“Who are you to order me around in my own home?” Andrew sneers, “Why would I obey your orders?”
Though Andrew’s voice is firm and condescending, he takes his hands off Gabrielle. His heart is hammering wildly in his chest upon seeing Leilani. He wants to control it, but he recalls that it’s not truly his own.
“You should obey me, because of this,” Leilani says, showing him the bullet clasped tightly between her fingertips.
“Do you think I’ll let her go because of a bullet?” Andrew asks as if he thinks the situation is absurd.
“When you gave me the bullet, did you plan to cheat me?” Leilani asks, “Everyone knows this means you owe me a debt. I wonder what would happen to your reputation if others knew you didn’t honor your debts?”
“Do you think I’m afraid of your threats?” Andrew asks.
“If your reputation doesn’t worry you, perhaps this will,” Leilani says cooly.
With a smooth motion, she lifts a bracelet made of thick, black rope. A piece of blood amber shines brightly in the center of the bracelet.
“Wow—look at the way the blood amber shines!” someone shouts.
“It’s special stone,” someone else says, “It shines like that when it’s looking for its master.”
Andrew’s eyes widen with fear and surprise. He can’t believe that Leilani stole his blood amber. He nods at his bodyguards, and they rush toward Leilani, pushing through the crowd as they go. Leilani quickly puts the amber between her lips, surprising Andrew again.
Leilani knows the bracelet is very dirty and soaked in blood. She doesn’t want it anywhere near her body, but she knows that the thick carpet on the floor will prevent the stone from breaking if she throws it to the ground. She holds it between her lips and stares defiantly at Andrew and the guards.
“Call off your guards this instant or I’ll swallow it,” she says around the stone.
Andrew waves his hand impatiently and steps away from Gabrielle. The men in the room inhale deeply. They can’t believe this woman would dare to steal one of Andrew’s most prized possessions and then use it to threaten him. It’s well-known that this stone is his favorite, and the woman threatens to swallow it as if it’s nothing.
Though Andrew has a calm demeanor, the men can’t help but imagine the danger Leilani must be in. Boldly, she continues walking toward Andrew.
“Let Gabrielle go,” Leilani says, “I can substitute for her.”
“Do you think you’re better for my purposes than Gabrielle?” Andrew asks, a seductive tone creeping unintentionally into his voice, “She’s a v.i.r.g.i.n. Are you?”
Leilani frowns, “How useful will Gabrielle be to you if I swallow this stone right now? “
Surprisingly, Andrew laughs.
“I knew you wanted me,” Andrew says c.o.c.kily, “But I didn’t realize you wanted me to f.u.c.k you this badly. Do you?”
Everyone laughs. Leilani’s blonde hair is curled, and it hangs loose to her waist. She has a beautiful figure and face, and everyone is waiting for her to reply. The men and women in the crowd all hope she’ll say yes. Though she’s wearing a black and white dress, they’re already imagining how her body looks under it.
Though Leilani wants to kick him, she smiles without anger. She forces herself to walk seductively, but her eyes are filled with a sly intent. She raises her chin boldly as she approaches him.
“If I participated in your activity, it wouldn’t be so interesting,” she says.
Though Andrew is a relatively tall man, he is shorter than Waylen. Leilani is wearing flat shoes, so she has to stare up at him. She seductively removes the bracelet from her lips, and waves her slim, white hand in the air. The bracelet sways back and forth.
“Mr. Clifford, do you want to try?” she asks, swaying in time with the bracelet.
Andrew lifts his eyebrows but remains silent.
“How about a bet?” Leilani continues, “If you win, I’m at your disposal, but if I win, send me and Gabby back to Peters’ house safe and sound. How’s that?”
“What do you want to bet?” Andrew asks.
Leilani slides the red amber into Andrew’s shirt pocket. Beneath the thin fabric of the shirt, his heart pounds wildly in his chest. She doesn’t know that her approach is causing the wild rhythm. The red amber seems to give off heat in response to its owner’s frantic heartbeat. Leilani takes a look at the jewels shielded in the glass case on the counter.
“If you’re betting on jewels today, then we’ll bet on them too,” she says.
“How?” Andrew asks.
“We look at them and guess their weight,” Andrew explains, “The person with the closest guess wins.”
Identifying jewels is her strong suit thanks to years of study. She can estimate a jewel’s weight just by looking at its cut and size. Andrew laughs coldly, and the disparaging sound echoes throughout the room.
Suddenly the sounds of the s.e.x.u.a.l climax fill the room. Michelle Cindy and the men are still going at it. Leilani doesn’t know if they’ve become lost in the act or if they’re simply too scared to stop without Andrew’s direct order. Michelle screams and her face is flushed hot pink. Andrew glances coldly at the scene and bodyguards drag the lovers from the stage.
Leilani waits anxiously to see if Andrew will agree to the bet. She’s afraid that he won’t agree to it. Andrew suddenly lifts Leilani’s jaw up and looks at her as if she’s a priceless jewel herself. He leans down and brushed his lips against her ear.
“Is this really what you want to bet?” he whispers.
This is the closest he’s been to her since their encounter in the bathroom stall, and it’s the hardest his heart has ever beaten.
“What?” she asks defiantly, “Are you scared?”
Leilani takes a small step away from him. The audience behind her is still waiting for a show, and she can feel their eyes undressing her.
“It’s just not a very interesting bet,” Andrew says cooly.
“Then what do you have in mind?” Leilani asks.
“It’s a bit scary,” Andrew says with a meaningful smirk, “I’m afraid you’d be frightened.”
Andrew tilts his head and the mole near his eye flashes mischievously at Leilani.
“If you say it, I’ll do it,” Leilani says.
“Leilani, you’re the kind of woman I admire,” Andrew says appreciatively.
He waves his hand and two bodyguards carry a large glass box onto the stage. Gabrielle’s pupils dilate and she screams with horror. The box is filled with dozens of coiling, hissing snakes.
“Leilani, snakes!” she shrieks, “So many of them!”

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself
Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.