Chapter 31 – Pretending You Are Mine Novel

He sets my clutch down on the desk before coming up behind me, his chest firm against my back. He dips his head so his l*ps are right next to my ear. Chills race up my arms from his heady proximity.

“Did you have fun tonight?” he asks in a menacing tone as his hand travels up my back until it reaches the nape of my neck. “F**king around with my c**k, trying to make me hard?”

“I didn’t have to try,” I say.

Not sure why I decide to poke the bear, but I do.

Unhappy with my response, he moves me up against the wall. His large, muscular chest ecl*pses my back, and the only reason my face isn’t p**ssed into the white paint in front of me is because my hands are bracing my body.

“It wasn’t f**king funny,” he says, his tone clear. He’s ready to snap.

I swallow hard. “Sorry to say, but you said nothing about not turning you on.”

“It’s in the f**king contract,” he virtually spits. “We don’t do that.”

“We don’t f**k. Nothing says we can’t tease,” I say, unable to stop myself from mouthing off.

“Is that in the fine print?” he asks.

“Yes,” I answer just as his hand finds the zipper to my jumpsuit.

“Good to know,” he says in such a sly, knowing voice that I fear what he’s about to do.

With one hand on my waist, keeping me in place, he slides the zipper of my outfit down until my back is exposed. His body is so close that I can feel his body heat against mine.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“Helping you,” he says as he lowers the sleeves on my jumpsuit down my arms, and for some reason, I assist him and let them fall all the way off, only to brace myself against the wall again, this time, my br***ts exposed since I wasn’t wearing a bra. He slides his hands along my bare sides and then pushes my jumpsuit down the rest of the way, leaving me in only my thong.

I squeeze my eyes shut, telling myself I know what he’s doing. He’s trying to get back at me for what I did at the party. It’s clear as day. The easy thing to do would be to tell him to leave. To turn around and put space between us. But I don’t seem to open my mouth, and I don’t seem to find it within me to step away from him. Instead, I allow him to come up behind me and move his hand along my bare stomach.

“You liked f**king with me tonight, didn’t you?” he asks, his thumb trailing up my stomach.

I bite the side of my mouth.

“I was imp**ssed you held it together.”

“Do you think you’ll be able to hold it together?” he asks as his hand moves south to the waistband of my thong. I s**k in a sharp breath as his fi**ger runs along the elastic. The soft touch sends zing after zing of arousal down my legs and up my stomach. “Or do you think you’ll crack?”

With his other hand, he sl*ps it under the strap of my thong at my waist and holds me tight against his chest with his large, calloused hand. He drags his other hand up my stomach, just below my aching br***ts. I want him to touch me.

I want him to touch me all over.

I s**k in a sharp breath just as his thumb knocks against the underside of my br***t, sending me into a tailspin of need.

“F**k,” I whisper, hoping he doesn’t hear me.

But as his grip on my waist grows tighter, I know he did.

His scruffy jaw r*bs against my smooth cheek as he swipes his thumb against my br***t again.

I grind down on my teeth, telling myself I won’t m**n. Not for him, not when he’s trying to prove a point.

But when he does it again, this time closer to my n**ple, I exhale sharply and lower my forehead to the wall.

I can practically feel his smile of satisfaction as he moves his hand back down my stomach, causing it to hollow out as he brings his fi**gers to the edge of my thong and slowly slides them under.

F**k me.

I want it.

I want him.

I want his fi**gers inside me.

His c**k.

His mouth.

I back my h*ps up into his pelvis, and I’m fully satisfied to feel him hard. He might be torturing me, but at least he’s torturing himself as well.

“You know you want me,” I say. “I’ve been feeling it all night.”

He doesn’t answer. He removes his hand from my thong and proceeds up my stomach again. This time, he runs his hand over my br***t, barely caressing my n**ple, and goes all the way up until he’s gripping my throat.

A wave of arousal hits me so hard that I know if he just touched me once, I’d come. That’s how turned on I am. That’s how much he owns me at this moment.

That’s why I’m falling into the way he plays with me.

Holding my neck tight, he whispers, “Swallow.”

Unsure of what’s going on, I do as he says, and I swallow.

He lightly m**ns into my ear and says, “That’s what it would feel like if my dick was in your mouth. But you would take me deep, wouldn’t you?”

“Y-Yes,” I say.

His hand on my waist now twists around to the front and slides to the spot just above my slit. Right now, with him gripping my neck, toying with me in a way that has me so hot and bothered that I feel like I could explode, I know he owns me. I might have played with him earlier, but that was nothing compared to what he’s doing to me now.

“Ask for it,” he says, his l*ps running along my cheek.

“Ask for what?” I say, barely able to breathe from my pounding heart.

“What you want.” He slides his fi**gers even closer, and I squeeze my eyes shut.

F**k I want it.

So badly, I’m willing to put aside all of the frustration, the contract, and the entire night, just to come on his hand.

“Touch me,” I whisper.

“Where?” he asks.

I swallow again, and he hums in approval. “Everywhere,” I answer just as he growls and slides his fi**ger down my slit.

“Soaking,” he says as his fi**ger connects with my c**t.

“Yes,” I m**n and rest my head against his shoulder. “F**k me with your fi**gers.”

“You would like that, wouldn’t you?” he says, his voice turning menacing again, and before I can reply, he removes his hand and releases me.

I fall into the wall, empty, cold . . . unsatisfied.

I stand there, stunned, panting . . . in need of release so bad that I place my arm over my br***ts to conceal them and turn around to face him.

“You prick,” I say. “I never pushed you that far.”

He drags his hand over his mouth as his eyes trail down my body. “I told you not to f**k with me.”

He moves past me and heads toward the door. “Is this all some kind of game to you?” I ask, walking down the hallway as well, keeping my br***ts covered because he doesn’t deserve to see them.

“You made it a game tonight,” he says, turning on me.

“I made it a game?” I ask. “You’re the one who threatened me tonight and forced me to join you.”

“I wouldn’t have had to force you if you had abided by the contract.”

“You didn’t even need my help anyway. I saw the way you were sitting so intimately with Sarah.”

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself

Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.