“We are sorry about that. It’s an impromptu departure. Something urgent came up at home, so we had to leave,” Andrew told Candace apologetically as he ruffled Jamal’s hair.
Candace let Jamal down, and he sniffled as he embraced Janet, “You were not going to say goodbye?” he asked as he looked from her to Andrew with hurt in his eyes.
“I’m sorry, darling!” Janet said with a distressed frown as she bent forward and carried him, balancing him on her waist. She had been so worried about her kids that she had forgotten about Jamal.
“When are you coming back?” Jamal asked, and Evelyn stepped forward to take him from Janet when she looked at him helplessly.
“We don’t know yet. But I’m sure we can always work out something with your mom for you to visit if you miss them too much. Now no more tears, pumpkin. Say goodbye to them like a big boy,” Evelyn said as she brushed away his tears with her thumb.
“You can visit us whenever you want, and I’ll take you bowling and get you lots of that sweet stuff you love,” Janet promised as she kissed his face, and Evelyn took the kid from her.
“I will miss you both,” Jamal said as he looked at Andrew.
“We will miss you too, kiddo,” Andrew said with a small smile and patted the kid’s back.
“Make sure you call me when you arrive. And don’t forget to give my love to Lucas,” Evelyn said with a wave at them as they got into the car.
They all stood there watching and waving until the car disappeared from view, and then they all turned to return inside.
“It’s past his bedtime now,” Candace said as she took Jamal from Evelyn, “Say goodnight to everyone, Jam,” Candace said, and once the kid did so, she returned inside the house ahead of them.
“What now?” Desmond asked no one in particular.
“Since we’ve gotten all the unpleasant topics out of the way, let’s celebrate your birthday!” Jade said with a wiggle of her body, and when the others agreed, they all returned to the porch.
“Bryan, can you please ask Samantha to serve dinner? And you, Benny, excuse me for a minute,” Jade said once they got to the porch and the others started to sit down.
Benne stepped to the side with Jade, while Bryan glared at her before going to do as she had requested.
“What’s up?” Benne asked curiously.
Jade pulled her ear as she looked at him, not knowing how to present her request, “I’m still in need of your help,” she said apologetically.
Benne’s face was carefully blank as he looked at her, “What an interesting opening statement. Get straight to the point, Jady,” Benne urged her.
“Candace wants Jamal to remain here when she leaves with me… Wait! Just let me finish,” Jade said before Benne could interrupt.
“The kid’s father is a dangerous criminal, and I can assure you that he won’t be winning any father of the year awards. He asked to see Candace and Jamal before he would help me close my case, but she doesn’t want her son anywhere near him. She is willing to go with me only if Jamal can stay here. This is the only place she believes he would be safe,” Jade surmised as best as she could.
“Doesn’t she have any family relations she can send the kid to? Wouldn’t she feel better if her family is watching over her kid in her absence rather than a bunch of strangers?”
“She’s an orphan,” Jade said, hoping that would strike a chord of sympathy in Benne while also leaving out the fact that the only person she had who was family to her had been kidnapped by a sexy drug lord.
Why did that suddenly make her think of Massimo? Hot!
Benne pinched the bridge of his nose, “For how long will she be gone? And who is supposed to watch after him in her absence? We both know I will be going to work, and you know the others are traveling back tomorrow,” Benne pointed out, referring to their parents, Bryan and Sonia.
“I’m sure Samantha and the others won’t mind. I will ask them just to be sure. I just wanted to get your approval first,” Jade said, and Benne sighed.
“Fine. Just make sure she writes a list of the dos, don’ts, eats, eat nots, or whatever else the kid needs,” Benne said, making Jade smile at him as she stretched and kissed his cheek.
“Thank you, Benny. You’re so dependable,” Jade said as she tucked her hand under his and led him back to join the others.
“Harry was here a while ago,” Benne said conversationally, and Jade stopped to glare at him.
“And you’re only just mentioning it now? Why didn’t I see him?” Jade asked, and Benne chuckled.
“Relax. I didn’t see him either. He didn’t even drive through the gate. He said his dad is in town, so he had to go home,” Benne explained.
“Oh, yeah!”
“Oh, yeah? You were aware that his dad was around?” Benne asked curiously.
“Yeah. I met him at Harry’s apartment when I went to get my stuff. You can’t let Harry know I met his father, though,” Jade warned.
“Interesting. Care to share what you both discussed?”
“Nothing serious. I told him who I was, and he asked after you, and then I grabbed my stuff and left,” Jade lied, feeling too embarrassed to mention that she had been snooping through his best friend’s bedroom and had been caught in the act by the man.
“Are you in love with him, Jade? Or are you just curious about him? Or maybe you are infatuated with him because you spent the last couple of days with him,” Benne asked with serious eyes.
Jade sighed, “I can’t exactly say that I’m in love with him. I like him, no doubt, and I am undeniably attracted to him. He seems like a very decent guy, and he is different from other guys I know. So let’s just say I like him enough to want to pursue a romantic relationship with him,” Jade said with a shrug.
“I see. I think I’m going to really enjoy watching you both. Just do us both a favor and don’t let him know you are interested in him in that manner yet,” Benne suggested, and Jade raised a brow.
“Why not?”
How could he explain this to her without telling her about his discussion with Harry? That was his private business with Harry, and he couldn’t tell her about it, the same way he wouldn’t tell Harry about his conversation with Jade.
He believed that if she told Harry she liked him immediately, he would continue to do his best to avoid her because, for his weird reasons, he didn’t want to date his best friend’s younger sister even if it was crystal clear that he was liked her. So maybe the best way to get him to face his feelings and push him to accept them and act on them was to make it too hard for him to resist.
“Just trust me on this, okay? I’m not saying you should stop talking to him or anything. And I’m not asking you to lie to him about anything either. Harry hates lies…”
Jade winced, and Benne narrowed his eyes, “You lied to him already?”

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself
Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.