She regrets the words the second they leave her mouth. Her voice sounds childish and jealous. Good job, Gabrielle, she thinks. You wanted to show Bryan how much you’ve grown up, but you still sound like a jealous, whiny little kid.
She casts a sideways glance at Bryan, but he seems to be ignoring her question. She breathes a small sigh of relief and sneaks another look. Bryan’s dark hair and stormy complexion couldn’t be more different from Jackson’s golden locks and blue eyes—but they both have a certain arrogance in their expressions.
“Come on,” Bryan says. “Let me show you the set.”
He leads her into the big sound stage building. The air is cool, and the room is dim. Suddenly bright spotlights flicker on, revealing a medieval stone palace and a village below. Gabrielle gasps, and Jackson laughs with amus.e.m.e.nt.
“Pretty impressive, huh?” he asks.
She nods with amazement, and he leads her down the set’s cobbled streets to a deep, dark moat. She bends over and trails her fingertips through the water, and he laughs and pretends to push her in.
“Don’t you dare,” she shrieks, swatting his hands away. “Don’t you ever get sick of tormenting me? God, you’re still the same old Bryan.”
He laughs and says, “You’re not the same Little Miss C.o.c.keyed, though.”
Her cheeks get warm, and she turns her face to hide her expression. He takes her arm and tugs her back out of the building onto the studio lot. She blinks in the sudden bright sun and stumbles against him. He wraps his arm around her shoulder and pulls her against his chest.
“What are you doing?” she gasps. “Someone might see us and get the wrong idea—let go of me.”
He laughs and asks, “Do you know how publicity works?”
“Not really,” she says.
“Well, trust me, any publicity is good publicity,” he says. “If you can get people talking about the actors in a movie, you can build interest and get more people to see the movie itself.”
“Well sure,” Gabrielle says. “But won’t your fans get angry if they think you’re with some strange woman?”
“Oh, who cares,” he says. “Since when did you get so serious, Gabrielle? Besides, the studio won’t let anyone release photos they don’t approve of. I’m not worried.”
Gabrielle ducks her head. She knows she should pull away from him, but his T-shirt is soft against her cheek, and he smells amazing—like musky cologne and pines. She snuggles her cheek against him and feels his chest shake with laughter. She freezes and jumps away from him, her face going hot with embarrassment.
“Your cheeks are so red, you look like an apple,” he says, lunging toward her. “Why don’t you let me have a bite?”
“Oh, grow up, Bryan,” she says.
“Come on, I just want a taste,” he says. “I want to see if you’re still as sweet as you were when you were a child.”
He grabs her shoulders and bends down. For a moment, his soft lips brush her cheek, and then he closes his mouth and nibbles at the skin. As he pulls away, he stares into her eyes as if he’s going to kiss her. Then he laughs and steps back.
“Hmm, not quite how I remembered,” he says with a wink.
Hot tears flooded her eyes. She tries to blink them away, but they splash down onto her cheeks. I’m not at all like the girl he remembers, she thinks. That girl was pure and innocent—not some filthy p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e at the Top Girls Club. It’s true I’ve only slept with Jackson, but that won’t make a difference to anyone. For the rest of my life, I’ll be dirty. No man will want me when he finds out what I’ve done.
“Hey, Gabby, what’s wrong?” Bryan asks. “Did I hurt you? Here, you can bite me back—make it even.”
He bends down and puts his chiseled cheek near her mouth. She turns her head away and wipes her eyes, cursing herself for being so emotional. I probably look ridiculous, she thinks. Coming here was clearly a mistake—I’m just embarrassing myself.
“It’s okay, Bryan,” she says. “I’m fine.”
“Okay,” he says with a shrug. “Let me show you the rest of the studio.”
He reaches down and takes her hand in his. His fingers are rough and calloused, and his touch sends shivers up her spine—she pulls her hand away as if she’s been electrocuted.
“What’s going on with you today?” he asks. “You’re acting so shy. We held hands all the time when we were kids.”
“Well, we’re not children anymore,” she says. “Someone might see us, and then what would your agent say?”
“I don’t have an agent,” Bryan says. “And I can tell you’re not a child anymore.”
His eyes twinkle, and he takes a long look at her slender legs, perky ass, and small b.r.e.a.s.ts. He licks his lips, and she glances down, suddenly worried she’d dressed indecently. She’s wearing skinny light wash jeans and a simple white shirt, but the clothes cling to her body and highlight her gentle curves. Bryan raises an eyebrow and winks and then takes her arm in his.
“It usually gets pretty crowded around the trailers, so stay close to me,” he says. “We wouldn’t want you losing your way. Someone might mistake you for an actress and sign you for a movie deal.”
Gabrielle rolls her eyes and lets him lead her toward the trailers.
Janetta looks out her trailer window, and her lips curl into a sneer. Gabrielle and Bryan are walking arm in arm as if they’re a cute old married couple. How dare she, Janetta thinks. Bryan is supposed to be mine. I guess Top Girls Club really has turned her into a shameless little whore.
“What are you looking at?” Wendy Angela asks.
Janetta turns to glare at her agent and snaps, “Nothing important.”
“Well, then sit back down and let the stylist finish your makeup,” Wendy says.
Janetta sighs and settles into the makeup chair. She closes her eyes and lets the stylist swipe on layers of stage makeup and dramatic eyeshadow. The makeup feels heavy and hot on her skin, and when she opens her eyes, she barely recognizes herself.
“You know, you and your little sister really look alike,” Wendy says.
“Really?” Janetta asks.
“I think so,” Wendy says.
“That’s just because she copies me,” Janetta snaps. “You know ever since she was a child, she always wanted to do whatever I did. She did her hair like me and even stole my clothes to wear. It was cute when she was a kid, but now it’s just pathetic.”
“I see,” Wendy says, but she doesn’t sound convinced. “Anyway, we’re going to film the big sword fight scene today. There’s no budget for a stunt double, so you’re going to have to do everything yourself. You’ll have to let me know if you start getting too hot so we can have someone fix your makeup. We don’t want you to look sweaty.”
Janetta glances over her shoulder and sees Gabrielle walking out of Bryan’s trailer. That little skank, she thinks. I’ll make her pay for this.
“Wendy, I’ve just had a wonderful idea,” she says. “What if we asked Gabrielle to be my stunt double? I’m on my period, and I’m not sure I can handle the action scenes, and you’ve already said she looks like me.”
“Um, I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” Wendy stammers.
“Why not?” Janetta asks. “Gabrielle can earn some money, and maybe she’ll even find a new career. Like her bigger sister, I feel responsible for helping her.”
“But does she have any experience?” Wendy asks. “It’s not easy to be a stunt double.”
“Oh, I’m sure she’ll manage,” Janetta says. “After all, she has quite a bit of experience in the entertainment industry. I’m sure her work has made her very flexible.”

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself
Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.
14 responses to “Chapter 361 – An Unbreakable Vow with the Heartless Tycoon”
Why do I feel Andrew and Waylen’s father are up to no good. They should leave Waylen and Leilani alone
Lucky waylen do research on time before the wedding.
This was a GOOOD update 👍🏻👍🏻
Waiting for the next one soon 🙏🏻
Thank you for the update! I actually didn’t mind Andrew’s character from how he transformed from a pervert into being in love with Leilani. I just wish he had a backbone and wasn’t a wimp.
He was suppose to be a a character that was on the same ruthless arrogance level as Waylen and Jackson.of the 3, Waylen seems to be more human with compassion to those he loves. Please update quickly! Story is getting very good. Keen to hear about the missing ring also
Great chapters please expose Waylan grandfather soon. Please update soon
Thank you writer… Its interesting now that both lailanie and waylen are back together❤️
Pageturner – however I feel anxious about what’s going to happen next.
So can you clarify that it’s Waylen’s grandfather and Andrew’s grandfather that are scheming? Or Waylen’s grandfather and Andrew’s father. Earlier it was assumed it was both grandfather’s plus Jackson’s grandfather that associate with each other?
Thank you for an update on the ring saga. Would be interesting to know who has the other ring. I think Leilani needs to take down the Oliver family also. I don’t like them
Hello dear author, thanks for reconciling Waylen and Leilanie.
Hoping for a good chapters coming.
When is yr next update? Can’t wait. It’s been a while.
Pls no more break up blw Waylen and Leilani. Let them just figured things out without breaking up. I love that they made up and are together. No more twisted in the storyline to separate them plssssd
Nice one outhor take your 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Please update soon it’s been almost a week.