Chapter 151 – Back Home to Marry Off Myself Novel

“This is a good idea! He can wear it himself! I am telling you it suits him.” Boyce took the opportunity to dig Armand’s grave.

Armand glared at him, “Will you die if you don’t talk?”

“Yeah… What are you looking at?”

Boyce noticed that Armand’s face had changed suddenly.

He followed Boyce’s line of sight and saw Victoria walk in from the door.

As Cormac’s friends, both of them knew that Victoria was Cormac’s stepmother.

It was because of her that Cormac had left his home so early and began to live alone.

It was also because of her that Cormac and his father’s relationship was so strained.

Naturally, they didn’t like her.

And she and Cormac barely had a familial relationship.

Seeing from a personal perspective, even though she was an outsider, if the grand clothes and makeup were taken away, Victoria looked like a very gentle and peaceful person; she didn’t look materialistic at all.

“What is she doing here?” Armand narrowed his eyes.

Boyce didn’t say anything but he felt that it was not a good thing that she had come here.

She looked to be in poor health, her face looked haggard. She had put on a light layer of makeup to hide it.

Theresa went over to welcome her, “Hello!”

“I’m looking for…”

Just at this time, Loredana came over. The last time she had met her, she had said that she was going to invite her to the opening. Loredana had sent her an invitation but she hadn’t expected for her to arrive there so early even before the actual ceremony.

“You came.” Loredana greeted her with a smile.

“Of course.” She didn’t plan to stay long and had come here early on purpose to avoid running into

Cormac. She was afraid that if he found out she came here, he was not going to be happy.

“Can I sit with you alone for a moment?”

There was still time before the event, so Loredana agreed, “Okay, come with me.”

Loredana walked away leading the way.

Victoria deliberately walked slowly, looking at Loredana slender back looking beautiful in the pink gown.

She didn’t look like she had ever given birth, and looked very young.

She thought inwardly that even though her son was perfect, her daughter-in-law was not any lesser.

Especially after knowing that she had given birth to twins for her son, she liked her even more.

Although the test results had not come out yet, she already knew that they were Cormac’s children.

Loredana pushed through the meeting room door, then turned around and said to Victoria, “This room is quiet.”

“Okay.” Victoria walked in and sat on the sofa.

Loredana poured her a glass of water and then sat down on the sofa opposite to her.

No matter how Victoria looked at her, she still found her very pretty.

Loredana was a little embarrassed by her gaze, so she started to talk, “How are you? Your face doesn’t look very good.”

Victoria came out of her trance and said, “I have a light cold.”

She took a sip of the water from the table, concealing her embarrassing attitude just now.

As she placed the glass back on the table, she said, “Don’t tell Cormac about the fact that I came here today.”

Loredana smiled and said, “Okay.”

“I trust you.” Victoria had a thousand words to tell her, but she didn’t know where to start. She took out a wooden box from her bag and extended it towards Loredana, “This, I want to give it to you.”

Loredana was unwilling to accept it and pushed it back, “I don’t think I can accept this.”

They were not familiar to each other at all.

And Victoria’s identity… If Cormac knew that they met, she was afraid he was not going to be happy about it.

“You haven’t seen it yet but still want to reject me?” Victoria looked at her, “Are you afraid that Cormac will find out and will be angry?”

Loredana pursed her lips. She was right.

But there was another reason. It was only the second time they had met and it was a bit inappropriate to receive gifts. They were not that close.

Nor were they going to become close in the future.

After all, her identity was in the way.

“I always have to consider his feelings.” Loredana deliberately used Cormac as a shield.

But in reality, it was not entirely true. If Victoria and Cormac’s relationship was not like it was, she would not have rejected her.

She looked like a graceful and secluded lake with calm waters.

Victoria felt both sad and happy.

She was sad because Loredana did not accept her kindness and happy because she was thinking about

Cormac’s feelings.

“You don’t have to think that out relationship is too complicated. You are you and I am me, there is no other relationship between us. Today is your store’s opening and I have always shown you my true heart. Even if I consider myself a friend, I did not want to come empty-handed.” She pushed the box back towards Loredana, “Open it and see.”

“It’s not very appropriate…”

“Open it and see.” Victoria continued, indicating that she was going to keep saying this until Loredana agreed to accept it.

Loredana was left without a choice. She reached out and opened the box. A beautiful emerald green jade bracelet was lying in an embroidered case. It looked pure and high-quality and looked very valuable even at first glance.

Loredana was even more hesitant to accept it now, “This is too expensive, I can’t accept it.”

What did Victoria mean by this?

Was she trying to bribe her with such an expensive gift?

Loredana thought secretly in her heart.

“There is nothing that you can’t accept. You are the daughter-in-law of the Mendelsohn family; you can afford it.”

Loredana was speechless.

She didn’t even know what the relationship between her and Cormac was. Were they husband and wife? Lovers? Friends? None of those words described the relationship between them accurately.

Victoria took out the jade bracelet and put in on Loredana hand. Loredana tried to withdraw her hand but was caught by Victoria. She stared at Loredana with deep eyes, “Don’t refuse.”

Her tone was extremely suppressed, as if she was trying to hide something unspeakable.

Loredana was stunned for a moment, “But…”

“I like you a lot.” Victoria’s grip tightened on her hand, “If I get a chance in the future, I will tell you a story.”

Loredana could see the sadness in her eyes, stopped struggling and let Victoria place the bracelet on her hand, “My Mother-in-law gave it to me. Now, I am giving it to you.”

Her mother-in-law?

Wouldn’t that be Cormac’s grandmother?

But, didn’t she used to be a mistress before she became the wife?

Loredana was confused.

“You must be very busy today, I should go?” As she stood up, Loredana also stood up with her, “I’ll show you the way.”

“Okay.” Victoria was overjoyed.

Loredana felt a bit uneasy, feeling ashamed after accepting it.

She was going to return it to her when she got the opportunity.

Victoria’s car was outside and Loredana helped open the door for her. Victoria sat in the car, then lowered her window and praised Loredana with a smile, “You look really beautiful today.”

New Book: Beginning with a Daring Encounter

Celsie was tired of being labeled as an introvert, workaholic, and dull virgin by her friends. Determined to prove them wrong, she made a bet that she would do something daring on her 25th birthday. Now that the day had arrived, it was time to fulfill her promise. On her daring to-do list, there was one task: a one-night stand with someone.

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