Chapter 228 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

Did this mean that he was the smartest among everyone stupid?

He decided not to admit to the comments by Cormac, “Of course I’m not stupid, do you want to make a bet?”

Cormac nodded, very interested in his son’s suggestion, curious to see what he had to say, “What do you want to bet?”

“Bet that you won’t chase mummy back.” Samuel raised his head, angered by Cormac’s ‘not too stupid’.

Humph, he swore, he won’t let him chase mummy back so easily!

This man was too full of himself!

Cormac pursed his lips tightly, after looking at him for a moment, he opened his mouth, “You really want that cripple to be with your mum?”

Samuel retorted, “A cripple is at least better than a heartless person.”

Cormac was rendered speechless.

Was he saying that he was heartless?


“I’m tired.” Samuel was chasing his visitor out, obviously not willing to continue listening.

To prevent Cormac from continuing to talk, Samuel dived into his bed, covered his blanket, and closed his eyes, pretending that he had fallen asleep.

“I know you are not asleep, regardless of whether you believe, when mummy and I divorced in the past, I really didn’t do it on purpose. At that time, I didn’t know that – she was pregnant.”

It’s not that he didn’t know that she was pregnant, it was that he didn’t know that she carried his children.

But he couldn’t tell him that.

Getting pregnant before marriage, it wouldn’t be good to tell the kids this, it would not be good on Loredana name.

“Not knowing that we existed is not an excuse, since you’ve already gotten married with her, you have to be responsible towards her. How can you leave her, how can you divorce her, if you don’t like her, then why marry her in the past? Why?” Samuel was huffing in anger, rambling out everything that was in his heart, “I hate you being like this, mummy taught us since young, as a man, we have to be responsible, we cannot lie, we cannot hurt others, but what have you done?”

There were hundreds and thousands of explanations, but Cormac couldn’t get any of them out of his mouth.

Did he tell Samuel, his marriage with Loredana in the past was just a transaction?

Did he tell Samuel, that him and Simona were conceived before Loredana’ marriage?

This way, it would also be hurtful.

Cormac covered his blanket for him, “The weather is turning cold, cover your blanket properly at night.”

Samuel was angry, he turned over furiously with his back towards him, expressing his dissatisfaction.

Cormac sighed, and covered his back with the blanket, “If you don’t want your mummy to see you sick when she comes out, then cover your blanket properly.”

Samuel was still unwilling, but he didn’t flip open his sheets anymore, covering it properly.

Cormac had found his soft spot.

He wouldn’t let his mum worry about him.

That’s why he was covering his blanket properly.

Three days later.

Loredana was working on the procedure of making yarn cloth, when she was suddenly called by the old guy, “Follow me.”

“Where to?” Loredana was working hard and had seemed to find out the key to making the fragrant cloud yarn. She was on a roll, and didn’t want to leave.

“You will know if you follow me.” The old guy didn’t clarify what they are doing, and didn’t explain either, finishing his words, he headed out the door.

Loredana suddenly recalled that he had mentioned his sister would be coming. She suddenly felt alert, she put down the work on her hands, got up and followed him out.

There was a door out of the backyard, it was filled with potholes, the muddy road was winding, there were occasionally weeds that tangled around the legs. But thankfully the road wasn’t long, about ten minutes later, they got on the main road, but it was also a not very wide muddy road, it was incomparable to the wide tar road in the city.

What confused Loredana was that she had been here for more than ten days, everything around the wooden hut was very simple. But when they reached the side of the road, she saw a black shiny car stopped there, it was a sleek and stylish Rolls Royce.

She couldn’t help turning her head around to ask the old guy, “Master, is this yours?”

The old guy shook his head, “No, it’s my sister’s, she is waiting for us, let’s hop on the car.”

Loredana heart was pumping, but to find out what’s going on, she bent her body and got on the car.

The car drove out very soon, it followed this narrow cement road and headed inside, the trees in the mountains were lush. Although it was almost winter, but there were still many plants that were green throughout the seasons, their foliage was lush, shading them from the sunlight. The further they entered, the cooler it felt.

After about half an hour, the car finally stopped.

In front of them was a vast, unique and grand quadrangle.

It was the complete opposite of the wooden hut.

Loredana got off the car, and stood in front of the door, raising her head to look up, “Where is this?”

The old guy was also standing in front of the door, both his hands behind his back, looking at the house, “The old residence of the Forbis family.”

“The Forbis family?” Loredana had always called the old guy as Master, she didn’t even know his real name.

“Yes, my name is Kevin Forbis, my sister is Victoria Forbis.”


Loredana felt as if her brain was about to explode.

Even though she had guessed, but when she heard this name, she was still extremely shocked.

Victoria? Victoria Forbis?

Were they the same person?

If they were, then how much secrets were hidden in here?

“Follow me in, don’t let her wait too long.”

Kevin walked in first, and when Loredana regained her senses, she quickly followed behind.

The floor was tiled with celadon. Loredana felt like she was walking on cotton, she felt light and didn’t feel safe. She didn’t know what was waiting for her.

The more she got closer to the truth she was looking for, the more nervous she got.

She didn’t know if this was a good or bad thing.

They walked into a large yard and their footsteps echoed all around.

The echoes bombarded their heart. A woman was standing in front of a long narrow table. Her back was facing them. Her hands were together and she looked like she was praying.

A big red door with engraving was wide open.

Kevin patted Loredana’ shoulder as they reached the door, signaling her to wait by the door. Loredana nodded as she understood what he meant. She stood there and didn’t go forward.

Kevin walked past the tall threshold and walked into the house.

“How dare you come to see me?” The woman sounded slightly angry.

Loredana trembled upon hearing her voice, this woman was indeed Victoria.

Loredana clenched her fists that were on her sides.

Who Victoria exactly was?

Her head was filled with questions and nobody was giving her answers right now.

Kevin stood behind Victoria and looked at the centre. The memorial plates of the Forbis family’s ancestors were placed in a row on the long narrow table.

“I cannot let the craft-manship that has been passed on for generations in the Forbis family to die like that…”

“You’re wrong!” yelled Victoria. She turned around and said, “Did you know that we were the ones who made the promise in the first place…”

She then noticed Loredana standing by the door. She paused.

Her voice was trembling as she said, “You, why are you here?”

She turned around and looked at Kevin, “Is this the heir you are talking about?”

The blood on her face drained and her face turned green. She breathed in and out hastily and her body was shivering as if she was going to pass out the next second.

“Yes,” said Kevin as if he didn’t notice Victoria being mad. He said firmly, “You cannot tell your son your secret, but can you at least tell your daughter-in-law? I thought you wanted her to inherit the craft to make Gambiered Canton Gauze since you gave her our family’s jade bracelet heirloom? You don’t wish the Forbis family’s Gambiered Canton Gauze to disappear off the face of the earth as well, right?”

Loredana raised her hand and looked at the jade bracelet on her hand. Didn’t this belong to the Mendelsohn family?

Didn’t Victoria say what she gave to her was originally from her grandmother?

Why did it become something from the Forbis family?

Victoria frowned. Her nice facial features looked slightly ferocious, “Do you know that you will bring her trouble like that?”

“I know, but I cannot let the Forbis family disappear without a trace just like that.”

Kevin wasn’t backing off. He took a step forward and grabbed his sister’s shoulder with both hands, “I’m getting old and will not have much longer. I never wish for much, but I don’t wish to see the the Forbis family’s going down just like that, without a trace.”

Victoria clenched her fists on her sides, “Even so, you shouldn’t hide it from me and decided on your own!”

Kevin turned around and had his back against her, “If I were to tell you first, you wouldn’t have agreed to it. You don’t care about the Forbis family anymore anyways, all you care about is your son and your husband.”

The more he talked the angrier he got, in the end, he questioned his sister sternly as he looked at her, “You don’t care about the Forbis family from the very beginning, and only care about the Mendelsohn family, right?”

Victoria closed her eyes. She tried to calm her raging emotions down and didn’t want to let them loose.

When Kevin called her and told her that he found someone to inherit the craft to make Gambiered Canton Gauze, she got mad and quickly rushed over. She would never have thought that it would be Loredana.

“Don’t get so mad, this is how it is now and there’s no turning back,” Kevin calmed down a bit and his voice softened, “I know that you have suffered in the past few years too. Even if nobody else can tell, I can. I think God is giving us this chance, he lay this out for us. Your daughter-in-law is even a fashion designer, this is fate!”

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

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