Chapter 273 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

Cormac sneered after hearing what she said.

Loredana had never seen him laughed mockingly. She startled for a moment.

“Not necessarily a prank.” Standing by the window, Boyce stood straight and said.

Loredana turned and looked towards him, “What do you mean?”

If it’s not a prank, then what is it?

Boyce looked at her, “I mean for a baby like that, it could be real.”

Loredana still did not get it.

“The person investigating Lacey’s home has come back.” Boyce sighed. “When she was 16 years old, she was pregnant. The baby was born, but then tragically died. The baby was thrown in a well.”

That was why she thought of choosing this creepy occurrence to scare Loredana.

Loredana felt painful. Was it because she was also a mother? What kind of person could be so cruel to kill a living being?

She was holding her heart. Breath was stuck in her throat.

Cormac reached out and grabbed her, “What’s the matter?”

Loredana shook her head. Suddenly, dryness reached her mouth, and her throat was itchy. She started coughing, pushed Cormac away, and ran to the bathroom to retch.

Maybe, coughing was the cause.

Cormac patted her back, and felt bad. What happened, did she eat something bad?

“Armand, pour a glass of water.”

Cormac thought what did Charles take her out to eat to make her feel this bad?

Armand poured water, and handed over to him.

Cormac took it, closed the bathroom door, and asked, “Feeling better?”

Loredana was leaning over the sink and didn’t move. After losing the feeling to vomit, she raised her head. Cormac passed the water to her, “Rinse your mouth.”

Loredana took the glass, poured the water to her mouth, gargled then spit it out. She feels much better.

Cormac reached out his hand, and wiped the water droplets off the corner of her mouth. When the fingers pressed down, Loredana stunned for a moment. She lifted her head and look at him. Gentle and cautious, she felt a strong surge from her heart that even she could not describe such feelings.

She hugged him, and buried her head in his arms, “I felt heartbroken a while ago because I am also a mother. I can imagine that if my child… I will feel so painful and scared as I have experienced such suffering. That time, someone convinced me to give up. I thought that for them to be in my belly was our fate. How can I give up? I was happy that when they were born, they were not big, even Simona was just around a kilogram. They were so tiny that I don’t dare to touch. I was afraid that they would break to a touch as they looked so weak. However, they both grow up healthy, and for that I feel extremely lucky.”

Human feelings were so straightforward, painful, happy, and other emotions were made because of the person you care about.

Just like Cormac right now, he was filled with mixed feelings. He felt painful but at the same time just like Loredana, he felt grateful.

Fortunately, it was her that night. Fortunately, she gave birth to his two children regardless of the risk.

He thanked this woman, who came to his world, making his plain world filled with colors.

He never thought that one day, he would become not his usual self for a woman.

For now, it was.

He wanted to hug her, kiss her, comfort her, and give her all the wonderful things in this world.

Gave himself to her as well.

He lowered his head and kissed her forehead…

After a long time, Loredana Flores was able to calm herself down. She retreated from Cormac Mendelsohn’s arms, lowered her head and scratched the corner of her eye, “Sorry to make you laugh at this.”

She actually wasn’t able to control her emotions a while ago.

Cormac liked the way she was, real and emotional.

He didn’t hide his feelings, and with a smile on the corner of his lips, “I like it.”

He liked her showing her true self and emotions in front of him.

Loredana lowered her head again, and didn’t know how to respond.

The space became much smaller in an instant. She felt the air was thinner. Breathing became harder, and her face was hot.

“Are you blushing?”

Loredana pushed him away, did not admit that she was blushing, and stubbornly said, “You are the one that’s blushing.”

Cormac was pushed off balance; he took a step back and accidentally stepped on a puddle of water behind him. His body slanted as he was about to fall. Loredana immediately went to grab him, but she fell down with him ——

“Ah!” the sound was, followed by a crashing sound.


Cormac groaned in pain. The space for the bathroom was not big. His head hit the wall and that’s not the most fatal. What made him almost die was Loredana’ elbow pressed against his…

He thought that could it be wasted already?

“You, you okay?” Loredana didn’t know where her elbow pressed against. She only heard Cormac’s grunting voice.

“Can you stand up first?”

Cormac raised his eyes, “Do you want to kill your husband?”

Loredana was speechless.

She then remembered that she had to support her body with her hands. Suddenly, she noticed where her elbow was located. It seemed…

She slowly lowered her head… and saw where her elbow hardly pressed. It was against his…

In the room, Armand Bernie and Boyce Shawn were staring at each other.

Then, they acted as if they were synchronized, ran towards the bathroom door, and opened it——

The whole world stopped.

Cormac was sitting on the floor while Loredana was slumped over his body, looking at…


“What are you guys doing?” Armand didn’t think it was a big deal. It was rare for Cormac to have a scandal, and how can Armand miss the chance to ridicule him.

“Get out!”

The look in his eyes was as cold as blizzard, very intimidating.

Armand shrugged, didn’t close the door, as he wanted to take one more look.

Boyce glared at him, and closed the door, “You are not afraid that Cormac is going to kill you.”

Armand knew Cormac wouldn’t do such a thing, smiling replied, “Say, what were they doing inside?”

Boyce looked very serious, with his hand on his chin, thinking, “Could it be that he can’t wait anymore?”


New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

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