Chapter 300 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

The old lady clapped her hands with exhilaration and countless ribbons slowly fell down from the ceiling amidst the monotonous applause. It looked like a rainbow rain, colourful and romantic. “The groom may kiss the bride.” Armand took Theresa’s veil off and without letting her have some mental preparation, he stooped and kissed her. Theresa widened her eyes and was not able to respond at length.

“Oh.” Simona exclaimed while covering her eyes. She opened a gap between her fingers. Maxina glimpsed at her and covered the gap between her fingers. Simona’s line of sight was blocked and she immediately glared at him. “You’re naughty daddy. I want to see Uncle Bernie and Aunt Theresa kissing.”

Maxina took her into his arms and said, “Do not look at nor listen to what is contrary to propriety, okay?” Simona did not understand and she blinked. “What does that mean?”

“That means don’t look at anything that you shouldn’t look at and don’t listen to anything that you shouldn’t listen to,” Samuel spoke listlessly. He shook his head as he faced his sister’s innocence and ignorance. “Mommy should have let you go to school, now you know nothing.”

He did have a point. Samuel and Simona were now five. Samuel was capable enough to enter AC

School but Simona did not go to school. Children their age had already finished one year of kindergarten in the country. Maxina planned to seek for a kindergarten for both of them next year to let them experience the joy of going to school. He did not want them to achieve anything, it was just that he thought the process was necessary for their age.

Loredana did think of letting them go to kindergarten. She was not worried of Samuel as the knowledge taught in kindergarten was a piece of cake to him. She had sought for kindergarten for him in Country A, but he refused to go as he thought the programme was too childish and shallow. She realized he had the talent for maths afterwards and after letting him sit for the AC exam, it turned out he had actually passed the exam. He then became the youngest student of AC School.

As for Simona, she was not that strict towards her. Since her daughter appeared skinnier when she was born, she wanted her daughter to have a carefree childhood and grow up happily. That was her biggest wish to her. She actually advocated Western education too, which was not teaching children anything before they went to primary school but letting them have fun instead, encouraging their curiosity towards learning.

“Sam, let’s go to the bridal chamber and ask the bride for candy.” Boyce came over. He had worn a suit today too. He used to wear casual clothes besides uniform, and he looked quite charming in suit.

Simona yelled when she heard there would be candies. “I want to go. Uncle Shawn, I want to go too.”

“Sure.” Boyce took her over from Maxina’s arms and said, “I’ll bring them upstairs.” Maxina reminded him, “Mind your words, don’t say anything inappropriate in front of the kids.”

“I got it,” Boyce said and he brought the kids upstairs. It was Armand’s wedding night, as his friend, he should help go make his wedding night merrier. Maxina stood up and said, “Let’s have a walk outside.” Loredana had not rested well these two days and she wanted to go back and sleep. “No, thanks.”

Maxina put a down jacket on her and brought her closer to him. “Just accompany me for a while.”

Loredana looked at him and wondered why he had the time to take a walk. “What are you trying to do?”

Loredana did not think he merely wanted to take a walk. “You’ll know afterwards, just come with me.”

Maxina held her hands. Since he had made a decision, she could not refuse even though she wanted to, and she could only follow him.

The wind was slightly strong outside. Maxina covered her with a big coat. There was a long road outside the hotel and there were not many cars along the road. The road was a little desolate. If it was not because of the hotel being situated there, the road might not get fixed. Loredana looked around and noticed the surrounding was full of pine trees. The pine trees were still verdant during winter.

She could not endure it anymore and she asked, “Why are you bringing me here?” Maxina did not speak on purpose. Loredana really wanted to know what had he gotten up his sleeve when she was intrigued. She pretended to be angry and stopped. “I won’t go further if you don’t tell me.”

Maxina leaned towards her and his lips came close to her face. “Are you sure you don’t want to go further?” Not knowing whether it was him coming too close to her, Loredana felt her body starting to get warm. She could feel wind blowing near her ears. She said calmly, “I’m sure.” Maxina looked around.

The pine forest was thick and it would be a good hiding spot.

“I’m leaving.” Loredana pushed him away yet before she stepped away, she was hugged. Her face went cadaverous as she had a trauma of being hugged that way. Maxina could sense her fear and he spoke next to her ear, “It’s me.”

Loredana only felt calmer when she heard the familiar voice. She felt a warm arm putting around her waist like a soft and strong python, holding her tightly. Their bodies were pressed tightly against each other. They were at a kind of a desolate place. Loredana pushed him away a little. “It’s cold here…” What she actually wanted to say was to ask him stop doing that.

“It won’t be cold once I hug you.” After finished, he covered her with his big coat from the top.

Loredana lifted her head and saw Maxina leaning over, on the next second, his lips landed on hers.

Loredana unexpectedly didn’t feel cold in such severe winter, her body was hot and burning… He was very strong, his coat nearly covered her body, only the head was uncovered, all of the sudden, as if Loredana somehow understood his intention of bringing her to such a remote place, “Do you want to lure Samps…”

His kiss suddenly went deeper, blocking the vague words on the tip of her tongue.

He dragged her tongue and swallowed it, such wild and deep kiss was painful for Loredana, she couldn’t help groaning out of pain, but it sounded like a moan instead.

Not sure if her voice stimulated him, Loredana clearly felt the reaction from his body.

Loredana pushed him, but the more she pushed, the tighter Maxina hugged her.

She nearly couldn’t breathe because it was so tight.

In the depth of the woods, there’s a pair of red and bloodthirsty eyes.

Sampson grabbed the tree trunk, like he was strangling Maxina’s neck, he kept using his strength like he’d only stop when it broke.

It was the irony of looking at a woman you really liked, in the arms of another man, being intimate with each other.

He was furious and loathed it.

He had accompanied her for so many years, was he not as good as the man who hurt her?

If his remaining rationality didn’t tell him that he might not be able to get Loredana back if he had rushed over at that time, he would’ve rushed out and pulled Loredana out of Maxina’s embrace.

Loredana belonged to him!

Maxina kept doing it on and on, Loredana bit his rebellious tongue out of anger, he was surprised because suddenly there was a smell of blood in his mouth, he left her lips with a mixture of saliva and blood sticking between their lips.

It broke when the wind blew, Loredana felt that her mouth was very cold, Maxina licked his lips, he just swallowed the bloody salty thing and wiped the dampness left on the corner of her mouth, he sounded a bit hoarse, “You’re so cruel to me…?”

Loredana turned her head without saying anything.

Maxina hugged her again, “Let’s go home.”

His coat was covering her body while he was only wearing a thin suit, Loredana took his coat off and put it on him, “I have my down jacket, I’m not cold.”

Maxina held her in his arms, the big coat covered the two of them.

They returned to the hotel and went upstairs, hearing that there were still sounds from Armand’s room and there was a slight opening on his door, Samuel held that one candy tied with string and dangled it on the edge of Armand’s mouth.

He even muttered, “Armand, if you can’t bite it, Theresa will be hugging me in her sleep tonight.”

Armand was speechless.

Whose child was Samuel? Could they just bring him away so he wouldn’t disturb his bridal chamber?

Armand tried a few times and he couldn’t bite it at all.

“What about something else?”

Samuel nodded like he’s very easy to persuade, “Sure, if you can’t bite I’ll ask Theresa to hug me to sleep.”

Armand was speechless.

That was bullying, was there any difference?

“I said something else, another way of playing it.” Armand suggested.

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

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