Chapter 25 – The Mafia Nanny (Davina & Gabriel) Novel Free

When I came, it was all over his face, shamelessly, the unending waves of mind-blowing orgasm crashing through my entire body. I shuddered on the bed, my hands clenching the sheets hard to contain the explosion of my battered c**t. His head was trapped bet**en my clenched th**hs, but he didn’t seem to mind as he lapped up the juices gushing out of me.

I couldn’t believe our intimacy. How could we be this exposed to each other in one moment and then act like strangers in the next? I couldn’t understand it. I wanted to hold him close to me, and never let go. In that moment when my brain had lost most of its function that was exactly what I did.

I pulled Gabriel up and held him tightly to my br***t, my arms around him in a desperate embrace. He felt like home, something I’d only ever gotten glimpses of. I wanted to k**s every inch of his body, to treasure him as mine, and no one else’s even if it was just for this moment.

I was about to let him go, aware that I was beginning to cross unspoken boundaries, when he sl*pped his hand around me, and rolled over, until I was on top him. I kept still. I shut my eyes as he pulled me up and buried my face in his neck. For a moment I felt confused, but before I could lose the moment that I was sure would end in a snap, I cradled his head, and breathed him in, hiding my face in his neck, and matching the rise and fall of his heaving ch*st to mine.

And then it began again. There were condoms by the bedside. We worshiped each other’s bodies for hours. Until he fell asleep, his hand cupped possessively around one of my br***ts.


Iawoke alone, my mind coming awake instantly. Her smell lingered, but when I turned in search of her, she was gone.

I’d fallen asleep to the feel of her full br***t inside my palm, the beat of her heart in my ear. Her scent, both of her hair and skin, had been of lavender. My mouth was haunted by the taste of her.

I gazed blindly at the ceiling. A strange overwhelming sensation of warmth flooded me when I thought about what she’d done. She had pulled me up to her and held me in her arms. Silently. As if we were one body. No woman had ever done that to me. No woman would have dared try.

I vaulted upright. It was dark in my room. The digital clock by my bedside showed that it was half past three in the morning. She could have waited until at least the morning to leave, but I would be willing to bet she ran off the moment I fell asleep.

I couldn’t understand her. She wanted me with as much ferocity as I did her, but almost as soon as the sex was over, she became distant. Was it fear? Did she fear me? Had I gone too far by allowing her to see that loser’s corpse?

I put my feet on the ground, and realized that she was the first woman who’d been able to move without waking me. No matter how exhausted I might be, I never relaxed enough to sleep deeply when there was another body in the bed with me. She’d unraveled me and brought all my walls down with such ease that it shocked me. I on the other hand held as much impact to her as a rock…beyond our f**king sessions, that is.

Funny thing was, this is exactly the reaction I preferred from my conquests, so why did it irritate me so much when she did it? I got out of bed, seething. My body felt hot and restless.

I headed over to the bathroom. Even the thought of her had my dick rising. I forewent the piss, and just got into the shower. I let the water and the memory of her mouth as she had s**ked me nearly out of my mind, wash over me. I redirected my anger into pure lust and pumped myself brutally. I saw myself grabbing her h*ps and f**king her so damn hard she screamed for mercy. And still I didn’t stop.

My release came and it was sweet, but it left me empty. I remember the shocking way I had come at the gun range. Never before had it felt like that. In fact, I was sure I had for a little while, lost consciousness of the world around me. For hours after I was still reeling, deep in thought, and nursing a longing that was nothing short of cruel.

I switched off the water and leaned against the tiles. Alex always said life’s a funny thing. It’s all fun and games until someone loses a f**king eye. Yeah, I’d been f**king around all my life and now I was in danger of losing more than an eye. I pulled a towel around my h*ps.

Even now, I felt dissatisfied. I knew without doubt I couldn’t go back to sleep. I had to finish what we begun…

The mere thought of going in and out of her p**sy, relishing the clench of her tight walls on my dick, had me opening my bedroom door and making my way towards her room.

I pushed her door open, and walked in. She had turned on the AC too high, and the room was freezing cold. Certain that it would be much too cold for her, I turned it down and pulled open the draperies that hung over her windows. I cracked open a window to ensure some ventilation. The sky was starless.

The only light was from the lamps outside seeping in from the crack in the draperies. Silently, I stood and watched her, hair fanned out over the pillow, and her lush body curved into a ball.

Maybe she just prefers sleeping alone, a voice said in my head, and I felt my anger dissipate and in its place a totally foreign feeling of tenderness.

Dropping the towel to the floor, I climbed into bed next to her. I was desperate for her flesh, but she was so deeply asleep she didn’t move even when my weight dep**ssed the bed. I watched her for a little while more, unwilling to wake her when she so obviously needed the sleep, but my eyes sl*pped down to the curve of her neck and I saw the marks I’d left there. I couldn’t bear it anymore. I touched the silk of her face.

She stirred and opened her eyes. She blinked, but didn’t seem afraid, or even startled. Instead, her gaze moved quickly and hungrily over my body and she seemed to relish the sight of my reclined position against her headboard and my upright c**k.

She lifted her arms to me in a childlike gesture and I knew then that she was still partly asleep. Her brain hadn’t kicked in fully, otherwise she would have held back. As she always did.

I accepted the crush of her l*ps against mine. It was so innocent and so tender it knocked the breath out of me and sent the sweetest torrent of sensations racing into my veins. It crept its way to my heart. I fell back onto her bed as she rose to her knees and pulled her cotton nightgown over her head. She looked down at me. She was so beautiful it was as if I was looking at an angel, and for a second… I felt fear. It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye. How strange?

My heart was alive!

It hadn’t beat in this way for anyone. Not from the day my father had strangled my mother right in front of my eyes because he believed she had cheated on him, betrayed him with another man.

Davina sat astride me, watching me, as she held my face in her hands, so softly, so delicately.

With my eyes wide open in the blue light, her body looked like porcelain, beautiful and so fragile, but then she lifted her h*ps and impaled herself on my c**k with the brutality of an impatient lover.

A groan tore out of my throat…. my hands slid into her hair. “Go slow,” I said.

Her gasp of pleasure was music to my years, soft… wrenching. This time I wanted her, slowly, deliberately. I wanted to savor all of this, until we exploded together. With all the other women, the peak had been everything. The cherry on top. With Davina, I wanted to savor every part of the cake.

She writhed and ground against me, slowly; her w*t, greedy cunt b**tering my c**k with her cream. Her eyes closed her face full of ecstasy as she t**sed and promised me mindless bliss.

Until I couldn’t take it anymore.

With a hand around her, I rolled us over and plunged my c**k into her. In the dim light, I saw the love bite on her neck. Like a man in a desert who sees a well full of cool water, I moved towards it. I buried my face in her neck and s**ked on that shadow, and my t***ue felt the blood that raced frantically underneath.

She held me to her as though she would never let go as I began to rock her. She urged me on, eager to reach the edge, but I slowed her down, and showed her what I wanted bet**en us.

I took her n**ple bet**en my teeth and her back arched off the bed, bringing a smile to my face. The way she responded was real and without any pretense or artifice. She didn’t try to look sexy or hold back.

Our h*ps rose and fell with my pace, shallow then deep, rapid and then excruciatingly slow. I savored each moment in her at some point almost forcing myself to swear that it would be my last. This was nothing but pure danger that I was sinking myself into.

I told her to rest her ankles on my shoulders. She obeyed and immediately, I felt her p**sy grip my c**k so tightly, I cussed. My body began to shudder as we neared our peak, or perhaps it was hers, I couldn’t tell, I was slowly losing coherence. The edge was beckoning, but for the first time in my life, I didn’t want to go to it on my own. I wanted to take her with me.

“Come, Davina. Let yourself come.”

She came then, beautifully with a tortuous and nearly soundless scream that she couldn’t contain. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she moved her head and bit down on my shoulder.

The violence was perfect. It set me off. As I exploded inside her, the image of her tears in my mind’s eyes brought such awe that I had to grip my hair. If I could cry, it would be for her and in this way too, willingly and without a single regret.

For some weird reason, I thought of my father, his dark hands around the slender stem of my mother’s neck. And how she begged him, told him she needed him. I was eight years old and I learned an important lesson that night.

Don’t trust anyone. Ever. Especially, if they tell you they need you.

New Book: Back Home to Marry Off Myself

Loredana’s father left the family for his mistress, leaving them to fend for themselves abroad. When life was at its toughest, her father showed up with “good news” after 8 years of absence: To marry off Loredana to a paralyzed son of the wealthy Mendelsohn family.

4 responses to “Chapter 25 – The Mafia Nanny (Davina & Gabriel) Novel Free”

  1. Eleonor Vargas Avatar
    Eleonor Vargas

    Waiting for the next chapter..

  2. Lisa Avatar

    Good read

  3. Carm bell Avatar
    Carm bell

    Wow….more chapters please.

  4. Umm Avatar

    Chapters pls

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