects the fire had done to her and be responsible to the acts she had commited. And sebastian back to his real self.
When this twist came up my heart just sank and i didnt wanted to ready this further as the way i read more and more i felt bad everytime but when Brandon started to show his interest for Natalie i got more and more curious everytime to know how things went
OMG!! so captivating….. cannot wait for more chapters…..
Give us more positive surprise Author👑🤞🤞🤞 you are the best Author 💐💐💐💐 Totally unpredictable💐
Magic started again 💞💞💞
💕Sebastein and Natalie Forever💕
Writes 10,000 chapters for us, all about Sebastein and Natalie. As long as they are together or staying together, I would be ready to read 10,000 more chapters. They are the best. Best Novel Ever🏆, Thank you Author 💐. 🥇Best Author award goes to you 🏆
Love Sebastein and Natalie
Brandon name is so unattractive however Sebastian name sound more attractive and lovely.
Is there any possibilities to bring back Sebastein name again . You totally remove Sebastian name from the story. This story belongs to Sebastien and now his name is totally replace by Brandon. Not happy
Waiting for more and more, it’s take to long now, almost 3.5days to get new updates……..
More chapters please can’t wait
if remember the scene where sand castle washed up by waves and children wipe their tears and started to made new castle again . Now it’s time for Sebastein and Natalie to start again.
Thanks and plse post more chapters
The twist of issues, impressive
Was so disheartened, but seeing Charis getting what she deserves made my day. More updates please
Truly the memory may forget but the heart will always remember! Good things must come out this time… mire chapters pls😃
It’s time to end this novel. All the antagonists received their comeuppance. Good triumphed over evil. Let Natalie and Brandon finally have their happy ending.
Good Charis was caught in her own evil plan it’s high time she pay for her sins with her own life.
Thank you very much for continuing this storyline.
Can’t wait for future chapters.
Delete chairs already 😾😾
And bring back Sebastian’s memory
Natalie deserves a happy ending. True love endures and conquers all evil.
Next chapter please.. thank you
This is a novel where lead characters’ lives are not smooth sailing. Sebastian’s and Natalie’s live are about overcoming vicious hurdles and much about Roman eating relationships. The only thing I want to point out is that only Sebastian and Charis have the brains. Natalie and Garrett are passive and brainless and wait for Sebastian’s initiative. Hope the clever Charis won’t come back as Natalie clone.
Sorry for the typo. I sent before editing.
.*….and not much about romantic relationship.”
“…Sebastian and Natalie’s ‘lives’”
Está difícil seguir la historia con tantos temas de gramática y palabras entre se si soy solo yo pero estaba con demasiados errores.
Waow…. interesting…. mmhhnnn….
more chapter pls
This has really piqued my interest. Interesting turn of events. can’t wait to see what happens next.
Bisalah di lanjutkan
Pzz plzz post soon ….
Novèl yg luar biasa
Penulis kreatif
so the devil Charis was caught in her fire. I hope she does not die but just get disfigured for life.
More chapters please
Why does it take so long to update the new chapters? Pls,,,,,
Waiting for the update
True deep love never fade by memory lost. Memory belongs to mind and love belongs to heart and soul.
Badly waiting for the update please update
Now that Charis has been badly burnt by the fire she started I hope that she will leave the couple alone and let them enjoy being husband and wife again.
Please do not give us a more vicious Charis. I am tired of her evil plans.