Gabrielle feels like Andrew’s grip might deform her chin. Instead of struggling, she closes her eyes and counts the seconds in her head. She wonders why Andrew hasn’t had to go to the bathroom since drinking the entire cup of juice.
“Was the recipe wrong?” she wonders, “If he doesn’t get diarrhea, I only have one option left to me.”
“Open your eyes!” Andrew commands.
Gabrielle keeps her eyes shut tight. Even with her eyes shut, she can hear the man and woman gasping and m.o.a.ning.
“How can anyone be so perverted?” she wonders, “How can they do that in public? Aren’t they ashamed?”
“If you don’t open your eyes, I will throw you into the snake hole,” Andrew hisses.
Gabrielle is terrified of snakes. As soon as Andrew makes the threat she opens her eyes, but she finds herself wishing she was blind. The scene is quite p.o.r.nographic. One man is making love with Michelle and the other man stands nearby while Michelle sucks his d.i.c.k.
Gabrielle feels disgusted. She tries to vomit and wants to spit on Andrew, but she hasn’t eaten enough to force herself to be sick.
“She’s so naïve that she feels uncomfortable when seeing this scene,” laughs a woman in the crowd.
“Mr. Clifford chose a good woman,” says a man, “It’s a pity that my gemstone wasn’t the best—I’d love to make that woman mine.”
Leilani wants to clap her hands over her ears to block out the disgusting conversations about her sister, but she’s afraid of doing anything too conspicuous. She continues to keep her head bowed and tries to avoid the light.
“Hey, what is Mr. Clifford going to do?” someone shouts.
Leilani looks up in time to see Andrew throw Gabrielle onto the sofa before he rushes off the stage. Leilani is confused, she doesn’t notice Gabrielle’s expression. As soon as Andrew dropped her, she closed her eyes again. In spite of the filthy scene playing out in front of her, she’s smiling.
She hears the confused voices of the crowd and tries to keep her smile from growing bigger. She’s the only one that knows that Andrew Clifford has just run to the bathroom—the juice has finally taken effect. She closes her eyes and hopes the effects of the juice will be long-lasting. Here hopes are disappointed when Andrew returns ten minutes later, looking paler than normal.
Andrew sits down on the sofa and then shifts Gabrielle beneath him so his body is pressing down onto hers. Without anger, he places his hand on the side of her neck.
“Did you add something into the juice?” he asks.
Gabrielle’s face suddenly turns pale; she never thought he’d suspect her.
Gabrielle’s eyes dim with hopeless panic.
“Mr. Clifford, what are you talking about?” she asks innocently, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You know what just happened to me,” Andrew growls.
Though she looks innocent enough, Andrew is sure that Gabrielle has meddled with the juice.
“I don’t know what you were doing just now,” Gabrielle whispers, “Is your heart hurting you? You look pretty bad.”
“Do you want me to be unwell?” he hissed, “You seem quite eager to find something wrong with me.”
“No, no, of course not,” Gabrielle replies, “Mr. Clifford, your heart isn’t good and you’re still recovering from the operation. Please calm down, anger is really bad for you.”
Gabrielle looks innocent and her eyes are full of tears. Andrew can’t help but feel a sudden, powerful attraction to her. He bows his head to kiss her—the odor of garlic has disappeared from her mouth after he ordered a maid to help her brush her teeth more than ten times—but she quickly turned her head to the side.
“Mr. Clifford, I don’t think we should make love today,” she said in a trembling voice.
“Are you worried it won’t fit?” Andrew asks roughly as he begins to caress her, “We need to try.”
The crowd laughs at the scene.
“It’s not the right time,” she said nervously, “It’s my time of the month, that is I’m in the middle of my menstrual cycle, and I’m afraid that kind of blood might ruin your gemstone.”
She glances up at Andrew through her tear-soaked eyelashes and sees he’s making an unhappy expression. She forces a few more tears to fall her cheek.
“I’ve indeed been in love with you for a very long time,” she continues, “And I’m looking forward to you f.u.c.k.i.n.g me but—”
Before Gabrielle can finish speaking, she feels a cool breeze on her most intimate parts. Andrew has roughly pulled her underwear down, revealing a bloody sanitary pad attached to the white lace. Gabrielle blushes with shame and embarrassment as Andrew holds the underwear up in front of the large crowd.
“It’s a pity—” she tries to continue.
“You’re right,” Andrew interrupts her again, “It’s a very bad omen to get menstrual blood on the stone, but I think it’s rather suspicious that you know that.”
“What the f.u.c.k?” a man in the crowd asks, “What is Mr. Clifford doing now?”
Leilani was preparing to run onto the stage, but she stops when she sees the sanitary pad. She feels so disgusted she wants to vomit. Then she sees Andrew remove the pad from the underwear and sniff it. Her stomach turns.
“Tell me, why doesn’t your blood have a smell?” Andrew asks, sniffing the pad again, “Is it lipstick? Or red ink?”
“It’s menstrual blood,” Gabrielle insists, “There’s no special odor because I’m healthy.”
“Do you think I’m going to believe you?” Andrew sneers.
“You should believe me,” Gabrielle says sincerely, “I swear it’s menstrual blood.”
“Do you think I can’t verify that?” Andrew asks with a cruel smile.
Gabrielle’s face pales. If he’s committed, it won’t be difficult for him to prove that it’s just red ink. Slowly, he drops the underwear and presses her back onto the sofa. He slides his hand up her thigh to her most intimate place. Gabrielle squirms and tries to escape his touch, but Andrew is strong and he firmly pushes down on her shoulder.
“Stop!” Leilani shouts from the crowd.
Surprised, Andrew releases Gabrielle. The crowd turns and watches a beautiful woman walk through their midst.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Felicity Winter,” Andrew says with a smirk.
“My sister!” Gabrielle shouts.
“Andrew Clifford, let her go,” Leilani says expressionlessly.

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself
Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.