Chapter 944 – The Double Life of My Secret Billionaire Husband

Natalie’s heart thudded loudly in her chest, a cacophonous drum against the eerie stillness of the room.

But she willed herself to wear a mask of indifference.”My past is a blank slate, and I’ve accepted that. What I’ve built now is happiness. Whatever reasons there were for my memory loss, they’re inconsequential now.”

Audrey leaned in,her voice a hushed whisper full of pity. “Oh, really? That’s such a shame. I genuinely believed you’d want to unearth the cause of your mysterious memory loss.”

The air in the room grew heavy, pressing down on Natalie. Her intuition screamed at her to escape this stifling space.

Pushing her chair back, Natalie stood gracefully, her voice dripping with ice.”Well, if that’s all you’ve got, I should retire. Sleep well.”

But as she turned on her heel,a sudden vice-like grip on her arm stopped her.

Audrey’s voice, dripping with menace,was a cruel whisper against Natalie’s ear. “Leaving so soon, Natalie? I’ve barely begun.”

The instant Audrey’s fingers closed around Natalie’s arm, a biting coldness zipped through her veins, as though winter winds had snuck under her skin. Every strand of her hair felt electrified,and her skin erupted in a sudden pattern of gooseflesh.

Her lips parted, ready to call for the nearby bodyguards, but in a surprising turn, Audrey’s grip slackened,replaced with an almost teasing smile.”Natalie, there’s no need for alarm.” Audrey’s voice was soft as she gently lowered herself onto a plush sofa, her movements a study in elegance.Brandon and I share blood,and through marriage,you’re now family.Why would I wish harm upon you?”

The answer to that question remained a mystery, a shadow lurking just out of reach in Natalie’s thoughts. With the immediate threat seemingly gone,Natalie’s taut nerves began to settle.

She reclined in her seat, though her face remained clouded with suspicion. Why had Audrey,a mere cousin, beckoned her at this late hour?

And if, by any chance, she harbored any unsaid feelings for Brandon, Natalie vowed to make certain Audrey wouldn’t stay a minute longer than cousin, beckoned her at this late hour?

And if, by any chance, she harbored any unsaid feelings for Brandon,Natalie vowed to make certain Audrey wouldn’t stay a minute longer than necessary.

Natalie’s voice held a shard of ice.”Speak your mind, Audrey. We’re alone. No need for masks.”

A glint of mischief danced in Audrey’s eyes. There’s something I believe will pique your interest.

From somewhere,she produced a document-a medical report. With a flourish,she slid it across the table toward Natalie.”Care to enlighten yourself?”

Natalie’s eyes narrowed, her distrust evident in her tone. “And what might this be?”

Leaning back, Audrey’s posture oozed nonchalance. A smirk played on her lips.”Oh, aren’t you curious?” she teased.

As Natalie’s eyes flitted over the top of the report,a jolt of recognition hit her. Her own name was typed out in bold.

But how did Audrey come into possession of such a personal document?

Memories swirled of Brandon’s grim demeanor as they left the hospital the previous day. Did this report hold clues about her missing memories? Was her condition far worse than she had imagined?

As the weight of those thoughts pressed down on her,Natalie felt a tightening grip of anxiety.She sensed the widening grin on Audrey’s face-a predator sensing its prey’s vulnerability.

“Remember,Natalie,you hold the power here. It would be foolish of me to pull anything. Go ahead,Audrey whispered, her voice dripping with a curious mix of challenge and assurance.

After what felt like an eternity, Natalie’s longing to know overcame her reluctance.With a shaky hand, she reached out and lifted the report.

As she read, the world around her seemed to dim, with each word carrying a heavier weight than the last.

When she finished, the paper quivered in her grasp. the enormity of its contents almosttoo much to bear.

Breaking the heavy silence,Audrey’s voice came out, full of amusement”Quite the revelation,isnt it? Did you ever think that the man you adore could keep such monumental secrets from you?”

The weight of the revelation left Natalie muted, words eluding her, the room around her slowly blurring into insignificance.

Audrey, observingNatalie’s distraught demeanor, indulgently poured herself a cup of aromatic tea. The steam spiraled upwards, filling the room with its comforting scent.

She gave Natalie the time she needed, occasionally letting the symphony of her sips punctuate the profound silence.

Moments, which felt like lifetimes, passed before Natalie found the strength to meet Audrey’s gaze. Her eyes,previously sparkling with lifewere now wells of profound despair and uncertainty. With an effort, she rasped, “Is this some kind of cruel trick? This report… It can’t be real. Regardless of the games you play, I refuse to be taken in!”

Audrey’s face lit up with a perverse kind of joyher eyes twinkling in the dim light. She leaned forward, resting her chin on her palm, the hint of a smirk playing at her lips. “Do you really doubt its authenticity, Natalie?”

Her finger lightly grazed the report, settling on a distinct signature. Taking a slow, deliberate sip of her tea, she continued,”You see, the signature is Brandon’s. His handwriting should be familiar to you. Why would he falsify such a document?”

The realization was like a sharp, cold blade piercing through Natalie’s chest, its sting reaching her very soul. As she gazed at the signature, her entire world shifted on its axis. A pang of sorrow surged within her, so powerful that she had to tightly clench her fists, the nails digging into her palms to keep her from breaking down completely.

Gathering her shattered composure,her voice barely above a whisper,she asked, Why are you telling me all this?”

“Why?” Audrey’s smirk was maddening, her voice dripping with malicious glee. “Isn’t it evident? Despite your lost memories,you deserve to know the truth, Natalie. The fact that you’ll never bear children.” Her words hung heavily in the air. “I just thought it fitting that I be the one to unveil this truth. It’s better to hear it from a family than stumble upon it eventually, isn’t it?”

Audrey’s words landed on Natalie like a ton of bricks She clutched her lower abdomen and stared blankly ahead.Moreover,her body trembled like a leaf as the weight of the news set in.

“Why…” Natalie murmured in a daze. She covered her face with her hands and lowered her head in despair. Her shoulders shook as silent tears streamed down her face and flooded through the gaps in her fingers. Why? Why did misfortune always befall her? Why, when life was getting better,would everything come crashing down again? Why did happiness always seem out of reach? Why… Why… Why…

Countless questions flooded Natalie’s mind, crowding her thoughts until all she could do was sob.

Seeing Natalie in agony, Audrey could not hide her smile. Her beautiful face now looked deranged because of the wild glint in her eyes.

It was a thrill for her to see someone as beautiful and proud as Natalie devastated.

How could Natalie, a woman raised by a humble servant, marry a man as perfect as Brandon? What made her so special? Why did Brandon care for her so deeply Audrey clenched her fists as jealousy and resentment bubbled inside her.

Despite enduring so much suffering-paying a higher price than this wretched woman, assuming a new identity, and receiving only a small inheritance from Alina-she was still unable to attain Brandon’s affection.

Most importantly, she was now Brandon’s cousin And yet, she was kept at arm’s length, even receiving disdainful glances from the servants.After tonight,she would be sent away,forbidden to see him again.

She could not accept it. It was unfair!

Why was Natalie better than her? Why did she have to live such a miserable life while that bitch indulged in riches? Why could she not crush this woman under her feet like a bug?

All she wanted was a good life and a perfect man like Brandon by her side.

She wanted others to look at her with eyes green with envy and those who had belittled her to regret their actions.

Her face twisted with these emotions, and her eyes burned red as she stared daggers at Natalie. How she wished she could kill Natalie there and then and replace her as Brandon’s wife.

Once the initial wave of sadness wore off, Natalie found a strange sense of calmness. She wiped away her tears and, in a slightly raspy voice, asked, “Why did you show me this report?”

Upon seeing that Natalie had regained her composure this fast,a hint of surprise flickered in Audrey’s eyes, and she asked in a mocking tone,”I’m impressed. I thought you’d cry all night.”

Natalie chuckled softly,casually poured herself a cup of tea,and took a sip.

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself

Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.

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