Jessica pulls her arm back and slaps Gabrielle across the cheek. The slap stings and Jessica’s long nails scr.a.p.e the skin. Gabrielle raises her hand in front of her face to defend herself, but she’s helpless as long as she’s handcuffed to the table.
“How dare you seduce my man,” Jessica says. “You need to learn a lesson about playing with things that aren’t yours.”
Jessica raises her hand to slap Gabrielle again, but Jackson grabs her wrist and forces her hand back down to her side. Gabrielle shoots Jackson a questioning look. Jessica pouts her lips and stamps her high-heeled shoes.
“This woman deserved that,” Jessica says to Jackson. “Why would you stop me? Do you have feelings for her?”
“We’re in a police station,” Jackson says, rolling his eyes. “Slapping people in front of police officers and cameras is a terrible idea. Stop acting like such a spoiled brat.”
“I’m not acting like a spoiled brat,” Jessica shouts. “Why are you defending her? This woman seduced you, and she deserves every slap I give her and more!”
“Bail her out too,” Jackson says.
“What?” Jessica hisses, her eyes flashed dangerously.
“You heard me,” Jackson says. “If you don’t bail her out, I won’t leave.”
“Jackson Oliver, stop talking like that,” Jessica screams.
Gabrielle freezes. The name Jackson Oliver sounds so familiar, but she can’t remember why. The atmosphere in the room feels tense and charged. Gabrielle’s face burns from the slap. She twists her fingers together and chews her lip.
“You can’t let Jackson leave,” Gabrielle says to the officer. “I want to charge him with fraud.”
Jackson stretches his long legs and pushes his curly hair away from his eyes. The diamond stud in his ear sparkles. He locks eyes with Gabrielle, and his pale blue eyes stare deeply into hers.
“I plead guilty,” he says with a small shrug.
Gabrielle gasps—she can’t believe he’s confessing. Jessica grabs Jackson’s shoulder and digs her nails into it. The police officer raises his eyebrows but unlocks Jackson’s handcuff.
“That’s another matter altogether,” the officer says. “If this woman wants to press charges, she’ll have to follow the steps. Until then, you’re free to go, Mr. Oliver.”
“What about me?” Gabrielle asks.
“We’ve called someone from your family, and they’ll be here soon,” the officer says.
Leilani storms into the police station, and she has no idea why her little sister has been arrested for prostitution. Gabrielle is timid and inexperienced—she still blushes when a man touches her arm. There’s no way she was selling s.e.x in a hotel bedroom.
Leilani marches up to the front desk and asks for the officer to explain everything to her. Before the man can begin, a whirlwind of red comes flying out of the interrogation room. She’s tugging a tall man behind her, but she freezes when she sees Leilani.
“Hmm, I guess you’re prettier in person,” Jessica says.
“I’m sorry, do we know each other?” Leilani asks.
Jessica smirks and ignores the question. She tugs Jackson’s hand and nods meaningfully at the police officer behind the desk. Leilani doesn’t see her snap a secret photo, and she has no idea that Jessica sends the photo to Andrew.
The officer leads Leilani to the interrogation room. Her heart breaks a little when she sees Gabrielle slumped over in the metal chair. Gabrielle’s cheek is red and scratched, and her eyes were wet as if she’s been crying.
“Oh, Gabrielle, what happened to you?” Leilani asks. “The officers told me you were involved in some sort of prostitution scandal. I don’t understand how that’s possible.”
“Oh, it’s you, thank God,” Gabrielle says. “It was all a misunderstanding.”
“You were arrested over a misunderstanding?” Leilani asks. “You know what, you can explain it all to me later.” She turns to the officer, “How do I bail her out?”
“It’s a complicated situation,” the officer says. “The evidence is incomplete, and the witness statements aren’t matching up. We need to conduct a thorough investigation before we can release her.”
“What’s the evidence, and who’s the witness?” Leilani asks.
“The witness had been bailed out,” the officer says.
“That’s not fair,” Gabrielle says. “He pled guilty. You heard him!”
“Our society is governed by law,” the officer says with a nasty smile. “We’re going to conduct this investigation as we see fit. If you have a problem with that, I’ll let my boss know that you’re difficult.”
“How much does it cost to bail her out?” Leilani asks.
“Lady, you misunderstand,” the officer says. “Miss Peters isn’t going anywhere until we say so.”
Leilani grits her teeth and balls her hands into fists, but the officer seems to be making things difficult for her and Gabrielle. She wonders if the woman in red bribed the officer. She’s heard all kinds of stories about police corruption, and she knows that the police are famous for taking bribes. If the woman in red bribed them, the officers might even become violent.
Leilani has heard stories about interrogations went wrong. Someone gets arrested, and when they leave, they’ve suffered terrible injuries. They say that the officers shone lasers into their eyes and hit them in ways that don’t leave bruises. Usually, the people confess even if they didn’t commit any crimes. Leilani wonders if they plan to torture Gabrielle.
An officer unlocks Gabrielle’s handcuff and takes her away to another room. Leilani watches her go and sees the panic in her sister’s eyes. She grabs the officer by the arm, and the man shakes her off with a grunt of disgust.
“What are you going to do to her?” Leilani asks.
“Lady, let go and leave me alone,” the officer says. “If you cause any trouble, I’m going to arrest you for obstructing justice.”
Two uniformed policemen stand up and grab Leilani by the arms. Their breath smells stale, and their hands are greasy.
“Let me go!” Leilani screams. “I’m pregnant, and my husband will be very upset if anything happens to the child.”
“Lady, you’re free to leave at any time,” the officer says. “The sooner you get out of here, the better.”
“I’m not leaving without my sister,” Leilani says.
“Fine, you can stay,” the officer says. He nods at the men holding Leilani, “Take her away.”
“Wait!” Leilani shouts, “I want to call my lawyer! It’s my right to call my lawyer and ask him to come here. You can’t talk to my sister or me without my lawyer here.”
“I don’t think you understand the situation,” the officer says with an ugly smile.
“No, I don’t think you understand the situation,” Leilani says. “If anything happens to my sister or me, there will be serious consequences. You’ll be lucky if you just lose your job. Do you understand me?”
“You’re crazy,” the officer says. “In this police station, I am the law, and threats from some crazy woman with a p.r.o.s.t.i.t.u.t.e sister won’t change that.”
Leilani stares at the man. One of his teeth has a cold filling, and it glints in the light. She decides to change her tactic.
“Okay, I understand,” she says. “Please let me go.”
The officers release her. She turns around and runs toward the cell where they’ve taken Gabrielle. Someone grabs her arm from behind and hits her across the face. Her neck snaps to the side, and she tastes blood. Another officer slaps her, and she falls to the ground. A shiny black boot hovers above her abdomen.

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself
Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.
10 responses to “Chapter 221 – An Unbreakable Vow with the Heartless Tycoon”
Some days waiting for updates and all we have is this ? Please let’s focus the story in Leilane and Waylen. Her health and their happy ending.
Enough about this Andrew and all this dlosio al character, tastes, lifestyle and obsession for Leilane. Doesn’t make any sense this hole story about Andrew, Charles and Leilane ! Please enough ! And know we have more characters in the story … and they don’t make any sense to the main romance …
Besides that … more about grandfathers and other wealth families … no !!! Please go back tho what matters Leilane and Waylen and ther happy ending
Oh…i love how it is going…. Please Please please keep update us regularly dear author…. 🙏
Ohhh, Leilanie suffered again injustice. Please dear author no more long suffering please, let Leilanie and Waylen be happy.
Why the police were so injustice and mistreated Leilani.. please don’t let anything happen to her looking forward for more chapters.🙏
Please don’t put more characters in the story. Makes no sense to the story of Leilane and Waylen. Let’s focus on the couple, his good intentions to help with with Nanny’s recovery, their baby, the cure of this toxin (to dramatic to be true) and a happy end.
I loved the read; The technique of inserting the second couple in literature can work however in this piece it’s disjointed,interrupts the flow as it randomly pops up when the reader is focussing and engrossed on the main characters thus it becomes an irritation. The reading of other literature where this technique is used could assist the writer. I was encouraged that for the first time in any book I have encountered on these “shelves” a women who believed she was a victim of violence called the cops,
it’s a positive . The last chapter put a damper on the engrossing read alarming the image of a boot close to pregnant womens belly I would encourage you not to introduce another cycle of violence I agree with Patricia there are many other themes that you can develop obsession with the Clifford’s I can’t understand. Looking forward to consistent posting it’s what your readers expect.
I love if lelaine goes to andew as he eager to love her
No one should hurt Leilani. She needs a rest from the constant trouble facing her.
I hate Leilani going through another phase of trauma . Please let’s look forward to the stage where Waylon is able to convince his grandfather and remarry Leilani to the disappointment of Leoneil, the birth of the child and peaceful end of the couple. I hate everything about Andrew. The novel is full of vulgar languages especially most of the chapters that has to do with Andrew. Him being obsessed with another man’s pregnant wife. Please upload the remaining chapters. It’s good to read on when all the events are still fresh.