“You all should give the young man a break! He is only traveling, not going to commit suicide. Why do you all sound like you won’t be seeing him again? You should leave now before you miss your flight, son,” Desmond said impatiently as he slapped Lucas’ back making him chuckle as he opened the car door, but not without stopping to embrace Sonia first.
“You take care of her, Bryan,” Lucas said as he shook hands with Bryan before looking at the others, “Y’all should have fun. And let me know who wins the game,” he told Celsie with a wink as he got into the car for Adolf to drive him to the airport.
They had all agreed that he should not drive his car since they didn’t think that he was in a good frame of mind to drive himself.
Benne had promised to get the car delivered to him since both their parents would be traveling back together and wouldn’t be needing the car.
They all stood out there waving at the car as Adolf drove off, and they remained there until the car disappeared from view.
Janet sighed as her husband’s arm came around her waist, “I really hope that he will be fine.”
“Don’t worry. He will be fine,” her husband assured her.
“Alright, everyone! It is time for the games!” Sonia announced excitedly.
“Okay, let’s see what Celsie has prepared to entertain us,” Desmond said with a grin as they all headed for the house.
“The games are all outdoor games,” Celsie announced.
“What? Outdoor games? I thought it would be using the play station or something,” Andrew complained.
“Why? Are you scared that Benne would beat your pants down?” Bryan taunted.
Andrew smirked, “Take a look at my physique, son. I doubt that your body would be anywhere near this when you get to my age. I’m not scared of outdoor activities.”
“Why do you keep being at loggerhead with both brothers, anyway?” Janet asked her husband quietly.
“It’s not my fault that the boys feel threatened by your hot hunk of a husband,” he told his wife with a wink, and she rolled her eyes, “So what is it going to be? Are we swimming?”
“You will see when it’s time. Right now, you all should go to the poolside and wait while we get all the items we need,” Celsie instructed them before signaling to Sonia to come with her.
“What?” Both Benne and Celsie’s dad exclaimed in unison when Celsie and Sonia joined the others who were already seated at the poolside thirty minutes later with Samantha and Jamal. While Celsie was carrying two sack bags, Samantha and Sonia each carried a bowl that contained whipped cream, and Jamal held two deflated balloons.
“What are the bags for?” Benne’s dad asked with a chuckle as he relaxed on his seat, ready to enjoy the show.
“The first game you both will be playing against each other is the sack race,” Sonia announced with a grin, and both Andrew and Benne looked at Celsie incredulously while the others laughed out in amusement.
“Can I play?” Jamal asked eagerly.
“No, darling. There is not enough sack for all three of you and they both have to compete against each other,” Evelyn said as she lifted Jamal on her lap.
“Come on, Celsie, how do you expect the chief executive officer of OmniGlobal to participate in such a silly game?” Bryan asked amidst his laughter, causing the others to laugh even more.
“I’m too old for such a game,” Celsie’s father complained in disbelief.
“Oh, now he admits that he is old,” Bryan said with a chuckle.
“I’m not old,” Jamal pointed out.
“Yeah. You are just too young to play,” Celsie’s mother told the child with a grin as she patted his hair.
“We need a hand. Come with me,” Sonia said to Bryan as she took the balloons from Jamal and handed them to Bryan who followed her and Samantha to the other end of the poolside where a table had been set.
“Can I go with them?” Jamal asked hopefully as he attempted to get off Evelyn’s thighs. He did not want to be away from the balloons, as that was where he believed the fun was.
“Sure. Go on,” Evelyn said as she set the kid down and he hurried after Bryan.
“It is actually a very simple and short contest. You will both wear the sack bags, and then run to the other side where Sonia, Bryan, and Samantha will be waiting. When you get to the other side, we will proceed to the next phase,” Celsie announced.
“There is a next phase?” Benne asked incredulously.
“Yes. There are four phases. The first is the sack race. You take off the sack once you get to the other side, and the second phase starts immediately. The second involves finding the bubble gum in the whipped cream bowl, and while you’re finding the bubble gum a balloon will be attached to both your ankles, which brings us to the third phase; stomping the balloon. The first person to stomp on his opponent’s balloon and burst it races back to the pool and dives in while the other follows. The first to get back to the end of the pool and meet me here is the winner,” Celsie explained with a wide smile as she adjusted her glass on the bridge of her nose.
Benne looked at her incredulously, “You are kidding me, right?” There was no way his Celsie was capable of coming up with such a wicked game. It had to be Sonia. This had Sonia written all over it, Benne thought as he turned to look at Sonia who was now standing at the other end away from them and was setting the bowls on the table, while Bryan pumped two balloons, “This was her idea, wasn’t it?” He asked Celsie.
“Does it matter whose idea it is? You both should hurry up and get into the sacks. We don’t have all day,” Benne’s father urged them both.
“This is ridiculous!” Celsie’s father muttered, and Benne nodded in agreement.
“At least you both agree on something now. It’s an improvement,” Evelyn pointed out with a grin.
“If you think about it, the game is not as ridiculous as you competing with your daughter’s man for her love. Since you both agreed to compete against each other for Celsie’s love, you should do so quietly unless you are ready to pay double the money we bet on you,” Janet warned her husband, while Benne stood there staring at Celsie who was smiling at him like she had done something praiseworthy.
He exchanged a look with Celsie’s father who shrugged, “So what are the rules?”
“Just put on the sack and run once the whistle is blown. When you get to the bowl, you can only try to find the bubble gum with your mouth, not your hands. That means you dip your head in the bowl and try to find the bubble gum with your teeth or tongue, just not your hands,” Celsie explained.
“So how do you know who finds it? What if he claims to find it without actually finding it?” Her father asked, eyeing Benne dubiously.

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself
Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.