Chapter 140 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

In WY Group’s reception room…

“Don’t worry about the video. I will never let it leak; it will be completely destroyed.” Landon came to talk to Cormac himself.

Sampson had gone back and told him that the matter of the video was settled. As long as there was a press conference, he was going to singlehandedly bear all responsibility.

The situation had evolved so badly that it was impossible to clean up in a way where no one would be punished, an no matter what they did the Herbert family’s reputation was never going to be restored.

Sampson was voluntarily going to admit that he had bullied and kidnapped Samuel and that he was willing to receive punishment.

The heaviest sentence imposed by the police for intentional injury was one year and six months jail time.

Normally, it wouldn’t be as long. But even though Samuel was not severely injured, there was still a lot of pressure on the police and the Herbert family did not want trouble anymore, so they would sentence him harshly to make sure the concerns of the public were put to rest.

This way the reputation of the Herbert family was going to be restored too. They did not bully others and were good law-abiding citizens. If they made a mistake, they were punished for it even more severely than regular people.

This was going to stop all of the gossiping.

“That video of Maria…” Landon stopped talking suddenly.

His meaning was clear.

“I need sincerity.” Cormac said indifferently.

He was not going to rely on his words.

Was he a three-year-old child?

Sincerity was shown in action not in words.

Landon placed the original video on the table, “There is no back up copy, it wasn’t saved anywhere.

You can be rest assured that even though this mess is unpleasant, there is still old friendship between the two families. I will not go back on my word.”

Cormac picked it up and looked at it for two seconds, “Don’t worry. As long as this video doesn’t see the light of the day, your daughter’s video will also not leak.”


“Why? Can’t you trust me?”

Landon was embarrassed. If the video remained in his hands wouldn’t he be able to threaten with it at any time?

At such a time, the feeling of being threatened by others was not good.

“Of course, I believe you, but, after all, it is connected to my daughter’s reputation, so I must be vigilant.” Landon looked like a father at this moment.

In rich and powerful families, affection towards a member depended on the benefits they bring.

Similarly, it wasn’t that he was afraid of affecting his daughter’s reputation, he was actually afraid of affecting the reputation of the Herbert family.

“Look at the friendship between the two families; Maria was with you once. Please give her a chance to turn over a new leaf. After all…”

Landon didn’t finish his sentence. After all Cormac had really ruined Maria for life.

When he thought about Cormac’s relentless effort to force them to this point, Landon’s blood boiled with anger and he wanted to strangle Cormac right then.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t, it was just that he didn’t have enough power to do so.

It was only his children to blame for trying to gain advantage but ending up harming themselves.

At this age, he still had to bow down to Cormac, who was so much younger than him, and feel humiliated.

Cormac’s face was blank, his expressions didn’t change at all as he closed his eyes. He muttered irresolutely to himself before slowly opening his eyes, “I don’t want to hear another word about this ever again.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Do I have a relationship with your daughter?”

Landon wanted to but he couldn’t refute it and said coldly, “I will never mention this again in the future.

Don’t worry, I am a reasonable person. It is my own two children who didn’t live up to my expectations.

I can’t blame anyone else.”

At this moment, the door of the reception room was knocked. Abbott pushed open the door and walked

He leaned close to Cormac’s ear and said, “Armand and Terry are here.”

Without looking at Landon, Cormac ordered Abbott, “Give him the original copy of the video.”

After saying that, he got up and left.

Landon was overjoyed that the matter was resolved.

He hadn’t been able to sleep or eat well for the last few days and was completely exhausted. The heavy burden on his heart was finally lifted.

“Wait a minute.” Landon was clearly not like the people who used flattery to win, but he wasn’t also the tough unyielding kind. He expressed his dissatisfaction about the whole thing, “There was no bad blood between our families. Maria did wrong but you have done way more in retaliation. Now, things between us don’t look so good, who can say that our families will continue to be friends?”

Cormac turned around slowly; his eyes showed no change of emotions. His indifferent and cold face looked gorgeous in all it’s seriousness; the chill he emanated from his body was enough to make people shiver.

He chuckled lightly, “I’ll just wait and see!”

After saying that, he continued to walk away.

The air in the room was quiet for two seconds, and then Abbott placed the original copy of the video on the table and looked up at Landon, “You are sensible enough to know that the worldly affairs are always fickle. No one knows what might happen tomorrow, or how many cards are actually in your opponent’s hands.”

Landon frowned, “What do you mean?”

Abbott smiled, “I just think that your words were too incisive just now, Mr. Herbert.”

“Did I say anything wrong?” Landon asked rhetorically.

Wasn’t Cormac being aggressive first?

“No.” Abbott did not continue to humor him, he gestured politely towards the door, “Let me show you to the way out.”

Landon’s expressions looked dark as he stood up.

Abbott pretended that he didn’t notice his anger, but in his heart, he thought it was not unreasonable that the Herbert family was going to fall soon. Landon’s two sons had no talent for doing business and even Landon himself wasn’t much better.

In the president’s office, Armand leaned leisurely on Cormac’s desk, turning the globe on the desk around again and again, looking bored. He frowned and shouted at the door, “Where did Cormac go?

Did he fall into the toilet and got stuck? Why is he making me wait so long…”

Before he could finish his sentence, the door opened.

His voice was so loud, Cormac must have heard it.

He jumped off the table and laughed resentfully, “I didn’t say anything. You… you didn’t hear anything bad about you, did you?”

Cormac ignored him lightly, “Can’t you have a little dignity?”

Armand touched his handsome face, “With my looks, who needs dignity?”

Terry stood to the side, not daring to talk. Armand had really ruined his perception of lawyers. He had never seen such a silly and amusing lawyer.

Armand became serious and deliberately changed the topic to save himself from further humiliation,

“As for the car accident, I have already written a complaint. When will it be filed?”

Terry’s eyes widened as he waited for Cormac’s answer.

This was what he had always wanted to do, and now he could finally ask for an explanation for his brother’s death and make sure that the person who killed his brother was punished.

He felt his heart beat faster with excitement.

Cormac sat down at the desk and said lightly, “No hurry.”

Seeing Landon getting angry, he was thinking about making this matter into something to attack him later and he thought it was better to keep it for now.


“Why? It has been six years! The longer we wait, the more difficult it will become to present the case.

Not to mention she also harmed Ms. Flores back then too.” Terry became anxious in an instant. Not in a hurry? What does he mean by that?

Did he regret helping him?

Armand and Cormac were buddies. Armand knew him enough to know that Cormac saying there was no hurry was not him saying he didn’t want to do it.

He patted Terry on the back of his neck, “You can’t even hold in your anger! In court, anyone can irritate you with a few words. This is not good for you.”

Terry shook him off, still looking angry, “I know! I just…”

“I just don’t want to wait anymore.” Armand finished his sentence for him and patted him on the shoulder comfortably, “Cormac is a man of his word. If he says he is not in a hurry, then it must not be the right time to expose it. You have waited for six years, can’t you wait for a few more days?”

Terry was speechless. He had to admit that Armand was right!

Being a lawyer, Armand’s words were quite compelling.

“But, this matter…”

“Do you not believe me?” Armand interrupted him.

“No, it’s not like that.” Terry dropped his head low, looking dispirited.

“Okay then, you go back first. I will let you know when to file the case.”

Terry was not capable of doing it himself; he needed to rely on them.

What could he do when the initiative was in their hands?

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

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