“Alright,” Sonia said, and remained silent as she waited for him to say something else.
“How have you been? I hope you’re both taking good care of each other?” Benne asked, not wanting to lie to Celsie’s friend too.
“Sure, we have. I’m sorry about your situation with Celsie. I know it must not be easy on you, but I’m also sure you understand why she is acting that way,” Sonia said, and Benne sighed.
“Yeah. I just wish she would also understand I didn’t mean to hurt her or deceive her,” Benne said sadly.
“She will eventually realize that. Just be patient with her. I will try my best to talk to her too,” Sonia promised.
“I will really appreciate that. Thanks,” Benne said and then Sonia returned the phone to Bryan.
“Everything will be alright bro. Don’t worry, I’m sure if she’s truly yours she will find her way back to you,” Bryan said hopefully.
“Oh, no! Please don’t ever say something like that to me. The last time you gave me that advice, we were kids. I let that bird go and it never came back,” Benne said with a groan and Bryan laughed out loud at the memory.
Benne cleared his throat when something else occurred to him, “By the way, please do not tell Jade about what’s going on between me and Celsie. I mean don’t let her know Celsie knows the truth now,” Benne pleaded, reasoning that if Jade hears about it, she was likely going to also tell Harry about it, and Celsie didn’t want Harry to know about it yet.
“Why not?” Bryan asked curiously.
“Well, she has a lot of drama going on in her life at the moment and I really don’t want to add mine to it,” Benne said before going on to explain the threat Jade had received at her apartment and how he had sent Harry to watch over her.
“You mean she is living with Harry, right now?” Bryan asked with a scowl, not liking the idea that his little sister was living with a man who wasn’t her boyfriend.
“Yes. Do you have a problem with it? Would you rather travel down there to protect her?” Benne asked when he heard the displeasure in Bryan’s tone.
“Well, maybe not. But you do know that anything could happen between them, right?” Bryan asked thoughtfully.
“Do you have a problem with something happening between them? They are both responsible adults who are single. You should pray something happens between them, at least that way Jade would stop living such a solitary life thinking about that jerk,” Benne said, and Bryan sighed.
“I will just give her a call now. Goodnight,” Bryan said as he hung up.
“Who is Harry?” Sonia asked curiously.
“He is Benne’s best friend and right-hand man,” Bryan answered as he scrolled through his phone for Jade’s number.
“Benne doesn’t seem to have a problem with his best friend getting involved with your sister,” Sonia observed.
“That’s possibly because Harry is a good guy, exactly like Benne,” Bryan explained.
Sonia’s lips curved in a smile as she got another idea for her story. At this rate, her novel was going to be a trilogy. The title was going to be something about the Delgado siblings. They all seemed to be having a lot of interesting stuff going on with them at the same time.. All she was going to do was work towards a happy ending for her and Celsie, and then she would plan the perfect Christmas story for Harry and Jade.
Benne rushed to the door the moment he heard the sound of his doorbell, and he swung the open without bothering to find out who it was since the only person he was expecting was Celsie.
“It’s exactly ten minutes,” Celsie said with a small smile as she raised her phone up for him to see her timer which just went off.
Instead of looking at her phone’s screen, Benne blinked at her in surprise. She was no longer wearing her glasses as she had some minutes ago, and she was wearing her hair down, “Your glasses and hair…”
Celsie grinned at him, “Yeah. Well… I figured that since you like it better this way, I could make an exception just when I’m with you,” Celsie said with a shrug, and then raised a brow, “Am I going to keep standing here?” She asked, reminding him that he was still standing in the doorway and blocking her path.
“Oh, sorry!” Benne said as he stepped aside for her to walk in, and then he shut the door behind her while she looked around the house
“Hm. I see you set the table up again,” Celsie observed with a small smile when she noticed the candlelit table.
Benne cleared his throat, “Yeah. You seemed to really like it the last time,” he explained while he just continued to watch her. Something about her always just seemed to leave him in awe of her.
She constantly surprised him by her actions and gestures which always left him feeling like he didn’t know her well enough. There was just something about her that was more than ordinary.
“Yeah, I do like it. Unfortunately, I’m not exactly dressed for a candlelit dinner,” Celsie said with a grin as she looked down at her outfit.
“I never knew there was a specific dress code for candlelit dinners. So what are you dressed for?” Benne asked as he admired her lovely legs in the shorts she was wearing. Unlike the sexy dress she had worn the last time, she was wearing black shorts that stopped mid-thigh, with a blue-colored halter top.
“I’m dressed to have dinner with you in front of the television,” Celsie explained with a grin.
“We could place the table in front of the television then,” Benne suggested in a practical tone making Celsie laugh out loud.
“It’s no wonder you need me to teach you about relationships. Now that I think about it, the last time we sat there you tricked me into becoming your girlfriend,” Celsie added the last part with a teasing smile as she took slow steps towards the table.
“An action which I don’t exactly regret. And by the way, I was just joking about moving the table to the living room. We could just put off the candles and eat in the living room,” Benne suggested instead.
Celsie’s lips twitched with a smile as she turned to look at him, “Nah. Let’s eat here,” Celsie said, but just continued to stare at him without making any effort to sit down, “So… I’m still just your temporary girlfriend, right?” Celsie asked as she stared at Benne who was now approaching her.
“Is that what you want to be? My temporary girlfriend?” Benne asked without breaking eye contact as he stopped in front of her and then circled his arm around her waist to draw her closer to himself.
Celsie’s tongue involuntarily peeked out of her mouth to wet her lips as she looked up at him, “You tell me,” she said in a slightly cracked voice as her eyes moved to his lips and then back to his eyes.
They both stared deeply into each other’s eyes for a moment, and then Benne lowered his head a little, and Celsie raised hers to meet him halfway. Her eyes fluttered shut as she puckered her lips in anticipation of a kiss. Benne’s lips curved in a smile as he looked at her face, “Is it just my mind, or do you always think about doing things to me every time you are in this apartment?” Benne asked in amusement, and Celsie’s eyes snapped open as she hit his arm in embarrassment making Benne chuckle deeply.

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself
Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.