Chapter 144 – My Billionaire Hubby Lives a Double Life Novel Free Online

Meanwhile, Lauren was busy estimating the remaining assets of the Quinn family. Just then, the doorbell rang. She irritably stood up and walked toward the door.

“Who is it?” Cassie should be at Luke’s place now, and she wasn’t expecting visitors. Lauren’s eyes widened in horror as she opened the door.

“Cassie!” She clamped her mouth with her palm at the miserable sight of her daughter.

“What happened to you?” She knew Luke was a sexual deviant. But he was old. He wouldn’t have the energy to ravage her daughter like this.

“Mom, Natalie set me up! I am going te kill that bitch!” Cassie burst into tears; she could no longer control her anger.

She narrated the unfortunate event of the previous night, hitching with sobs.

“That bitch! How dare she hurt you like this? I don’t care what happens to me. I won’t let her get away with this!” Lauren hissed through her teeth, her voice dripping with venom. She was a picture of pure rage.

Cassie suffered from serious injuries and was admitted to the hospital the next day,

Charis heard the news from her father.

When Charis went downstairs, she saw her father in the dining room, having dinner alone. The man seldom came home, and she was surprised to see him “What happened, Dad? Why didn’t you go on a date with your girlfriend

today?” “Cassie is in the hospital,” Luke answered nonchalantly, “What happened to her? And what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at the hospital with her?” Charis asked curiously “Well, I asked her what happened, but she is reluctant to tell me. If you have the time, why don’t you go and visit her?” Luke wiped his mouth and stood up from the table. He didn’t have time to worry about such trivial issues. Cassie was a mere plaything to him. Yes, he hadn’t lost interest in her yet, but that didn’t mean he cared about the

woman Charis smiled but didn’t say anything. The members of the Turner family all shared one characteristic: they never cared about the feelings of insignificant people. Charis called Cassie and finally learned what had happened. She couldn’t help but curse the woman’s stupidity. Cassie had come up with a foolish plan that ended up ruining her life.

Meanwhile, Charis was also a little surprised. She didn’t expect that Cassie hated Natalie so much that she had even hired people to rape her. Charis despised people who inflicted harm upon others. Even so, she needed a vindictive person like Cassie to execute her plans. Charis didn’t think she made any mistake. She had merely stirred troubles to separate Natalie from Brandon.

Cassie was the true culprit. Besides, Natalie should blame herself for offending Cassie. Charis was depressed and discontented for losing a valuable piece like Cassie in her game in such a short time. Charis would have been less resentful if Cassie at least got a pyrrhic victory. However, Cassie’s plans had only backfired and ruined her own life. Besides, Natalie was still living a happy life without any worries. “Gosh, could she be more stupid? I can’t believe my father likes such a foolish woman!” After a lot of thinking, she concluded that Cassie and her mother would still be of some use to her. After all, it was easy to fool Cassie. The mother and daughter despised Natalie as much as she did. Therefore, joining hands with them would enable her to fulfill her goals easily.

A true businessman would make full use of every opportunity, and Charis was no exception.

Charis quickly changed her clothes, bought a get-well gift basket, and went to the hospital to see Cassie. “Dad is also worried about you. He asked me to check on you.” She placed the basket on the table and secretly examined Cassie’s face. She looked weak and haggard. Her legs and arms were wrapped in gauze. There were faint, purple hickeys on her neck. Charis grabbed Cassie’s hand and sighed. “How could Natalie be so cruel to let them torture you this way?” Fresh tears streamed down Cassie’s cheeks. “Does Mr. Turner know about what happened to me?” “No. How can I tell my father about it? It will ruin your reputation.” Charis sat on the bed beside her with a pitiful look on her face. “You don’t know how cruel and merciless Natalie is. I want to fucking kill that bitch!” Cassie’s eyes turned bloodshot with rage.

She spoke as if this was never her plan.

‘The first time I saw her, I didn’t think she was a simple woman either. You’re too kind and sympathetic. You have

to think of a perfect way to deal with such a vindictive woman.” Charis added fuel to the fire.

“What do I do, Charis? Tell me what to do!” Cassie was desperate to take revenge. She threw herself into Charis’s arms and began sobbing uncontrollably. Charis’s eyes glinted with disgust. Still, she patted Cassie’s back and said, “Don’t worry. You should take care of

yourself first.” Charis was in no hurry to drive a wedge between Cassie and Natalie. After all, Cassie was a fool who acted recklessly without thinking. She thought it was cardinal to train her first!

Just then, the door of the ward flew open. “I brought you some soup, Cassie.” Lauren walked in with a pot of chicken soup.

Seeing Cassie resting on Charis’s arms, she recognized who she was at a glance. “Hello. You must be Miss Turner, right?” She smiled warmly.

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

119 responses to “Chapter 144 – My Billionaire Hubby Lives a Double Life Novel Free Online”

  1. Dae Avatar

    More pleaseeeee how many chapters in total?

  2. Amala Avatar

    Please update more.

    1. Dustin logAn rhys Avatar
      Dustin logAn rhys

      Yes please,more chapter please

  3. NK Avatar

    Very interesting, can’t wait for more.

  4. Rene Williams Avatar
    Rene Williams

    More please………..

  5. Chadan Williamson-Bey Avatar
    Chadan Williamson-Bey

    This is getting very interesting. Can’t wait for the next chapters!

  6. Natalia Avatar

    Ohh I hate Cassie

    1. Vicki Avatar

      This is a gr8 story I can’t wait to read all rge chapters

    2. Lepara Avatar

      This is taking too long. 145 chapters already. I might end up not finishing it. When will Brandon or shall I say Sebastian tells Nat the truth. And when is Nat horrors ending?

    3. Ladie Avatar

      From the beginning to now, it has been victory of good over evil. I love Natalie and awaits her grand triumph

  7. Tia Avatar

    Please drop more episodes. It’s taking so long

  8. Cyma Rasool Avatar
    Cyma Rasool


  9. Ankita K Avatar
    Ankita K

    More episodes

  10. Sharma Avatar


  11. Keda Avatar

    Can’t wait for the next chapter

  12. Samantha Avatar

    Please update!

  13. Agy Avatar

    Sabatine should kick Charis’ lady away. Please more chapters

  14. Let's all Read Abby Avatar
    Let’s all Read Abby

    Please update.

  15. Aileen Stephen Avatar
    Aileen Stephen

    Pls update

    1. Vicki Avatar

      Please more chapters

  16. Natalie Avatar

    More chapters, please.

  17. Bernadette Avatar

    Lovely story. Can you update soon please

  18. Tru Avatar

    More please

  19. Bubble Avatar

    What goes around comes around, u deserve that Cassie 😝😝😝

    1. Bubble Avatar

      I’ve got my eye on u to Charis 👀👀👀

  20. Kafilat Avatar

    Well done, Natalie. More chapters, pls. Charis also.need taught a.lesson.

  21. Kaj Avatar

    It was a long wait for the new chapters. Hope to read more soon.

  22. Lauren Avatar

    Eager for more

  23. Josephine Beljeda Avatar
    Josephine Beljeda

    Love this novel. Hope I could finish reading all chapters

  24. Josephine Beljeda Avatar
    Josephine Beljeda

    Love this novel, hope I could finish reading all chapters

  25. Mita Avatar

    can you update please

  26. Jina Avatar

    New website looks good! Looking forward for the next chapters!

  27. Abby Avatar

    Love this novel, more chapter pls

  28. Azom Avatar

    This is getting. I can’t wait for more uploads

  29. Lhyn Avatar

    Nice turn of events evil begets evil, i hope that charis would get hers too! Please give us the next chapters soon. Thanks and more power 😊😊😊😊

  30. Dima Daoud Avatar
    Dima Daoud

    More please

    1. Lizzyann Avatar


    2. Ewelina Avatar

      Bardzo proszę o wiecej

  31. Kim Nabb Avatar
    Kim Nabb

    More please


    Such a good book! Please add more!!!

  33. brandy Avatar

    can’t wait to see what’s next

  34. CT Avatar

    More please

  35. Phyllis Avatar

    More new chapters please!!!!!

  36. Abd Avatar

    Can you increase the frequency of posting more chapters
    Few chapters s week just finishes in blinked

  37. MK Avatar

    Please upload more chapters. The story is getting exciting. Please please… more more…

  38. Ischelle Avatar

    It was worthed to wait. Thank you for updating. Looking for new chapters very soon🙏🙏🙏🔥🔥🔥

  39. Saranya Manoj Avatar
    Saranya Manoj

    Nice to read that now Natalie and Sebastian patched up… loved to the way Natalie backed fires Cassie plan… waiting for more…

  40. Abby Avatar

    More chapters please

    1. Blessing Avatar

      It took so long for these new chapters,more chapters please.I can’t wait to see Charis exposed.

  41. Sigrid P. Cadena Avatar
    Sigrid P. Cadena

    More chapters please. Thank u

  42. NELRIELLA Avatar

    More chapter please.. how many chapter this novel has?

  43. MITA Avatar


  44. UG Avatar

    How many chapters remaining?

  45. Mt Avatar

    I thought this novel was complete. More chapters please

  46. Melanie Claburn Avatar
    Melanie Claburn

    Chapters too short – can read all of them very quickly

  47. Kath Avatar

    Love the turn of events. More chapters pls

  48. Ash Avatar

    Can’t wait for more chapters. The novel is so captivating

  49. LI Avatar

    More chapters please

  50. Malu K Raj Avatar
    Malu K Raj

    Oh I can’t wait to read more…. pls update soon…

  51. Corazon Avatar

    Interesting novel. I like it more

  52. ash Avatar

    i’m enjoying this so much, i need more ASAP!!!

  53. Rubi Avatar

    Dios mioooo, qué crueles😭😭😭😭 no pueden dejarnos asiiii, por favor actualicen esta hermosa historia ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

  54. Krish Avatar

    Next pls

  55. R. Vijailakshmi Avatar
    R. Vijailakshmi

    Please upload the novel in full. The wait is unbearable.

  56. KN Avatar

    PleaSe update asap!!

  57. May Marca Avatar
    May Marca

    More chapter to be uploaded. .it’s interesting.

  58. HotSauce Avatar

    Please more chapters, can’t wait anymore!!

  59. Tendai Mutengwa Avatar
    Tendai Mutengwa

    Thanks for the update cant wait for more

  60. M Avatar

    Please upload

  61. Mwah Avatar

    A chapter or 2 a day would do instead of waiting for so long… story is interesting but waiting for so long makes us daze out… instead please keep frequent… thank youfor the wonderful story 🙏🏻

  62. Lizzyann Avatar


  63. R. Vijailakshmi Avatar
    R. Vijailakshmi

    Can’t wait for the remaining. Hurry up please.
    Thank you.

  64. Frances Adams Avatar
    Frances Adams

    Charis doesn’t know her friend Brandon/Sebastian as well as she thinks. He’ll pay her back 10 fold for trying to hurt Natalie.

  65. Umi kalsom Avatar
    Umi kalsom

    More pls

  66. Missy Avatar

    More please!

  67. Rach Avatar

    It’s getting more interesting. Nice one. Can’t wait for more and remaining chapters. Pls, update, pls, pls, pls!

  68. Aileen Stephen Avatar
    Aileen Stephen

    I am checking for more already, lovely story, I don’t like charis she sneaky, Sebastian will give her when he find out. Cassie and her mother is clown I am not worried about them.

    1. Annie king Avatar
      Annie king

      Very interesting and addictive

  69. Purity Avatar

    Wonderful! Nice novel

  70. Solomon Avatar

    The update is too small… Cause we did not get any for Thursday

  71. M Avatar

    More chapters please

  72. Shasha Avatar

    Evil family

  73. Matshepo Pietersen Avatar

    More chapters pleased, can’t wait for Charis to be caught. Cassie deserved it all, her plan backfired.

  74. Maryann Avatar

    Please update more often. Chapters take too long.

  75. Maria Avatar

    More chapters, please

  76. Zeba Avatar

    Plz update more chapters

  77. Abc Avatar

    Waiting for more chapters

  78. marleen james Avatar

    taking too long for conclusion

  79. MARI Avatar

    I would like to read more about Natalie and Sebastian’s relation and love story.

  80. Gs Avatar

    Please upload all chapters at once.
    How many chapters in total?
    Will this novel ever end?

  81. Beth Avatar

    Addicting! More chapters per upload please!

  82. Etilda Avatar

    More chapters please and when are the two consumating their marriage

  83. Alba Avatar

    New twist..looks interesting

  84. Bailey Avatar

    Absolutely obsessed with this story. Need more!! Like all the chapters 🤩👏🏼

  85. Tris Avatar

    Next chapter pls

  86. Viola Avatar

    Next please

  87. Susana Avatar

    Espero mais capítulo. Boa história

  88. AuntySis Avatar

    More chapters asap…charis must get her own soon, she did a lot, she must pay for it plsss as soon as possible. Let Natalie and Sab settle for good plsss…the author is taking longer than necessary for their relationship to blossom.

  89. Susan Avatar

    More chapters please. I’m loving the story

  90. Tasha Avatar

    Love it

  91. Gail Wrightson Avatar
    Gail Wrightson

    So interesting why doesn’t everyone just leave them alone. Can’t wait for more chapters. Very soon I hope

  92. Renuka Balan Avatar
    Renuka Balan

    Checking the page everyday. Please update fast

  93. Nia Avatar

    The waiting is killing me , please. I read all 144 chapters in one day how addicting the story is . Please please please drop a few more .

  94. TAT Avatar

    When are we getting the updates to this story?. Can’t wait !

  95. Siri Avatar

    Please update the complete novel.

  96. Mimi Avatar

    Please more chapters… Can’t wait to read more and more chapters. Please 🙏🙏

  97. Topsindu Avatar

    Update 🙏

  98. Grace Avatar

    This is a very interesting book. More chapters please.

  99. Grace Avatar

    This is a very interesting book. More chapters please. I can’t wait for Natalie to find out the truth.

  100. Stasa Avatar

    Please update

  101. Nkoyo Uche-Nwosu Avatar
    Nkoyo Uche-Nwosu

    Charis’ evil plan in sending Kent after Natalie has worked for Natalie’s good. “The evil that men do live after them” is the case of Casia. Charis will soon pay for her evil. Casia will never prevail over Natalie. All her plans will backfire.
    The novel is full of intrigues. Very interesting. More chapters please.

  102. Moana Marie Almazan Avatar
    Moana Marie Almazan

    More chapters till end please….

  103. J Avatar

    Hopefully more chapters ….. sooner…

  104. John Avatar

    I’m so excited pls. Update the next chapter

  105. M Avatar

    Please upload more

  106. Debbie L Hobbs Avatar
    Debbie L Hobbs

    More please

  107. Blue Avatar

    The way Sebastian just gave up cassie without second thought tho😂😂😂

  108. Nikita Avatar

    Curious for next chapter…. Hurrryyyyy……