Chapter 245 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

She had no friends or family in B city.

“Is she really missing?” Jeffery leaned against the door and said with a mocking look.

Jayden ignored him.

At this point, his phone rang. He took it out and the screen displayed Victoria’s name. Victoria had not yet given birth at the time, so they kept each other’s mobile phone number to enable contact.

“Where are you?” He said as he swiftly picked up the phone.

“I’m no longer here. Stop looking for me.”

“What did you say?” Jayden’s hand at his side curled into a fist.

“How can I marry you if I don’t love you?”

Jayden’s heart sunk as he held the phone “Could you please tell me where you are? I’ll go find you and we’ll have a clear face-to-face conversation.”

“I – I found that I still love my ex-boyfriend. He doesn’t mind, I…”

Jayden clenched his fist around the phone. He held his phone so tight as he wanted to crash it.

“I don’t believe that…”

“What’s the point of not believing as I’ve been away with him?”

Jayden was dumbfounded, as if his spirit was out of the body. She had promised him.

She had gone?

She had gone with her ex-boyfriend?

What she promised him was all a lie, was it?

Jeffery looked at him and smiled faintly before he left the ward.

Victoria was missing, her number couldn’t be connected since that last call.

Jayden went to look for her in Podon once, wanting to make it clear, but he didn’t find her and Nathan, her ex, who was also missing.

He gave up, Victoria might really left with Nathan.

Those words she said back then were all fake.

But Jolene didn’t believe that Victoria would leave like that, how could she abandon her own child?

“I believe in her personality.” Jolene said that confidently.

Jayden was really disappointed, he didn’t want to speak, he just wanted to be alone for some time so he didn’t respond to Jolene’s words, but went upstairs by himself instead.

Jolene carried the child out and went back to the Harris family.

She should ask clearly whether Jeffery was the one behind that matter.

After all, he had such motive.

He didn’t want their families to be estranged, didn’t want her to be unhappy, thus he caught Victoria.

When she got home, Jeffery had yet to come home.

“Mom, when will Jeffery come back?”

Mrs. Harris adjusted Jolene’s collar, took the child in her embrace, “It’s only been a few days since you came back from the hospital, it hasn’t been a month yet, how could you run around? If you want to meet Jeffery, you can just call him and he’ll come to you, right?”

Jolene forced a smile out and said, “I also miss you and Dad, sitting in the car is not cold and I’m wearing thick clothes.”

Mrs. Harris smiled, of course she was happy because her daughter said she missed her, people say that married daughters were irretrievable, but Jolene still missed them, how could she not be happy?

She looked at the child in her embrace, he was only born for a few days but his small face slowly looked more beautiful.

Jolene also looked at him, “In just a few days, he has grown so much.”

“Children grow quickly during this month, some grow so fast that they can gain around 3kg.” Mrs. Harris had given birth and raised two children, she’s experienced.

Mrs. Harris was afraid that her daughter would catch a cold, so she told her to rest in the room…

Jolene was lying on the bed worrying about Jayden who’s home alone, she then called the maid at home and told her to take good care of Jayden.

Victoria suddenly went missing and she could see that it’s quite affecting Jayden.

So she went back to find Jeffery, she must confirm whether Victoria was caught by Jeffery or she had really left with Nathan.

If Victoria was caught, even if she confessed about the facts and she’d never be with Stanley for her whole life, she’d still save Victoria.

If Victoria had really left with Nathan, then she’d stay to take care of Jayden and the child.

She had cause the problem so she should bear the consequences As for Stanley, she had to disappoint him.

As she thought about that, she looked at the baby laying down beside her, she then stretched her hand out to caress his face… How could she let such a small child live without a mother?

Jeffery didn’t even come home for dinner, Jolene became quite anxious, “Is he that busy?”

“Recently, he’s been out a lot.” said Mrs. Harris.

Jolene tried asking, “What is he doing out there?”

“Work, probably… He doesn’t have a wife yet, what can he be busy with else than work?”

Jolene wanted to ask about Jeffery from her mother and she failed, she thought about it and yeah, if Jeffery really caught Victoria, how could he let their parents know?

He’d definitely hide it from them so they wouldn’t be worried.

Jolene spent the night there so she could meet Jeffery, she couldn’t sleep because of Victoria, she kept waiting until Jeffery came home.

When it was nearly 10 o’clock, she finally heard the sound of the door.

She gently lifted her blanked and went off the bed, she moved very lightly so the baby on the bed wouldn’t wake up.

Jeffery was hanging his clothes at the entrance and saw that Jolene was at home, he raised his eyebrows and asked, “Why are you home when it hasn’t been a month since you gave birth? You’re having a disagreement with Jayden?”

Once he opened his mouth, he immediately probed about Jolene and Jayden’s relationship.

“We’re very good.” Jolene walked over and looked at him, “Brother, tell me the truth, did you catch a woman named Victoria?”

Jeffery slightly paused when he was hanging the clothes, then he quickly became calm again, “Who is Victoria?”

But his heart was beating hard, could Jolene possibly know that Jayden had another woman out there?


“Brother, you know that Jayden and I married because of our families, there’s no love between us, we have a child because of our families’ relationship, I know he has another woman and I agreed to it, you don’t need to think that I’m wronged because I’m not, everything is going according to my will, if you really caught her, I beg you, let her go.”

Jeffery never imagined that Jolene would know about Jayden and Victoria’s relationship, and she’s unexpectedly not jealous? Not angry?

“With the presence of such woman, how could you live well with Jayden? How could you two have feelings?”

“Jeffery, I’ve said it, give her to me first, I’ll take care of the rest…”

“I didn’t do that, didn’t she elope with her ex? How could you come and ask me about her? Did Jayden tell you to come?” Jeffery sneered at heart.

After listening to Jolene’s words, the more he felt that he couldn’t let Victoria go, how could Jayden and Jolene cultivate their feelings with her presence?

Since they were married and had a son, they must be together.

Whether it’s for the family benefits or the child.

“Brother, you really didn’t catch her?” Jolene looked at him, wanted to see traces of his lies from his face.

Jeffery looked straight at him and said, “No, I did not.”

Jeffery mingled in the army, would there be any situation he hadn’t seen?

Jolene’s interrogation was nothing, even if his father, Terrell, interrogated him, he would also be able to resist and show no weak points.

Jolene just guessed that he caught Victoria but she had no evidence, if he didn’t admit it now, she had no other way.


“It’s late, sleep earlier, I’m tired because I’ve been training all day, can you let me rest for a while?”

Jeffery interrupted her, he clearly wasn’t willing to talk more.

Jolene pouted and her voice was a bit hoarse, “Brother, you know that I still have Stanley in my heart when I married Jayden, so it’s normal if he has a woman too, I don’t even mind, don’t give me “justice”, if you really caught her, I beg you please let her go, okay?”

“You both have other people in your hearts, how are you going to live? Just divorce then, why are you forcing yourselves to be together because you don’t want to ruin the families’ benefits? Jolene, you’re married now so you should live well, don’t think of anything bad, also, I didn’t catch her.”

After saying that, Jeffery entered her room.

Jolene stood still, she’s quite confused for the moment.

Could her suspicion be really wrong?

Jeffery really didn’t catch her?

But she still felt that according to Victoria’s personality, she would never reconcile with Nathan and eloped.

Victoria hadn’t even seen her child, how could she just disappear like that?

She didn’t believe him but Jeffery was so firm, she didn’t know what to do at that moment.

She walked back to the room, the baby on the bed was awake, lying in the bed, he wasn’t crying nor making a noise, he just opened his eyes and rolled them like he was looking at the world.

But she heard the nurse said that he couldn’t see far, she walked over and looked at him.

His eyes were still rolling like he didn’t realize her presence.

As expected, he couldn’t see.

Jolene hugged him.

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

22 responses to “Chapter 245 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel”

  1. Janet Avatar

    I feel extremely sad and bad for jayden ☹️

  2. Kimly Avatar

    Cormus ☹️🥺
    Jayden ☹️🥺☹️🥺😭😭😭

    1. Zalehakassim Avatar

      Just waiting for how Jolene die, n Victoria marrying Jayden but why Cormus hated Victoria

  3. Tisha Avatar

    It’s really look like a generation curse 💔💔💔 first Jayden and now Cormus 😭

  4. Helen Avatar

    Jayden I feel you buddy 🥺🥺🥺 these women are so heartless and selfish.

  5. Youvi Avatar

    Jolene destroyed jayden whole life and also destroyed Victoria and Cormus relation. She is so selfish, if only she had accepted Jayden and loved him so it would not happen that way.
    She is the reason for every pain and destruction.

  6. Erin Avatar

    I hate Jolene, she destroyed jayden life.

  7. Finyona Avatar

    Jayden oh! Jayden I feel upset for you, your life is more miserable than Cormus and you endure more pain and rejection than him.
    Jolene must forget her lover and give herself to Jayden and love him, if only.

  8. Rita Avatar

    Jayden and Cormus share a same fate 😭😭😭 love hurts and these women are so cruel and heartless.

  9. Quinn Avatar

    I have a feeling that Loredana belongs to Jolene and Stanley and that’s why she chose her for Cormus so that her daughter would marry Jayden son in future.

    1. Goody Avatar

      I’m in with you in this thought.

  10. Jackie Avatar

    I believe jayden, Victoria and Jolene should have another novel because their story is so interesting that I almost forgot Cormus and Loredana story.
    As I always say, I love Cormus the most but now I feel that I also love Jayden too.

  11. Sui Avatar

    Jayden and Cormus both deserve better woman in their life, their love would be wasted for selfish Jolene and stupid Loredana. They don’t deserve them.

  12. Maryam Avatar

    Wow 😳, did not see that coming

  13. Cheryl Avatar

    I like love this novel

  14. Mèrcy Avatar

    Here l am 6hrs later to check for new updates 😂😂

  15. Kate Avatar

    Like father like son, Jayden has passed through circumstances in life, likewise Victoria, life is not just fair on her, after all she had passed through her son too did not know her to be his mother.

  16. Ruth Uche Avatar

    Is very interesting story and please update more please thank you for this

  17. Saranya Manoj Avatar
    Saranya Manoj

    What happened to vitoria now… I feel sad for her …she indeed need to be happy not like this…

  18. Reader Avatar

    Oh even the flash back is interesting…
    Excited to know Victoria s sudden disappearance.

  19. Ems Avatar

    Jaden and Jolene I feel for you and now Comarc is going through same.
    Thank you for the update

  20. Mèrcy Avatar

    Welldone editor. Loving these quick updates

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