“Waylen just came back from the gym—he was quite sweaty,” Leonie says, pausing meaningfully. “Anyway, if you’re calling to complain about the photoshoot—don’t. Waylen knows what the servants are doing, and he’s permitted them. If you just obey them, it’ll all be over soon.”
Leilani hangs up the phone and tosses it onto the bed. She can’t believe that Waylen is letting Leonie humiliate her like this. In the past, he didn’t care if people abused or humiliated her, but he recently started defending her. It seems that protection only applies to his wife, she thinks bitterly. He clearly doesn’t care what happens to me now.
“Did you hear that?” the brunette servant asks, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. “Waylen was exercising with Leonie. It sounds like he worked up quite the sweat with her.”
“I told you guys that Mr. Bamford wouldn’t come here,” the blonde servant says. “We don’t have to be frightened of this s.l.u.t anymore—she’s no one now.”
Leilani sighs deeply and finishes dressing in the gold outfit. She looks down at herself and cringes. The top is like a skimpy bikini: two small triangles of gold fabric just barely cover her n.i.p.p.l.es, and thin gold straps hold it in place. The straps are so delicate Leilani worries they’ll snap if she breathes too hard. She tugs on the skirt, trying to cover her thighs, but it’s far too short. She can feel the bottom of her ass hanging out.
The blonde whistles and says, “Check her out.”
“It really suits her personality, don’t you think?” the brunette asks.
The third servant, a tall girl with dark hair, says, “I bet she loves this—showing off her body for the whole world.”
“Stop babbling and take the pictures,” the blonde snaps.
The dark-haired servant grabs a phone and starts to snap pictures. Leilani tries to cover her b.r.e.a.s.ts, but the blonde servant slaps her hands away. Leilani glares at the servant and slumps down, trying to make herself as small as possible. The servant clicks her tongue and shakes her head disapprovingly.
“No, no, no,” the blonde servant says. “That won’t do at all. Pose as you mean it.”
She snaps her fingers and Leilani watches nervously as the servants close in around her. She shrieks with pain as someone grabs her hair and jerks her head back. Then she feels another pair of hands on her arms. The servants pull and poke and push her until she’s standing with her b.r.e.a.s.ts thrust forward and her legs spread wide. They take some more pictures and then bend her over, exposing her ass to the camera.
Angry, helpless tears fill her eyes. She’s suffered many humiliations in the Bamford mansion before, but this is by far the worst. She digs her fingernails into her palm and closes her eyes. She doesn’t want to give the servants the satisfaction of seeing her cry.
“Very good,” the blonde servant says. “But I think it’s time for a costume change.”
“Wait a minute,” Leilani says. “I want to see the pictures.”
“If you think you can delete them, you’re wrong,” the blonde says. “The pictures are already saved in the cloud. Besides, we can always take more.”
“I just want to see them,” Leilani says.
The blonde shrugs and offers the phone to Leilani. Leilani looks down at the phone and then slaps the blonde across the face as hard as she can. The blonde staggers backward, a look of complete shock on her face.
“That’s for your disgusting behavior,” Leilani says. “You should know better than to treat your superior so terribly. I may have lost my status as Mrs. Bamford, but I’m still a Peters, and I’m far better than you’ll ever be.”
Leilani raises her arm and slaps the maid again. The sound echoes throughout the room, and Leilani’s palm stings. She shakes her hand and smiles grimly.
“And that is for Miss Summers,” Leilani says. “Please give her my regards.”
“You bitch,” the maid shrieks, raising her hand to hit Leilani.
Leilani steps backward, raising her hands defensively to cover her stomach. The blonde lunges forward, but the dark-haired servant jumps between her and Leilani.
“You can’t hit her,” the dark-haired servant says. “Remember, she’s pregnant, and we’ll be in serious trouble if anything happens to her baby.”
The blonde servant lowers her hand and glares at Leilani. She’s about to say something when there’s a loud knock at the door. The servants exchange panicked glances and run around the room, trying to hide the s.l.u.tty clothing. The brunette grabs a bathrobe and wraps it around, Leilani. They clearly think it’s Waylen, and Leilani hopes they’re right. The blonde servant opens the door and laughs with relief.
“It’s good to see you, Miss Summers,” the blonde says.
Leilani feels her heart sink. She knows that Waylen has stopped caring about her, but deep down, she was still hoping to see him. I started to believe he was my protector; she thinks sadly. But he’s just another one of my tormentors.
“Leilani, this outfit suits you perfectly,” Leonie says. “It’s almost like you were born to wear this sort of thing. Yes, that’ll be a great live stream for my followers—don’t you think?”
Leonie grabs her phone and points the camera at Leilani. Leilani clutches the robe, pulling it tight around herself. She slowly walks backward, trying to get as far from the camera as possible. As she walks, she slips her right hand into her pocket, sliding the Meyers’ green diamond ring off her finger.
“Hello, my darlings,” Leonie says. “I have a special treat for you today. I’m going to be live-streaming a fashion show with the one and only Leilani Bamford. Oops—I meant Leilani Peters. She’s not a Bamford anymore.”
Leonie giggles and continues, “Anyway, right now she’s wearing that ugly bathrobe, but underneath she’s got a surprise. Can any of you guess what she’s wearing? I’ll give you a minute to send me your guesses, and then we’ll have the big reveal. Whoever guesses correctly gets to have dinner with me!”
Leonie pauses and looks at her phone screen as the viewers type their answers. Some of the answers seem to please her, and she smirks to herself.
Leilani glances at the bathroom door, wondering if she can make it into the bathroom before the maids catch her.
Before she can make a run for it, Leonie snaps her fingers, and two of the maids grab Leilani’s arms.
“You all made some excellent guesses,” Leonie says. “A lot of you thought it might be an S&M outfit, but it’s not. And she’s not n.a.k.e.d either—though she might as well be. She’s dressed as a common p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e. And get this—Waylen Bamford had the outfit made especially for her.”
The maids tug on the rope, trying to pull it open, but Leilani wriggles away from them. She runs across the room and pulls the ring from her pocket. She pushes the side of the jewel, and the hidden needle springs free. She stabs it into the back of Leonie’s neck and jumps away as Leonie shudders and screams.
“What have you done?” Leonie screams.
“I punctured your quepen point,” Leilani says calmly. “Don’t move too suddenly.”
“What the hell is a quepen point?” Leonie asks.
“It’s a sensitive part of the body,” Leilani answers. “I’ve been learning about prenatal acupuncture. You know, we have several important points: the hegu point, sanyinjiao point, quepen point, and Kunlun point. It’s incredibly dangerous to touch them—especially for a pregnant woman.”
“Why?” Leonie asks, her face pale with horror. “What happens?”
“It can cause a miscarriage,” Leilani says.
“No, I don’t believe you,” Leonie shouts.
The blonde servant quickly types something into her phone and then looks nervously between Leilani and Leonie.
“I just searched for it,” the servant says. “What Leilani said is true.”

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself
Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.
17 responses to “Chapter 271 – An Unbreakable Vow with the Heartless Tycoon”
So, waylen and the grandfather has the power of life and death and yet somehow leonie and the servants has the gall to act like they are spoiled brats acting without thinking of consequences and without any fear to the so called powerful/hotheaded waylen and the grandfather.???
Even if leilanie is not a bamford anymore, still she was a previous wife, pregnant with a bamford child which means she will be a mother of a bamford child..
Does that mean, leonie and the servants, acting like that, are nothing but stupid vermins??? So if they are that stupid? How come their stupid character are continuously being revived.
Or maybe, waylen and the grandfather isnt actually that intelligent , powerful and something to be feared🤣🤣
After reading the story of jackson and gabrielle, I thought, it bcome a bit interesting, but lo, it just came crashing down after this chapter. ..leilanie character is being murdered every chapter, something to be desliked not admired … it seems the author is forgetting that she is supposed to be the heroine in this novel.🤣
Need to stop waiting to updates, it gives headache, not a good past time. This is the kind of novel where, since you started it already, you just have to skim through the middle and then see if the end is better.
OMG 😱 its ridiculous for Leilani to suffer to this extent in the hands of servants and Leonie. Had Waylen even loved Leilani truly for even once, he could never treat Leilani this bad even to keep her in a filthy room when she is pregnant. Leilani better with Andrew soon and never comes back. Disgusting
Dear author, it will be 2000 times better if you stop updating here and please abandon this story.
What happened to you?
What nonsense is all this? It is the disgusting turn i have evar seen. I was hoping waylen will find a way of stopping her or will find any other solution. What is this bullying and leilani is slso a pregnant. How can they play with her like that.
That idiot is making live stream. Does waylen really this monster?
Oh i am quitting this story. I would rather sit quiet than preferring this novel again..
So much disgust. It will only make mind go filthy. Please if you are not intrested in making anything better and usefull, please quit this thing here. It only makes some good than continue this disgust and filth anyway.
Besides if one has given a chance to live with bamfords,cliffords,olivers and summers, it will be way good thing to suicide. It will have more peace than to meddle in this disgust.
I agree with your comments love it’s actually disgusting author please make the reasonable amendments to carryout this story
I am beginning to hate this novel. What nonsense is the author trying to go round and round..back to the misery and tormented Leilani. Please move quickly to end this novel.
Dear author
I was expecting for the updates. Sorry but I hate it. The storyboard becoming poor, horrible … disgusting.
What was that auction ? What was Waylen cruelty towards Leilane ? And the maids and Leonie.
Please this is the worst story I’ve read at this website
I really hate Andrew, Charles and the way Leilane treats Waylen because of this two characters !
I was expecting a love story between them and you keep doing these nonsense story around them. In which century are we ?
Too much violence 😡😡😡
Horrible story
I can’t keep reading
What useless secret can’t Leilani tell Waylen? After his show of love n devotion is she that stupid? Why keep tormenting her?
And what’s with the servants and Leoni disrespecting her? If it’s not a love story pls end this nonsense if it is, create the necessary scenario for its continuity. I can’t believe that after living together for some time that Waylen doesn’t know when Leilani is lying no matter how convincing she may sound. Do away with this Andrew character. I can’t believe a writer will keep writing to royally piss off their readers. If you have to write any nonsense about Leilani leaving then I think you should write a diff novel entirely. It’s becoming boring and annoying
Author – Editor I am gobsmacked.
After previous comments from readers I thought you’d have realized what they are looking for. I am perturbed that you have once more resorted to glorifying violence against a women, a pregnant one at that. Societies throughout the world are raising their voices against violence particularly against vulnerable women – you together with the editor seem to celebrate this and send out a very dangerous message, that a strong man is able to get away with violence – it is not ok !! Author I am not sure of your gender either way with this last post of chapters you have undone what I perceived as an improvement in your writing iro plot/ theme. I can’t believe you are unable to “ read the room “ it’s easy look at the considered comments of your loyal readers what more can you want. You need to go back to your storyboard, be more progressive, creative with your writing – failing which it is apparent that Romance is not a genre you’re suited to.
Totally agree !
In which century are we living ? Really ?!? Submissive wives and powerful and aggressive men ! Also .. how Leonie and this servants have the power to treat Leilane this way ! Please stop going into this direction ! Hate it
So many hate the way story is. Hahaha
Dear editor, i wonder who is the hero. Its look like Andrew. I cant wait Leilani go to Andrew.
Its better you update this story with a good storyline. Or not admin will ask you to stop this novel. 😂
Author if waylen can go to any extent to save Leilani and he also found out abt Charles drugging Leilani to fall in love with him , then why cant waylen find the truth that – there is a Toxin present in Leilani’s body and she is in utter danger .
Next chapter please
What a horrible chapters. I am hoping for a nice love story but I’m disappointed. Please make it nice story.
I can not read this story anymore. I jump straight to the comments now. I will wait for next update to read the comments. I am disappointed with this writer. This is not realistic.
I really like the novels from this website. The only thing that I really don’t like it is that most of the novels are not complete.
It could be interesting for the author this interaction with the readers thru the comments but at the same time is frustrating for us (readers). We read 10 chapters and we have to stop. We have to beg for updates (which is unconfortable) and have to wait for days …
I love to read and when the story is good or captivating I want a read it non stopping.
This is really, really annoying !