Chapter 249 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

Yesterday, Simona heard an old lady said that there were wild persimmons at the west side of the mountain, which were all ripe at that season, she was thinking about that too, she had eaten all the fruits, but she had never gone up the mountain to pick them, that’s very weird, thus she kept asking Cormac to bring her there.

Cormac almost never refused his children’s request, so he brought the two children and bodyguard up the mountain early in the morning after breakfast, Boyce also followed him, Armand and Theresa stayed to defend the ‘position’

Charles didn’t go up the mountains because of his ability to walk.

Loredana walked out of the back door, the front yard was really empty, Charles went to take care of the company’s business, Armand was pursuing Theresa, not sure where did he pick a bunch of wild chrysanthemums, Theresa was squatting by the river while washing the two children’s clothes, the river water was clear, it was just a bit cold during that season, but there’s no way to use washing machines there, so she had to wash it with her hands.

Armand secretly popped his head out from her back and handed the flower to her, “Smells nice, isn’t it?”

Theresa glared at him, “Go away, can’t you see that I’m washing my clothes?” she glanced at him as she said that, she then sneered, “You’re giving me chrysanthemums, are you cursing me to death?”

Usually, the flower that women wanted to receive the most would be something romantic like roses and lilies, she had never seen someone who gave chrysanthemums to a living people.

Armand lowered his head in embarrassment, looking at the purple and pink small chrysanthemums, he blinked, they were quite beautiful, in the mountains and at such season, there were only such flowers.

“I didn’t want to curse you to death.” Armand felt wronged, he really didn’t mean that.

In a fit of anger, Armand casually threw the bright colored little chrysanthemums to the river, he added some colors to the river for nor the reason.

“Armand, you want to die?” Theresa frowned as she pointed at the river, “Such a clear water, how could you throw things in it, isn’t it pollution?”

Armand was speechless.

Damn it.

Why everything that he did was wrong?

That wasn’t even harmful trash, could a few flowers be pollution?

“Pick it up.” Theresa glared at him, Armand opened his mouth widely, she was telling him to pick it up?


It floated along with the water.

He looked at her hand unintentionally, because the water was too cold, her hands froze until it was so red, Armand pulled her hands, only when he touched them he knew how cold her hands were, “I’ll warm it up for you.”

Theresa struggled, “Don’t change the subject, who told you to warm it up.”

Armand stood on the rock by the river, Theresa’s movement was so great that he slipped and fell into the river with a loud sound and a huge splash of water, Theresa’s body also got quite wet.

Theresa just didn’t want him to do anything to her, she didn’t want to push him into the river, it was almost winter and the water was very cold.

Armand popped his head out of the river, trembling because it was freezing cold, he had goose bumps all over as he shouted to Theresa, “You want to murder your own husband, huh?”

Froze him to death.

Theresa was actually feeling guilty, but after hearing his words, she felt much less guilty, “Armand, stop that, we’re just pretending to be in love, you know? When we’re back, we’ll break up and we won’t have any relationship, got it?”

Armand swam to the riverbank, hugged his arms, and realized that it was colder when he was ashore with the wind blowing, achoo! Achoo!

He covered his mouth and nose, sniffed, “Theresa, you took advantage of me so you must be responsible for me!”

Theresa kept silent.

“Armand can you stop being so shameless?” it was the first time Theresa had met such a shameless, unscrupulous, and lowly person.

“I don’t care…”

“What are you guys doing?” Loredana found them and saw them bickering, it was such a cold day but Armand was soaked all over, wouldn’t he catch a cold?

Theresa and Armand turned their heads at the same time, they saw Loredana standing not far from them and they spoke in unison, “You already came out…”

They had such a tacit understanding and said the same words, they were looking at each other and Theresa was the first one to retract her gaze, she walked over to Loredana, “Lola.”

Loredana responded to her but she kept looking at Armand, “You’re taking a bath in the river?”

Achoo! Achoo! Armand bent over, he almost froze to death, taking a bath? Was he crazy?

“I’m going back first.” no, he couldn’t stand it any longer, otherwise he’d catch a cold.

Loredana looked at Theresa, “You were quarreling?”

Theresa shook her head continuously, “No, he carelessly slipped into the water.”

Loredana could see that Theresa was lying, but she didn’t hold on to that topic but asked instead, “Where are Samuel and Simona?”

“Mr. Mendelsohn brought them up the mountains to pick persimmons.” Theresa answered.

Loredana frowned, “What?”

Brought them up the mountains?

That was unlike Cormac’s style, even if he was at a remote place, but he was also very busy, right?

He had the time to go up the mountains and pick persimmons?

“He went because Simona kept pestering him about it.” As if Theresa could see her doubts, she explained.

Loredana understood, her cellphone was still in the house, she should call Cormac and tell him to come back, Victoria was still waiting, she had no time to waste.

Right when she wanted to walk back, Armand walked over after changing his clothes, seeing how Loredana was in a hurry, he said, “You’re looking for Mr. Mendelsohn?”

Before Loredana answered he already said, “He went up to the mountains because his dearest daughter kept pestering him about it.”

Armand came a the right time, Loredana looked at him and said, “Call him and tell him to bring the child back.”

Armand nodded and said yes, he took his cellphone out and called Cormac, “… Hello! The number you’re calling is not available at the moment, please try again later. Sorry! The subscriber you dialed cannot be connected…”

“It’s not connected.” Armand hung up, “Maybe the signal in this village is not that good, I’ll call him once more.”

“… Hello! The number you’re calling is not available at the moment, please try again later. Sorry! The subscriber you dialed cannot be connected…”

It was still that same sentence, he looked up at Loredana, “Maybe there’s no signal up the mountain?”

He was able to make a call before that and it was the first time he had encountered such a situation.

Loredana gave it a thought, that’s also possible… After all, it was in deep forest in the mountains.

“Which mountain did they go to? I’ll look for them.”

“Let me guide you there, we don’t know if there are wild boar or something up the mountain, I can save you if there’s a danger when I go with you, if anything happens to you, Cormac would definitely peel my skin off.” Armand walked in front to guide her.

Loredana wanted to take the two children to the Forbis family so she had to follow him, but Armand talked really smoothly.

They walked along the rugged path towards the west mountain top.

The path was quite slippery because of the night dew, Armand reminded her, “Slowly.”

“Yeah.” Loredana was looking at the ground, there were also vines poking out, it was really hard to walk through.

Every step was deep and heavy.

“There are footprints, they must have entered from here.” Armand looked at the road of stepped plants at the foot of the mountain and said, “I’ll lead the way, follow me.”

After saying that, he walked up by following the footprints, Loredana didn’t follow him immediately, she glanced all around and saw two tree crotches not far from her, with the right thickness… She walked over, broke the branch with her strength, put it on the ground to try the height, then she broke it again at the height she considered as suitable, thus the walking stick was made. The ground on the mountain was wet, it was easy to slip, she had something to support her which was quite stable.

She also broke the other one, she accidentally scratched her hand when breaking it there’s a small wound on her palm, she groaned out of pain.

Armand turned his head and saw that she didn’t go up, he looked the blood on her hand and asked in concern, “Are you all right?”

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

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