Chapter 225 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

The old sized up Loredana under the white smoke. Finally, his sight rested on the jade bracelet on her wrist. Then, he glanced at Charles. Charles nodded at him.

He stopped looking at her, “I can teach you but I will not leave here.”

Their interaction was secretive. Although Cormac seemed to not concern about the issue, he noticed it clearly.

He curved his lips slightly.

He wanted to know why Charles coaxed Loredana to come here.

He stayed still.

He seemed like an outsider that never took part in that.

“Can,” Loredana agreed.

“It is painstaking to learn the skill, are you willing to do so?” The old asked.

“Lola, or else let me learn it?” Theresa walked forwards, “You have to take care of the children and take charge of the business. Just let me learn it, is it ok?” She realized that she had said something wrongly and explained, “I don’t mean to learn the skill for myself selfishly…”

“I know.”

Loredana trusted her, she never suspected her intention.

The old ignored Theresa and said clearly, “I will only teach her.”

The living room became silent abruptly.

“So, you only accept one apprentice?” Armand thought that it was interesting. Why such kind of person existed in this era? It was not in the past which the Kungfu skill would only be passed to one apprentice. He was just a master who excelled in making silk, why did he pick the apprentice he wanted?

Furthermore, he only selected Loredana. Did he know that Loredana was talented?

The old was calm, he did not bother Armand. He just looked at Loredana, “If you want to learn it, you should make me your master. Then, I will teach you how to make the silk.”

Loredana did not mind making him her master but why did he only select her?

She was surprised.

But she felt uneasy. So, she did not answer him immediately.

“I don’t know why do you select her as your apprentice. May I know why?” A deep voice was heard in the living room. He did not look at anyone, he was playing with his daughter. It seemed like he only got attracted by her daughter and nothing else.

The old looked at him. The light beam from outside shone in, there were dust seen in lines. He narrowed his eyes slightly. The old’s hand which held the cigarette pouch chattered when he saw the handsome face under the light, he said calmly, “She is talented.”

“Really?” Cormac looked up and he met the old’s suffering sight. The old did not expect that Cormac would concern about it suddenly.

He distracted their attention by coughing.

“You all seem not to trust me. I don’t like to teach people who are insincere, you all can leave now,” The old stood up after saying that, he pushed the door and walked into the house.

“Wait,” Loredana called him. She thought that the person who excelled in the ancient skill would have a bad temper.

As a fashion designer, she did not only care about the pattern of the clothes, materials were important to her too.

If she could learn it, it was useful for her to develop her business.

Simona and Samuel had accepted Cormac as their father, he would not treat them shabbily in his identity. She did not have to plan for the future of her children like what she did in the past. However, it was her business. She would not give up her dream because of Cormac.

She wanted to work hard so that she was eligible to be the woman by his side. She did not want to be the woman that depended on him to live.

She was not a dependent woman, she would never show off because of his background. She would not depend on him even though she had given birth to their babies.

She was still herself. She would never be like her mother that married a man and lost herself, her business and her social circle. That was why she lived sufferingly after she was abandoned.

Probably because she had suffered a lot in the past that made the painful memory etch in her mind even though she lived well now.

“I am willing to make you as my master.”

The old was stunned, he turned to look at her, “Are you sure?”

“I am sure,” she did not bother Cormac.

It was her matter, she had the right to decide it.

The old’s sight rested on the tall silhouette behind her and said slowly, “You will have to stay here for half a month if you want to learn the skill from me. Are you sure that you want to make me your master?”

Loredana hesitated, it was not because she had to stay there for half a month, it was because she was worried about her children.

“Forget it if you are hesitant. I will not force you as it is a painstaking lesson. No one will have the determination to learn it.”

He was criticizing Loredana obviously. He thought that she wanted to learn how to make the material but she did not want to bear the hardship.

That was why she was hesitant.

Theresa was annoyed, she wanted to argue with the old.

But she was stopped by Loredana, Loredana shook her head and asked her not to act boisterously.

Loredana looked at the old, “I agree.”

The old showed a startled expression, “After you are ready, see me.”

He entered the house after saying that.

The door was shut, they seemed to break apart with him.

Charles moved towards them in his wheelchair, “He has a bad temper, I have no choice. I have persuaded him with all means in order to get him to make the material last time.”

“Mr. White, thanks for your effort,” Cormac lifted Simona and stood up. He glanced at Charles, “What is Mr. White planning?”

Charles still maintained his smile, “Mr. Mendelsohn, what do you mean? I just introduce a skilled master to Ms. Flores, what can I plan for that?”

Cormac sneered and spoke in a threatening tone, “No one will be safe and sound after harming my family members. Mr. White must be very clear on your purpose of the visit today.”

He held Loredana’s hand and walked out of the wooden house after saying that.

Loredana followed him out obediently because she had something to tell him.

They stood at the bridgehead by the riverside. Loredana spoke first, “Are you angry?”

Cormac’s voice was cold, “I can give you if you need money…”

“Your money is yours, they will not belong to me no matter how much you have,” Loredana interrupted him. Her stand was firm, she knew what was Cormac going to say next, “Are you going to say that you can afford my living expenses and ask me not to worry about the matter of money?”

Cormac gazed at her.

It was undeniably that he thought in that way. He could give her whatever she wanted.

Money, identity and social status.

Loredana smiled, “I have a dream too. I can live well even if you are not around. Even though I have you as my husband, I don’t want to lose myself and turn into someone totally different from me. To be honest, whatever you give me is not stable, I am afraid that it is just a dream and imaginary and disappears after I wake up.”

She turned to look at the grapery over the mountain, she seemed to meditate, “I have experienced a suffered life, I know what is the feeling of being helpless and dispirited…”

If she had the ability, her brother would not leave her. She was afraid that it would happen again and she still could not do anything.

Cormac bit his teeth, “Don’t you know that there is an intention behind the master and Charles?”

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

16 responses to “Chapter 225 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel”

  1. Saranya Manoj Avatar
    Saranya Manoj

    So story is heading in the good duration but who is this Charles … wanted a married women… so unlike him… bracelet… what is behind it..

  2. D Avatar

    O so now here we are… in order to prolong the story, you have to make the heroine stupid. ??
    Honestly , loredanas character is becoming undesirable lately.

    1. Goody Avatar

      Always remember that shelf of novel is not the author.
      Also remember the book has been written before now because I read this novel before about 3 yrs ago comes version but it’s really very interesting so I’m reading again.
      Loredana is not stupid and will gain a lot of knowledge from it.

  3. Kia Avatar

    A bit annoyed with Loredana now. Thanks for posting author…. Keep posting 10 chapters every 2/3 days

  4. Cheryl Avatar

    Great story but it takes so many days before you update.

  5. Ruth Uche Avatar

    Please update more and please I can’t wait

  6. Jaki Avatar

    I really don’t know why I keep reading this book, I hate Lola. She has to be one of the dumbest leads in any story. She could live a good life if she wanted to but instead she wants to be miserable

  7. Goody Avatar

    Thank you for posting more chapter.

    So enjoying the reading but please update more often

  8. Famous Avatar

    This Lola want to put herself into another phase of trouble again. Such an objectionable lady!

  9. S. Fingesi Avatar
    S. Fingesi

    Loredana is becoming more and more unrealistic. She was abducted by Charles who was even planning to erase her memories. Here is Cormac who has been searching for her and have found her. Why not go back to her country for now and later make the arrangements with her husband to come back for this skill?. Is she not afraid that Charles may find her and still abduct her?. Will Cormac allow her to stay back while he and the children travel back home?. She should at least appreciate Cormac for all his efforts. Even if she is afraid that he might abandon her, at least his actions toward the children and her should show her the green light and not put herself in danger anymore.
    Author, you made us to understand that Loredana is a very sensible woman. Why then is she acting this way. Cormac has left his Bussiness to go in search of her for quite some time. Does she want him to continue to stay with her for another period of weeks while she learn?. Because, it will look stupid for him to leave her behind and go back with his entourage. What will he tell her mother and his grandfather. Even if this is a novel and imaginary, it should also look real so that it will thrill the reader and not annoying.
    Meanwhile, let’s see the next chapters whether they will make sense. Thanks Editor for updating more chapters.


    The story has turned lola into stupidity,she doesn’t see the hand writing on the wall until charles will connive with the old man after all what’s up with the bracelet? According to Charles his adopted father asked him to marry veronica’s daughter but lola is not her daughter but daughter in-law so what does he wants to do with a married woman, until charles will deal with lola that she will be wishing Cormac to come and save her just like she refused to listen to Cormac when he warned her about Sampson, I’m really not liking lola just change the narrative see just few of us are reading your novel

  11. Kim Avatar

    Love the story… Loredana is stupid…she couldn’t tell Charles is scheming.

    So excited for the following chapters

  12. Ems Avatar

    The character of Loredana is questionable. After being found as mother you will stick with your kids but she chooses career behind another scheme.
    Thank you for the update

  13. LucyB Avatar

    Please upload more chapters sooner like it was always released. I read 3 of your novels and finish the new releases in a day

  14. Reader Avatar

    Charles is vile..

  15. Chev Avatar

    Why is Loredana acting stupid? It’s obvious that Charles don’t have good intentions. Knowing she is married and have kids yet still pursuing her.

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