“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said as she picked up the car key from the top of one of the tyres and returned inside the house.
The last thing she wanted was for a nosy neighbor to capture a photo of her standing outside, still dressed in her pyjamas, and staring at the apartment next door. She could imagine what manner of caption they would give to such a photo.
Probably something like, ‘Killer of college student, targeting her next victim?’ Celsie thought with a giggle as she walked into her apartment.
“What is making you laugh?” Her father asked as he watched her with concern.
“Nothing serious. Just a silly thought,” Celsie said as she placed the car key on the table.
Even though she did not exactly find her situation funny, knowing that people were going to be on the look out for her, so they could continue to supply the public with all manner of rumor about her, she couldn’t help but try to find the humor in her situation. What else could she do but laugh?
“I need coffee in my system,” her father complained as he walked over to her bedroom to meet his wife, while Celsie went over to the kitchen to prepare coffee for everyone.
“Now that I think about it, you didn’t give me an update on the relationship between your colleague’s friend and her driver,” Lucas said with a teasing smile as he joined her in the kitchen with a box of cookies, “Oh, yeah, you did! He turned out to be her boss, right? And they’re dating now, aren’t they?” Lucas asked, and then chuckled when she glared at him.
“What is your point?” Celsie asked dryly.
“Well, it’s not bad to listen to a brotherly advise once in a while. I honestly can’t wait to see my future brother-in-law,” Lucas said making Celsie roll her eyes.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself. I never said anything about getting married to him,” Celsie pointed out.
“Yeah, yeah. Where is Sonia by the way?” Lucas asked curiously when he realized that he was yet to see any trace of her.
“She wasn’t here when I woke up, and she didn’t take her phone with her either. I think she stepped out for a stroll,” Celsie said as she turned to look at Lucas who was now seated on one of the twin chairs in her kitchen.
“Is she okay? I noticed that she wasn’t her usual chatty self last night,” Lucas said with concern as he opened the box of cookie, and Celsie sighed as she poured him a cup of coffee and placed it in front of him, before going to pour a glass of cranberry for herself.
“How can she be chatty when she just broke up with the man she is in love with?” Celsie asked as she took the seat opposite him.
Seeing how they were both seated here now, she was glad that she had followed her instincts and purchased this simple cane dining set with just twin chairs. She had been reluctant to purchase it at first, as she made plans to move over to Serenopolis, since she lived alone and had no need for it when she could easily eat in her bedroom or living room.
“Yeah. I guess you’re right,” he said with a sigh as he looked into his cup of coffee and stirred it quietly.
“Is everything okay?” She asked as she watched him carefully from where she was seated. Maybe it was because they were twins, but somehow she always managed to know when something was wrong with him, regardless of how well he tried to act like he was fine.
“Liar! Out with it, what is the problem?” Celsie asked, watching him as he continued to look into his coffee.
Seeing how reluctant he was to talk about what was bothering him, Celsie narrowed her eyes suspiciously, “This has something to do with Rachel, doesn’t it?” She asked since she knew that Lucas was only reluctant to tell her stuff when it had to do with Rachel because he knew that she didn’t like her.
“She didn’t do anything wrong,” he said defensively without meeting her gaze.
“Of course, she didn’t,” Celsie said with a smirk, “Your response have said it all. What’s up this time? I thought everything was rosy, and you both are busy with your wedding plans and…” The rest of her words trailed off when she realized what the problem could be.
“Is she fighting with you because you’re here with me?” Celsie asked knowingly. Knowing how clingy Rachel was, she wouldn’t put it past her.
“She is just upset that I left the way I did,” Lucas explained.
“Then go back to her. I asked you not to come anyway,” Celsie said irritably as she drank from her juice.
No matter how much she tried, she couldn’t really bring herself to like Rachel. And Rachel was not making it easy for her either. How could any sensible lady be mad that her mad had left to spend time with his family considering the situation of things? If she wanted his attention so much why didn’t she just travel down with him? Not that Celsie wanted her to stay under her roof anyway.
“You see why I didn’t want to talk to you about it? You always react this way when Rachel is involved,” Lucas said with disapproval as he stood up and walked away with his cup of coffee in hand.
Celsie opened her mouth to say something, but snapped it shut when her phone started ringing. She picked it up and received the call when she saw that it was a call from Benne.
“You were supposed to give me a call when you got some last night,” Celsie said testily.
“Good morning to you too, Princess. Did you sleep well?” Benne asked cheerfully, choosing to ignore her statement since he could tell that she was in the mood to transfer aggression.
“Why didn’t you call?” Celsie asked again, ignoring his greeting.
“Why didn’t you call to check on me when you didn’t see my call?” Benne asked in return.
“I was busy.”
“Good. So why do you think I failed to call you?” Benne asked patiently as though he was talking to a kid.
“Did you get the grocery items?” Benne asked curiously.
“Yes, I did. Thank you,” Celsie murmured grudgingly.
“You are welcome. And you don’t have to be upset that I didn’t call. We only got home in the early hours of the morning, and I didn’t want to disturb your sleep. We were very busy trying to find the people behind the article on the net,” Benne explained making her brows furrow in confusion.
“We? Who else was with you?”
“Oh, yeah. Bryan got here last night. Your best friend is here too,” Benne informed her.
“Sonia is there? Where?” She asked as she stood up.
“The apartment next door,” before Benne could finish speaking, Celsie hung up the call and hurried out of the house to join them.

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself
Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.
30 responses to “Chapter 256 – Beginning with a Daring Encounter”
Soooooooooo interesting. I literally put all of my work on hold to read this. Such a sweet story. Kudos to you Author. You are amazing.
Please post the next update soon…
Next plz
Wowwww… Too interesting… Waiting for next update..
Why just five chapters, it’s too small, upload more please.
Why so less chapters
Why are updates very very slow
readers were already complaining that 10 chapters per update are not enough, now you make it 5? That is annoying!😡😡😡
These chapters was worth waiting for
Very2 interested
Absolutely love this. Why only 5 chapters uploaded instead of 10…. Way too less and have to wait for almost a week
Thanks for the update
Thanks for the updates, I love it
Only 5 chapters update???????? 😢
Next chapters pleeeease💞
I am so caught up in rhis novel.
Love the updates
But I want more chapters please and soon.
The story is funny, light and soooo good
Ohhh only 5 chapters this time ? Please more chapters !!! It is so good. I love the story. Can’t wait to see Bryan and Sonia together again. Want to see Harry and Jade joining them too. Don’t make us wait to long.
Thank you.
Thank you for the update! Please take down Anita soon
Nice one
I hope the video from students will trace back to Anita.
Thank you for the update
So sweet! Hopefully Rachel is out of the picture. She sounds horrible.
OMG, Benne and celsie, Bryan and Sonia all in the same place 😁, this is going be fun, pls more chapters
Only 5 chapters? Update soon plz
So exciting story.. can’t wait for the next chapters. Please update more not only 5 chapters.
Only 5 here too God
Please it’s not complete ooh, it’s just 5 chapters 🙏
Thank you for the update… Just Love love this story its so interesting. I am dying to read more chapters
Argh I hate Anita. Please allow her to fall.
I don’t have a good feeling about Candy staying at Benne’s home. I have a feel that Jero will break in and possible harm Benne/Celsie when they are there
Only 5 chapters after that long wait??? Are you for real???
Please update new chapters
Please don’t make the updates 5 chapters only, you have to make it 15 this time, as a compensation