Celsie picked up her handbag, ready to stand up, but Benne placed his hand on her arm to stop her, “You sit where I ask you to. She doesn’t have a seat on this table unless I say so. This is no longer a family-run company, are we clear on that?” Benne asked, looking at Celsie even though the message was meant for Anita and her uncle.
Having said that he turned to Anita, “Seeing as there is no empty seat on the table, you can sit with the assistants as no one will be leaving their seats for you.”
Both Anita and Mr. Wyatt were surprised to know that he was aware of the relationship between them.
This made Mr. Wyatt even more upset. If he knew Anita was his niece, why was he going out of his way to embarrass her?
Celsie on the other hand fidgeted in her seat and she cursed herself for asking Sonia to tell Bryan about their friendship.. If only she hadn’t done that, the CEO wouldn’t have been doing all of this to her, or would he? Here she was trying to avoid stepping on Anita’s wrong foot at all cost, yet it seemed like the CEO was bent on feeding her to the shark.
“So tell me, how did it go last night? It worked, didn’t it? You know, when his mouth dropped open the minute you walked through the door, I knew he was toast,” Mia said with a wide smile once the make-up team finished with Sonia’s make-up and left the room so that Sonia could change from her clothes into the matching clothes they had gotten for her and Bryan.
Bryan was also in his bedroom changing into his clothes with Jeff’s help, while the production crew set up the cameras around the house.
Sonia who was putting on her suit pant turned to look at Mia and pursed her lips as she considered Mia’s question. The corners of her lips curved in a smile when she remembered how flustered Bryan had been, “It worked, but I’m not sure that he likes that he is attracted to me. He seems to be fighting it,” Sonia said thoughtful sigh, and then pursed her lips again when she recalled the incident that took place at the swimming pool the previous evening. What would have happened between them last night had she not stopped him right there because she was upset? Would he have made love to her? Butterflies fluttered in her belly at the thought of that, and her toes curled.
“I would have been worried if he wasn’t fighting it. Seeing that he is fighting it, I can confidently say that you are doing a good job,” Mia said with a satisfied smile, giving Sonia a thumb up.
“Well, let’s not celebrate too soon. We can say that I have done a good job only after I get him where I want him,”
“And where do you want him, if I may ask?” Mia asked, just to be certain that she was on the same page as Sonia.
“My bed?” Sonia asked with a grin.
“Just on your bed? I thought you like him?” Mia asked with a slight frown. The last thing she wanted was for Bryan to end up falling in love with her, as she knew he would, only for Sonia to leave after having sex with him.
“Of course, I do. Sex is always a good start, don’t you agree?” Sonia asked with a grin, and then she moved closer to where Mia was standing when she noticed that Mia didn’t look satisfied by her response, “Don’t worry, I’m not going to break his heart or do anything rash that might affect his career. I promise,” she said, and Mia drew in a deep breath before giving her a nod.
“I trust you,” Mia said as she took a step back so she could take a good look at Sonia’s outfit, “I think you were made for the camera. Let’s join them,”
Sonia turned to look at her reflection in the mirror and she had to agree with Mia that she was set for the camera. Both the makeup on her face, and the clothes she was putting on looked perfect on her, and it gave her a celebrity feel. Although she would have preferred that they both wear simple homely clothes since they were shooting the interview in his house, she also understood that Bryan was a celebrity and as such he was always expected to look his best, and so was she as his fiancee.
“Let’s go,” she said to Mia as she led the way out of the bedroom. She stopped by the doorway when she saw that Bryan was getting out of his wheelchair to sit on the white-colored couch that they were using for the interview.
Bryan who was now seated on the couch, turned in Sonia’s direction when he noticed that Jeff and the other guys near him were staring at her.
Like him, she was wearing navy blue colored pantsuits. The only difference in their outfit was that while he was wearing a white turtleneck top under his suit jacket, she wasn’t wearing anything under hers. The neckline of her suit jacket had a deep V neckline which almost stopped midriff, revealing her cleavage, and she was wearing white stiletto heels to match the white in Bryan’s outfit.
Seeing their audience, Bryan flashed her a proud smile as he stretched out his hand to her, and Sonia didn’t hesitate to take his hand, “You look ravishing as always,” Bryan said with a wide smile that reflected in his eyes as he pulled her to the space next to him on the couch, while Jeff quickly moved the wheelchair away from there when he noticed the cameras clicking.
Sonia looked into his smiling eyes, wondering why his smile seemed so genuine. He must be a really good actor to be able to fake such a smile, Sonia mused as she smiled back at him, and leaned in to kiss him, “You don’t look so bad yourself,” she said as she patted his chest.
Bryan tried not to react to the kiss, even though as always his body responded to the brief contact. His eyes fell on her ears, and he signaled Mia over to his side. Once Mia got to where they were seated, Bryan signaled her to lean forward as he wanted to tell her something for her ears alone.
Sonia watched curiously as Bryan whispered something into Mia’s ear, and she whispered something back to him, and when they were done Mia gave him a nod, and looked at Sonia with an amused expression before walking away.
“What were you talking to her about?” Sonia asked curiously, still leaning into him with her head on his chest.
“Something I didn’t want anyone else to hear,” Bryan said as he raised his hand to pat her hair as though it was the most natural thing in the world.
Sonia pulled away from him to look into his face with a cute pout, “You shouldn’t be hiding anything from your fiancee,” she reminded him.
“Says the same fiancee that refused to confide in me about her best friend,” Bryan said with a small smile as he watched her. He still couldn’t believe that he was falling for her under such a short duration. She must have bewitched him as Matt had suspected the last time for him to have fallen so easily.
A shadow of a frown touched his brows when he recalled how terrible he had felt while watching her cry the previous evening. “I’m sorry about last night,” Bryan told her softly, making Sonia blink at him in surprise as she hadn’t been expecting an apology, especially not at that moment.
“I wouldn’t have played such a prank on you had I known you had such a painful memory. I’m sorry,” Bryan murmured again for her ears alone.
She felt oddly touched by his apology, so she looked away, “It’s fine. I was only worried about you,” Sonia said, feeling slightly embarrassed now that she remembered that he had seen her in that state. She was sure her face had been red, especially her nose.
The sides of Bryan’s lips twitched in amusement when he noticed that she looked embarrassed by his apology. She seemed like one of those people who didn’t know how to respond to an apology. Or was she perhaps embarrassed because he had seen her crying? Knowing Sonia, that was probably it.
“Do you know what I discovered last night?” Bryan asked, making her turn to look at him once again with a pair of curious green eyes.
“You look very hot when you are pissed. Also, I didn’t think a person could look so beautiful when crying, until last night,” Bryan said, looking into her eyes with such an intensity that made Sonia’s heart flutter. Not that she believed him anyway, since she knew she was definitely not beautiful when she cried.

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself
Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.