Chapter 243 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

Not sarcasm, not complaining, he’s really thanking her.

Everything was inferior to the child’s arrival, which soothed his unwillingness.

At that time, he was finally relieved.

He was looking at the baby in the swaddling clothes but he talked to Jolene instead, “I’m setting you free, let’s handle the divorce process tomorrow.”

Jolene thought at heart, at that time, he had thought and seen her own heart clearly, right?

“You’re so happy that you become stupid, huh?” Jolene glanced at him, “Getting a divorce right after the child is born, my brother would probably kill you.”

Jayden also smiled, yeah, he was overjoyed.

At that time, the door of delivery room was opened and someone pushed Victoria out, the obstetrician also walked out with her and smiled, “It’s very successful, the mother of the child is tired now, she needs to rest, just go to the ward.”

“We have contacted another hospital, we’ll stay there.” Jolene went over to carry the baby in Jayden’s embrace, “We don’t have much time.”

Jayden understood, gave the baby to her, then he bent over to carry the lethargic Victoria from the bed she was sleeping on, she had been in pain for the whole night so she’s exhausted at that time.

Her body was all soft and weak.

That hospital was the place where Victoria always had her check-ups, it was located quite far away, just in case anyone realized that she came to that hospital.

They should go back to the big hospital in the city, Jolene couldn’t ‘give birth’ in such place.

The weather in the morning was very cold, Jayden took his coat off and wrapped it around Victoria’s body, carried her into the car, Jolene also carried the baby and got into the car.

Taking the advantage that there were less people in the morning, they quickly went back to the city’s big hospital, they had arranged some people in advance so once they arrived at the hospital, Jolene carried the child and stayed in the ward, making her seem like she just gave birth.

Victoria was sent to another ward, everything was planned well, Jayden called his family and Harris family, told them that Jolene had given birth to a boy.

Both families were happy, but Mrs. Harris was quite unhappy because she knew that her daughter gave birth but only told them afterwards, thus she scorned Jayden, “Giving birth was so painful like being dad, it’s even way more painful, how could you notify me now?”

After hearing what Mrs. Harris said, Jaden suddenly grabbed his phone tighter, he suddenly thought of how Victoria looked like when she cried out of pain.

She’s such a strong and brave person but she couldn’t even bear it, one could imagine how painful it was.

He was thinking that he owed that woman.

“Why aren’t you saying anything?” Mrs. Harris spoke again.

Jayden immediately responded, “I was too nervous yesterday, I forgot to notify you.”

Thinking that it’s his first time being a father and he was too excited at that time, it’s possible to forget too, so she didn’t ask further, “Don’t let her catch a cold, we’ll be there soon.”

In just an hour, the ward was full of people who came to visit the child and Jolene.

“This child looks like Jayden.”

Mrs. Harris said that as she carried child.

“Indeed, he looks like Jayden.” Mrs. Mendelsohn also agreed.

Jolene was resting on the bed, she looked at the bustling people in the ward, she couldn’t feel the emotion and expectation of being a mother for the first time so she just acted weak.

“He’s still so small, how could you see who he looks like.”

Mrs. Mendelsohn pulled Jolene’s hands, “You contribute too much to our Mendelsohn family’s.” as she said that, she took out a property certificate and a brocade box.

“It’s not worth much, I specially prepared this sapphire ring for you, and this property is for you too.”

How could Jolene dare to accept that, “How could I accept these…”

“You should.” Mrs. Mendelsohn didn’t allow her to refuse.

Jolene just gave birth and Mrs. Mendelsohn already gave her jewelry and property, seeing that, Mrs. Harris felt relieved.

She didn’t cherish those things, but cherished the kind intention.

Even if their families were related by marriage, those two children had no feelings when they got married, Jolene had a boyfriend before and she was forced by the family, she agreed afterwards and only then she married Jayden, she was worried about their relationship at first, but then when she looked at them…

It’s only 2 years since they got married and their child was already born, their relationship would get better and better, she felt happy at heart.

“Don’t mention it, giving birth and raising children are things that she should do as a wife and as a daughter in law.”

Mrs. Mendelsohn smiled, “Jolene is capable, she gave a birth to a son as the first child.”

Compared to their enthusiasm and excitement, Jayden was way colder.

He stood by the window but he was thinking about Victoria at heart, she had just given birth but there’s no relatives around her.

Meanwhile, it was so lively at his place, but none of it was hers.

A woman used her body and all strength to give birth but the child didn’t belong to her, how sad and miserable would she be?

Jeffery who stood beside Mrs. Harris felt so unhappy because he sensed that Jayden was distracted, he should be happy that he got a son, it would be normal if he played fireworks, but how could he be absent minded?

It was not in line with the common sense.

Jeffery squinted his eyes…

Jayden Mendelsohn’s behaviour made Jeffery suspicious, so he sent people to follow the track of Jayden.

In just three days, the people who followed Jayden found out that he had something going on with Victoria Forbis.

Jolene had someone with her. Since Victoria hadn’t seen the child before. She cried in front of him and requested to see the child.

Jayden promised to bring him here today to see her, but Mrs. Harris came and kept hugging him, he had no chance to bring him out. All he could do was to make the excuse he was busy with his work in the company. He went to Victoria’s room and told her to wait for another day.

He pushed open the ward door. Victoria had been waiting and immediately got up when she heard movement. As she saw Jayden walked in, she asked excitedly, “Where is my kid?”

“I can’t bring him here today,” Jayden said. “Please wait a bit.”

Victoria’s eyes suddenly became dull and lowered her head in sadness. All she wanted was just to see her child. She wanted nothing more than that. How could it be that difficult?

She was so upset that she actually could feel the pain in her chest.

Jayden couldn’t understand her feeling right now, but he could imagine how bad she felt as a parent since he had also become a father recently.

“You just gave birth and can’t be that emotional. I promise you that I will surely bring the baby for you to see,” he whispered comfortingly as he sat at the bedside. He reached out and wrapped his arm over her shoulders.

“I can’t bear the feeling of not having the kid with me.” Victoria didn’t want to weep, but she couldn’t stop herself. The kid had grown in her womb for ten months. She had strong bonds with the kid and she didn’t want to give him to Jolene.

“It’s too late,” Jayden groaned softly.

Everything was too late. Everyone had already known that the child was born by Jolene. “In fact, this is good. After a while, I will divorce Jolene and the child will remain in the Mendelsohn family. Then we marry and you can see him every day.”

Victoria nodded and agreed. Even if she and Jayden did not love each other, but it was still good to spend a lifetime with their kids.

“I’ve heard that weeping during your postpartum confinement will hurt your eyes.” Jayden wiped her tears away.

Bam! The ward door was abruptly kicked open with a loud boom and the two gazed at it nearly simultaneously.

Jeffery stood at the door angrily. He still couldn’t believe after hearing the story from his subordinates.

After all, Jolene had just given birth to a baby for Jayden. How could he cheat?

But, just now, his subordinates informed him that Jayden had returned to visit that woman so he drove here to find out. He didn’t expect to see Jayden hugging that woman.

In other words, Jayden cheated by hanging out with this woman during Jolene’s postpartum confinement.

He practically raced forward with a big stride and grabbed Jayden’s collar, “Jolene is in her confinement month and you…”

His gaze was drawn to Victoria, who was seated on the bed and still had traces of tears on her face.

For Jeffery, this was how a mistress captured the hearts of men.

“Jayden, won’t you feel guilty towards Jolene?” Jeffery’s heart was pounding and his face was disfigured by his rage.

Jayden remained still and said, “You misunderstood us, it has nothing to do with her…”

“How could you still be defending your mistress?” He was still able to be rational. As if he beat Jayden up, he might get injured and Jolene might notice that. Otherwise, he would beat him black and blue.

He was hesitant to tell his sister about this unexpected development because she was still in her confinement month.

The two families shared common interests and now that there was a kid, which meant the connection between them was even deeper. Even if Jayden cheated, it was not good to divorce as this might leave bad effects on the two families and the kid.

“Leave this woman, go back, and enjoy a wonderful life with Jolene. If you dare to have affairs with her again, I will absolutely not let you go! ” He said as he was trying his best to suppress his rage.

Jeffery shoved Jayden aside.

“If you still want to be esteemed and survive. You better wise up and leave Jayden. Understand? ” He went to the bedside and stared at Victoria from a higher posture.

Jayden grabbed his collar. “Make it only between us. Don’t bluff at a woman.”

Jeffery‘s fists were clenched. How could he still be defending this woman?

“Don’t take it for granted that I won’t get even with you for this. If you irritate me…”

“I understand.” “I know that you are currently in the prime of your life. There are plenty of methods if you want to do something, but you just can’t hurt her,” Jayden raised his eyes.


Jeffery’s face was villainous.

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

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