Chapter 198 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

Although he hid pretty well, Loredana still could sense the disappointment and depression in his tone.

After all, everyone would care if he couldn’t walk.

Loredana’s gaze fell on the bookshelves behind the desk. The bookshelves were made of red sandalwood. They fully occupied the whole wall, covered with rows of books. Loredana had never heard of the names of many books.

“This book is my favorite.” Charles pulled out a book from the bottom row. It had a blue cover and was a thick book. He handed it over to Loredana. While doing so, he carelessly knocked off a photo frame on the desk.

Loredana didn’t intentionally peep at the photo in the frame. However, with a single glimpse, she couldn’t move her gaze at all.

It was Victoria Forbis.

Cormac’s stepmother.

She wondered why Victoria’s photo would have appeared on Charles’ desk.

What was the relationship between them?

Her mind was in a mess and she couldn’t figure anything out at all.

Charles secretly studied the expression change in Loredana’s face. Sure enough, as soon as she saw the woman in the photo, her expression changed.

Then he looked over at her wrist again. He picked up the frame and looked at the woman in the photo.

She was wearing this jade bracelet in the photo.

Based on Loredana’s reaction, Charles had confirmed his thoughts.

“Who is she?” Loredana blurted out.

She felt extremely weird.

How could Victoria’s photo be here?

Charles continued to handing her his favorite book. “You can read this one when you have time. It’s quite interesting.”

He deliberately avoided the subject.

Although he purposely tested Loredana to see what she would react when seeing the photo so to confirm his guess, he didn’t want to discuss it with her.

Loredana cast him a glance. She sensed that he treated her so well because of Victoria.

“Why? Don’t you like my recommendation?” Charles’s hand didn’t withdraw. He was still holding the book, trying to give it to her.

Loredana took the book over for being polite. “Thank you. I’ll read it through.”

While she spoke, she gazed at the frame that was put back. Then she looked at Charles. “Amelia told me you are the only one left in your family.”

Charles’s expression slightly changed. Then he looked normal again. With a faint smile, he said, “Yes.”

His answer was simple and neat. He didn’t say anything else.

Loredana knew that he intentionally wanted to avoid the topic.

Knock. Knock.

They heard a few knocks on the door. Amelia was standing outside the door. “Excuse me, Young Master and Ms. Flores. Time for dinner.”

“Let’s go.” Charles moved to her in the wheelchair and reached out his arm to her. “Take my arm.”

Loredana didn’t immediately do it. After a hesitation, she said, “I’ll ask Amelia to help me up…”

“Are you turning me down? Don’t you think it’s inappropriate to embarrass the man who saved your life?” Charles raised his eyebrows slightly, smiling. However, his words sounded quite aggressive, making Loredana unable to resist.

Loredana reached her hand to take his arm. Although he was sitting in the wheelchair, Loredana could feel he was quite strong. She probably kept working out all the time. Charles looked delighted while operating the wheelchair. When they reached the door, Loredana reached out to hold the doorknob, pulling the door open. Amelia was still standing at the door. Seeing that Charles was helping Loredana up, she immediately reached out her hands.

Before she spoke, she saw Charles’s warning gaze. She withdrew her hands in disappointment, turned around, and walked away.

Arriving at the dining room, Charles pulled the chair for Loredana. “This is the first time that we have dinner together.”

Loredana smiled. However, she inwardly bitched about him, “We don’t know each other much or for a long time, anyway.”

Amelia served the dishes. From time to time, she cast glances at Loredana. In her opinion, Loredana was indeed pretty. No wonder Young Master treated her so well.

“Amelia, I asked you to make the bone soup earlier. Have you cooked it?” Charles put the napkin on his lap elegantly.

“Yes, I have. I’ll get the soup here right now,” Amelia answered respectfully.

“I heard that the bone soup would help your ankle get recovered, but I’m not sure if it’s real. Just drink more soup later,” said Charles.

“Thank you so much.” Loredana wasn’t too enthusiastic or too cold. She looked and spoke appropriately.

Comparing to her, Charles was more enthusiastic.

He smiled and commented honestly, “A smart woman is not quite favorable.”

Loredana looked at Amelia who was approaching and answered with a smile, “I truly can’t let others favor me. I’m afraid that my two children are not happy with it.”

Charles was taken aback. He realized that she was implying she had kids already.

However, she looked pretty young.

Amelia was more shocked than Charles looked. She couldn’t believe that Loredana had children.

She felt so excited, so she fastened her paces. There was water sprayed on the floor. Excitedly, she stepped on it without paying attention and she slipped. The bowl of boiled soup was spilled out. It made a slanting arc in the air and sprinkled it towards Loredana.

“Watch out!”

Before the boiled soup was about fall on Loredana’s body, Charles pushed his wheelchair backward and quickly operated it to move in front of Loredana. Then he hugged her to avoid the soup sprinkling on her.

Hence, all the soup was spilled on his back.

Probably it was too hot, he groaned.

“Young Master!” Amelia exclaimed in fear.

Loredana returned to her senses when hearing her exclaim. Looking at Charles, she asked, “Are you all right?”

Charles looked up and smiled slightly at her, “I’m fine.”

However, Loredana didn’t think he was fine because he spoke in a lower voice than usual. He was pretending to be calm.

“Amelia, call the doctor. Hurry!” she said.

“Okay. Okay. I’ll go to make the call.”

“Are you caring about me?” Charles still remained in the posture to hug her protectively. Right now, his eyes were lit up.

“I’m sure Mommy was the person who called me,” Samuel said affirmatively.

Boyce looked at Cormac and exchanged a glance with him. Cormac asked, “Can you find out her location?”

“The call was connected for only a few seconds. I can’t find the exact location but I could find the region of the number,” said Boyce.

“If I call back this number, can’t we find the exact location?” Samuel couldn’t suppress his excitement at all. All he wanted to do was to find Mommy as soon as possible.

Cormac grabbed his hand, slightly increase his strength, and pulled the boy into his arms. Samuel wanted to struggle, but Cormac pressed his shoulders. “If your mommy is free, she’ll certainly get in touch with you. But after the call was connected, she didn’t speak but you heard another person’s voice. That means she’s not free now. If you called her back suddenly, what if the bad guy transferred her?”

Samuel had to admit that his words made sense. If Mommy were free, she must get in touch with him.

Since she hadn’t called him again, certainly she was watched by the kidnapper.

“What should we do now?” Samuel asked anxiously.

“Trust me. We’ll definitely find her. No worries.” Cormac successfully distracted Samuel’s attention.

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

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