Abigail felt a gripping pain over her heart, but she did her best to stay calm. “I know.”
“When are you coming back?” Sheryl was beside herself with worry, as the rash and now the fever made things look very dangerous.
Hanging up, she caught Stephen’s wrist firmly as she said, “You need to help me. Dr. Carr.”
Stephen could tell that this was serious-Abigail would not be this somber otherwise.
“I’ll do my best,” he assured her.
“Find out the virus the dog carries.”
‘Just leave it to US.” Dennis told her.
“I’ll be staying here too.” Stephen added. “We’ll call you once we have something.”
Abigail nodded in gratitude and left the research center to hurry home, urging the chauffeur to floor the gas pedal along the way.
When she reached home. she had just stepped through the front door when she heard Sheryl snapping. “Who do you think you are, Debbie? What right do you have to tell US to move out of this apartment?!”
Debbie leveled Sheryl a look of disdain. “You’re the one who has no right here. Did you think I came to mess around? Diarmuid sent me to chase you out of this house!”
‘Don’t give me that crap!’ Shery! naturally would not believe Debbie.” Tommy is sick. He’s not going to make US leave at a time like this…”
“I’m marrying Diarmuid, so you are all leaving-get it?”
Debbie planted herself on the couch like she owned the place. “You have one hour, or I’ll have all your belongings thrown out.
Sheryl almost fainted right then-her feet turned to jelly and she stumbled backward, and Mrs. Watson had to catch her.
Then, turning to glare at Debbie for a second, Mrs. Watson then charged at her and started clawing her face!
You witch! You brought US that diseased cure to make Tommy sick! And now you’ve come here to brag?! Mr. Althoff would never love that black heart of yours-wake up already!”
Debbie was caught off guard and she felt the flaring sting on her face before she realized what was happening.
Pushing Mrs. Watson off, she snapped, “I’ll kill you!”
How dare she lay a finger on her face!
Mrs. Watson was knocked to the floor, but she did not give up-scrambling to her feet, she charged toward Debbie again, but that was when Abigail entered.
She stared at Mrs. Watson and Sheryl for a moment before saying, “Pack our belongings. We’re leaving.”
Both women froze, unable to believe what they were hearing.
“What was that, Abigail?” Sheryl asked in disbelief.
Mrs. Watson certainly did not think Abigail should back down either. Ma’am -you’re Mr. Althoff’s wife and the mother of his son.
Debbie is the one who should be leaving. What was it she said? That Mr. Althoff is going to marry her?! What a joke! She must have never looked in the mirror to see that hideous face of hers!”
‘I’ll have Diarmuid fire you, believe it!” Debbie glared at her, even as she flushed from being ridiculed by a mere housekeeper!
I doubt it-I’ve served Mr. Althoff longer than you ever could. What, did you think that you’re some ravishing goddess who could bewitch men? I’m sorry, but you really should stop overestimating yourself, you shameless slut!”
Debbie actually could not muster a retort, and her face turned dark.
Her knuckles clenching at her side, she then spotted a cup on the table and picked it up. Before she could throw it at Mrs. Watson, however, Abigail hurried to her and took it off her hands, saying, “We’re leaving right now. There’s no need to get violent with an elderly woman.”
Debbie’s eyes were bulging. “Didn’t you hear what she said?”
“She’s been staying here for so long, and you’re chasing off at the drop of a hat,” Abigail pointed out. ‘Don’t you think it’s reasonable that she had a little complaint?”
Debbie laughed smugly at that. “They don’t believe Diarmuid would marry me. Why don’t you tell them, Abigail?”
Both Sheryl and Mrs. Watson turned toward Abigail at the same time.
Abigail knew what Debbie wanted to hear and she decided to play along, telling them, “Diarmuid is breaking up with me, and he’s going to marry Debbie. Let’s pack our things…” is he blind?!” Mrs. Watson cried in frustration, not particularly caring about her words.
Debbie was incensed that she kept questioning her looks.
Even if she did not hold a candle to Abigail’s beauty before, Abigail had since been disfigured!
“What would you know?! No matter how ugly you think I am, I’m a lot less uglier than that!” Debbie snapped while pointing at Abigail. “Also, men aren’t all about looks-they want women who can hold their own. Diarmuid needs a woman who can stand with him not as an equal, not a plague like her who keeps causing him trouble. As for me, I’m both his hands at the workplace and someone who could take care of his personal needs too. Does she even hold a candle to me? Hmm?!”
While Mrs. Watson was glaring furiously, Sheryl had calmed down to think arguing with Debbie now was pointless, because she would never strut like this without Diarmuid’s approval.
“Stop, Mrs. Watson. We’re leaving.”
With that, she left to pack up.
Since Abigail and Sheryl were not fighting, Mrs. Watson did not have the confidence to keep it up, and she left grumpily to pack up as well.
Debbie stopped Abigail before she could leave. “Do you know how much I hate you, Abigail?”
Abigail paused, turning slowly and leveling her a cool glare. ‘I’ve hated you ever since you married Diarmuid. Remember that accident he had?’
Abigail’s memory failed her just then, so Debbie reminded her, “I sicked our men on you instead of Ricky Bernstein, even though he was the driver who caused the accident.”
Abigail remembered then-she had lost one of her twins at the time.
Debbie smiled. “Actually, I knew everything, including the fact that Ricky was the driver… But since the vehicle was registered under your name, I sent our men after you instead.”
Abigail’s hand slowly clenched into fists at her sides.
Whitney Cox’s amniocentesis did not cause a miscarriage at the time, but she had suffered one after those men attacked her.
She had always held that grudge against Whitney, but it turned out that Debbie was the real culprit.
If she did not send those men after her, both twins would have survived.
She glared at Debbie then, truly realizing how far her treachery goes just then.
“Now you got what you wanted. You’ve won-I lost.”
“I always get what I want,” Debbie gloated.
“Yeah. Good luck,” Abigail flatly said, and turned to leave.
They were soon done packing since they were just taking some clothes and necessities, and Abigail was carrying Tommy, while Mrs. Watsons and Sheryl carried their luggage.
Debbie was sitting on the couch, her hands folded over her chest as she declared, “This will be my bridal chamber with Diarmuid.”
Mrs. Watson lost her temper and was about to start another fight, but Sheryl stopped her.
It was pointless to argue with Debbie now that Diarmuid had her back.
At the same time, Abigail turned to glare at Debbie with murder in her eyes!
Debbie had killed one of Abigail’s children, and had now hurt Tommy too.
Abigail would not allow those grudges to stay unanswered!
When she left the apartment, her phone started ringing.
She took it out to see that it was a text from Diarmuid. [Any place that Debbie knows is not safe. I’ve arranged for you to stay elsewhere-the chauffeur will take you there.]
As a matter of fact, he immediately agreed when Debbie demanded the Rose Garden apartment.
For starters, she knew that place, and it would therefore not be safe for Abigail or Tommy.
Moreover, Debbie would get full of herself, and her conceit would make it easier to destroy her.
Abigail did not answer Diarmuid’s text, however, and simply got into the car to leave.
Peter Lindt had taken out all the available funds he could to buy Tim Goldman’s silence.

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself
Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.