Chapter 217 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

The waitress looked down on her at first and thought Loredana was someone who couldn’t afford to buy clothes. Then she pulled Loredana, didn’t let her go, and insisted that she had to buy them, and even mentioned Charles to scare her, saying she was a prostitute …

But Loredana just ignored her. When she heard Charles’ name, she was ready to pay for it.

Then the bodyguards rushed in.

It was obvious that the waitress had a bad attitude and said something nasty.

“Lacey …” At this point, the waitress still tried to defend herself, “Lacey, it’s all made up by them. They are trying to set me up. You must not believe …”


Lacey rushed up and slapped her. She was shivering with anger, “The evidence is overwhelming. Do you still want to deny it?!”

The waitress covered her face with her eyes widened in shock, as if she didn’t expect her to rush up and slap her.

Half of her face was unconscious.

“Lacey, I was really wrongly accused.” At this point, she could only bite the bullet and deny it.

Otherwise, she would be screwed.

Lacey gritted her teeth. Even at this point, she still didn’t repent.

She still wanted to deny it?

“If you want to die, no one can save you.” Lacey, who was furious, calmed down instead. The people she ‘blackmailed’ today were not ordinary people. Even if she didn’t pursue it, she was afraid they wouldn’t let her go.

“I’m sorry.” Lacey walked up to Charles and apologized with her head bowed, “I really didn’t know that she used your reputation to blackmail the guests who came in just because I knew you …”

Charles raised his hand to indicate that he didn’t want to hear her explanation.

He still smiled and looked at Cormac, “What do you want to do?”

Cormac looked over to Loredana, who was sitting on the couch holding her daughter, then gently tucked the hair hanging in her ear behind her ear, “No one can hurt my woman, much less bully and insult her.”

He raised his eyes, and a smile showed on his calm and serious face, “But because you saved my wife’s life, I will not pursue the matter this time. Consider it as a favor I returned to you for saving my wife.”

After that, he bent down and picked up their daughter in Loredana’ arms and said, “Let’s go.”

Loredana took a deep breath. She hadn’t expected things to come to this.


Charles called out to Cormac.

The usual smile on his face disappeared, “Mr. Mendelsohn, you are so tactful. With such a small matter, you deliberately make a big deal, then you pay me back the favor for saving …” Speaking of Loredana, he paused for a moment, “Your wife.”

Cormac did not deny Charles’ words. Because from the time he heard the waitress keep emphasizing that they had Mr. White behind them, he decided in his mind that Mr. White was Charles.

That was why he deliberately made a big deal of it. When Charles came, he gave him the favor of not pursuing the matter and returned him the favor of saving Loredana.

He didn’t want Charles to hold on to this favor and hang out in front of Loredana.

Cormac straightened his daughter’s somewhat wrinkled collar and looked at her with a gentle smile.

But it was to Charles that he said, “Mr. White, thank you. It’s just that your people are so ineffective that they gave me the opportunity.”

Charles’ fingers on the armrest clenched. He had to take it. It was true that there was someone who was taking advantage of his power and bullying others.

He could not say anything to refute.

He looked to Loredana, “I’m sorry for what happened today.” As he spoke, he looked Loredana up and down. He knew what she came to the mall for, “I own the mall. If you need anything, just pick it up today, and all the charges are on me. It’s my way of making up for the trouble I caused you.”

“Mr. White, that is very kind of you. My wife is not in the habit of spending other people’s money.”

Without waiting for Loredana to say anything, Cormac took the initiative to say no.

Loredana looked up at Cormac’s handsome face. She really didn’t expect him to think of this, and she thought at the time that he was just trying to give Samuel a lesson. This man’s treachery and sophistication was something she never expected.

Loredana put on a polite smile, “Thank you, but there is no need.”

Charles also smiled, “Well, in the future, if you need me for anything here, just ask. I’m afraid we’ll have to meet with the master a little later.”

Loredana probably understood that he had to deal with things here, so she said, “If you are free tomorrow, then we’ll go tomorrow.”

Charles pondered for a moment and responded, “Okay, I’ll pick you up at the hotel then.”

“Okay.” Loredana took her son.

They didn’t go back immediately. This time, Cormac followed Loredana every step of the way, fearing that she would be bullied by others again.

Loredana grumbled, “You’re making me look like some rare animal by following me around like this.”

What kind of woman would go shopping with her husband and children and a group of bodyguards?

Whether it was people shopping, or people passing by, they would give her two more looks, which made her very uncomfortable.

Cormac said seriously, “I’m worried about you being alone. What if you get bullied again?”

“I’m not a kid …”

“You just didn’t fix it.”

Loredana was speechless.

She couldn’t even refute him.

Compared to their relaxation, Charles was annoyed by this unexpected trouble.

Lacey kept saying she was sorry, but that was not what Charles wanted.

The waitress was stopped inside the store by Tom. She stood by the door and shrank inward, trying to reduce her presence, and hoping that Lacey would plead for her.

“Cousin …”

“I’m not your cousin!” Lacey got anxious by her cry. She was adopted, and her adoptive parents did not treat her well. Of course, she was not her real cousin either.

But her cousin’s mother was quite kind. Once she was scolded by her adoptive parents and locked out of food, it was her cousin’s mother who took her in and gave her food.

Lacey remembered her mother’s kindness, so she let her come to the store to help when she didn’t have a job. She just didn’t expect her to not only steal money from the store, but also threaten customers to buy clothes like this.

No wonder she felt that business in the store was getting worse lately.

It turned out that it was all because of her and the store’s reputation was ruined.

“I was wrong. Lacey, I know I’m wrong. Please plead with Mr. White for me.” If Tom hadn’t stopped her, she would have pounced on her.

“You have to bear the consequences of what you do yourself. I can’t save you either.” She could see that Charles was angry. Although he always had that smile on his face, she knew that at the moment he was angry.

He was like that when he was a child, and never showed his joy or anger on his face. He was always smiling and even the dean liked him.

Who would like a kid with a bitter, unpleasant face all day?

That was why he was chosen by Nathan in the first place.

“Tom, I don’t want to see this woman ever again,” Charles spoke soberly.

“Okay.” Tom held both of her arms down and prepared to pull her away.

The waitress panicked, “Lacey, don’t you forget that when you were beaten by your parents and locked out of the door without giving you a meal, who took you in and fed you? It was my mother …”

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

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