Chapter 178 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

Nick greeted him immediately, “Captain Shawn is in his office.”

Cormac’s face was gloomy, “Don’t allow anyone to meet that woman. Keep an eye on her, check if she doesn’t have any huge injuries. Just keep her alive.”

“Yes.” Nick is very thorough because he had been following Boyce for a very long time, he was very discerning, “You can be rest assured, Mr. Mendelsohn. I will handle it well without leaving a trace.”

Cormac nodded and left.

In the office.

No matter how Boyce teased or coaxed Samuel, he never laughed. He stood beside the table and fiddled with the small five-starred red flag. He stretched out his hand and continued to play with it.

Boyce sat on the sofa and searched the internet about how to make children happy. The answers he got were all about buying them toys, food or taking them to amusement parks.

But looking at Samuel, he looked more mature than the average five-year-old.

Those things obviously couldn’t be used to coax him.

“Samuel, don’t worry! We will definitely be able to find your Mommy.”

Samuel’s hands stopped fiddling the flag, tears filled his eyes and the tears that he had been holding back all this time finally couldn’t help but stream down his face.

His mommy was gone. He was worried and scared.


Cormac walked in and Boyce immediately got up from the sofa and sighed, “This kid is too mature.”

He didn’t know if this was a good or a bad thing.

Cormac glanced on the little figure standing by the table.

He seemed to have known that Cormac was coming. He quietly wiped the tears from his face and turned around pretending to be fine, “Are you back?”

“Yeah.” Cormac answered.

“Port, terminal, airport, send people to keep an eye on all of the exit points.”

As long as he hadn’t left the country, he still had time.

Boyce understood Cormac’s intentions and nodded, “Don’t worry, I will never let him out of here. But what are you going to do about Maria?”

“She doesn’t want to live. I will fulfill her wish.” He was calm and undisturbed, as if her life was not even worth mentioning in his eyes.

Boyce gasped in shock and then said, “I see.”

“I will have Armand meet you.” Now, Armand and Terry came in handy.

After speaking, he waved to Samuel, “We should go now.”

Samuel came over and took the initiative to hold Cormac’s hand.

Looking at the tall and small figures leaving through the door, Boyce walked towards the desk and made calls to arrange the people for investigating various exit points.

Samuel climbed into the car and buckled the seatbelt himself, “Can we go home first?”

Cormac didn’t ask why but agreed, “Okay.”

The car drove away from the detention center, shuttling aimlessly through the residential area and then finally stopped by a quiet forest.

The engine was turned off.

Samuel hesitated and then said, “I think I need to make it clear to you.”

Cormac turned to look at him, “What do you want to say?”

“No matter if you like Mommy or not, I like you or not; right now, I don’t want to fight with you. let’s work har together to find Mommy and what happens after wards, can wait until she comes back home.”

Until now, Samuel couldn’t be sure whether this father loved his Mommy or not.

He didn’t want to hate him now, because he had the ability to help him find his Mommy.

“You are not that old, but you sure think a lot.”

Samuel lowered his eyes, his thick curly lashes trembled lightly.

“Before, Uncle Sampson kept telling me one thing, that my mother exchanged her life for me and my sister’s. When Mommy was still pregnant with us, she had a car accident and she was injured. Surgery was needed, and if she didn’t undergo the operation she could have been disabled for life. But for the operation they needed to use anesthetics, which meant that me and my sister were to be affected and would not have been able to be born…”

He opened his eyes wide, not letting his tears fall down, “She underwent the operation without any anesthesia to save my sister and me. I don’t know how much it would have hurt, I only heard that she passed out from the pain many times and almost died…”

“I have been the only ‘man’ in my family since I was a child. I want to protect her, love her, so that she would never be hurt again and will never experience pain.” He sniffed, “I don’t care if the man who takes care of her in the future is my birth father or not. As long a he loves her, cherishes her, cares for her and protects her, I will accept him and even call him Daddy.”

Samuel expressed his attitude that no matter who Loredana chose in the future, he was going to understand and accept it.

But if even his birth father, Cormac, was unable to do all of the above, he was not going to accept him.

His Mommy deserved a great man to take care of her.

Cormac held his forehead with a hand placed on the car’s window. Shrouded in the shadow of a tree, his expressions were submerged in darkness, only leaving a vague outline. A closer look showed that his whole body was trembling slightly.

Right now, there were no words that could describe his inner feelings.

That kind of shock, that kind of impact made him feel heartache that couldn’t be expressed into words…

After a long time, he was able to be calm enough to speak but his voice was still hoarse as he said to

Samuel, “We should go home.”

With that, he restarted the car.

“Wait a minute.” Samuel stared at the blood on the back of his hand, “Are you hurt?”

“No.” None of the blood on his hand belonged to him.

Samuel was inexplicably relieved and pulled out a wipe from the wet wipe box in front, “I’ll wipe it for you.”

Cormac stretched out his hand and Samuel lowered his head holding Cormac’s hand with one hand, he earnestly wiped the remaining blood off the back of his hand with his other hand.

He was very sensible and didn’t ask how he got it on his hands in the first place.

Cormac looked at him; his face was young and immature, yet it wasn’t immature at all.

His maturity made his heart hurt with a kind of pain that eroded his heart and lungs.

The sunshine was falling down warmly, hanging in the light blue sky without the harshness of the summer. It wasn’t too warm; wrapping the body like a soft and comfortable long-worn cotton underwear. The wind that blew occasionally also didn’t feel cold.

The sunshine was just right, but on the balcony in front of the courtyard sat a woman with scattered black hair. The windows of the balcony were open for her to be able to breathe in the fresh air but she looked as if she was in a lot of pain. The balcony was installed with an anti-escape window and she was locked in the room. This was the only place from where she could see the outside world.

Apart from a servant, the only person left was Sampson. Sampson had never left this place since she was brought there, but today, he had left this place for some reason.

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

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