Chapter 143 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

He looked more like a terrifying monster than a human.

“Let’s go then. I will decide where to and it’s my treat today.” Armand was in a good mood but Boyce poured cold water on him with his words, “Yeah? You, the cheapskate of the century, will pay?”

As long as Cormac was there, he never paid.

Armand glared at him, “Don’t ruin my reputation in front of the beautiful women. I am very generous!”

Boyce smiled and got into his car.

“You get in my car.” Armand beckoned Theresa.

Theresa waves her hands quickly, “No, no, you guys go on ahead. I will go back now.”

“What are you afraid of? I don’t eat people.” Armand smiled.

Theresa still refused, “I have other plans.”

She casually found and excuse.

After saying that, she turned around and left with a quick goodbye to Loredana.

Loredana bid her goodbye, “Okay, be careful.”

Theresa nodded. When she walked to the side of the road, she realized that there was a problem.

There were no taxis passing by. Everyone who came to eat there had their own car to drive back.

She gave her car to Allison. What was she going to do now?

“Come with us. There is no taxi here.” Armand parked his car beside her.

Theresa wanted to find Loredana but by this time she was already in Cormac’s car.

“You don’t want to disturb them husband and wife, do you?”


“Come on, I’ll drop you.”

Theresa stood her ground nervously, “Um, no thanks!”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure!”

Theresa said with certainty.

She was not blind. She knew that they were a group of extraordinary people and she didn’t want to provoke such a person.

Boyce looked like an honest person but Armand looked like a playboy.

She didn’t want to have anything to do with a grease ball like him.

Armand was rejected again and again and his enthusiasm was also running low.

He raised the window, and looked at Theresa for a while.

She looked funny to him, too careful in his opinion.

He wasn’t a bad person.

Why was she wary of him as if he was a thief?

After his car disappeared in the distance, Theresa had no choice but to call Allison to come pick her up.

The place chosen by Armand was a high-end bar.

The time of the night was lively, the nightlife was just beginning.

The big lounge on the second floor was spacious and had a great view. They could see the entire bar and the dance floor down at the first floor. Men and women were dancing recklessly around in the red and green lights.

Armand stood in front of the railing on the second floor with a glass of wine dangling in his hand as he swayed his legs around sloppily looking like an idiot.

Boyce had long been accustomed to his behavior; he didn’t find it strange.

“Behave yourself!” He reminded Armand.

Today, Loredana was with them too.

Armand was also surprised that he went that far. He quickly sat down and corrected his slouchy appearance, “Sister-in-law, I introduced myself last time. You still remember me, right?”

Loredana fixed her hair behind her ear, trying to not look embarrassed at the way he addressed her, ‘I remember.”

“This is Boyce Shawn.” Armand smiled, putting his hand on Boyce’s shoulder, “He is also mine and

Cormac’s friend.”

Boyce elbowed him in his ribs, “Do I not have a mouth? I can talk for myself.”

“I am afraid that you won’t be able to talk properly. Remember when you used to try to talk to girls in college? Blushing and… Ow!”

“Oh, did it hurt? I didn’t realize.” Boyce pinched him harder. He had been trained seriously, Armand with his soft and tender skin was no match for him.

He wrinkled his face in pain.

Loredana could see that they had a strong friendship beyond their squabbles.

She leaned towards Cormac and whispered, “I am going to the bathroom.”

Cormac let go of her hand and hummed faintly.

Loredana got up and left, following the signs to find the bathroom.

Unfortunately, as she was entering, someone walked out and bumped into her at the door.

Maria’s face was red and her breath smelled strongly of wine. It was obvious that she had drank a lot of wine.

When she saw the person that she had bumped into was Loredana, she was stunned for a moment but then she smiled, “Enemies are bound to clash on a narrow path.”

Loredana didn’t want to engage in conversation with her and tried to walk around her, but Maria refused to let her pass, “Are you happy now, Loredana? My brother is in jail. The man who protected you for ten years is now in jail.”

Loredana’s expressions were calm, she didn’t want to go into the details of the grievances of this matter.

You reap what you sow.

If Sampson hadn’t done that to her and Samuel, he wouldn’t have to go to jail.

She didn’t feel the thrill of revenge, she just felt depressed.

“Aren’t you especially happy? Maria leaned against the door frame and squinted up at the bright ceiling lights, “Do you know what’s cruel?”

“I’m sorry, I don’t know you.” Loredana walked sideways into the bathroom.

This time Maris didn’t stop her. Loredana came out of the stall and walked to the sink to wash her hands and dried them. Maria was still there, but she pretended not to notice her and began to walk out of there.

“I was raped.” As soon as she took two steps towards the door, Maria said looking at her back.

Loredana still didn’t stop.

“Cormac had people rape me.” Maria laughed, “I was with him for so long. He cared for me and loved

But now, he has become cruel, even for his own woman, he has no mercy.”

She knew that Loredana heard her.

She curled her lips and continued, “Do you think he treats you well?”

Loredana footsteps paused and her hands clenched into fists suddenly. Indeed, he did treat her well now.

“Don’t be fooled by his appearance. He is actually a cruel person. He only pretends to be nice. If you believe him, your fate would be same as mine. Someone other woman will replace you, just like you replaced me.”

“You think I would believe you? You just couldn’t have him and deliberately tried to ruin his and my relationship.” Loredana didn’t believe her.

“Why do you think my brother took all the responsibility? Because of me.” Maria was heartbroken.

Sampson was really good to her, Camilla was also good to her, but of course she preferred her son over Maria.

“Cormac videotaped me getting raped. If Sampson hadn’t taken all the responsibility and gone to jail, that video would have spread everywhere and my life would have been ruined.” She deliberately told


Loredana suddenly remembered how Sampson had rushed to the car and appeared so resolute that day.

He bore all the responsibility… for Maria?

Thinking about how much Sampson cared for Maria, she believed her.

Whatever went on in her mind, she didn’t show it in front of Maria.

“That is none of my business.”

Even though her appearance was calm, her heart was not. She had never expected that Cormac would ever do such a thing.

No matter what Maria did to him, how could he ever do that?!

She felt terribly constricted.

Cormac’s cruelty had exceeded her imagination.

How could he ruin a woman in such a way?

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

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