Chapter 185 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

“Loredana” looked at the person who was dragged in and thought that the person looked so much like

Maria Herbert from the body figure. She became nervous. It soon proved that she was right when

Boyce jerked the black cover off Maria’s head and showed her face. She had changed her clothes and her wound could not be seen, but she was wearing an extremely gloomy look.

“Do you know her?” Armand came closer. “Loredana” shook her head and then nodded. She said, “Yeah, she’s kidnapped me after all.”

“I suppose you still don’t know what Cormac hates the most.”

“What does he hate?” Her voice inevitably trembled without notice. Armand let out an evil smile. “He hates being deceived.” “Loredana” shuddered. “Is that so?”

“Yeah, you’ll know when you look at Maria Herbert. She lied to Cormac that she had lost the child after the car accident, but actually, she did not get pregnant in the first place. It was the Herbert family who pleaded for her that she managed to keep her pity life, but this time, even Jesus can’t save her now.”

“Loredana” snatched Cormac’s arm and said, “Cormac, let’s go. I don’t want to see that, I’m scared.”

Cormac frowned absent-mindedly and there was an indiscernible cruel look on his face. “I thought you’re not that timid before? Why, don’t you want to see the person who harmed you getting punished?”

“I don’t. I don’t get harmed after all.” “Loredana” grabbed his arm. There were wrinkles on his immaculate suit. Cormac’s eyes fell onto her hand which was grabbing his arm. He lowered his eyes and there was an icy and sharp look on his face. “Loredana” seemed to notice his cold aura and she instinctively retrieved her hand. She clenched her hands into fists as if that was the only way to protect herself.

Just then, an ear-piercing shrill echoed in the whole room. “Loredana” turned her head and noticed

Boyce had plucked one of Maria’s fingernails out. The nails were the most sensitive parts and the excruciating pain was conceivable.

Maria was tossed onto the floor and she twitched. Blood was dropping onto the ground through her fingernail like a curvy stream. She slowly lifted her head and stared at “Loredana” who was sitting before her. “Loredana” immediately turned away and did not dare to meet her bloodshot eyes. She was brimmed with uneasiness and she was scared that she would not be able to endure that kind of cruel punishment and confessed the truth that she was not Loredana.

She refused to see that yet Boyce did not fulfill her wish. He put the plucked fingernail in front of her and said, “Miss Flores, please have a look, do you think it’s pretty?” That one fingernail was placed on a white metal plate, and there was still blood on it, disgusting while leaving deep impression on her.

“Take it away.” “Loredana” curled up and she was greatly frightened. “Why is Miss Flores so scared to look at such a beautiful thing?” Armand chimed in and wrenched her head towards the thing on the plate. “No, no.” That was too horrifying, she wanted to leave. It was obvious “Loredana” was traumatized.

Armand deliberately went to her ear and said, “This is just the beginning, the most interesting part of the show is right behind. You have to know you’ll always have to pay the price when you do bad things, especially for those who don’t recognize their capability but still want to impersonate others. Their consequence would be thousand times worse than hers.”

“Indeed, this is just nothing. There’s no problem for me to use this pair of hands to peel someone’s skin off without breaking it.” Boyce and Armand cooperated with each other and managed to terrify

“Loredana” so much until her back kept breaking cold sweats. Her legs kept shaking and her muscles tensed. With a dry throat, she said, “You, you…” You’re demons. But she did not manage to say that out.

Armand pouted at the fact that she was too easy to be terrified. They still had not officially made an example out of someone. Cormac aimed to kill two birds with one stone. The first one was to let

“Loredana” witness the consequence when she deceived him, the second one was to let Maria see, when she was enduring the punishment, Annabelle was only sitting there watching her suffering.

Mental torment was easier to destroy one’s will compared to physical torment. Of course, his ultimate purpose was to find out Loredana’s whereabouts from their confession.

“You have to get used to it.” Armand smiled and tossed Boyce a look. “Hurry up and begin your show to amaze Miss Flores.”

“Speaking about amazement, why don’t Miss Flores come with me inside and have a closer look? That would be more exciting.”

“No.” “Loredana” waved her hands and refused to be touched by them. Did anyone give her the right to decline now? Armand and Boyce looked at each other and without caring for her resistance, they dragged her up from the chair. She had to go no matter how.

“Do you know who I am? How could you do this to me?” “Loredana” struggled hard. “Let me go now.”

“Of course we know who you are, it’s because of this, we need to train you to become braver. Cormac did not need a weak and timid woman by his side.” Armand’s words successfully made “Loredana”

speechless. She was dragged into the interrogation room. Boyce and Armand deliberately released her in front of Maria. Her shoes were stained with blood. She wanted to retrieve her leg but Maria snatched

Although she looked feeble, her strength at the moment was unbelievably large.

“Let me go, let me go.” “Loredana” kicked around in panic, she was too nervous that she accidentally kicked Maria’s head. Maria’s vision blacked out for a short two seconds. “How dare you kick me?” She snarled at her. There was blood among her teeth. Her face was so pale and ferocious that she looked like a ghost crawling out from hell.

“No, I didn’t, I’m sorry. It’s you who grab me first.” “Loredana” was so scared that she mumbled. Maria did not look human at all at the moment. Boyce who was at the side gave her kick and said, “What’s wrong of being kicked by Miss Flores?”

“Yeah, can’t you see your own strength? Do you think that we won’t dare to lay hands on you when you belong to the Herbert family? How could you harm Miss Flores?” Armand looked exceptionally arrogant. “You thought we won’t dare to do anything to you when the Herbert family has your back? I’m not bluffing, but do you believe that we’ll even destroy the whole Herbert family if they dare come to plead for you?”

He then intentionally glanced at “Loredana” as he spoke. “Right? Miss Flores.” “Loredana” did not dare to utter a word at all. Even though Maria still had the Herbert family’s support, she still suffered from this kind of consequence. She had no supporter at all and if her real identity was exposed…She did not dare to think about it further.

Maria who was given a kick lied on the ground and could not say a word at length. Her whole body ached and Boyce’s kick just now nearly took her life. She was like a drowned mouse and was humiliated, yet Annabelle who was an impostor was actually acknowledged and respected by

Cormac’s two most trusted friends. She was exasperated. Why was she the one who got all the benefits? She felt deeply aggrieved.

Her rage made her vomited blood right onto the shoes of “Loredana”. The warm blood touched her skin and made her skin itchy. She was greatly shocked and she shrilled. “Die, die.” “Loredana” was calculating enough to keep on kicking Maria’s head, trying to kill her. Only dead men could keep her secret. She could not let Maria live, she can’t!

Boyce and Armand did not stop her when she repeatedly kicked Maria’s head, they only pulled

“Loredana” away when Maria almost passed out. “Let go of me, I want to hit her, she harmed me, she has to die. Kill her for me, quick—”

Maria had suffered all kinds of ordeal while being kept inside these few days. She was half dead and did not have the strength to fight back at all. If Boyce and Armand only pulled Annabelle away a few minutes later, she would have died. That woman wanted to kill her to keep her secret? Maybe the rise of hatred inside her had exceptionally strengthened her will to live, Maria growled with her last breath,

“You’re not Loredana!”

“Loredana” was startled and there was a chill down her spine. “You’re dying, stop talking nonsense, let me end your life.” She then pounded onto Maria, but Armand held her back. “What’s the hurry, let her speak. That sounds interesting though, she said you’re not Loredana.” He then approached her face and looked from left to right, up and down, teasing, “Could it be this face is made from plastic surgery?”

“Loredana” shuddered and retorted, “What are you talking about?”

“I’m just joking, don’t be serious.” Armand smiled.

Maria clenched her fists and was afraid that Armand had believed her words. “She really isn’t

Loredana…” She paused and looked up with difficulty. She looked at the man who was sitting on the chair outside the glass wall, who was watching all the time silently, as if everything was under his control. She only knew his purpose at this moment.

Her nail was plucked by Boyce the moment she was brought inside. The excruciating pain deprived her ability to think. How could she forget that Cormac had already known that that woman was not

Loredana? The reason he asked her to come here was only to turn them against each other. Yet it was clear that Annabelle wanted her dead.

She let out a sorrowful smile. “How could I forget your trick after following you for so long?” Tears flowed from her eyes and mixed with the thick blood. “I’ll tell you Loredana’s whereabouts, but I have one condition.” Cormac no longer sat there and watched. He stood up and walked towards her in a calm yet haphazard manner. “Loredana” was already stupefied at the side. What, what was she talking about?

Armand glimpsed at her pale face and snorted. “Loredana” shivered. Could it be Maria already betrayed her? Or else Cormac would not know she was not Loredana. After all, she was the only one who knew that. She clenched her fists in rage and pounded at her who was on the ground. She sat on her back and choked her. “Die, bitch!”

Boyce kicked “Loredana” away and spoke, “Get the fuck off.” He then threw the two men who were standing at the corner a look. “Get her.” He could not let her mess their plan up here now, it was important to inquire about Loredana’s whereabouts. Maria had difficulty in breathing. Her body only trembled a little and she did not let out a voice when she coughed.

Cormac frowned. Boyce squatted and caressed her back. “She won’t die.” Although she was tortured hard, she would not die. He knew how to control the level of punishment. Cormac heaved a sigh of relief. He had finally made her confessed, they would suffer great loss if she died.

“Say it, where’s Loredana?” Boyce held her up. Maria sat on the ground and after resting for a while, she slowly looked up at “Loredana” whose movement had been suppressed. She opened her bloody and dry mouth and spoke with a weak voice, “I can tell you, but I have one condition.”

“What is it?”

She let out a bloodthirsty smile. “I want her dead!”

“Bitch, you’re the one who’s gonna die.” “Loredana” looked towards Cormac and quickly explained,

“Don’t listen to her, I’m the real Loredana, I really am. You’ll get tricked by her if you trust her words, please don’t believe her!”

“Shut her mouth up!” Boyce chastised. How could she not be sensible enough? The two men looked at each other and wondered what to use to shut her mouth. They did not have anything near them and one of the men finally sighed and shoved his handkerchief into her mouth when she still wanted to speak.

Maria smiled. Her face did not look beautiful but horrifying. She looked at Annabelle and said, “Look at you, besides having an exact same face as Loredana, you’re nothing useful. Do you think Corm would keep you?” Annabelle widened her eyes. With a ferocious look, she wished she could pound onto her and tear her into pieces alive.

Maria ignored her look and although she was talking to Annabelle, she was implying something else, “I suppose you don’t know where Loredana is either when she’s taken away by my brother that day? I have the thing Corm wants, but what about you?”

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

15 responses to “Chapter 185 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel”

  1. Dino Avatar

    Excellent !

  2. Rita Avatar

    Bastard Sampson almost raped Loredana and make her naked .It’s too much to digest ☹️ why does Author write such a evil intimacy between main lead and villain. He has almost succeeded and poor Cormus 🥺 he blames for every bad things happen to Loredana by Samuel.

  3. Rabby Momodu Avatar
    Rabby Momodu

    Thanks for the updates, nice one Editor nice one. More chapters please

  4. kia Avatar

    good read… keep posting updates 🙂

  5. Helen Avatar

    Please update faster , it’s getting more and more amazing .
    I still hate Samuel and bastard Sampson.

  6. LucyB Avatar

    Please release more at your soonest convenience, the new released chapters go too quick.

  7. Ruth Uche Avatar

    Oh very interesting story and I love it.please update more thank you for this

  8. Maryam Avatar

    Things are getting interesting 🤔

  9. Cheryl Avatar

    Enjoyed the update

  10. Saranya Manoj Avatar
    Saranya Manoj

    Wow… nice… loved the way story is moving except for punishment part… love it… waiting for more

  11. Reader Avatar

    Interesting story..
    Need more chapters

  12. Ems Avatar

    Will Loredana and Cormac ever be happy? I hope Sampson will take her to hospital. Let Annabelle get her share of bad punishment.
    Thank you for the update

  13. Jean Avatar

    This is getting traumatic why don’t Cormac just look for Loredana as Maria already said her brother have her but these two fake ladies got what they deserve, I guess Cormac are just avenging Loredana and not to think what they did to her. Poor Loredana don’t have a clue that Cormac is her children’s father.i feel sori for the kids. Thank you author for the chapters loving this noval.

  14. Kate Avatar

    Wow , interesting, Sampson is something else, while Cormac knows how to really handle those that mess up with him
    More chapters please

  15. Zaleha Avatar

    I luv tis story, more chapters pls ASAP, tq

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