I looked around, half expecting something to jump out at me but everything was serene and peaceful. I wished I could stay in the garden. forever.
“Welcome Adrian”, a soft angel–like voice said from behind me and I turned to face the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid my eyes on.
Lola will always be the most beautiful woman in my eyes but something about this woman screams supernatural. She was ethereal and perfect, not a single thing out of place around her.
“Have we met? A great grandmother or something?” I asked and she laughed heartily. “Who knew you could be this funny?” She said, still laughing slightly and I felt very silly.
“Way to go human”, Daxon teased and I became slightly red. I’m not always like this, what is wrong with me?
“I’m not your great grandmother, Adrian”, the woman in front of me said. “But you know me anyway. I am Selene and you’re here in my garden for a reason”, her goddess–like voice reached my ears.
Wait, goddess like? Selene? Her garden?
She must have seen the question on my face because she spoke up. “Yes, I’m the moon goddess”, she said with a smile and I bowed before her.
“It’s an honor to be before you, Selene “, I said and she chuckled slightly. “Please rise”, she said and I straightened my back.
“I’ll go straight to the point”, she started, “I brought you here to talk about the oncoming war”, she said and I raised my head to look her in the eyes.
“If you’re going to win the war, it’s going to come at a huge price but the price to pay is what is not known”, she said with a troubled look in her eyes.
“I’ll do whatever to protect the people around me. I don’t care what the price is”, I blurted out without thinking first.
It was true though. I’ll gladly do anything to ensure the safety of my mate, my mom and my pack.
“I know you will. All you have to do is support Lola in whatever decision she makes concerning the war”, she said and I nodded.
“You should go now”, she smiled at me but it was a sad smile. I bowed before her and she nodded her head in acknowledgement.
“One more thing”, I raised my head to look her in the eyes, “Lola might take a while before she wakes up”. I was about to talk but she held her hands up.
“She’s also in this garden but we have more important matters to attend to”, she said, making me relax a little. “Now go, child. And remember, you must support all that she does”, she said.
I wanted to speak but I couldn’t say a thing before I got pulled under again.
When I opened my eyes, I was beside my beautiful mate. She seemed relaxed and at peace and I gently placed a kiss on her forehead. At least I know that she hasn’t left me.
“Thank God I made enough food for everyone”, Mom said and Lyla clapped excitedly, making everyone laugh. Lately, she has been eating a lot and her emotions are always everywhere but she makes my mate happy, so I just let her be her own person.
I looked at my Queen beside her and smiled. I couldn’t help but imagine her pregnant when she talked about having kids and godmother with her friends.
“I really can’t wait for this war to be over so that we can start a family of our own”, Daxon said in my head and I agreed with him.
Mom stood up first and Avianca followed her to help her set the table, followed by a waddling Lyla supported by Nathan. My mate was the last one behind and she waited for everyone to leave before she came to me.
I was expecting everything but what she did next. She sat on my lap and wrapped her hands around my shoulder while she placed her head in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my hands around her waist and breathed. her in.
“I missed you so much”, she whispered into my ears and I shivered slightly. “You did, didn’t you?” I whispered back since I was at a loss for words. She just fries my brain like that.
“Want to go on a date with me tomorrow?” She asked and I was taken aback. I love this side of her but another voice in my head was saying that this is just the calm before the storm.
I nodded and gently rubbed her back. “You know I will love to go on a date with you, my Queen. All you have to do is ask and I’ll do anything for you”, I told her and she smiled against my skin making me grin like an idiot.
“Technically, you’re an idiot in love”, Daxon teased but I ignored him.
She opened her mouth to speak again when Avianca interrupted us. “Not to interrupt but we’re all waiting for you so that we can start eating. Lyla is having a fit right now because we have to wait”, she said with her hands on her waist and I glared at her.
“Of course, you did not ruin anything at all”, Lola said sarcastically. Avianca shrugged her shoulders and went back the way she came from.
“We should get you fed. We’ll talk better later, hmmmm?” I told her and she nodded. She dropped a chaste kiss on my lips and ran into the kitchen.
I smiled before going after her. This woman is going to be the death of me.
If only I knew.
Lola’s POV
Breakfast or should I say, lunch was very fun and eventful. Lyla was a drama queen the whole period and I pitied poor Nathan. I wondered how he still put up with her.
She first threw a tantrum when Adrian and I entered the kitchen. Her fork was already in her food and she looked like she was going to burst from anger.
“I’m so sorry we kept you waiting, guys. We can start eating now “, I smiled sheepishly at everyone as I took a seat beside Rose while Adrian sat next to me.
“I’d have thrown this fork at you if I wasn’t so ready to eat”, Lyla glared at her seat but I just grinned at her. She rolled her eyes and dug into her food immediately, smiling after she took the first bite.

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself
Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.