Chapter 37 – Pretending You Are Mine Novel

“Were you a curmudgeon?” I ask Silas, looking up at him.

“Maybe a little.”

“Maybe a lot,” Winnie says.

Silas pats Ross on the back. “Did you enjoy the game?”

“More than you would have expected,” Ross says, keeping his eyes plastered on the locker room door.

“Well, now that the game is out of the way, what else do you have planned for Ollie’s birthday? Just going to go home . . . and have fun?” Winnie asks.

I feel Silas glance at me while his grip grows tighter on my back. I don’t have to look up at him to know he’s not only pissed I didn’t tell him it’s my birthday, but he’s also embarrassed.

“Actually, we were just going to go dancing, maybe grab some drinks,” I say, filling in so Silas doesn’t have to answer.

“Ooo, fun. Well, I won’t keep you.” She asks Silas, “Where was Pacey in the process of coming out here?”

“He got held back by some reporters. He should be out soon.”

“Okay, thanks.” Then she gives me another hug. “Maybe we can get together some time, celebrate your birthday without the guys.”

“Yeah, that sounds great.” I wave, and with Silas’s hand adhered to my back, we make our way down the hall. Ross reluctantly walks next to me.

“Great game,” I say awkwardly. “I’ve never been to a hockey game before, so that was something else. Ross here really got into it.”

“Might be my favorite sport, ever,” he says. “By the way, is that, uh . . . Ian Rivers guy available?”

“I think he has a boyfriend. At least I know he’s been dating.”

“Dammit,” Ross says, disappointment heavy in his voice. “The good ones are always taken.”

“Where are we headed?” I ask as we reach a door at the end of the hallway.

“My car,” he says.

The fall wind wh*ps up around us as we step out into the starry night. Silas brings us over to his Tesla, and he opens the door for Ross but keeps me put.

“I just need to talk to Ollie real quick.”

“Not a problem,” Ross says. “I’m going to see if I can find any information on this alleged boyfriend. I have some gay friends around the city who are rich in gossip. They must know something.”

Oh Ross.

Silas shuts the door and brings me to the back of the vehicle, where he pins me and very carefully, in a low and controlled voice, asks, “It’s your f**king birthday today?”

Yup, I knew he would be angry.

“It is.” I swallow.

“You know, this happened with Eli,” Silas says. “Penny didn’t tell him it was her birthday, and he nearly lost it. I didn’t think much of it until I was standing in front of Winnie, and she’s asking you what you’re going to do the rest of your special day.”

“Silas, it’s not a big deal—”

“And when I asked you to come tonight, and you said you needed to move some things around, were those birthday things?” He’s speaking so low, I know Ross can’t hear him.

“Yes, but like I said, it’s not a big deal. We had a good time. And Ross and I were going to go out after the game, so no biggie.”

“It’s a big f**king deal to me, Ollie.”

“Why? It’s not like you’re my actual boyfriend,” I say, even though it doesn’t quite feel right saying that, especially after the k**s we shared only moments ago. “I don’t expect you to do anything for my birthday.”

“You should know me better than that.” His hand brushes over my cheek. “I would have done something for you. I would have made it special.”

“You did make it special. I loved watching you play.” I tug on the lapel of his suit jacket. “You were really hot out there.”

His jaw grows tight as he says, “Don’t say things like that.”

“Why not? It’s true. You were sexy on the ice. I couldn’t take my eyes off you.”

“Oliana,” he says, his voice growing dark before he rests his forehead on mine. “I’m struggling here. Please don’t distract me.”

“What are you struggling with?” I ask as I find the waistband of his pants and pull him in a touch closer. “I thought you were sexy on the ice.”

“You’re changing the parameters of this agreement.”

“As if you don’t want to,” I say, growing slightly frustrated with him. “You’re telling me that k**s we had back in the hallway was all fake for you?”

His eyes flash open to mine. “You know it wasn’t.”

“So then . . . what’s the problem?”

“I told you what the problem is.” He puts some distance between us. “And that’s beside the point. We’re talking about your birthday.”

“There’s nothing to talk about. You clearly don’t want to extend this relationship into something more. You’re not my boyfriend. Therefore, you don’t need to worry about my birthday. Enough said,” I reply, now just irritated with him. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, Ross and I have some dancing to do.” I attempt to leave, but Silas pins me to the car.

“You’re not going without me.”

I roll my eyes. “Come on, Silas. You don’t like dance clubs.”

“You don’t know that.”

I pop my hip out and cross my arms. “So you’re telling me you’ll go to a dance club with me and Ross and dance?”

“I didn’t say I was going to dance, just that I’ll go with you.”

Well, this ought to be fun.

If there is one way to get this man to change his mind about our situation, to give in to the way he feels about me, it’s having him watch me dance with other people. I want more with him, but it seems like the only way I can break him is to flaunt myself and make him so rabid with jealousy that he has no choice but to claim me.

Maybe this will turn out to be in my favor after all.

“Okay.” I smile. “Let’s go.”

He eyes me, probably trying to gauge where my head is at, but I just smile at him and move myself to the passenger side of the car. This time, he allows me.

He wants to be stubborn? Fine, let’s see if I can crack him.

* * *

Silas p**sseshis l*ps together when he scans me one last time as we head into the club. I can still remember the look on his face in the car when I disrobed from my sweatshirt and showed off my shirt underneath. The only way I can think to describe it is what Sandy from Grease wore in the last scene, with the off-the-shoulder sleeves but with no bottom half. So my entire torso is on display. And boy, oh boy, did Silas give me a look. I loved every second of it.

When we enter the club, the music filters through my veins, and all I want to do is go straight to the dance floor, but because Silas is who he is, we’re directed to a roped-off VIP section guarded by bouncers. I’ve never been in one of the suites that overlooks the entire club, but they’re nice. Cushioned seats, a server, privacy if you need it.

“Mr. Taters, if you need anything, please let us know.”

“Thank you,” Silas says. “I think just those drink orders. And I believe Levi Posey and some friends will be joining us shortly.”

“Of course,” the host says before taking off.

Ross turns toward Silas and says, “Is Ian Rivers coming?”

“I think he might be.”

“Dear Jesus. Is he bringing his partner?”

Casually, Silas says, “According to Posey, Ian isn’t involved anymore. I checked for you.”

Ross shrieks and turns toward me. “I need to go to the bathroom to freshen up.” He k**ses me on the cheek and takes off, leaving me alone with Silas who takes a seat on the bench and stretches his arm across the back.

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself

Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.

4 responses to “Chapter 37 – Pretending You Are Mine Novel”

  1. Diana Avatar

    Can’t wait for more chapters ..

  2. Dana Avatar

    Hope Silas takes Olive as his real girlfriend

  3. Dana Avatar

    Don’t keep us waiting long

  4. Natascha Avatar

    Ohh my ohh my ….you are giving me sleepless nights just reading the chapters….can’t wait to read more, hope it will be soon!!