Chapter 38 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

Both Garrett and Beulah had grave expressions on their faces.

Annabelle walked toward them and sat beside Beulah, wrapping her arms around her mother. “Mum, what’s wrong?”

Beulah just remained silent.

Garrett was very moody as he barked. “I never asked you to do anything funny. I just wanted you to apologize to her so she wouldn’t be so petty about the past anymore. Now that the company is in trouble and we need her help!”

To be precise, they needed Cormac’s help. It seemed that Loredana had somehow garnered Cormac’s fondness so they figured they had to make a move on Loredana first to get her on board.

Based on Loredana’ tone that day, however, she seemed like she only wanted to focus on the wrongdoings of the past.

Garrett still harbored some feelings toward Beulah, so if they weren’t in such a terrible situation, he would never even consider divorcing Beulah.

“Dad, who are you asking mum to apologize to?” Annabelle couldn’t figure out what was going on.

“And you… Loredana is still your sister. You should try to treat her even nicer.” Garrett cast a glance at

Beulah. “Think about what I’ve said. I will call her now to invite her over for dinner tonight.”

Annabelle wasn’t as calm and composed as Beulah. When she realized her mother was being asked to apologize to Loredana, she immediately got up and snapped. “Dad, how can you ask mum to apologize to her?”

Garrett’s eyes trembled slightly and he couldn’t comprehend why his usually obedient and sensible daughter was acting so strangely forceful at that moment.

“I’m your father. Do you think you should talk to me like that?” Garrett responding finally flying into a rage, “Let me tell you straight. If you’re willing to apologize, then everything is still up in the air; but if you refuse to apologize, I’ll immediately divorce your mum!”

Unlike his wife, he still prioritized the company. As long as he could maintain his status in society, he wouldn’t be short of women to marry at any given time. If he lost his wealth and status in society, it would mean that he had reached his doom!


“Annabelle!” Beulah instantly interrupted her daughter.

She was very clear-headed about Garrett’s priority. Why would he care about her dignity after everything that had happened? If he was being serious, he would divorce her in an instant. And it was all because of what had happened to Maxina and her mother. Although they had been a family for a long time, he could still abandon them as soon as he got the chance.

Annabelle stomped her feet and crossed her arms. “Dad, but why? Who does Loredana think she is?

Why do we have to apologize to her?”

With a loud crashing sound, Garrett hurled the glass on the table at the nearest wall and glared at

Beulah coldly. “Is this how you have been educating our daughter?”

Beulah stood up and wrung her hands. “Garrett, Annabelle just doesn’t want to see me suffer from embarrassment. She doesn’t know what she’s doing. She’s still young,” she explained while tugging at

Annabelle. “Apologize to your father now.”

Annabelle was reluctant to do so since she didn’t think she’d done anything wrong.

“Do it now!”

Beulah spoke in a low voice. Annabelle’s attitude would be fine if it had been any other time, but they couldn’t afford to be stubborn now. If Annabelle continued to be so pig-headed, that would only anger

Garrett even more. They would meet their doom if Garrett were to turn away from them!

Annabelle was heaving heavily now, not willing to back down. Beulah was getting more and more anxious as she slapped hard on Annabelle’s back.

“Is this how I’ve taught you to behave? Apologize to your father now! Quickly”

As Beulah continued to persuade her daughter, she was also trying to hint to her daughter with her eyes.

Annabelle still didn’t want to change her stance, but she finally sensed the severity of the current situation, “Dad, I’m sorry. I’m mistaken.”

Garrett didn’t want to continue arguing with them and turned away from them both. “Prepare more dishes for dinner.”

He immediately left for work after the conversation since he still had a lot of matters to handle in the company.

As he reached the door, Garrett turned around and looked at them one last time. “You two do nothing to help me at all regarding the matters in the company. All you know how to do is spend my money. What use do I have for you two if you can’t do something as simple as apologizing to someone we need?”

Garrett was still a heartless man when it came down to it although, deep down, he still loved Beulah.

He could differentiate very clearly between hard benefits and feelings.

Annabelle gnashed ground her teeth after Garrett left. “Is Dad crazy?”

Beulah plopped down onto the sofa and responded sarcastically. “He isn’t crazy in the slightest. He’s the sanest person I know. Now that Loredana has gained Cormac’s trust, his scheming mind is planning to manipulate her to lure Cormac to his side so that he doesn’t have to worry about losing the company.”

Annabelle was even more infuriated when she heard that. “If I were the one who ended up marrying

Cormac, Dad would never have treated us in such a terrible way!”

Beulah stared at her daughter and nodded. Annabelle was just as good as Loredana, if not more so.

Beulah pulled Annabelle to her side and tried to calm her. “Now is not the time to be angered by such trivial matters,” Beulah chided while glaring into Annabelle’s eyes, “Do you like Cormac?”

Why is she asking the obvious? At the thought of Cormac, Annabelle couldn’t help but blush. She was still young so she wasn’t good at concealing her emotions. She just lowered her head shyly while mumbling a silent response.

Beulah held her daughter’s hand tightly. “You may still have a chance with him.”

“What chance are you talking about?” Annabelle asked, mildly surprised.

Beulah already had a plan in mind. She looked at her daughter. “You don’t need to worry about that now. You just need to doll yourself up nicely and leave everything else to me.”

Before she got off work, Loredana received a call from Garrett asking her to join them for dinner together with the family. He was asking her to bring Cormac along. Loredana couldn’t gauge Garrett’s motivations at all. Was he suspicious of her? He was already nosing around her relationship with

Cormac. If Garrett found out that Cormac didn’t actually favor her, it was very likely she wouldn’t be able to get everything and seek revenger against Beulah for what she’d done to her. On the other hand, the notion of inviting Cormac to visit the Flores family sounded even more ridiculous.

After finishing her last translation, Loredana sat at her desk while immersed in her thoughts. She was thinking about how to convince Cormac to go back home with her. After thinking for a long time, she was unable to come up with anything.

Helen wasn’t in the office, so Loredana grabbed the chance, wanting to have a conversation with


She got up from her seat and wracked her brain to come up with a reason to enter his office. As her eyes fell on one of the translated documents, she picked it up immediately. The whole time Helen had been eliminating any contact between Cormac and Loredana. Helen would always fetch Loredana’

translated work and take them to Cormac herself.

As Loredana stood in front of the door to Cormac’s office, she sucked in a deep breath, and after a while…

As Loredana stood in front of the door to Cormac’s office, she sucked in a deep breath and after a while, she finally mustered enough courage to knock on the door.

A faint reply came from inside the room, she then pushed the door open…

The decor in Cormac’s office was very modern and simplistic. The color scheme was minimalistic, bringing out his maturity and all-encompassing empathy. On one side was a French window that allowed a generous amount of sunlight to pour into the office. If one were to stand in front of the window they would be able to take in the view of the whole city.

Cormac was busy scanning documents. He didn’t even raise his head in response to his visitor.

Loredana stood in front of his desk and held the translated document out for him to see.

Cormac didn’t accept it, he simply said. “Put that on the table.”

Loredana placed the documents on his desk before attempting to broach the topic of bringing him along with her back home. However, she was struggling to say anything.

Should she just say, Mr. Mendelsohn, can you come with me back to my home for a while? Loredana was sure that she would get rejected instantly if she tried that one.

Cormac probably thought the visitor was Helen as he asked, “What’s the matter?”

He flipped over the document while keeping his head low. His eyes never averted from the documents.

“Mr. Mendelsohn, I want to ask you for a favor,” Loredana said, finally mustering enough courage.

As if he finally noticed the unfamiliar voice, he looked up and saw Loredana standing hesitantly in front of his desk.

Loredana forced a hasty smile as she greeted him. “Mr. Mendelsohn.”

At the sight of her, there was a flash of something in his eyes, but it was fleeting. Her appearance in his office was something he’d probably never considered.

Cormac closed the file while leaning back in his chair. He slowly scanned her from face to her feet. He was studying her with the utmost care, missing none of her extraneous features.

“You have a favor to ask from me?”

Loredana tried to avoid meeting his mocking gaze. “Mr. Mendelsohn, have you realized that I’ve been plagued by trouble lately because of you?”

“Oh?” Cormac was surprised she had actually said that.

Loredana clenched her fists to calm herself down as she continued. “Helen has been making life difficult for me in the company and I think you know very well what she’s been doing, Mr. Mendelsohn. Yesterday, my life was even in danger and it was all because of my current identity as your wife. Therefore, by considering my safety, could you please accompany me back home just this once?”

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

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